4 Hematite, 526:
Andreus reports that the latest poltergeist problem has been resolved. She is remarkably skilled in handling such occult matters.
7 Hematite, 526:As I was walking to the dining hall today, I overheard dwarves complaining about me. "Power-hungry tyrant," somebody said! While I thoroughly support free speech and lively debate, outright sedition is intolerable! If we are going to champion the cause of dwarven freedom, we must have stability -- such dangerous talk much be stopped. I've ordered the Legions to carry out an investigation.
9 Hematite, 526:My Legions of Terror uncovered a cowardly plot to unseat me! I had them round up the ringleaders.
To confuse any other rebels that might be lurking in the fort, I had them arrested on the charges of exporting banned items, rather than charges of treason. I can't let the rebels know that I'm on to them.
26 Hematite, 526:
Ha! The nay-sayers in the rebellion all claim that I'm a failure, but eight more dwarves arrived to join the cause of freedom!
28 Hematite, 526:Today, Andreus informed me that she was ready to begin interrogating the prisoners taken in the last goblin attack. I told her to go right ahead, and I agreed to let her execute them when she was done (she called it "sacrificing" them, but that was probably just a slip of the tongue).
7 Malachite, 526:
Another dread beast has come to trouble our glorious fortress! The constant menace of Them Below must be dealt with! Not today, but someday soon...
15 Malachite, 526:I've determined the perfect task for The Bent Vessel, the artifact floodgate that an inspired dwarf produced last Slate. It shall hold back the sea itself!
And when it is opened, the current shall sweep the bodies of our fallen comrades into the tunnels where we can bury them properly.
16 Malachite, 526:This is most curious -- when we began to drain the sea, the corpses
were swept towards our access tunnel, but then they simply vanished. This can only mean one thing: those worthless rebels sabotaged the operation! It's bad enough that they challenge my benevolent rule, but now they have dishonored our fallen comrades! The rebel leaders in prison have been looking suspiciously happy.
I've ordered their rations reduced.
3 Galena, 526:
One of our workers has been inspired by my glorious example! He is rushing towards the forges.
5 Galena, 526: Erib claimed a forge, grabbed a single bronze bar, and got to work. I like his directness.
9 Galena, 526:
Erib has completed the mighty chain Evenedfords! Andreus asked if she could have it, and I said she could. She looked pleased, and as she walked off I thought I heard her muttering something about a "ritual chamber" and being able to "restrain the gods themselves", but it was probably just my imagination. Or, worse yet, a plot by those dastardly rebels to sow discord between myself and my trusted lieutenant! They will pay...
17 Galena, early morning, 526:
One of the imprisoned rebel leaders died today. It seems that somebody forgot to bring her anything to drink. All I can say is that she deserved it.
17 Galena, mid-morning, 526:
The goblins are here! Is it any coincidence that they showed up so soon after the rebel leader died? I think not! They obviously hope to avenge their ally's death! Where is my sword? To arms!

Bah! More goblins? It matters not, for I AM INVINCIBLE!
17 Galena, early-afternoon, 526:The sound of crossbow bolts thudding into my enemies signaled the arrival of my Legions of Terror. They quickly finished off the goblins.
On the horizon, I noticed another, friendlier group approaching.

But yet more goblins are charging towards the human flank!

The caravan guards are forming up while the traders race towards the fortress, and my Legions of Terror and I are on our way to help out. I've spotted the enemy leader -- a great hulking goblin with a massive two-handed sword. I've ordered my soldiers to leave him to me.
17 Galena, early-evening, 526:Victory! All invaders have been killed or driven off, and none of our soldiers or the humans were killed! A kidnapper and a thief tried to sneak in during the chaos,

but the human guards discovered them, killing the snatcher and driving off the thief.
For her courage in battle, I have bestowed Cog Walledpassion, a humble soldier, with the title "Helmed Violence-Plane of Smoothness." It is a noble title for a noble dwarf that accurately reflects the fact that she is one smooth, helm-wearing violence-plane.
After I made the announcement, I overheard some dwarves whispering that I've gone mad. I would have them thrown in prison if the charges weren't so ridiculous. Me? Mad? Would a mad dwarf have made the far-sighted decision to bolster our strategic cheese reserves?

I think not.
21 Galena, 526:
What? More cowardly goblins, lurking in the trees, waiting for a time when civilians were outside the fortress -- no doubt they were told by the rebels that now would be a fine time to strike! My Legions of Terror crushed them all, but not before they slew three brave dwarves.

27 Galena, 526:We traded with the humans today, offering a variety of trinkets in exchange for wood, drink, seeds, and food. I made sure to get all of their cheese (they had a lot), since I'm not sure that domestic production will allow us to build a sufficiently large reserve.
If nobody minds too much, I am probably going to overshoot my allotted year by two months so that I can end at a season-change (although if this is really a problem, I'll do my best to stop at the end of Limestone). In other news, Oglokoog and Ledi-ii have been dwarfed, as a surgeon and
an animal caretaker a crazy cat lady, respectively.