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Messages - 10ebbor10

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 1372
Forum Games and Roleplaying / Re: Mutagenesis Team Thread | Omega Hive
« on: March 02, 2021, 04:02:17 pm »
Quote from: Borrowed
Aerplanar Revision: Grasper Coils
Within the body of the Aeroplanar, not all is as it seems. Tentacles rest beneath the surface of the chitin's bottom layer, the chitin itself having seams connected to these. They are extremely tough and durable, and can be retracted midflight. What makes them deadly in aerial combat is that very contraction that allows them to be stored within the shell, grasping prey and crushing them within the coiling, before letting go and leaving the crushed to fall to earth without them. On land these tentacles greatly improve the Aeroplane's movements and can be used to some degree in combat if one lands a top, or grasp a foe and bring it to the sky with a psionic jump before letting gravity do the rest. (Note that improves movement is more a slithering motion. Better stability helps a lot. As is not needing to rely on wings that were not designed as feet.)

Lock Stymph Crab: (2) Flabort, TricMagic
Medusa Revision: Psionic Regeneration: (3) Flabort, TricMagic, 10e10
Dart Psionics: (1) Flabort
Medusa Revision: Genetic Extension: (1) TricMagic
Grasper Coils (1) 10e10

Forum Games and Roleplaying / Re: Mutagenesis Team Thread | Omega Hive
« on: February 15, 2021, 04:58:24 am »
Quote from: Box of indecisivity
Zeever Spider (W/ advantage): (0)
Zeever Spider (no advantage): (0)
Turbo Rozer (W/ advantage): (0)
Turbo Rozer (no advantage): (0)
Granroze Wyrm (W/ advantage): (0)
Granroze Wyrm (no advantage): (0)
Esoteriport (W/ advantage): (0)
Esoteriport (no advantage): (0)
Ironclad Crab (W/ advantage): (0)
Ironclad Crab (no advantage): (1) Flabort

Cloudwalker (No advantage) : (1) 10e10
Chronorozer (No advantage) : (0)

Forum Games and Roleplaying / Re: Mutagenesis Team Thread | Omega Hive
« on: February 14, 2021, 05:10:53 am »

Derived from the aeroplanar, the cloudwalker has forever left the ground behind for the sky. The psionic nodes that gave the aeroplanar it's amazing capabilities have been multiplied, further specialized and further divided, while the rest of the body has completely withered away. In death, the Cloudwalker looks like a tangle of nerves, a disturbing tumbleweed rolling over the grave. Alive, the creature shapes itself in the most aerodynamic form to zoom about using it's psionic powers, or untangles itself into a massive sheet to glide gently over the wind.

It's physiology has changed radically to adapt to this psionic transformation. Where psionic energy requires energy to sustain, the Cloudwalker has succesfully turned this into a two way process. It derives it's food from slowing down, from descending gently, siphoning energy from the winds. A normal thermal or ridgewind represents a bounty of food for the Cloudwalker. It retains the use of the aeroplanar's planar lance as a weapon, but also gains the ability to use it's unfolded size to affect winds and weather in a moderatly large area. In large numbers, this can be significant.

Defensively, the Cloudwalker relies primarily on not being there when attacked, for it is merely a tangle of nerves that is both hard to see and difficult to hit.

Forum Games and Roleplaying / Re: Mutagenesis Team Thread | Omega Hive
« on: February 10, 2021, 12:02:42 pm »
Grubbin Punishment: (1) T2E
What's In the Crater?: (2)10e10, Rockeater, TFF
What's In the Crater?{v2}: (3)  Flabort, TricMagic,10e10

Forum Games and Roleplaying / Re: Mutagenesis Team Thread | Omega Hive
« on: February 08, 2021, 09:15:59 am »
Quote from: Antifool Box
Grubbin Punishment: (1) TricMagic
What's In the Crater?: (2) Flabort,10e10

Forum Games and Roleplaying / Re: Mutagenesis Team Thread | Omega Hive
« on: February 06, 2021, 03:33:04 pm »
Mutlithread Core: (3) TricMagic, Flabort, 10e10
Psionic Edge: (1) TricMagic
Planar Lance: (2) Flabort,10e10

Forum Games and Roleplaying / Re: Mutagenesis Team Thread | Omega Hive
« on: February 03, 2021, 04:33:06 pm »

