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Author Topic: [0.34.x] Rhenayas Drow Mod  (Read 26071 times)


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[0.34.x] Rhenayas Drow Mod
« on: November 11, 2010, 07:34:58 pm »

Because i kind of focus on that mod i make a new thread for it without the other stuff:

This mode includes a standalone playable drow race.
On embark you can choose them too (just like changing through dwarf civs in vanilla, it adds occasional drow civs).

It includes a graphic Pack by Chariot modeling the drows in most jobs.
The animals are new graphics by Doctor_Nic

* 1 new playable entity of drows: underground dwelling dark elves
* 1 new fearsome underground entity: the driders, half drow half spider
* 4 new domestic animals for your drow use: rothe (cattle), giant drowspider (hunting trainable), drowspider (vermin hunter) and giant lizards (war trainable)
* 7 new plants: fire lichen (expensive wine and powder), blue lichen (standard wine), white lichen (clothing), cave barley (standard powder and cheap "slave" drink), cave sugar beet (drink, sugar and syrup), cave strawberry (sweetwine and syrup), poison cup (dont eat it!)
* full set of drow equipment, including parry offhand weapons and the famous drow piwafi
* 2 new metals: mithril and mithral

The drow are evil like goblins and as enemys they mostly feel like them too, but the drow have high end weapons in steel just as dwarves, also beware the females, they are slightly bigger and stronger than the average male drow.
Drider use metal armors, a larger array of weapons and are considerable bigger than the known subterran civs and if you have some on your site: fun ensues!

The Drow civ has many positions:
Grand Matriarch (like Queen, female only)
High Priestess (female only, Matriarchs military officer)
Priestesses (female only, various officers under the high priestess)
Captains (can also be males, more officers under the priestesses)

Site Specific:
Expedition Leader, this is the first noble you will encounter just as with the dwarfs: he or she is on outpost embark site (handels diplomats and work complaints)
House Overseer, after the Outpost grows into a house the expedition leader will become this (main jobs diplomats until the bigger nobles arrives and work complaints)
House Administrator, a merged form of the bookkeeper and manager in one entity, apointable by the player
House Broker, just like normal broker
House Cleric, just like the chief medical dwarf, but also has a squad for law enforcement to keep your fellow drow in place (female only)
House Priestess, this is the military officer inside your outpost (female only)
House Captains, if you need more squads, they will lead them
House Guard Captain, law enforcement for the man (male only!)

Tiny House Matriarch, she will join your fortress rather early, you dont need as much stuff as you would need with the dwarfs, but she doesnt also need much of office or demands
Small House Matriarch, Your site will now be known as "small house"
House Matriarch, after you develop she will maybe get to be no longer a small house matrairch and considered a normal one,
Big House Matriarch, even more wealth has spread.
Great House Matriarch, even greater wealth and strength, you are now very near to attract the grand matriarch herself!

Weaponmaster, any House Matriarch will appoint a weaponmaster, he acts like the royal guards and has a squad too, and handels executions. basicly a mix of the champion and hammerer.
Tax Collector, the Weaponmaster will not only make the internal secure for the House Matriarch, he will also look into getting economic wealth, so he will appoint the tax collector.
Dungeon Master, just like Dwarfs, Drow love exotic animals, so the nobles will appoint the appropiate dungeon master too.

Drow use the basic elfen language, but unlike their treehugging cousins, they use the darker and evil side of the word spectrum.

* fixed titanalloy reaction
* fixed the 4 bars per boulder thing for pitchblende, ilmenite, and rutile reactions

* giant drowspider is now milkable and produces silkmilk
* new building "spidery" for spinners to produce silk thread out of the silkmilk
* sadly not properly tested yet :x
* updated for .08 with wheelbarrows and minecart tool in entity raws

* made the mod 0.34.x ready
* dungeon master got exections the new exectioner skill tag and is earlier to get (pop req 10 appointed by house priestess)
* added the cats interaction tags to the spiders

* added ALLOWED_CREATURE tags to most entity posistions so that only drow persists in the higher ranks even with babysnatcher tag on
* babysnatcher tag is now on by default (less trade, more fun)

* splitted spider related things into own files so arachnophobes can easily delete them (dont laugh a friend had this problem with the mod :x)

*added some minor new tags (leathery egg for lizard, sound for rothe, skill_learn_rate for drow castes: faster fighting but slower with some working skills)
*albino drow no longer cave adapts

*changed tag for drowspider to align with new vermin hunter tags (FINALLY!) for v.20

