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Messages - DrTank09

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DF Gameplay Questions / Mining Crypto while Playing
« on: March 28, 2021, 03:55:53 pm »
Hey everyone,

So I would like to mine crypto with my GPU while playing on the CPU and just wanted to verify that the GPU isn't used at all during gameplay?  I know its a single threaded game that uses the CPU but I'm not an expert on how the game works and have been away awhile.

Thank you in advance for your response.

DF General Discussion / Re: State of Optimization (Returning Player)
« on: February 15, 2021, 09:18:59 pm »
So I take that as no changes.  Thank you!

DF General Discussion / State of Optimization (Returning Player)
« on: February 15, 2021, 08:44:34 pm »
Hey, I'm a returning player that has been out of the game for a few years now, I think my last time was playing 44.5?

I know the game will always be a bit intensive for computations but has it be optimized at all since I've been gone?  I heard about the architecture upgrade but I'm not really sure what all that will do for gameplay and how much that will effect the maximum number of tiles my computer can support.

I just got a new, high-end rig to play with and so want to test the capabilities but before I do that I'm wondering if there are any optimization tools for performance reasons beyond the settings suggested in the wiki.

Warm Regards,
Rolan Lodestone

DF Modding / Re: Workshop-based technology mod
« on: January 27, 2017, 11:47:22 pm »
Milo, do you happen to know of any documentation other than the GitHub site for learning more about dfhack and scripting with it?  As I mentioned in the other topic, I wouldn't mind learning how to do more extensive work with it.

DF Modding / Re: Understanding Limitations and Options
« on: January 27, 2017, 11:45:25 pm »
I applied outside my field for a UX design masters program.  I know I'm going to have to start learning coding one way or another, so why not doing something I enjoy, like modding dwarf fortress.  I know LUA probably wont be something I'll use professionally, but I've never really done any programming before, so I can see this as dipping my feet in the water.

DF Modding / Re: Understanding Limitations and Options
« on: January 27, 2017, 01:30:18 pm »
Thanks Putnam.

DF Modding / Understanding Limitations and Options
« on: January 27, 2017, 02:42:09 am »
So I'm working on a realism mod, and have been doing quite a bit of research into the Renaissance.  One of the great things is the differences in technology throughout the areas and I want to capitalize on this to remove some of the staleness from a long game of DF.  Something that causes the player to eventually rethink what is possible.  There are a number of things I would like to try through the RAWS before I begin studying up on dfhack.

1. Is it possible to limit reactions based not only on what skill is active, but what level of skill the dwarf has?
2. Is it possible to limit reactions based on caste?
3. Using place holders for reaction, item, building, and creature IDs, is it possible to change the place holders into full blown raws without having to regen a game?
4. I am looking to use items such as torcs, arm bands, necklaces, sashes, and other such clothing in order to signify rank.  How can I force an equip of these items without conflicting with coded uniforms for miners, woodcutters, and hunters?
5. Is it possible to use an interaction to permit a civilization to build buildings or make items in dwarf mode?  I haven't actually gleaned a whole lot of information regarding interactions vs reactions or how they function.

Edit 1:
forgot to add a last question
6. Is there a way to limit the quality of a good based on material i.e. a lead sword can never be all that great of quality because of it's properties and thus should never be considered to be masterful.

I know that I could just create a separate items based on reaction class.  Sword_Quality_Metal = Sword and NOT_SWORD_QUALITY_METAL = Poor Quality sword with lower value.

This seems to be a little less exact than what I am hopping is possible.

DF Modding / Re: Workshop-based technology mod
« on: January 27, 2017, 02:04:14 am »
I'm currently working on a project to make a renaissance aged technology group.  Its really amazing because in some parts of the world, at this time, people are using stone tools in rural areas, while in others, people have waterwheel powered tilt hammers for ore breaking.  Building a workshop is actually not all that hard, copy an existing workshop and learn what each of the functions do, then tweak it based on what you have learned.  This is what I did when I was working on an economy mod to create a more organized, player-controlled economy.  The building I made was a counting table, and I copied most of the information from the quern before modifying it as I saw fit.

Now, the reactions are a bit different, and don't get confused into thinking that interactions and reactions are the same thing.  It seems that interaction tokens mainly detail what specific parameters about how or when things happen and who or what they should happen to.  I'm not quite clear on this as I haven't delved into interactions, I'm still doin research before modding any more.  Reactions are specific and player controlled, more or less.  Reactions require a location for them to occur, ingredients, and usually products.  You can put a great deal of technological structure here by saying that this building has to be built with these products, then this building has to be built the products that the previous building had.

Of course, there is always the chance that the caravan will bring you the tools you need to progress.

Now here is the way that you can use blueprints.

1. buildings require blueprints to be made.
2. each item interaction requires a blueprint to be made.

The first one just means that you add the blueprint to the building materials, but it also means that it can't be used again.
The second one means that you can use the blueprint multiple times, but if your dwarves move it around a lot, this may cause unwated hauling jobs.  It also means that you could duplicate this blueprint and give yourself a reason to start a scroll industry.