Quote from: VoteboxCrab
Design Proposals
Unforgotten (Use Lesser Advantage): (2) Taricus, Talion
[Lower End of Very Hard]Granroze Wyrm (Use lesser advantage): (2) TricMagic, 10ebbor10
[Solidly Hard]Stymphalian Crab (With advantage): (0)
[Solidly Hard]Stymphalian Crab (no advantage): (0)
[medium]Stymphalian crab(Updated version, Lesser Advantage): (2) DGR, Flabort
[medium]Stymphalian crab(Updated version, NoAdvantage): (1) 10e10
[Higher than Granroze]Bazooka Crab (With Advantage): (0}
[Higher than Granroze]Bazooka Crab (No advantage): (0)

Forum Games and Roleplaying / Re: Mutagenesis Team Thread | Omega Hive
« on: February 03, 2021, 12:33:22 pm »
Quote from: VoteboxWyrm
Design Proposals
Unforgotten (Use Lesser Advantage): (2) Taricus, Talion
[Lower End of Very Hard]Granroze Wyrm (Use lesser advantage): (2) TricMagic, 10ebbor10
[Solidly Hard]Stymphalian Crab (With advantage): (0)
[Solidly Hard]Stymphalian Crab (no advantage): (0)
[Higher than Granroze]Bazooka Crab (With Advantage): (1) Flabort
[Higher than Granroze]Bazooka Crab (No advantage): (0)

I really do not like the Unforgotten.

They come across as boring, generic humans, and they do not fill any useful niche in our current capacities, nor do they allow for further evolution.
We're bugs, not humans.

Forum Games and Roleplaying / Re: Mutagenesis Team Thread | Omega Hive
« on: February 02, 2021, 01:35:00 am »
What you look like: While the Queens were gestated, the war was still ongoing. As disease swept the surface of all life, automated defenses waited patiently in orbit to give the world one final cleanse. They failed of course, destroyed by teeth and claw of dying voidforms. But even as many of the satellites were destroyed, others fired. Omegas nesting chamber shuddered and collapsed, crushing the fragile egg.

To any other creature, such damage would have been fatal, or grossly disfiguring. For Omega, it allowed perfection. More so than any other queen, she needed to manipulate her body, and with great devastation came radical innovation. Though Omega is one queen, she is not at all times one creature. Her eggsacks wander the cavern seperatly seeking the greatest nesting posts. Her claws are always on the edges, exploring the cavern. Her heads and forelimbs stand st every entrance, devouring the food that grubs bring.

In times of danger or need to move, she can pull together into a fearsome tentacled amalgam. At times of rest, she looks like herself after the cavern collapsed, a grand beast torn apart.

What your ethos is: Omega is, like all of the creatures, driven by a constant desire to improve herself. She would like to believe she has surpasseed her mother's design. But how can she know that she has improved, if she does not know what her original intent was? In time, what was once a minor niggling of doubt has turned into an obsessive desperation to unearth the past and lie these fears to rest, or see them confirmed and remake herself once more.

What your Mutageneic quirk is: Omega's spawn, like herself, does not die easily. Even torn apart, they will cling to live, dismembered though they are. Claws will still bite, wings will still beat, all that can be done will be done to ensure that every last piece of the hive fights till it has completely consumed it's last nutrient.

Forum Games and Roleplaying / Re: Mutagenesis Team Thread | Omega Hive
« on: February 01, 2021, 08:53:46 am »
GSA: (1) TricMagic, 10e10

Forum Games and Roleplaying / Re: Mutagenesis Team Thread | Omega Hive
« on: January 31, 2021, 10:19:57 am »
Rozer Revision: Organelle Reprocessing System(ORS)

A dedicated overhaul of the Rozer, making them bigger. However, this size is mostly due to the addition of greatly improved processing system that can sterilize and process any number of materials, and a boost to their digestive ability tied with their extrusion ability. Put more simply it can intake materials safely, prevent them from reacting due to the combination of acids and bases in their body, and process them with various organelles. Upon coming across a new material with negative effects on the body, new organelles are produced to counter that effect, kind of like a specialized white blood cell in some mammals. As a result of this, they can add something to their extrusion that targets those materials sampled, allowing tunneling through just about anything unharmed. These processes are uniquely suited to survival in any environment, it only takes a sample for a counter to develop, and with many ways of countering it's immune systems are one of the most robust that can be created.

Do not be distracted by the Shiny! They don't need weapons with nothing they can fight at the moment. Later.


