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Author Topic: uPick Mafia: Panda Edition Day6 - Mafia wins. Cheeetar calls Shenanigans.  (Read 307166 times)


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Re: Bring Your Own Role Mafia - Panda Edition [Day 1, Quit Complaining]
« Reply #390 on: November 07, 2009, 01:20:07 pm »

What about it is suspicious? I too can quote things, but it takes a real analysis to make it mean a thing.
You're voting him.
Explain why fully.
You're voting for me because you lack the ability to look back and find out why I was voting fr him, despite the fact that you can go back and find the post where I vote for him?

Also, you can quote things and they don't count as three words, huh?

Three words:

What a hypocrite.


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Re: Bring Your Own Role Mafia - Panda Edition [Day 1, Quit Complaining]
« Reply #391 on: November 07, 2009, 01:21:09 pm »

What about it is suspicious? I too can quote things, but it takes a real analysis to make it mean a thing.
You're voting him.
Explain why fully.
You're voting for me because you lack the ability to look back and find out why I was voting fr him, despite the fact that you can go back and find the post where I vote for him?

Also, you can quote things and they don't count as three words, huh?

Three words:

What a hypocrite.
Explain again dork.


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Re: Bring Your Own Role Mafia - Panda Edition [Day 1, Quit Complaining]
« Reply #392 on: November 07, 2009, 01:25:53 pm »

What about it is suspicious? I too can quote things, but it takes a real analysis to make it mean a thing.
You're voting him.
Explain why fully.
You're voting for me because you lack the ability to look back and find out why I was voting fr him, despite the fact that you can go back and find the post where I vote for him?

Also, you can quote things and they don't count as three words, huh?

Three words:

What a hypocrite.
Explain again dork.
Go back and look. The only thing you can apparently do is say three words, so you have the capacity and the time to look.

So, maybe instead of being lazy, making up excuses, and providing no help, you could...

Oh, what's it called...

Hold on...

Tip of my tongue...

Oh right. Shoot yourself in the head.

Just leave.


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Re: Bring Your Own Role Mafia - Panda Edition [Day 1, Quit Complaining]
« Reply #393 on: November 07, 2009, 01:27:27 pm »

What about it is suspicious? I too can quote things, but it takes a real analysis to make it mean a thing.
You're voting him.
Explain why fully.
You're voting for me because you lack the ability to look back and find out why I was voting fr him, despite the fact that you can go back and find the post where I vote for him?

Also, you can quote things and they don't count as three words, huh?

Three words:

What a hypocrite.
Explain again dork.
Go back and look. The only thing you can apparently do is say three words, so you have the capacity and the time to look.

So, maybe instead of being lazy, making up excuses, and providing no help, you could...

Oh, what's it called...

Hold on...

Tip of my tongue...

Oh right. Shoot yourself in the head.

Just leave.
Afraid to talk?


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Re: Bring Your Own Role Mafia - Panda Edition [Day 1, Quit Complaining]
« Reply #394 on: November 07, 2009, 01:32:04 pm »

Geez, this is taking too long. (Unvote)Dakarian do one of your lists and let's pick out the scummiest.

Pre-post edit: Webadict, your hostility to all things town is quite suspicious. Make you should take a tranquilizer and come back.
Besides that you're being downright annoying.


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Re: Bring Your Own Role Mafia - Panda Edition [Day 1, Quit Complaining]
« Reply #395 on: November 07, 2009, 01:32:49 pm »

Maybe you should take a tranquilizer and come back.


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Re: Bring Your Own Role Mafia - Panda Edition [Day 1, Quit Complaining]
« Reply #396 on: November 07, 2009, 02:00:48 pm »

Apparently I gained a second vote and started voting Dakarian. I don't remember doing this, so it must be an error in the vote count. I'll hold my Zai vote, he's very scummy, but Neruz's bandwagoning statement is simply unacceptable.

