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Author Topic: A Kobold's Quest  (Read 57164 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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A Kobold's Quest
« on: October 07, 2007, 09:31:00 pm »

I was inspired by the story of Urist and other stories, so i figured why not.
This is the story of Fale Thimaiyilo, "Fale Siegedriven", a Kobold adventurer.

She was born into a warrior class, hence her last name. She would have likely been given a crossbow, and set at post for some adventurer to slaughter, had it not been for her ambitions. For millennia, the kobolds have been looked down upon as skulking filth, nothing but a nuisance, training fodder for new adventurers. Fale sought to change this, to prove once and for all that kobolds are a formidible race and deserve respect. She sought to do this diplomatically, to prove that kobolds were not stupid and malicious, and in preparing for this persuit, she had spent time putting her mind to use, learning the language of the main civilizations as best as she could.

These ambitions were not strong enough at first, they would have been lost. But, on the 3rd of Granite, 1050, before she had begun any training at all, a dwarven adventurer came in and slaughtered everyone in the entire cave, including all of Fale's family. She fled the cave, escaping with her life, but that was the only thing she had escaped with.

Without weapons, armor, skills (save for language), or even clothes, she was forced to roam the forests, nearly melancholic over the loss of her family. As days and nights of aimless wandering and subsistance on insects and vermin passed, her depression turned into hatred against dwarves, and all of dwarfkind. She would live, to fulfill her dream of proving the kobold race by force if needed, to strike down the vile, bloodthirsty dwarven murderers, or die trying.

First though, she would need the tools and skills for the job. She had never seen a human before and had never known their ways, but on the 12th of Granite, she had spotted a human town. She approached, and arrived on the 13th. The first signs of trouble appeared immediately. Two human children stopped their playing and looked curiously at her. A swordsman behind them looked right at Fale, and gripped the hilt of his sword, muttering something about "filth", but never drew it. On the bright side, the mule ahead disregarded her presence.


[ October 07, 2007: Message edited by: AlanL ]

[ October 07, 2007: Message edited by: AlanL ]



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A Kobold's Quest
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2007, 09:51:00 pm »

It could turn out to be a superb story, remembered by many for a long time, as Urist is, or it could turn out to be a nothing.

Given the current information, I suspect the former, but there's no way of knowing until you finish it.

So sayeth the Wiki Loremaster!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A Kobold's Quest
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2007, 01:28:00 pm »

Seeing as my only reply is a good reply, I guess I'll be putting up more in a bit  :)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A Kobold's Quest
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2007, 01:58:00 pm »

Brilliant, just brilliant!
this has the potential to be juta as good as "one dwarf against the world" by Eiba.

Actually, I have long thought that the only thing really missing from this game (when you include all the planing) is some more complex morality than "goblins are evil, you are the good guy, therfore you ca kill goblins all you want and still be good".   :(    :(    :roll:

[ October 08, 2007: Message edited by: Armok ]

So says Armok, God of blood.


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Re: A Kobold's Quest
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2007, 02:06:00 pm »

Your other reply is also good.
Believe me I would know.
Cannot find self-destruction button, could have sworn it's somewhere here...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A Kobold's Quest
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2007, 03:59:00 pm »

Thanks   :)
Fale walked to the top of a small hill, and surveyed the surrounding region.


[ October 08, 2007: Message edited by: AlanL ]



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A Kobold's Quest
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2007, 04:59:00 pm »

I like the way this is going.  Keep it up, please.  :)
A HREF="">A Kobold''s Quest

A Kobold''s Quest II


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A Kobold's Quest
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2007, 10:46:00 pm »

Needless to say, an unarmed, unskilled, size 4 adventurer going into a cave alone resulted in some 'unconventional program exits'

Remember to restore backups, especially in adventure mode.
So sayeth the Wiki Loremaster!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A Kobold's Quest
« Reply #8 on: October 09, 2007, 12:11:00 am »

