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Author Topic: Wikipedia-Wars: Round 73 - A Coruna Showdown  (Read 159076 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wikipedia-Wars: Round 72 - Battle of La Mansion (Part Dos)
« Reply #1410 on: October 19, 2016, 01:46:07 am »

Round 72: Battle of La Mansion (Part Dos)
Location: A Coruña, Spain
Weather Conditions: Sunny
Time: Afternoon

Beirus communicates with Condor Legion Airfield 5 over the radio, "I'm landing. Don't shoot. Also, you think you can talk me through the landing procedures? The pilot's gone, and I would rather not crash."
"The pilot is gone? What are you doing?!" The man on the other side of the line sounds exasperated. "Fuck...okay, take the throttle and pull towards you to slow the plane. Take the yoke and stay steady, do you see where it says landing gear? You need to deploy that..." The airfield communicator guides Beirus through the steps of landing the bomber, [Flying: 2+1(Radio Assistance)] and manages to touch the plane down onto the runway. That's the last good thing that happens, as Beirus has no idea how to drop the plane's momentum, and it sails forward, and smashes straight into the side of an aircraft hanger. [1] Beirus's head flies forward from the impact and slams onto the steering wheel, causing him to black out...
Beirus awakes sometime later in a tent with no recollection of he arrived there. As he stands up, he feels a the barrel of a pistol prodding his stomach. Looking up, he sees the sharp face of a man in a decorated military uniform, as well as two additional soldiers in the green tent. The high-ranking soldier cajoles Beirus back onto the cot he was previously laying on. "You imbecile, you could have gotten someone killed! I could execute you at this second!" The soldier barks at Beirus, waving a Luger in his face; his voice matches the one on the radio that was talking to Beirus before. "But, I am a merciful man, unlike some of my peers." He lowers the gun. "I will give you an opportunity to explain yourself. What were you doing, flying an American Bomber over our base?"

The Ensorceler drives into town to find a suitable buyer for her ship, the Unio. She could potentially sell it to the military, but they were notorious for taking advantage of foreigners and they were very bad people to be asking about dissidents. After a bit of scouring, she is able to find a fisherman down by the port who's own vessel was growing old and weary. He offers $10,000 Pesetas for the Sternwheeler. The two of them also talk about the war and the various parties involved, and The Ensorceler casually throws in a question, "You wouldn't be able to direct me towards any... Anarchists, would you?"
The fisherman looks aghast, "What?! Of course I would no nothing of such people...unless we could reduce the price of your offer to around $8,000 Pesetas, that might help jog my memory..."

"Hmm, you are definitely right there comrade, in both cases. If you could bring me some more... suitable clothing we can leave immediately." The young resistance fighter runs into one of the manor's buildings and retrieves a set of standard's farmers clothing, a white work shirt and brown pants with a brown cap, all absolutely ordinary. Dolosus goes into a closed storeroom to shed his armor and change clothing, then emerges in his new attire with his Samurai gear hidden away. (+Farmer's Work Clothes) (+Sack) Dolosus grabs an ashen colored stallion and places the sack in saddlebag while his companion retrieves his own mount. (+Horse)
The duo ride out of the manor on their first mission, meeting with a Doctor Marcos in a village to the West. They follow the dirt road hence, passing by acres of picturesque agricultural land, with the occasional ox-driven cart or group of farmers on a work break meeting them on the road, doing little more than glancing at the two horse riders. "Everyone used to be so friendly before the war, but now everyone outside of family and friends looked at with suspicion," the youthful partisan remarks sadly. After about fifteen minutes of riding, the two reach the outskirts of the village, consisting of a few rows of wooden buildings, lacking any of the splendor of the manor. The Partisan points to a single-story building with an open window and a sign illustrating serpents entwined around a staff. "That's it right there, we have to be careful getting in," he says, subtly gesturing to the trio of Fascist soldiers halfway down the block from the doctor's office. The soldiers are laying on a pile of hay bales, speaking with animation and laughter.

Wipeout steps away from the new arrivals and sits down at a nearby bench that gives her a vantage point of the area, so that she can see anyone coming to and from the square. So far, it all looks like your typical variety of farmers, craftsmen, merchants and other common folk in ordinary ware. She continues to keep an eye out for anyone new that looks interesting...