Webadict, refusing to rexplain yourself is scummy. Reexplain yourself or I'll vote you.
Youtube video of the year, all years.
Hmm...I've never been a big fan of CCGs - I mean, I did and still do collect Pokemon cards, but I never got heavily into the battling and trading thing.

By definition that makes you a fan since you still buy them.


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Re: Bring Your Own Role Mafia - Panda Edition [Day 1, Quit Complaining]
« Reply #397 on: November 07, 2009, 02:28:57 pm »

I'm leaving my vote on Neruz. Calling for a Bandwagon on the person with the most votes? Yeah, still scummy.
Civilization Forge Mod v2.80: Adding in new races, equipment, animals, plants, metals, etc. Now with Alchemy and Libraries! Variety to spice up DF! (For DF 0.34.10)
Come play Mafia with us!
"Let us maintain our chill composure." - Toady One


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Re: Bring Your Own Role Mafia - Panda Edition [Day 1, Quit Complaining]
« Reply #398 on: November 07, 2009, 02:29:33 pm »

I'm leaving my vote on Neruz. Calling for a Bandwagon on the person with the most votes? Yeah, still scummy.
Agreed. *Glares at Zai


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Re: Bring Your Own Role Mafia - Panda Edition [Day 1, Quit Complaining]
« Reply #399 on: November 07, 2009, 02:42:27 pm »

Zai, you do little to explain yourself: just plop down some accusations:

On your "most scummy list"
Me?  I'm why who knows..
Meph: No force or drive.. when you aren't voting for him, questioning, him, or even using an argument that's not being used by someone else
Neurez: more valid, though it seems not that strong since you quickly left him for Meph...

..who you quickly unvoted once you liked his reasoning and got poked at by Mr. Person (and thus went to a 'safe spot' by voting for the lurker and declaring everyone should do similar)

..then quickly went BACK to voting for throwing a question out

..then unvoted and switched with Web with a "it's Web and/or Meph" with no explanation why either HAS to be scum and why Web looks worse than him since you didn't pressure either one of them.

OHBTW, if we go BACK to that post you have a nice bit with Mr.Person where he attacks you and, in response, you declare him 'no longer suspicious'.

As for Web.. he pushes you and, what do we get:  this

You're voting for him.. that is, you are of a mind to have him Killed.. and you don't care to explain why you want to or have any need to convince anyone for it.

Instead you point at me and say "go get em."

Meanwhile, you threaten me with saying I'm one of your prime suspects then pull off to consider me "perhaps scum if one of these guys aren't scum", then charge at the person I'm attacking.

I know that game.  The story is meant to end with this:

Dakarian, feeling the threat of death fade away from him, charges with renewed vigor at his accuser.  With the combined effort, they strike hard against the Webadict and smite him.  Others join the battle cry and soon the noose is on his neck and the "Aggressive Jerk" is finally out of our hairs forever! I'm sorry, but I've seen that game before.  Pandarsenic hit the town HARD with that in BM2.  It's the Lightning Rod strategy.  Look for a person who attacks accusers, push them a little, then spring them at another and watch them slaughter that person. 

You're casual, not aggressive.  You're passive, not careful.  You're "Me Too" ish, not supportive.  You don't argue, you don't debate, you just want attack the worst hit so you don't LOOK like you're bandwagoning. 

You're scum.  I don't even know why I'm waiting.  It'll take someone else to show me why I'm mistaken.

Please read over Zai's section of the Wide Scan (though please excuse the 'passive' mislinks that lead to Rash's posts instead), then read my arguments and Zai's posts throughout the day and answer me this:

1. If there's something I'm missing PLEASE tell me so I can explain or reevaluate my argument.

2. If I make sense but you are just suspicious please send questions or accusations to Zai so he can explain his side of the matter.

3. If what I say make sense and you see no defense for him then Vote him and let's end this day.

For myself, I want to either understand fully why Zai may not be scum or see him lynched.
Quote from: Dakarian
What was I doing with Mr.Person through most of Day 3, lovemaking!?