*added new jobs to drow (beekeeping doesnt make sense for now but there are actually deep honey insects, maybe we can get colony vermin for underground too)
*made rothe to have wool and be shearable also they are grazer now (need underground fungi) as underground beats they eat not much (get value from goats)
*giant lizards lay eggs like crocs (only reptile with lay eggs for now in vanilla?)
*added new mod_desc_range tag to drow and drider
*renamed mithral into mithralsteel to make sure noone confuses it with mithril (although it may be very hard to obtain now with scarse lead and mithril vines)
*added graphic tags for the new jobs to the default job (so shearer, spinner etc use the default farmer one)

* test with version 0.31.18 (should work with .17 too, but wasnt a update too, just lots of bugfixes)
* get rid of the abundant mithril vines (i have no idea how i did that)
* fixed bug with the broker noble (lazy copapasta = bugs)
* fixed bug with spidervenom
* raised 2h weapon value for 2h
* fixed "every drow is a hunter and get neat titanium/steel equip" bug ... females will now be clerics (doctor) and males mechanics (trap building)
* drow outcasts will now settle in the caverns, they may behave like animal people in their camps, but be wary they fight much much stronger and dont use wood ;)

* updated for version 0.31.17
* agility is lowered for drow for some better balancing
* drow are able to be converted into night creatures
* drow have a higher banditry ratio than goblins
* mithril is now way less abundant and can only be found in kimberlite and granite, no longer in microline or magnetite
* mithril can now be made into weapons, but with its light weight only edged weapons are reasonable
* mithral reaction now only produces one bar, still uses 3 lead and 1 mithril, density increased of course
* the house cleric now double as female law enforcement with their own squad
* noble screen ranking changed, ie cleric has a higher position now
* various other smaller changes, bugfixes and typos etc.

* tested with version 0.31.14
* again bugfixes and typos
* some changes in weapons and armor

* small bugfixes for 0.31.12 and got rid of some typos
* add the drow equipment to the drider entity

* made mithril a general ore an mithral an alloy of mithril and lead
* added my titanium and darklight iron mods to drow mod by generel (darklight iron was inspired by drow anyway)
* various stuff fixed and changed (most notably weapons and armor)

* fixed graphics for the nobles
* added consort naming for the matriarchs: "matriarchs favourite" ;)
* removed tomb requirments from all nobles (drow dont care what happens to their body after they die, even less they care for another one that died)
* added loads and loads of equipment for your daily drow use
* mithral as new metal, works kinda like adamantine, but is of course considerable weaker but also easier to obtain from default layers

* first full realease, should have took smaller steps? :x
* added plants for drow, so they dont have to embark with "dwarven xxx" drinks and stuff
* renamed some positions and other small changes

* graphics for giant drowpider
* oliberated static graphic use for house guard (uses military with weapon ones now)
* made arsenal tags unaviable for df .09 update

* graphics for driders and the nonspider animals
* .04 png graphics

* made giant drowspider trainable for hunting (ambush/sneaking pets, just like their malicious wildlife partners the giant cave spiders)
* culled outpost commander/guard because it bugged the squads after getting replaced by house commander

*added drider - humanoid spider-drow, they are living like other animal people in the subterranean caverns, but they are far more fearsome and using wider array of weapons.

*added common domestic animals for the drow (drowspiders are like cats, giant drowspider as mounts, gianz lizards as mounts and pack animals, and rothe for milk and meat)
*again some bug fixes

*fixed a terrible bug with the outpost/house commander to not be appointable after you got the house overseer
*some minor changes

*fixed some noble colors
*added two more land holder matriarchs
*tested around with pets, but isnt working so well as i wanted it
*highpriest will now be succeded by one of the former priests

Needs regen, dont copy it into the save raws.
* deleted the unappropiate bunny/squirrl pictures that does not belong to this mod
* various smaller bugfixes in entity and graphics txt file
« Last Edit: October 05, 2012, 01:03:37 pm by Rhenaya »
User Profile:

From "Angroshs Kinder" Das schwarze Auge Zwergenhandbuch - (Angrosh Children, the dark eye, german pen&paper, dwarven handbook):
"Elves!? Their men dont wear beards, and their women bathe nacked to lure you into the water and drown you. Thank Angrosh they are as ugly as the day and all big and skinny."

Nelia Hawk

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Re: Rhenayas Drow Mod
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2010, 10:45:01 am »

hmm its not bad, i played the last few games with drows and they seem to do fine.

well i dont know if they or their weapons are somehow "balanced to the other other weapons and not overpowered" or not... well i guess they are more or less.

the only things i noticed that are a bit weird:

-troll pets for 1 point in the embark setup screen.
-i had the brooker noble in the noble list from embark untill i got a (small?tiny?) house.
-no pesants... and tons of hunters....   but there i noticed that every drow even without any skill (at embark) start with ambusher skill... so thats why everyone was a hunter somehow.