MidnightJaguar tells the Insurgent to get into a higher position where he'll have line of sight with everyone in the area. He responds and gets up from his seat, briskly walking towards one of the taller buildings in the area, a three-story storehouse. Midnight then focuses on the knight and attempts to pierce his mental barrier, [Mind Reading: 5] and manages to access some of his thoughts. The Knight and his accomplice are companions from a foreign land, and while they share a close relationship it's strictly for business and practical purposes; the Knight is highly devoted to making sure that she stays safe. The Knight is currently concerned for the woman and believes that there are dangers afoot. Midnight can not get a read on any further on the Knight, his long term goals are obscured from her magic.

Greatness turns towards Midnight and the Indian, glancing at them with suspicion. She hops off of Sir Lorne's horse and walks to the two of them. Once she is in range of Midnight, Greatness calls out, "Hello! I'm Francesca "Greatness" Colette. You two don't seem to be around here, and I was just curious about it." Midnight, previously in a state of concentration, has it broken by Greatness's greeting. Greatness notes that the Indian fellows has disappeared around this time. [Perception: 5] Greatness scans her surroundings and out of the corner of the eyes sees that Midnight's companion is moving to the other side of the street, briefcase in tow.

Hawk decides to give this Dr. Samuel a shot even with his unconventional title. The interior of the building bears little resemblance to a normal doctor's office: instead of plain white walls and a sterile environment, there are potted plants everywhere, sprouting from the ground and suspended from the ceiling. And these are not your typical potted office fern either, everything from vines to flowers and thorns are growing from all corners of the room. It's like standing in the middle of a crowded greenhouse or botanical garden, when a man bursts through some foliage like a jungle explorer, and dressed for the part, looking nothing like a doctor. "I am Dr. Samuel, master of natural remedy! If I may analyze your condition for a moment, I conclude that you," he waves his hands erratically around Hawk's head, "are suffering from a cranial injury."

Cinder explains to Senior Bajista, "Not just a lion, the one and only Mr. Lion. Tell me, my good man, do you know where I can procure the equipment for crab fishing. Also, by the by, have you see any incongruously dressed strangers around?... Excluding me, of course."
The muscle-man, scratches at his mustache. "Personally? No, I have not seen such people, but I have been hearing rumors of strange dressing and acting people wandering around the town center, looking lost. If I see any, I will do my best to guide them, that is my duty as a gentleman. If you want fishing equipment, go North up the beach and talk to some of the fisherman, at least one of them should be willing to give you a spare cage for money, or if they like you enough." Mr. Lion dips his head into the ocean, and comes back up with a struggling fish caught in his jaws, his mane dripping with water. "Are you sure it is a good idea to let your lion roam around like this? Especially with people so scared now, due to the war."

Failbird and his Soldier scout out the surrounding area for Wiki Warriors, or living products created by them. This is done with the greatest stealth to help preserve their current state of being alive. [Stealth: 8] Failbird and his Soldier stick to the edges of buildings and behind carts, crates and stands to prevent them from sticking out from the regular crowd. As they get further into the center of A Coruna, they spot two oddly dressed woman talking with an armored Knight on horseback nearby, not a typical sight in this little community. The Soldier looks to Failbird for orders.

There's a moment of silence in the realm of The Jade Turkey, the only sound coming from the shuffling of the tortured humanoids in the foreground. "...Dead, hmph. I guess I have to sort this out myself." Or die trying. Execute unceremoniously exits the painting with Tukeolli barely giving him a parting hand-wave. Execute marches up to the Demon Aztec, informing him about the large amount of mortals outside that need to be punished. "But of course~" The Demon saunters towards the front of the mansion, toying with a small fireball in his palm.
With the death of Yuri, Execute watches as a percentage of his forces have their moral broken and race down the spiral staircase leading to the roof, and taking it all the way down to the basement, shedding their weaponry on the way down and leaving the staircase looking like an art piece decorated with bows and slings. He makes no attempt to stop them from retreating underground.
Execute barks at some nearby soldiers to retrieve the Animal Empowered Aztec, who is suffering from two debilitating wounds. A handful of Aztecs pull him inside and immediately set out to healing him, [Medicine: 7+2(Medical Supplies)] They are able to stop the bleeding with a mixture of bindings and anti-coagulation herbs, but his left foot has suffered some permanent damage that conventional Aztec medicine isn't going to be able to heal.
Execute wraps his arms around the Raiju and taking flight with him in tow. It takes him a few seconds to support the Raiju in addition to his own weight just by the strength of his wings, but manages to achieve flight.

