I feel like making cards that do 'un-banishing' is kinda... removing the point of Card Caster in the first place? CC just kinda feels like a bit of an awkward card in the first place even if I can definitely see uses for it. If it banished a card directly for a time and then brought it back with buffs that'd feel less like it's just trying to rebrand a different cards entire niche.
*Card Name: Enkephalin Refinery
*Card Picture:
*Background Color: Yellow
Attack: 0
Hearts: High
Stars: 0
Card Effect: Cannot Attack. At the end of each turn, gain a star.
Flavor Text: When technology rules all, energy is king.
Reference: In the Project Moon universe(Lobotomy Corp, Library of Ruina), Enkephalin is a combination drug and super-fuel
*Card Name: WARP Recovery Crew
*Card Picture:
*Background Color: Blue
Attack: High
Stars: 0
Card Effect: When a card is banished while this is in your hand, you may play this card.
Flavor Text: WARP Tech can be messy, there's always a need for cleanup.
Metadata: Hopefully qualifies as a waifu, even if her hair-style and outfit makes her a bit androgynous
Reference: Bit of a tomboy, but still a girl.
I wanted to make a longer-term star generator sooner rather than later, and the WARP Crew both is more Waifu support, and works with the Banishment thing. I think next turn I'm going to try to make a bigger unit. We're kinda working with trash mobs at the moment.