-maybe disable the dwarf cave seeds at embark and just allow the drow plant seeds (lichen etc)? and dwarfen seeds could be traded for later with dwarfen caravans.

but its quite fun.... i like the spiders when they web enemys.

atm my fort keeps crashing after 4 years... but that might be a bug with df 0.31.18.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Usstan tlun natha hargluk ssinssriggin ilythiiri!
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Re: Rhenayas Drow Mod
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2010, 11:28:02 am »

the troll thing is a vanilla bug because they dont have an value, but the use_evil_pet tag from goblins make them aviable
everyone get the sneaking skill as drow by default, so yeah there are no peasants ever ;p its one of the new tags from .16
the problem with disabling dwarven seeds means to fiddle with the original raws as i cant link them directly with the entitys, i made some suggestions about that (pets too) but as long toady doesnt implement special "entity pet/plant" tags there is no way around, because i wont touch original raws (so you can simply copypasta my mods into the raws folder without fear to overwrite none-rhenaya mods :p)

that leaves the broker problem, i will look into that, can you give more specific infos?
you got the house overseer than he got away, or really the tiny house (noble selection)?
User Profile:

From "Angroshs Kinder" Das schwarze Auge Zwergenhandbuch - (Angrosh Children, the dark eye, german pen&paper, dwarven handbook):
"Elves!? Their men dont wear beards, and their women bathe nacked to lure you into the water and drown you. Thank Angrosh they are as ugly as the day and all big and skinny."

Nelia Hawk

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Re: Rhenayas Drow Mod
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2010, 11:56:55 am »

yeah... that are all not "big bugs".

that leaves the broker problem, i will look into that, can you give more specific infos?
you got the house overseer than he got away, or really the tiny house (noble selection)?

hmm well theres not much "info"...  i embark somewhere... check nobles and i see:
-expedition leader
-house priestess
-house cleric
-house guard captain
-house administrator

maybe the broker is linked to the expedition leader somehow? as once i got some house (not sure if it was tiny or small... just noticed it gone once after some house stuff negotiations happened) the brooker disappeared.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2010, 12:03:18 pm by Nelia Hawk »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Usstan tlun natha hargluk ssinssriggin ilythiiri!
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Re: Rhenayas Drow Mod
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2010, 12:06:56 pm »

ok got that

the line [APPOINTED_BY:MAYOR] must be changed into [APPOINTED_BY:HOUSE_OVERSEER] in the entity_drow.txt its under broker)

i wont update until .19 because i expect many new tags for the inorganics and plants
User Profile:

From "Angroshs Kinder" Das schwarze Auge Zwergenhandbuch - (Angrosh Children, the dark eye, german pen&paper, dwarven handbook):
"Elves!? Their men dont wear beards, and their women bathe nacked to lure you into the water and drown you. Thank Angrosh they are as ugly as the day and all big and skinny."

Nelia Hawk

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Re: Rhenayas Drow Mod
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2010, 12:45:14 pm »

House Administrator, a merged form of the bookkeeper, manager and broker in one entity, apointable by the player

hmm.. i wonder if there should be a broker atall... cant he just be taken out completely?
as the house administrator does everything the broker does and is avaiable from the beginning too.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Usstan tlun natha hargluk ssinssriggin ilythiiri!
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Re: Rhenayas Drow Mod
« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2010, 01:19:37 pm »

i made them 2 posistions again, because sometimes the broker just need to be someone extra, the administrator can be quite occupied with managing and bookkeeping

problem here was i just copied the dwarven broker and forgott to adjust the tags
User Profile:

From "Angroshs Kinder" Das schwarze Auge Zwergenhandbuch - (Angrosh Children, the dark eye, german pen&paper, dwarven handbook):
"Elves!? Their men dont wear beards, and their women bathe nacked to lure you into the water and drown you. Thank Angrosh they are as ugly as the day and all big and skinny."

Nelia Hawk

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Re: Rhenayas Drow Mod
« Reply #7 on: November 27, 2010, 12:07:48 pm »

hmm, somehow i have pickup that "hunter,peasant,ambush" topic once more...

that there are no peasants and instead every "unskilled" drow is hunter (because of the default ambush skill) leads to tons of "free" high material weapons and armor from migrants. it feels a bit unbalanced to get all that stuff for free "all the time/that often from migrants" like this.

just had a group of 7 migrants where 3 were hunters and thed dropped:

a few more waves of hunter-peasant migrants and i got a full squad of marksdrow equipped in full steel/titanium in the first year. (well maybe not exactly, but you get the idea)
and i think titanium is one of the rare materials or? so to get that much for "free" might be too much.