Fallacy's reaction to the death of the Aztec High Priest is less contained than Execute's; "Ow. OWWWWW. Yuri? YURI? Waitaminute, you're a Logia. You ought to be able to pull yourself together. Comeon, Yuri! Yuri? ... You're dead aren't you, Yuri. Uhh... you know what? No. If I have anything to say about it, you won't be dead much longer. EXECUTE? IF YOU CAN HEAR ME, I COULD DO WITH A PORTAL OPENING..." Fallacy races back downstairs in the midst of the roaring battle, with Aztecs racing in every direction in order to grab extra supplies and weaponry, and jumps on a pile of art supplies in the painting room. She grabs a section of parchment and begins writing a parchment with great haste, a detailed scripture outlining a contract that would invalidate the laws of metaphysics to the point where someone could come back from the dead. [Landscape Law Painting: 10+2] It's immaculate, they should hang the finished product right next to the original Spanish Constitution, wherever that's being held. Gathering more miscellaneous supplies, Fallacy gathers Yuri up into a large metal cooking cauldron, and runs back to the painting with a pot full of melted metal-human, complete with two corpse legs sticking out; it could be taken as horrifying, hilarious, or both! Fallacy waits for Execute to come to her aid and open up her Magnum Opus Legal Scripture...yet, he does not come.

There is a short lull in the battle as both the front line of Fascists soldiers marches back up to the front of the mansion while a new set of Aztecs replace those at the rooftop that have either died or fled; the only Aztecs up there now are the among the bravest, as the tank shot that killed Yuri and dozens of Aztecs also dismantled the cover on the roof, leaving the reinforcements exposed. [4 vs. 10] The rooftop units take aim at the Fascists below and begin pelting them with arrows and stones, to little effect. Perhaps this little effect is due to the fact that the Fascists respond to arrows and stones with rifle and sub-machine gun fire. [7 vs. 10] The Aztecs are aware enough to pull back this time as the front of the rooftop is wracked with bullets.
On the lower level, the Pillar Aztec lean around their cover to take quick shots at the nearest Fascists. [8 vs. 5] This time the Aztecs are able to put in some actual casualties, as about ten Fascists fall to Aztec arrow fire.
With the first dent made in the Fascists number, the Demon Aztec rushes out the door and down the steps at a faster-than-human clip, assaulting the soldiers before they can recover. [7+2(Demon Powers) vs. 3] The Fascists begin to line up their iron sights on the demon, but before a trigger can be pulled, the Demon smashes his fist into the ground; a red fracture appears in the Earth that runs forward into the Fascists ranks and stops at the center of the front line. The fracture then bursts, and fire begins to spew from the ground as if the Demon had just broken through to the core of the planet. Magma engulfs the front line, and those that are not killed instantly spend their last few moments running around in agonized panic as the liquid engulfs their flesh and organs. Soon, what once was the front line is now a collection of human-sized ash piles.
Execute utilizes the success of the Demon to fly the Raiju to the rear of the Fascists forces. He dashes out of the front of the mansion like a free bird as the front line of soldiers literally melts away beneath him. [Strength: 10-1(Flying while Carrying Heavy Weight)] Flying high above the ground and carrying a wolf-sized Raiju? No problem for Execute. He flies above the forest, away from the guns of the Fascists, and lands within the forest, behind the rear line. The Raiju scurries away to flank the Fascists from behind, while Execute takes a moment to take out the intricate Nature Charm the Shaman had gifted him a while ago. She said something about being able to use it in a time of emergency, and so what could be a better time? Execute breaks the charm in half, and watches a stream of flowing green energy soak into the fores around him. (-Shaman Nature Charm) A group of nearby trees suddenly sprout humanoid face and rise out of the ground, climbing out of the ground with human limbs as if they had just waken up from a long sleep in which they were buried from the neck down. They spring forth from the dirt, sending a shockwave to the ground that forces Execute to steady himself as the tree-beings come to being. They walk to Execute, towering over him, each easily at least ten feet tall. They speak unanimously, "We have come to serve you. Our existence is to follow your word." (+3 Loyal Ents) The Ents have surrounded Execute tightly, preventing him from flying back to the mansion.
The Raiju races out of the forest and charges at the Fascists from the rear, attacking the Jeeps with the element of surprise. [1+2(Flanking Attack) vs. 10] Before the Raiju can get within striking range, the Fascists in the jeep have turned their pistols on the Raiju, spraying a wall of bullets at its direction, and forcing it around, lest it takes a shot between the eyes on a failed flanking maneuver. [3 vs. 5] The Raiju eludes the gunfire as it disappears back within the forest.

