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Topics - LoSboccacc

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if you have access to chatgpt plus have a try to paper and gpt

it has a small python engine doing skill rolls and injecting randomness and drama, and can pick up from pdf sources of any kind

it is a bit milquetoast because gpt gonna gpt, but at the moment the option for ai that can take a game engine (however small this is) and know how to run it are a bit limited.

Other Games / Nebulous Starfleet Command
« on: August 25, 2022, 12:34:24 pm »
So I stumbed on this game, which seems interesting.

it flew under my radar for a while because the store page is absolutely unattractive, but there's a wealth of things that does *really* well

the basic first tho: you get five hulls of varying size, on which you can put internal and external modules (radars, weapons, jammers, etc) - there's a tutorial, and no campaign to speak of, the game is for now various form of tactical battles with fixed fleet point either vs AI or vs players. you can download fleets off steam workshop, and you get a selection of few maps centered around asteroids, to b e played as capture, domination or annihilation.

among the most interesting things is the sensor play. jammer, comms, active and passive radars etc create a limited information battlefield where figuring out what's happening is a challenge in itself. missiles follow similar rules, with similar vulnerabilities to jamming and spoofing, and the option of missiles that will target radar or jammer signatures.

you get various amount of weaponry, with rails sitting at the absolute peak of armor piercing and cannons of various caliber going 450mm down to 20mm for point defence purposes, plus a couple energy based weapons.

weapons have in general more range than sensor, with ships targeting using each other target information - that is, unless their communication are jammed, but jammer (communication and radar) in general act on a small cone of space, so you need to know in which direction to jam to blind or silence the enemy scout.

weapons have specific firing arcs depending on where they're attached, so point defence placement and orientation in combat is paramount to survival. ships will howerver work in bringing attack weapons to bear automatically, so at least there's that.

I've run the tutorial so far and a skirmish, and the commands are quite straightforward, reminiscent of homeworld but there's some more detail that makes them more intuitive

here's some multiplayer gameplay

this might be a stretch since it's quite off genre for the forums, but is there any petrolhead that plays or plans to get into forza horizon 4?

got it yesterday, have been having a blast, but racing randos is a lottery, one out of two races gets ruined by rammers.

anyone playing? drop your gamer tag here or as pm.

Other Games / Evolution, simulate a creature of muscle and bones
« on: January 15, 2018, 08:58:45 am »
Stumbled upon this project:

You build your 2d creature out of bones, joints and muscles, then let the AI evolve in a simulation. There are some scenario (running, climbing, etc) but no goal or game per se, beyond making the most improbable skeletons and watch them go

gif collection by the game creator:

Other Games / Increstellar - 4x lite by yours truly
« on: November 03, 2017, 10:57:22 am »
I've made a thing and it's ready for a first beta:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

It's a 4x that takes load of influences from the incremental genre and wants to be nothing more than a coffee breaker.

It contains everything you'd expect from a space 4x - bomb enemies to reduce their threat, conquer sectors, research better ships, build planetary facilities, improve your civilization and manage colony expectations - but in a compact package that keeps moving forward like more classical incrementals - artifacts grant you civilization bonuses when you secede to found a new empire and once a galaxy is yours you can move to the next for better rewards and bigger threats.

it has bugs. some by me, some because browser games are built in browsers, but it's to the point where it entertains me enough to be shared.

Hope to hear some feedback from you guys :)

Here's the direct link

And here's the devlog

Other Games / Frozen Synapse 2 has a trailer. do all the things!
« on: May 03, 2016, 04:03:56 pm »

frozen synapse 2 is growing toward greater goal with a full city with buildings to interact and things to do. trailer is scant of details, but factions alliances and gameplay make it looks like a modern xcom apocalypse.

hype high!

Other Games / Manygolf: forget
« on: April 20, 2016, 01:25:00 pm »

massively multiplayer golf.


DF Dwarf Mode Discussion / [SPOILER] following a vampire suspect
« on: February 27, 2016, 04:07:15 pm »
I got two dwarves missing. No combat report etc, so I went to all the units looking for a hint and eventually got a lead.

Of course the alleged dwarf was on a squad, trained and loaded with armor and weapons. Oh well. Demoted it to peasant, so it dropped all the stuff, just to be sure. At this point I hadn't confirmed whether it was or not a vampire.

Time to set it on a hotkey and keep an eye on it. And then it went 'No Job'. Except instead of heading to the meeting hall, it went straight to the wilderness.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

now, how do I kill that thing? Haven't found the corpses I cannot serve it some justice.