I'm really glad people enjoy this       :)

edit- and yes, I'm using a save backup batch file   :p

2 in the same day, thanks to fall break   :p
Fale watched the stars, and aimed herself southwest. Several hours passed, and the sun rose again. She had toughed it out through the freezing cold, but the temperature skyrocketed as the suns rays baked the sands once more. She changed direction, the ruins being straight west, and ,thankfully, also the end of the desert. She crossed the boundary between desert and swamp, and what the swamp lacked in heat, it made up for in humidity. She continued west, stopping in the area adjacent to the ruins. It was hot, she was panting just to keep cool, but this is where she told herself she would have to train. Dry grass and shrubs littered the area. For a swamp this still remained very much like a desert in appearance. She walked through the area, wondering if she would ever find somewhere to rest, and spotted a pool of mud, surrounded by trees. Fale then thankfully took refuge in the forgiving shade of one of those trees, and slept, being a nocturnal creature. She awoke with the full moon visible in the eastern sky, beautiful stars out, and then, being related to canines, promptly howled at it, a measure of celebrating a new kobold month. In the official calendar, it was the opposite, the exact middle of the month, the 15th. She stood up, and searched for water, she was quite thirsty. Seeing none anywhere, she decided to trek to an adjacent area for water. Why not train on the way? She grabbed a rock, and hurled it into the darkness to see if she could hit that lump out there. It whizzed by the hump, and made a loud THUD! Something had been disturbed from its sleep, and looked right at Fale, growling. It obviously really loved to sleep, because even though Fale had never seen this kind of creature before, she knew it looked pissed. Very pissed.


So much for luck, I guess the lords of luck have thrown a test my way? I can either fail with valor and honor... or cheat and pass.

The beast growled at Fale and accelerated to a run, Fale, not intent on fighting this thing at all, had already started running full speed away from it. Another beast of the same type appeared out of the darkness, making 2 pursuants.

I think the administrator of this test is watching me cheat...

She darted away diagonally then cut forward again, somehow managing the same pace as her unwanted followers. After a few endless minutes of frantic running, the beasts growled at her one last time, and ceased pursuit, apparently more interested in sleep than in making a meal out of a kobold.

Fale continued southward, and drank the muddied water on the way. Day broke again. Those dang beasts had ruined a perfectly good night, and it was the night of the full moon too..... But, luck seemed to give Fale a good rating on that test, as when she had arrived, it was quite a bit cooler, the sun blocked by clouds as rain fell. Fale took refuge next to a willow, and on a patch of chalk rocks, and begun practicing. She knew that she would be torn to ribbons if she tried to fist fight a swordsman, so she needed something with a little more range, even if it was a simple thrown rock. She aimed and threw at a distant tree. The rock grazed through the tree, and hit the tree behind it, sending a bird against its will into the air, which flew away, squaking at Fale. She aimed at a bush and threw, it arced beside the bush and past, landing in the dirt and driving a big cloud of dust in the face of a curious rat, who squeaked annoyedly and retreated back into its burrow.

This is going to take a while... good thing I have all the time in the world.

She threw, threw, and threw some more rocks, keeping going even as she tired herself. The sky cleared, the sun burned down, she kept on going. She kept on throwing until she was completely out of breath, unable to stand. At that point, she rested, confident in her improvements. When she no longer felt tired, she stood up and continued further, pelting random inanimate objects at will, and spreading into other training exercises. It began raining yet again. It stopped raining yet again. The clouds rolled by and the sun passed through the sky. Fales hatred for those who murdered her family was proving to be a limitless supply of determination, she kept training. She threw and threw until she could knock a bee off a flower from over 50 feet away. She ran to and from, using trees to mark a course, her future self racing against her past self, and winning every time. Night passed. She had been sneaking around until not even the birds could tell of her presence. She jumped, jumped further, and eventually jumped far enough to cross from under one tree to the other. The rugged conditions and the sun baking down toughened her as she honed her skill in throwing and her agility to perfection. But, miraculous as it is that Fale accomplished all this in such a short timespan, the lords of her luck gave her another test. Another beast, the same as the last, appeared after the sun had set. This time, fale wasnt so helpless against the thing. She snuck about, the beast entirely unaware, and grabbed a rock. A rock in each hand, she raised one hand in front of her, targeting the beast between her fingers, and a rock at the beast. It just grazzed by its head... but missed by an inch. She hurled the other, it struck it in the left rear leg, battering it. The beast yowled and growled, Fale stood dead still, and the beast overlooked her. She snickered under her breath and took up 2 more rocks, carefully maneuvering as to not be discovered. Yet again, one grazed yet managed to fly too far to the side, and the beast jumped in Fales direction, but didn't find her. She threw again. Another grazing shot!

Each so close, neither hitting. The wind plays cruel jokes.