With their first line decimated in a flash, the second line of the Fascists hurriedly take battle-ready positions. Instead of marching forward and reclaiming the spot where the first line stood, they stay further back in order to just engage the Demon Aztec. [9 vs. 3] The Demon laughs as rifles at aimed at him, "What can your mortal weapons do against a prince of hell?" The entire line of Spanish rifleman fire, and the Demon soon finds his answer as he is laying on the ground with several gunshot wounds across his body. "...fuck..." Thankfully, his Demon qualities allow him to survive far more than a normal human could, but 'surviving' and 'not being blasted apart by a dozen rifle bullets' are two different things.
The Tank turns its machine gun on the mansion, first firing a stream of bullets into the roof, [7 vs. 9] and failing to do any damage to the Aztecs who had smartly retreated to the other side of said roof. It adjusts its fire now for the front of the mansion, [7 vs. 2+2] and this time slays a handful of Aztecs, though more importantly the heavy concentration of tank fire is now doing damage to the pillars the Aztecs in the front were relying from for cover; entire chunks of marble and stone are blasted apart.
Some soldiers by the Fountain pull out a full-fledged medium machine gun and place it on the hood of one vehicle, aiming it for the mansion. However, Captain Jose can be seen yelling at the soldiers, causing them to adjust the machine gun from the mansion to instead pointing at the forest where the Raiju had fled into.

Between demons, lightning foxes, flying Gods and giant contracts, the battle can be properly classified as "going all to shit". Just to add to everything is the reemergence of the Police from another dimension, who have arrived with their back-up; from the Eastern part of the forest, between the front lines of the Aztecs and Fascists, a large Armored Personnel Carrier rolls out of the woodworks and onto the front lawn, blaring sirens. Some of the Fascists shoot at this metal beast, but their Small Farms fail to do any damage to the behemoth on wheels, which is even larger than the Tank. An amplified voice booms from the APC: "THIS IS THE POLICE. WE ARE ORDERING ALL OF YOU CIVILIANS TO CEASE HOSTILITIES AND PUT DOWN YOUR WEAPONS, ESPECIALLY YOUR GUNS. COMPLY OR WE WILL RESPOND WITH NECESSARY FORCE."

Battle of La Mansion:

Front of Roof - Destroyed
Pillars - Aztec Front Line Damaged

Front Lawn - Ash Everywhere
Fountain - Rear Line for Fascists

Aztec Empire:
Yuri [Deceased]
Fallacy [Wounded]

~600 Aztec Soldiers
6 Aztec Generals

Cyborg Aztec
Raiju Aztec
Animal Empowered Aztec [Left Foot Scarred]
Demon Aztec [Heavily Wounded, Shot Up]
Fresh-water Bender Aztec
3 Loyal Ents

Spanish Nationalists:
Captain Jose [Wounded]

~68 Nationalist Soldiers
4 Jeeps w/ Unknown Amount of Heavy Weaponry
1 Tank

Gun Police:
1 Armored Personnel Carrier

Central America/Age of Exploration - Aztecs.

The Forest of Abundance - Materials being claimed by Aztec workers.

Philippines/Spanish-American War - The Spanish and Americans are battling it out in a major colonial war taking place in the Philippine Islands.

Painting Supply Box World - World where boxes of painting supplies grow like plants, inhabited by tribal people. Being explored by Twinwolf, Jaguar Soldiers and Aztec Civilian.

Nuclear Silo World - World where all that has been found so far has been a forest and a large, abandoned nuclear silo. Closed.

Devil Fruit World - World filled with the mystical Devil Fruit. Closed.

Police Gun World - A world filled with police and police guns, unintentionally created by Execute. Opened in a nearby forest.

Tukeolli: The Jade Turkey - A deathly world ruled by the God of Illness, Injury and Malady.

Spoiler: Quests (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Execute/Dumbo.exe (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Twinwolf (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Elephant Parade (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: FallacyofUrist (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: DolosusDoleus (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: wipeout1024 (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Cinder (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Hawk132 (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Greatness942 (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Beirus (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: MidnightJaguar (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Failbird105 (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: The Ensorceler (click to show/hide)

Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.

