Yes, "Failbelch." Awesome, but fixed.
Neotemplar is the fortress hunter. Since there's no good food above ground he'll be going into the caves.

There have been a few crashes, two of them from looking at the health z-screens of dwarves that fell in the sea of poison. It's like the game doesn't know how to report how bad it is.
Edits for missing text----------
I miss the stars. There used to be so many stars in the sky.
Why are we still here?
I mean, I know why I'm still here. But it's a mystery that anyone else is. Life may have been hard in Graspedseduce, but there you could at walk through the streets without worrying about some gigantic glass rabbit or an ice giant stomping you down, or falling into a vat of sickness put there by gods-know-what so that your skins comes to resemble the bark of a tree.
Incidentally, it's my sincere wish that any new passages these dwarves dig into the caverns are made only large enough for dwarves to pass through. Yes, another beast was spotted today, but this one was felled with such ease that I wonder if the more dangerous ones have already been killed. I know complacency is dangerous, however. The monster known as Stuzang is still thought to be in these parts, and it would be both foolish and arrogant to think we are above defeat. Such a notion is useful for military morale but useless in strategic planning.
More refugees from Dastot Cog today, putting our population at 71. They actually think this is a better place than wherever they came. They'll learn.
I wonder if the elder council had any idea what would happen by making Led Queen. I wonder if Led knew herself.
* * *
A frowning Mezbuth lifted a dagger from her patient's face. "All done," she said, setting her blade down on a nearby table.
"No getting out of bed for a while. I'll need to do your feet pretty soon."
The baroness sighed. She'd seen much in her years as a doctor, but this was a twelve year old, already in danger of losing his life or his legs, slowly and painfully. It made her weary. Life had seemed much nicer when LordSlowpoke was mayor. Here she was, baroness of the fort, cutting strings of dead flesh from children barely old enough to work, and there didn't seem to be anything else for her to do. What could she? That bastard Sethrist had gathered too much personal power. The military would obey him, not her. The dwarves feared the military, not her.
Trying not to seethe, the baroness turned back toward her patient. The child seemed unnaturally calm as he gingerly prodded the incisions with a finger and nodded. "Splendid work, baroness. My thanks."
"Try not to eat anything for a few hours."
"I think I'll manage," said the child. "Baroness, if I may. What do you think of our new mayor?"
"Haven't thought much of him," she half-lied. "He doesn't say much when he's in here."
"I'm concerned," the child whispered. "I think the fort is heading in the wrong direction. I think..." he looked around and leaned forward. "I think this fort would be better off in other hands, Baroness." There was a stillness in the room. A few of the mayor's loyal soldiers slept in rooms all around them, and he would come in for daily reports. The child might have just sealed his fate.
"Make sure to vote, then," the baroness said. "The election is coming." She got up to leave the room, and added in her own whisper, "Be careful who you say this to."
"I will," said the child. The baroness left. The child examined his rotting feet.
I'm going to miss this body, Andreus thought.
* * *
Sethrist's Journal, excerptsThat tears it. I hear them every bloody night screaming their heads off. Today we finish these creatures off for good, or I'm throwing myself in the slime pool.
We found two of them rutting about in the caverns not far from the mystery bridge. This will be their last day alive.
There they are. We attack now.
Our first assault left the creatures tattered and scurrying back to the filth that spawned them. Alas, in our excitement we drew too close to the edge of that vile pit.
Lucus and dragonshardz got another kill each for the scorecards, but the winged beast knocked Lucus into the slime as it fell.
He's off to see the baroness. Between he and Gor, she should be busy for a while.
The critters bled to death in the pool, but Gor, ah, Gor. Hit in the face by the venom of the demon slug. He's blind now. I will be checking in on the baroness shortly to see how our soldiers are doing. As for the baroness' state of being, I could care less. I intend to take her position if she dies of poisoning before I do. We'll be fine as long as she keeps the soldiers alive until then.
* * *