Hiding in a bush, she threw yet another. The beasts right rear leg was battered. It jumped right next to the bush that Fale was hiding in, and growled, sniffing at the bush... but it didn't notice Fale sneaking away, just a few feet back, and taking her precious time to line up another shot, a free hand to aim with. She held the rock like a baseball pitcher holds a baseball, and then threw again, imparting a spin on the rock which caused it to curve through the air.



Excited with her new found advantage over the ravenous beast, she proceeded to grab and chuck as fast as she could, breaking both of the beasts rear legs, causing it to fall over. She grabbed another rock, but kept shooting too high now that the beast had fallen over, so, she approached. Her feelings of superiority had cooled when the beast looked straight at her, right into her eyes. She had been spotted. No matter now, the beast was at a third of its normal speed, and Fale had nearly doubled her speed through agility training. Whenever the beast moved, she would come in and bash it with the rock, then dart away before it could attack back. She had forgotten one aspect... she had not strength trained. Her hits were glancing away... but eventually, she got a hit in on the back of its head, further injuring its brain and its neck. It fell unconscious, Fale bashed it repeatedly but didn't manage to damage it much. It regained consciousness and Fale began to continue the attack, but she had left too late once, the beast snapped down on her arm, badly ripping it, but she broke free and jumped away. Fale began to tire, the beast was fleeing, and Fale pursued anyway. The hunter is now the hunted.

Looks like I've been promoted!

Unfortunately, the beast still packed much more ability to harm than Fale, it turned back and bit Gale's hand, tearing it. Forget this! Fale threw the rock, striking the beast. Threw another, and another, blasting one into the beasts lower body, knocking it back with the force of the blow. The beast gave into pain. She punched at it, and as that was doing no good, she wrapped her arm around the beasts throat, and strangled it to death. Apparantly, grabbing and doing various mean things with a foes body could prove more effective than punching, Fale thought. She made a note to try this out on any foes she encountered in the ruins. The beast was puking blood, and Fale had not strengthened much, but despite all that, she picked the corpse up and dragged it over to a tree to cook it. She took a bush apart, using it as tinder and the largest branch from the adjacent tree to start a fire for cooking. The fire grew nicely, and Fale propped the corpse up over the flames. She rested against the tree and watched the fire grow in a lively manner. It grew some more, and started burning the corpse directly. Fale kicked dirt on it. It grew some more. Fale looked curiously. It grew some more. Smoke rose and made it hard for Fale to breathe. It grew some more.

Dammit! No!



Fale walked away, growling a bit under her breath.

Now when the hell will I get to eat a real meal?

As she walked away, her frustration cooled, as she realized... she was one of the only kobolds ever to have been able to defeat a Large Predator.

[ October 09, 2007: Message edited by: AlanL ]

[ October 09, 2007: Message edited by: AlanL ]



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A Kobold's Quest
« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2007, 04:26:00 pm »

Hmm, no posts, have I done something wrong with the last one? Either way, I'll be continuing it soon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A Kobold's Quest
« Reply #10 on: October 09, 2007, 05:30:00 pm »

This is great!  :)
Fale is probably the best character in any DF based story yet, possible challenged by Urist.

However, I think you do use a bit to many exploits, or at least use them to openly.  :D

Keep up the nice work!
Or as Fale would have said;
"Thanksie for the great storie, keepsy it uppsie being great writsie"

So says Armok, God of blood.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A Kobold's Quest
« Reply #11 on: October 09, 2007, 05:39:00 pm »

Yeah, well i'm not a hardened 1337 player so i'm bound to use exploits to get going at least, don't worry though, i'm not gunna be lame the whole way.  :p

I'm glad you like it, and I'll be putting up another one soon (did i say that last time? i should get on it XD)

Also, some things I'm just poking fun at DF with, like the 'magical healing'  :p



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A Kobold's Quest
« Reply #12 on: October 09, 2007, 08:09:00 pm »

Fale walked northwest towards the ruins, and licked her lips, thinking about the meal that could have been. Ah well, rat stew was better than starving to death. The sun rose over the swamps as Fale approached the ruins, walking down a small hill and into what seemed to be a plain full of run down, cracked buildings that at one point or another must have been a glorious human town, a skyline full of monuments, workers and tradesmen buzzing about left and right... but, that had all poofed away to dust in the wind, was it starvation, or was it warfare? Nobody knew. Only these few buildings, shadows of their former selves, are all that remain. Fale surveyed the site, the spotted a human in front of her.