The Ensorceler

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wikipedia-Wars: Round 72 - Battle of La Mansion (Part Dos)
« Reply #1411 on: October 19, 2016, 03:13:12 am »

"Consider it jogged. A pleasure doing business with you."

Go about meeting with the Anarchists, offering a gift of $5000 Pesetas and my services as a kindred spirit in the fight against tyranny in all its forms. Try to convince them that a revolution is imminent, and that the populace would rise up against both the Facists and the Communists if we could prove that we can fight for them. Heroic and inspiring acts of war and suchlike.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wikipedia-Wars: Round 72 - Battle of La Mansion (Part Dos)
« Reply #1412 on: October 19, 2016, 04:32:53 am »

"Alright, two of you ents are to go around to the opposite side of the area the police are coming from, and attack from the the people attacking the mansion from there, and one of you is too move around where the policemen are coming from, find the painting, and keep watch while I get back, go!"
So, first, I'll fly back, being sure to stay high enough above that they won't notice me, and get back to the mansion, command the cyborg aztec to grab the demon aztec and get him to where Fallacy's panting is, open the painting Fallacy has made (And, in the event of future scenarios like this, assume that if Execute has the time he'll automatically help open any painting they need opened), then get all the other aztecs to get back into the mansion, take potshots if possible, but keep in cover that isn't destroyed, and stop immediately if they're further warned by the police.
He knows how to fix River's tiredness.
Alan help.
IronyOwl   But Kyuubey can more or less be summed up as "You didn't ask."
15:52   IronyOwl   Whereas Dungbeetle is closer to "Fuck you."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wikipedia-Wars: Round 72 - Battle of La Mansion (Part Dos)
« Reply #1413 on: October 19, 2016, 04:53:47 am »

Look around. Is there anything in particular that looks out of the ordinary?
Ain't nobody got time for that.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wikipedia-Wars: Round 72 - Battle of La Mansion (Part Dos)
« Reply #1414 on: October 19, 2016, 08:38:50 am »

"Okay then!"

Right. Once Execute opens the portal, Fallacy brings the Yuri-Pot into it, and helps carry the demonic Aztec in. Afterwards? She paints another painting, depicting the aftermath of a battle... plenty of arms and armor left behind... maybe even a Shardblade or two.

((I'm thinking we can resurrect the soldiers in there. Odds are at least some of them will feel indebted to us.))
« Last Edit: October 20, 2016, 08:46:56 am by FallacyofUrist »
A Thousand Treasures (And You).

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wikipedia-Wars: Round 72 - Battle of La Mansion (Part Dos)
« Reply #1415 on: October 19, 2016, 11:01:44 am »

Call out for my Insurgent friend to open fire on the knight while I backpedal and unload my glock into Greatnesses face.

23:31:46 <pancaeks> "Today on mystery science with the eggheads: we created these sentient crystal people, now we're going to find out if they explode!"

MainPiston: Epilogue.


  • Bay Watcher
  • A sarcastic, weird nerd of many things. That's me.
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Re: Wikipedia-Wars: Round 72 - Battle of La Mansion (Part Dos)
« Reply #1416 on: October 19, 2016, 05:37:53 pm »

Run up to Midnight without missing a beat, grabbing her arm and breaking it with my leg before tossing her to the ground, placing my foot atop her head and holding her at gunpoint. For Sir Lorne: Survive and fight, as always."

"Death comes to all. Except me."
Offer them each a glass of a local drink, Rwandan Flower Wine, which contains secret ingredients to help calm the drinker such as crushed amethyst, dandelion wine and just the right amount of marijuana.
I desire, for whatever reason, to create Space Louisiana.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wikipedia-Wars: Round 72 - Battle of La Mansion (Part Dos)
« Reply #1417 on: October 19, 2016, 06:00:00 pm »

Run up to Midnight without missing a beat, grabbing her arm and breaking it with my leg before tossing her to the ground, placing my foot atop her head and holding her at gunpoint. For Sir Lorne: Survive and fight, as always."

"Death comes to all. Except me."