I'm still trying to figure out if I can set the parameters so that only people of a certain skill can craft a specific set of items.  Such as only a fluid engineer can craft a pump.

DF Modding / Re: Workshop-based technology mod
« on: January 26, 2017, 11:50:27 pm »
Another thing you could do is require blueprints.  In order to make a circuit board, you need circuit blueprints that must be bought from the caravan.  You don't know when they are going to bring the ones you need, but they are used in reactions?

DF Modding / Re: Some Quick Questions
« on: January 22, 2017, 09:38:39 pm »
Putnam, I have a question to go on with this, even though the divine materials are hardcoded, using the raw template you provided, are we able to create other divine materials that would be generated in the same layer above the circus?

DF Modding / Re: Realism and Epic-low Fantasy Mod Compilation.
« on: January 22, 2017, 04:38:46 pm »
The way that the guilds worked in DFMW was that non-guild members had reduced experience rate gains and guild members had normal or increased rate gains.  It also included other things if I recall right, in that only guild members for the miners guild could learn secrets for "Earth Strikes Back" mod.

I would like to use guilds for more than just their in-game mechanics though, as I have another thread regarding how an economy should work using a modded currency I created.

DF Modding / Re: Realism and Epic-low Fantasy Mod Compilation.
« on: January 22, 2017, 05:34:08 am »
There is a ready to use script or plugin for spoiling food, unfortunately it also spoils non-perishables...  Was planning to look into it later on.

I also know that even though the caste system is no longer implemented, it is readily accessible and I was under the impression that a lot of people use it for various mods.  I know for a fact that DFMW does.

So Grimlocke, I was looking into your raws for the buildings for your mod, I was trying to figure out the name of the trip hammer for awhile now and wanted to thank you for giving me that info. 

I also wanted to ask the people that I'm going to draw from and are going to help with this right now if its cool if we remove magma from our fuel sources where it wouldn't apply though.  Even modern day geothermal magma chambers only reach a temp of 900 Celsius max while others barely make 500.  These temperatures are not hot enough for everything and I feel like they are a bit cheaty because it allows for players to give up wood production.  following this guide the finishing and regular forges could use the geothermal heat for preparing metals for work as well as melting borax and silver, but it wouldn't be enough to smelt with otherwise and it seems like a bad design as the air over magma is not necessarily the correct chemical composition.  There is a power module in dfhack that we could use magma for the trip hammer, but I'm kind of just throwing ideas around and was wanting some feedback?

DF Modding / Re: Realism and Epic-low Fantasy Mod Compilation.
« on: January 21, 2017, 07:14:33 pm »
Yeah, I like this approach, maybe we should organize it using a separate wiki or GitHub?  We need to figure out what industries, creatures, plants, materials, etc. should be worked on in the overhaul.  Having one person working on each specific material group could be very useful.  I started out learning about the ferro-metallurgy industry because I was looking into creating more realistic minerals and happened to get hung up there.

Stone, Gems, and Soil and Ore - May need to be subdivided for support of related industries.
Animals (probably needs subdivided and will need to work with the farming industry)
Mythical beasts (probably needs subdivided)
plants (works with medical, farming, and food industry)
trees (works heavily with wood industry)

Metal Industry
Combat mechanics and Arms
Wood Industry
Farming Industry
Fish and Fishing Indusry
Leather Industry
Alcohol Industry
Ceramic Industry
Interior Design Industry (ie decorations, bedding, etc.  Will work very heavely with other branches)
Financial and administrative Industry (This person's soul responsibility is to work on developing a good system of economy as well as giving us a better government system, anyone who has done work with the guilds would be very helpful)
Food Preparation and preservation.  (I would like for the food to decay if not preserved)
Glass Industry
Gem Industry
Health Industry  (the old masterwork introduced sickness and medicine, This could be interesting if we added in medicinal plants to combat specific syndromes)
Textile Industry
Scholarly industry
Bee Industry
Village craftworking (bone, shell, etc.)

I'd say that the important thing is to work on the materials first, then go to the industries, and return back to the materials in a cycle until we get what we are looking for.

DF Modding / Re: Realism and Epic-low Fantasy Mod Compilation.
« on: January 21, 2017, 04:09:26 pm »
I was thinking that the best method to go about this is to begin by laying out what additions should be included in the pack and create an industry layout so that the processes can be reviewed before any actual modding work needs to be done.  I really wanted to implement a system where weapons were unique in themselves by allowing for multiple materials to exist within the weapon but I know now that the source code limits us from doing this.

Before any tweaks to the game mechanics for balance, I want to tweak the game for aesthetic and learning.

I would love for people to learn how port wine is made, rather than just the simple put ingredients here and out comes the wine.  I don't intend for this to be a quick modding experience either, I'll be working on it here and there when I have time but since most of it is studying the processes of medieval industries, it will be time consuming and work/school are going to have to come first.  Don't get to large of hopes up for a year or so.

DF Modding / Re: Realism and Epic-low Fantasy Mod Compilation.
« on: January 20, 2017, 11:55:50 pm »
I'm going to keep updating this list to add onto stuff.  Thanks guys.

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