Solid video for embark. Agreed on Mechanics.
Just one note: If you don't have enough points to purchase something, it will also not be listed.
(Not sure if that was deliberately left out.)
- One of the unmentioned larger considertions I use is how hard it is to train up a skill.
This leaves me to pick things like Animal Trainer, Wordsmith, Biter/Teacher, Arhitect*.
Though out of those, I haven't really had the chance to do anything important with animal training yet.
I'm also not certain Wordsmith is used - have to dig into library thread to check.
Not sure how long it takes to get proficent in other ones, either.
(Biting is probably pretty hard to reach legendary in, being avoided and deadly to training wildlife).
- Maybe color-coding the skills would be useful?
- Miner is moodable skill! Not a high priority one, but it is one, and I've had moods using that skill.
(Done at mason's workshop, the unit becomes legendary miner. )
This means that I often make my miners engrave, tan, etc. useless mood things.
* On my latest very point-heavy calm seaside embark with kaolinite and fire clay, I went for
Shield/Teacher/Miner(0)/Armor User(0),
Teacher(3)/Wordsmith(2)/Doctoring/Mechanic(0) Goes to library later
Mason/Architect/Metalcrafter(0)/Furnace Operator(0)
Misc* - random job to be done on the fly
(Unusual setup, here - typically, I'd let military types handle outdoors and mood for weapon/armorsmithing later on. Then, hey, there it is someone to haul (till migrants come).)
- Regarding doctoring, malpractice doesn't exist, so I consider being willing to help others most important for this job (and so I assume infecting doensn't care for doctor's skill - any info for otherwise?).
Looking at the above, perhaps another angle of consideration worth mentioning would be "used to reach a goal" versus "needed to strive for a goal" (essentially, food, drink, minimal security).
- Other than cooking, I occasionally use that same glassmaking for caravan goods. Weaponsmithing (preferred option), pottery, and on forested maps carpentry are other common ones I use for that.
(Tbh, that's the only real use long-term use for pottery/glazing, outside of niche block production.)
Of course, if you don't cook so much you don't need to farm quite so much, so there's that.
@Werdna: Regarding carpenter, I often bring in enough tower-cap or fungiwood to make a bed for everyone (even on forested maps due preferring their colours).
Mason, similar reason - making coloured stuff.