Empyrion is a space survival adventure, looks like Space Engineers, plays like Starmade but has tons of interesting places to visit, aliens to see and a few planets in the mix with asteroids, space station to conquer and all that.

The game plays pretty much as every other mining/crafting space, at least at the beginning.

you are stranded after crashing from space, oxygen is scarce, material is scarce, but the planet has plenty resources and you one emergency survival kit, which includes a constructor.

You have some ammo, but fauna while menacing is hardly dangerous. Beware of the Otyugh tho!

The first priority for surviving is to locate a fuel deposit. In this game everything is powered mainly by Promethium. Some stuff accept hydrogen fuel, but you can produce that only later. You'll see in the first video me mostly running, in search of this Promethium. Other resources are more mundane: Silicon, Iron, Copper, the usual stuff. You do get some of each at the beginning, so you can build your starting base without issue.

Placing your base far from resources is annoying in the long run, so usually when you crash land you scout around for a better spot. All of them are useful and you need a ton of iron for building a vessel, however in a planet where you need to live without oxygen, energy production is the very first priority. Akua, the other starting planet, is simpler primarily because you can breath in it's atmosphere.

Here's typical Omicron, the dry planet:

From the map there are deposits shown, point of interest shown (that's a crashed capital vessel), and the other things you might discover or will build.

But first! One needs to survive being crash landed and craft it's way to survival first and a decent spaceship next.

Game starts gently on new players and the real fighting will happen once one reaches space. For now, I'm just wandering in the deserts shooting drones and looking for more fuel to get by:

Also, I'm running an open, PVE server on this desert plane, come check it out if you wish, it's on the server browser called PVE Omicron Server

Play With Your Buddies / 15' remote control: let's play something!
« on: September 03, 2015, 07:27:41 am »
Hi gents!

I'm looking for let's play ideas. Do you want to discover a game? Curios about how something plays? Just want to troll me?

I'm gonna play 15' of whatever game is in my library!

here's a sample of the format

just post a comment with something you'd like to see and I'll pick one at random and play 15' of it.

I'm planning at one, top two video a week but if there's enough interest I'll make those at fixed cadence.

Play With Your Buddies / Blightfall - someone broke the world plz fix
« on: August 31, 2015, 05:45:36 pm »
Hi! someone hinted there was demand for a minecraft blightfall server and I had this cpus lying around.

Blightfall is a modded adventure mod for minecraft, about surviving on a bad day in a space colony gone wrong. The mod itself is pretty big, loads of quests and stuff to do!

Have a look yourself, I'm not gonna spoil anything. PM for ip, escaped lunatics need not to apply.

Server's using the modpack version 2.1.2

Other Games / Rogue System: nerdest space sim. check your lists!
« on: August 17, 2015, 04:34:24 am »
Rogue system is an unbelievably complex space sim:

have you heard of this? looks awesome if you have loads of time to learn and love to get lost in the billion little details

I can't wait to have time to give it a try

meanwhile ars technica as a nice coverage

mine ores to feed furnaces!
destroy vegetation!
kill natives for science!

factorio is so damn fun right?

I'm starting a multiplayer server for all to enjoy

post here to have ip:port (usually I'd just give the ip out but there is no blacklisting people so we go by honor system)

you'll also need:

those mods make resources endless (with diminishing returns, like oil) and remove enemy evolution caused by pollution and time (only killing bases aggroes the enemy)

I've thrown together a little KSP server here:

the fastest way into space is downloading the mod manager named CKAN:

and select USI Kolonization system and Antenna range mod, plus all dependencies. mechjeb/engineer are allowed but not mandatory ( * I think * - it's not like I understood how to configure it or anything)

to connect, use the DMP client from here

rules are simple: don't be an ass, and if you intend something to be a refuel station, name it refuel so people know it is safe to siphon off fuel from it

please fill the poll so we can have a server that makes happy the most!

note: mods are still in flux, we will get on that later on.

Other Games / The Spatials - colony building and strike team all in one
« on: November 22, 2014, 06:15:15 am »
Found this game by chance and enjoying it so far, despite being in alpha founding.

It's a colony simulator, where you build and trade resources with visitors, but to obtain those resources from planets you first have to clean them with your away team.

Spoiler: my little space hub (click to show/hide)

visitors have their own needs and will look for specific resources, so the economy is a little hard to get going at first, but you can always raise a quick buck fighting so you never really get stalled.

The game it's not yet on steam but you can buy a copy directly from their website

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