She shouted "Hello der!" and rushed up to it...


...but as she approached... she noticed the human wore rancid, tattered clothes, and was in pieces, an ear missing, heart exposed, and not beating, and.... guts missing? It looked at fale and moaned softly, slowly moving toward her. Fale stood there, utterly disgusted with the sight.

Ugh... they'd look better if they just went to hell.

But... Fale spotted items off to her right. They were ancient, decorated, masterful idols and wearables galore! Above all else... they were valuable. It was pointless to try to sneak away from there, the xombie was looking streight at Fale. Fale moved behind a tree, and, leaving the zombie to think she was still behind the tree, snuck away the other way. Zombies, zombies, and more zombies. The whole towns population must have been magically cursed. Fale picked up a cow bone idol... then dropped it by a wall. She had nothing to carry these things with, so she would make an easily recoverable stash. She walked back over and picked up a well crafted elephant bone bracelet, covered in superior quality cow bone spikes and finely crafted cow leather.

I wonder if I could hypnotize the merchant with this?

She wore it, and continued. She rounded the corner of the building, zombies unaware of her presence. At first, she saw the zombies as just another foe... but for some reason, looking at their horrid state, she felt sorry for them. It must suck being like that for all these years. Rings, idols, bracelets, amulets, each a superb symbol of a great empire that is now dust beneath Fales feet. There was a crunching sound, Fale looked over to a ramp going up the side of the pyrimid-like building, and stepping down it, a human, nothing but a skeleton. The skeleton passed a zombie, a demonic red glow eminating from its eye sockets, it kicked the zombie against the wall, and then walked away, an everlasting grin on its fleshless face. It nearly spotted Fale as it walked by, but luckily, had looked a bit too high to see her. It was the skeletons, the skeletons kept these zombies as slaves in their necro-power trip. Maybe it was one of these skeletons that caused the curse? Did the leader of this empire want everlasting power over his servants?

Fale pondered the situation, and walked up the ramp the skeleton had walked down from. As she walked back, collecting old relics on the way, she heard more skeletons on the move. Was this their castle? She found another ramp, and a skeleton was walking down it. This skeleton was not a mere noble, no, this skeleton was their obvious leader, a fallen king who refused to fall, this skeleton could be the source of the curse!


I could sneak around her and grab the... or maybe.... ah hell, do I really wanna live for ever?

She snuck behind her, following... but the skeleton queen walked to one of her fellow 'royalty', and if Fale fought then, it would be a guaranteed painful death. Fale backtracked, and picked up an earring she almost never noticed. It was small, it was light, it was all she had in her hands. She pressed herself against the wall, sneaking back and forth. She looked around a corner. Skeleton guard. Wrong way! She turned around and headed the other way. She was about to round the corner, when that same guard rounded the corner at the exact same time.


You've been spotted!

She bashed it and backed off from the guard, the guard missing her. She put some distance between her and the guard, held the ring, and, fully confident in its ability to do absolutely no damage whatsoever, threw it.

The spinning -cow bone earring- strikes The Skeletal Human in the left upper arm!
It is badly damaged!
The skeletal human's left shoulder has been sprained!

The skeleton stumbled a bit.

Well I'll be darned!

She ran up to the skeleton and eagerly punched at it, it returned the attack but yet again Fales kobold instincts led her to perfectly dodge. She dodged, and found that there just happened to be nothing but air beneath her. Realising the full implications of gravity, she yelled as she fell, and was stunned when she fell on the hard, smooth Gneiss floor below. The skeleton was still holding on to her from the floor above, attacking, so she tried to break free, but the skeleton was still holding her in place. Suddenly, a zombie with an axe shouted as loud as it could, but in monotone, under the force of its skeleton masters, "I am Numu Openthroat! Prepare to die!"

Someone with an axe... and the last name of Openthroat? Bad news!

The skeleton threw her, but this proved to be a big mistake. He no longer had a hold of her! Still stunned from the fall, she clumsily rose to her feet and stumbled back. She came fully back to her senses again. The skeletons were running after her!

Ok, I dont wanna live forever, but i wanna live another day!

She cautiously backed away, evaluating the situation. She ran past the zombies, picking up another ring and slipping it on. She chucked a rock at a persuing skeleton, chipping away a large chunk of its skull... but it didn't feel pain, it kept going anyway. If nothing else, she was going to take as many relics as possible out of the treasure trove of these skeletal tyrants. Fale ran through the swamp, and turned. There she was, the skeleton queen, once again. Forget the rest of the zombies and skeletons. This one was going down.