Apostolic Nihilist

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Re: Bring Your Own Role Mafia - Panda Edition [Day 1, Quit Complaining]
« Reply #400 on: November 07, 2009, 03:47:35 pm »

I apologize for not posting more. As the number of pages grow, it becomes more of a committment to actually find the time to read through everything, so I ended up putting it off for a bit. I have more time now though; I'm going to go through and try a "wide-scan".
I just read through once, and the only thing that stuck out was web's ridiculous level of hostility in his posts but not necessarily in his votes.


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Re: Bring Your Own Role Mafia - Panda Edition [Day 1, Quit Complaining]
« Reply #401 on: November 07, 2009, 05:36:01 pm »

What about it is suspicious? I too can quote things, but it takes a real analysis to make it mean a thing.
You're voting him.
Explain why fully.
You're voting for me because you lack the ability to look back and find out why I was voting fr him, despite the fact that you can go back and find the post where I vote for him?

Also, you can quote things and they don't count as three words, huh?

Three words:

What a hypocrite.
Explain again dork.
Go back and look. The only thing you can apparently do is say three words, so you have the capacity and the time to look.

So, maybe instead of being lazy, making up excuses, and providing no help, you could...

Oh, what's it called...

Hold on...

Tip of my tongue...

Oh right. Shoot yourself in the head.

Just leave.
Afraid to talk?

Apparently I gained a second vote and started voting Dakarian. I don't remember doing this, so it must be an error in the vote count. I'll hold my Zai vote, he's very scummy, but Neruz's bandwagoning statement is simply unacceptable.

Webadict, refusing to rexplain yourself is scummy. Reexplain yourself or I'll vote you.

Just because you're a simpleton and severely mentally impaired doesn't mean you can't click back a FEW PAGES. And if it does, I'm surprised you made it to this page to begin with, let alone are capable of understanding me or anyone else and how on earth are you managing to form complete words?

Of course, no one will call you out on it, because you can only speak three words. Wanna know what? I'm going to make sure you die, one way or another.

And Mr.Person... you disgust me. I'm pretty sure you were present when I was GIVING the reasons why dakarian was scummy, and here you are pointing out that, in fact, I have not. Ask dakarian. He knows I've given reasons, and HE'S THE ONE I'M VOTING.

So, until you start participating (I don't care if he can only speak 3 words, he's not doing anything!), I'll unvote dakarian and vote SHAD0Wdump.

I don't care if it's an OMGUS. You're not giving any reasons for voting me, or at least any valid reasons, because the one you provided is clearly false. I don't care if you have a posting restriction, because you can still contribute otherwise, instead of by doing nothing. Heck, I don't even care if everyone thinks that your posting is okay.

Because your posting restriction is a load of crap.

Yeah, that's right. It's not real. You can post as much as you want. Yet you refuse to, because helping the town is contradictory to your nature. So, start posting. Tell everyone why you're refusing to help them. I know your restriction is fake, just like I know I gave real reasons, and like I know you can contribute, and like I know that you

A. R. E. N. 'T.

What's your counterargument? Wanna try to argue with me? Because I wouldn't suggest it. I would suggest posting coherently. And I would suggest doing so immediately.


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Re: Bring Your Own Role Mafia - Panda Edition [Day 1, Quit Complaining]
« Reply #402 on: November 07, 2009, 05:38:51 pm »

I'd be interested to see if Web is right about SHAD0W.
DEATH has been waiting for you. He has poured you some TEA.

Apostolic Nihilist

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Re: Bring Your Own Role Mafia - Panda Edition [Day 1, Quit Complaining]
« Reply #403 on: November 07, 2009, 05:42:25 pm »

Done. I'm never doing one of those again.

I'm going to go take a break or something then read over it, Neruz' scumminess is still fresh in my mind though. I don't suggest anyone else reading this as it's mostly incomprehensible and it's just feelings I got off of almost everyone's posts.


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Re: Bring Your Own Role Mafia - Panda Edition [Day 1, Quit Complaining]
« Reply #404 on: November 07, 2009, 05:45:29 pm »

Don't insult, explain.
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