Oh, by the way, guys.
I might want to come back for a second turn. Psycho II is going to have a different focus for his reign, but it will still be quite the show, should the fort survive 'till his arrival.
I hope I wont regret this...

On an unrelated note, it's interesting how these days, whenever someone signs up for a turn they write something like "In case the fort is alive by then."
Journal of AstIn my excitement to begin my adventure, I appear to have gotten myself stuck in a tree.
Armok help me... One leg at a time..
Most folks at Doomforests seem not to be well-versed in the location of human settlements. DateTattoed could be anywhere...
I have decided to go look by myself. I will go to a nearby human town and ask around. Surely someone there will be able to guide me. But first I need companions to guarantee my safety. Where is the entrance to Doomforests? Why is so much equipment littered here on the ground? I guess I'll help myself to some of that...
Outside the fort I can only find a marksdwarf in a conversation with a wrenman who keeps insisting that "in a time before time somebody attacked somebody". Were you there wrenman? How can you possibly know about a time before time, you charlatan.
I attempt to recruit the marksdwarf, but he simply tells me that death is all around us and it is truly horrifying.
Welcome to Doomforests, marksdwarf.
Found one of the refuse stockpiles which, in its own way, chronicles our proud history. Sane dwarves should really just walk away from here once they see this at the entrance.
Well, entrance is locked. Didn't manage to recruit anyone. Let's just go to this human hamlet and ask around for DateTattoed, maybe someone will want to take up my cause with me. They seem to have settled in the middle of dwarven lands, so they must be good folks, no?
Slowly trekking across the snowy landscape has led me near to a dwarven encampment. On my way I found some dwarves huddled together in a small camp. They were asleep and so I didn't disturb them.
There are actually lots of those camps, why are they camping so close to a dwarven outpost?
Whoah! Dwarven skeletons?
Did they die in the outpost? WHY ARE THERE DEAD DWARVES IN A DWARVEN TOWN.
Time to jump this wall and find out.
There's nothing there, not even any dwarves. The town is just a rectangular plateau with dead dwarves on it... No trapdoor leading downwards even.
I don't even know, let's just get out of here.
Finally made my way to the hamlet "Dawnbore", the only human encampment I know of in the Rapid Hills.
Let's see what's in the center of town. Nothing much going on here...

Oh, there's a human crossbowman here. He's greeting me, how interesting! Maybe he wants to go on adventures with me...
Huh, why is he asking me to yield? Let's change the topic...
- How are you feeling today, human?
- You must yield!
- How do I get to Datetattooed?
- You must yield!
- Um.. Can we just..
- You must yield!
That escalated quickly!
It is
hard making friends!
In hindsight, he should probably not have walked up to me before attacking. After stabbing him with my spear just once he quickly stopped putting up much of a fight. In the end he left no mark on me whatsoever.
I decided to loot him and leave the area before being assaulted any further.
I found a spearman, Isman Uxenumac, who could give me directions.
He talks about the Mint Tower, what is that? I wonder if Taupe and the others know.
- Isman: To be honest, I've never been there, so I don't even know what it looks like. Anyway, I don't know why you would want to go there. That area is infamous for its night turnings, you know?
- Me: My business is unfortunately highly confidential, human. I would otherwise share my troubles with one so polite as you. I thank you for your assistance.
- Isman: Don't mention it, just don't get yourself raped by a cave fish man weregopher wampire. I would like to believe in your safety, but you have a worrisome stench of death about you, where are you from?
- Me: Doomforests.
The human stared at me in disbelief at this point.
- Isman: Doomforests! That place is famous for being an absolute hell hole. Look, my cousin is a trader, he tells me he absolutely hates going there, in fact he doesn't earn money from trading with you clowns, he sells his witness accounts of the place as court entertainment! The amount of torment you dwarves can withstand in your fortresses is admirable.
- Some Dwarf Marksman: Doomforests, you say? What brings you out here, cousin?
A female marksdwarf approached us and introduced herself as Litast Arbanurdim.
- Litast: Last I heard, you had a pretty serious werebeast infection in Doomforests.
- Me: Our forward thinking overseer at the time devised a way in which werebeasts can live in peace with other dwarves by utilizing the mysterious magical properties of soap!
As I said this my chest rose slightly and I eyed the human from the corner of my eye. To my disappointment he was smiling wryly.
- Isman: But the werebeast Ast, whose name you share, and her close friends in the caves were slain by Snustrok the snail, no?
Shit! I didn't realize stories about Doomforests were already the subject of ridicule amongst the humans. I am so embarrassed, if he was an elf I would have killed him!
- Litast: A snail! How did you git rid of that one?
- Me: Aye, and a dreadful beast. I was told that it had powers of unnaturally fast recuperation! It took our proudest military dwarfs of "the Kinetic Swans" to get rid of that beast. And even then its blood was cursed, so that anyone who touched it would see his body rotting alive! You humans have no idea of what lurks under the mountains - but for us this is how Armok says "good morning"!
- Litast: Terrible indeed, the humans have no idea...
- Me: Indeed! Why on that same day another great beast appeared, this one a goat with external ribs and an icy breath that would freeze everyone in sight.
- Litast: Surely, that could not have happened in one day.
- Isman: It is in fact the truth, lady dwarf. This is exactly the story our traders have heard.
- Litast: Then, how did you get rid of this new beast?
The stories I could tell of Doomforests went on for a very long time. Even the human did not know the details, it seems, and his tone changed to a more sympathetic one towards the end of our conversation.
- Me: So, after the Goblins killed the goat, the vampire killed the goblins, and the roof crushed the vampire we started wondering if our fort was somehow particularly hated by Armok or whether there were other ancient curses making their mark on our fort...
- Isman: I have other matters to attend to. It was a pleasure meeting you dwarf. I shall always speak favourably of the... Inexorable will to survive shared by your kind.
- Me: There will be more stories for your traders come next summer. How about you, Litast, care to join me on my quest to Datetattooed?
- Litast: I shall join you for I am convinced that you will otherwise die. But you had better bring me glory!
And so we went on our way.