I had a thought of future planning. Rozers need to deal with the toxins/spores, and heat/fire. Meet ORS, the answer to the other half of the issues. (With names like this, do expect something named EVO for whatever improves that chance in them.) This allows the creation of the Great Worm. Or at least takes care of the issues that come from tunneling through toxic ground, chemical-infused rocks, and spore-ridden earth. Not perfect, but should help Rozers. And the great worm is going to be a Thing, a massive Thing.

Quote from: Survivalbox
Fireheat Survival
HFC: (3) TricMagic, Flabort, 10ebbor10
Biobomber: (1) Flabort
ORS: (2) TricMagic, 10ebbor10

Other Revisions
Grasper Coils: (1) 10ebbor10
Psionic Air Current: (0)
Rozer+ Psionic Lift: (0)

Forum Games and Roleplaying / Re: Mutagenesis Team Thread | Omega Hive
« on: January 26, 2021, 08:50:22 am »
Plan Minimal Effort: (4) Flabort, DGR, Talion, 1oe10
Plan- Focused Effort: ()
Plan Divided Efforts: ()
Plan Split Efforts: (1) TricMagic

Forum Games and Roleplaying / Re: Mutagenesis Team Thread | Omega Hive
« on: January 21, 2021, 01:24:49 pm »
Ugh back in a tie? Let's fix that.
Quote from: ThoughtSlime
[Moderate-Moderate hard.]Locust: (0)
[Simple]Kovask: (0)
[High-Moderate to Hard]Barrier Crab: (0)
[Moderate] Medusa (5) 10ebbor10, TFF, Doomblade, Taricus, Flabort
[Moderate-Moderate hard.]Noble crab(Tric's version) (4) DGR, TricMagic, Maxim, Rockeater
[Moderate Simple to Moderate] Grasshopper: (0)

I really really hope you have revisions line up you five. Really really really. Do you? Also when it gets killed by acid and liquid plastic and robot guns I'm going to laugh.

Thinking on it.. I'm also going to feel sad for our grubs when the toxic fumes fill the tunnels and force the grubs out into the cruel world above, where there are never enough masks for them to ever receive any. Or when the underground creatures die from lack of air despite the Medusa. At this point I'm listing the things that can go wrong. In the hope that DB or TFF breaks off for the crab.

Toxic fumes filling tunnels is a far greater problem for the Noble crab than the Medusa.
Medusa will ground nearby toxins, purifying the air.
The noble crab relies on displacing the air, something which is problematic because air has a tendency to mix. Outside the shelters the volume of air needed to keep displacing toxic air is way too large to be practical.

Forum Games and Roleplaying / Re: Mutagenesis Team Thread | Omega Hive
« on: January 19, 2021, 03:06:17 pm »
Medusa Crab
A six legged creature considerably larger than the grub, encased in a simple yet durable shell carapace. It's two front legs are elongated, allowing it to grasp prey and feed it to the grub like tumors that emerge from it's back. These grubs fulfill two purposes. Firstly, they occassionally vent out a simple neutralizing solution, which forms the Medusa's shell and grounds nearby airborne toxins. Secondly, each tumor is only minimally connected to the larger creature, being controlled by it's own primitive ganglia, ensuring that any toxins or poisonous gasses are kept within the grub tumor, while nutrients pass through the main crab. In case of toxin overdose, the Medusa crab can simply snip of the offending tumor, which will eventually be replaced.

Because of the tumors independent ganglia, the Medusa can also snip of it's tumors to aid it's fellow hive members. Though the tumor is itself completely helpless (as it contains only the most basic of autonomous functions) The members of the hive can carry the tumor with them, using it's secretions to cover toxic ground, and it's natural absorptive capability to filter out dangerous poisons and food

Quote from: ThoughtSlime
Locust: (1) Taricus
Kovask: (0)
[High-Moderate to Hard]Barrier Crab: (1) TricMagic
[Moderate] Medusa (1) 10ebbor10

Quote from: Planbox
Xa-Nam (4): Twinwolf, m1895, Powder Miner, 10e10

First Warden:
Xa-Nam (4): Twinwolf, m1895, Powder Miner, 10e10

Silver Markswoman:
Xa-Nam (4): Twinwolf, m1895, Powder Miner 10e10

Venerated Veteran:
Lawless Capital (1): Twinwolf
Fortified Frontier (2): Powder Miner, 10ebbor10


Xa-Nam Bridge:
No Troops (1): Twinwolf, Powder Miner, 10ebbor10
All In:

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 1372