The skeleton queen stared at Fale, and spoke, "My bracelets, my amulets, my rings, my mother gave me that when I was 5! It-it's... it's being worn by a filthy... kobold." She laughed as if she were about to cry. He drew his sword, and screamed, "Prepare to diiie!!!!" He ran at Fale, but Fale was far swifter than him. Fale replied, "I'sa prupair'd fer looong time! Are yooooou?"

Fale grabbed the queens sword and tried to wrench it away with her arm... that didn't work. Fale tried to grab the hilt away from the skeleton queen, but the queen blocked Fale with her shield. The queen brought the shield aside, revealing a raised sword, which she brought down for a counter strike. Fale had an impulse to jump left, an impulse to jump right, and a result of going nowhere. The skeleton queen hacked at Fale, striking her in the chest. Fale coughed and stifled a yell, finding it difficult to breathe. Despite lack of air, and loss of blood, Fale swung around and reached once more for the hilt, this time grabbing it. She struggled, but the queen wrestled it away. Fale darted away, then darted back, the queen blocking Fales attempts at disarming her. The queen tried to attack, but Fale had darted away once more. Fale darted back, grabbing the hilt of the sword and wrenching it away with all her strength. For a few seconds, the skeleton queen and Fale exchanged menacing grins, but the queens mouth opened shortly thereafter, in an expression of disbelief. She was no longer armed. Fale was the armed warrior now.ale slashed at the queen, landing a glancing blow, and chipping a bit of the queens skull off. The queen tacked into Fale, stunning her, but, being nothing but bones, bounced backward. Fale hacked and hacked and hacked, but hardly managed to do any damage through the queens shield, since this was the first time Fale had ever wielded a sword. But, luck cast down its vengeful smile. Fale hacked, and hit the exact middle of the queens knee. The queens right lower leg flew off in an arc! Fale stood over the queen, grinned, and started hacking away. Left upper leg flies off in an arc! But, unfortunately, the queens royal pains-in-the-arses came to her futile rescue. They punched at Fale, bruising her, but Fale drew the literally brainless skeletons away from who they were trying to protect, leaving the debilitated queen as open as the sky. A running pass, a skeleton gutpunched Fale. This stipped Fale,but not for long. Fale spat up blood and ran towards the helpless queen, leaving the guards behind.

Smash! Smash! The queens hand flies off in an arc. Smash! The queens lower body flies off in an arc, and she falls limp, the glow in her eyes disappearing.

Ura Mellonel, Skeletal human Swordmaster has been struck down.

Immediately, several other skeletons yelled, their glowing eyes becoming dark. These skeletons collapsed, never to move again. Many zombies stood still, their senseless expression turning into hardly noticeable smiles. These zombies turned limp, and collapsed, their souls, free at last, drifting upward like a fine mist. Fale clung the dead-again queens copper chain leggings over her shoulder, as they were far too large for Fale to wear, but would fetch a nice price from those human merchants. Fale looked down at the pile of human bones that used to be a tyrant, and kicked them into a mess. Fale spoke, "Have fun wit weather in Hell! I'sa sure Demon'z treaty ya reeel nice der!"

Laden with plenty of 'attention getters' to show to the humans, Fale walked away. Lightning flashed, striking in the distance behind Fale, and it began raining, washing the blood and rot into the ground. Fale aimed northeast, toward the human town. She smiled to herself, and smiled within. She had gone from getting her face punched in by frogmen to slaying undead tyrants. She was doing it! Her dream was coming true!

[ October 09, 2007: Message edited by: AlanL ]



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A Kobold's Quest
« Reply #13 on: October 09, 2007, 08:12:00 pm »

Wrong Button! :/

[ October 09, 2007: Message edited by: AlanL ]



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A Kobold's Quest
« Reply #14 on: October 09, 2007, 09:35:00 pm »

This story... is... AWESOME!!!
Quote from: Josephus
"Compatibility mode", dude. If he tries running it under "capatability mode" some terrible thing involving elder gods will probably happen.
Quote from: Aqizzar
You say that like it's not a good time to discuss weird people. It's always a good time to discuss weird people.
Quote from: freeformschooler
I was like, ha, this looks like a pretty dumb and boring game. I was so wrong. Gentlemen, I have discovered true fun.
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