Indeed, I currently copy various details across to a spreadsheet, which I could save time not doing if it was automated.
(From memory, I store: Name, gender, arrival date (immigration/birth), birth date (if known), 'toddling' date (if known), maturation date (if known), date of death (when known), listed profession, intended profession*, other profession notes*, Military Status (i.e. training point)*, Military intentions*, S/A/T values, each and every skill value, whether each haulage task is set (couldn't be bothered to do those nominally related to the skills), relatives ("relationship: profession/status"...), pets (just numbers and types), Stone preference, Metal preference, gem preference, [insert all the other occasional preferences**], the series of personality traits***
* Freestyle, so not something that could be exported.
** I've still to establish if some items occupy the same 'slot' as other items, but have established some sort of order. I bet the Wiki has all the information I need, but I've been sort of doing this on my own
*** Currently excluding the changeable alcohol-related item, but including the field I call "PTSD" regarding witnessing death and eventually "does not really care any more".