Does this imply you are attempting to take her gun? Because currently you don't have the means to hold her at gunpoint.
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


  • Bay Watcher
  • A sarcastic, weird nerd of many things. That's me.
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Re: Wikipedia-Wars: Round 72 - Battle of La Mansion (Part Dos)
« Reply #1418 on: October 19, 2016, 07:18:30 pm »

Run up to Midnight without missing a beat, grabbing her arm and breaking it with my leg before tossing her to the ground, placing my foot atop her head and holding her at gunpoint. For Sir Lorne: Survive and fight, as always."

"Death comes to all. Except me."

Does this imply you are attempting to take her gun? Because currently you don't have the means to hold her at gunpoint.

Indeed it does. Guess I should have typed out my plans to grab the dropped gun, but there it is.
Offer them each a glass of a local drink, Rwandan Flower Wine, which contains secret ingredients to help calm the drinker such as crushed amethyst, dandelion wine and just the right amount of marijuana.
I desire, for whatever reason, to create Space Louisiana.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wikipedia-Wars: Round 72 - Battle of La Mansion (Part Dos)
« Reply #1419 on: October 20, 2016, 12:04:53 am »

"Okay then!"

Right. Once Execute opens the portal, Fallacy brings the Yuri-Pot into it, and helps carry the demonic Aztec in. Afterwards? She paints another horribly abusive painting, depicting a field covered in beads of Lerasium.
"Look, Fallacy, it's great that you're really doing as much as you can to help, but instead, can you make some artwork of some kind of armoury? Something capable of letting me arm and armour these aztecs, I believe that after this battle they will start to understand the need for more powerful weaponry."
((Also I'm a bit worried that if this goes on TCM is going to start breaking shit))
He knows how to fix River's tiredness.
Alan help.
IronyOwl   But Kyuubey can more or less be summed up as "You didn't ask."
15:52   IronyOwl   Whereas Dungbeetle is closer to "Fuck you."


  • Bay Watcher
  • Blatant furry. Also a hypnotist.
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Re: Wikipedia-Wars: Round 72 - Battle of La Mansion (Part Dos)
« Reply #1420 on: October 20, 2016, 08:36:24 am »

"Each of the beads I'm painting? They grant an exceptionally powerful set of superpowers to anyone who consumes one! And they stack! But if you'd prefer weapons, and armor, fine."

Action edited.
A Thousand Treasures (And You).

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wikipedia-Wars: Round 72 - Battle of La Mansion (Part Dos)
« Reply #1421 on: October 20, 2016, 02:24:43 pm »

"If they attack eachother, we open fire on whoever is still standing. If not... Oh look they're already fighting."
Fire at whoever seems to be winning the engagement
Soldier: fire at one of the ones still standing Failbird isn't already firing at.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wikipedia-Wars: Round 72 - Battle of La Mansion (Part Dos)
« Reply #1422 on: October 20, 2016, 05:34:01 pm »

"That's very perceptive of you. Can you do anything to fix this?"

I don't think this guy is an actual doctor. But let's see what he can do.
Perplexicon: A New Arena - Abandoned, but feel free to give it a read.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Affably Evil
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Re: Wikipedia-Wars: Round 72 - Battle of La Mansion (Part Dos)
« Reply #1423 on: October 22, 2016, 01:24:52 pm »

"Alright then comrade. I know that even while wearing these clothes, I don't look Spanish. If the Fascists ask what we're doing, I'll pretend not to speak Spanish, and you can tell them that I need Dr. Marcos to treat a family member of mine. We are doing this so that if these soldiers ask for specifics, we don't have to make up a more elaborate story, and you can just tell them that you were sent with me as a guide, and that you don't know anything more than that. Understood?"

Enter the building and get to Dr. Marcos. Explain to him that we're with the communists, and that we were sent to retrieve him, then explain the above plan. If at any time the Fascist soldiers get in the way, follow the plan.
Does that make scientific sense? No? Well it's Earth IV and he's a giant crocodile-man. Use your imagination.
Ongoing Forum Thingamajiggers:
Wikipedia Wars: Revengance


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wikipedia-Wars: Round 72 - Battle of La Mansion (Part Dos)
« Reply #1424 on: October 25, 2016, 06:46:21 am »

"What do you mean? Mr. Lion can't even use guns or tanks. If the people should be scared, then they should be scared of each other."

Use my knowledge of ecology to see if the fish species is associated with good fishing. Also ask Senior Bajista about the town's industries and economy prior to the war.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2016, 06:52:38 am by Cinder »
she/her. (Pronouns vary over time.) The artist formerly known as Objective/Cinder.

One True Polycule with flame99 <3

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