maybe you should switch around something there... so that drow have peasants... maybe increased agility instead of default ambush skill?
or maybe a lvl in dodge instead of ambush as default drow skill?

probably is intended as "sneaky drow, can good hide" and for sieges and attacks from drow... so maybe theres not workaround atm to allow them to sneak but not forceing everyone to be hunter then but peasant as embarking drow. so it might be "ok" for now.. but still feels weird somehow.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2010, 12:36:40 pm by Nelia Hawk »


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Re: Rhenayas Drow Mod
« Reply #8 on: November 27, 2010, 05:33:07 pm »

I like this mod.

and yea, with everyone being a hunter by default I end up with lots of free stuff, even titanium which seems to be comparable to steel. It's definitely not balanced.

What is the main reason to use hand crossbows by the way? Do they shoot faster?
« Last Edit: November 27, 2010, 05:34:53 pm by Blah »


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Re: Rhenayas Drow Mod
« Reply #9 on: November 27, 2010, 11:52:49 pm »

What is the main reason to use hand crossbows by the way? Do they shoot faster?

D&D Lore-accuracy


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Re: Rhenayas Drow Mod
« Reply #10 on: November 28, 2010, 12:41:09 pm »

I haven't had too much time to play this mod...but so far I really like it. Being able to play as a Drow is awesome, and you've seem to have put a lot of work into this. :)

Any chance you can upgrade it to the newest DF though? Not a big deal, but Raptr (program like Xfire), only tracks the newest DF version. But if not, it doesn't matter...still an awesome mod :D
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  • Usstan tlun natha hargluk ssinssriggin ilythiiri!
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Re: Rhenayas Drow Mod
« Reply #11 on: November 29, 2010, 02:20:49 am »

beside the broker bug it should work just fine with .18 the biggest change was in .17 anyway with the new tags

and i will update again with .19 with some other small bug fixes and because minerals and plants will most likely get new tags too, also someone promissed me new graphic set for the drow 2 months ago and i have to annoy him some more to finish them ;p

i am just thinking of how to get around the hunter with equip stuff (didnt think of that really, but it seems to be an issue)
will try if i can give the skills to castes or something like that (woman get bonus to mace and whip, males to sword and dagger, etc.)
User Profile:

From "Angroshs Kinder" Das schwarze Auge Zwergenhandbuch - (Angrosh Children, the dark eye, german pen&paper, dwarven handbook):
"Elves!? Their men dont wear beards, and their women bathe nacked to lure you into the water and drown you. Thank Angrosh they are as ugly as the day and all big and skinny."


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Re: Rhenayas Drow Mod
« Reply #12 on: November 30, 2010, 06:55:52 am »

i am just thinking of how to get around the hunter with equip stuff (didnt think of that really, but it seems to be an issue)
will try if i can give the skills to castes or something like that (woman get bonus to mace and whip, males to sword and dagger, etc.)

should be able to try that, I think, put the [natural_skill] tags under the appropriate castes, instead of in the main section of the raw.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Usstan tlun natha hargluk ssinssriggin ilythiiri!
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Re: Rhenayas Drow Mod
« Reply #13 on: November 30, 2010, 05:01:03 pm »

* test with version 0.31.18 (should work with .17 too, but wasnt a update too, just lots of bugfixes)
* get rid of the abundant mithril vines (i have no idea how i did that)
* fixed bug with the broker noble (lazy copapasta = bugs)
* fixed bug with spidervenom
* raised 2h weapon value for 2h
* fixed "every drow is a hunter and get neat titanium/steel equip" bug ... females will now be clerics (doctor) and males mechanics (trap building)
* drow outcasts will now settle in the caverns, they may behave like animal people in their camps, but be wary they fight much much stronger and dont use wood ;)
User Profile:

From "Angroshs Kinder" Das schwarze Auge Zwergenhandbuch - (Angrosh Children, the dark eye, german pen&paper, dwarven handbook):
"Elves!? Their men dont wear beards, and their women bathe nacked to lure you into the water and drown you. Thank Angrosh they are as ugly as the day and all big and skinny."


  • Bay Watcher
  • Usstan tlun natha hargluk ssinssriggin ilythiiri!
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Re: Rhenayas Drow Mod
« Reply #14 on: December 07, 2010, 01:52:37 pm »

so no more bugs or feedback? :(
User Profile:

From "Angroshs Kinder" Das schwarze Auge Zwergenhandbuch - (Angrosh Children, the dark eye, german pen&paper, dwarven handbook):
"Elves!? Their men dont wear beards, and their women bathe nacked to lure you into the water and drown you. Thank Angrosh they are as ugly as the day and all big and skinny."
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