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Messages - Akigagak

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Well, things happened today so I haven't had much time to work on it, but I'm going to start working on Levi's request first. Her majesty the Queen chose it for me (I flipped a coin).

A couple of questions toward Levi, though:

How large are we talking? How many people/things need to be able to survive in this vault/gated community? Does it need to be secured and defensible?

Excellent, requests!

I'll be picking which one I work on later today, and will try to post daily updates as it progresses, before hopefully having a finished product by next Sunday.

Creative Projects / Re: Bay12 Photo Share! Your pets are adorabledible!
« on: January 12, 2013, 09:02:15 pm »
I'm not sure if it goes here, but I've accidentally stumbled upon a website where you can upload the photo of your face and then age it (or change your gender or race). It's pretty cool.


Look upon the horror you have wrought.
What the hell did you do to get that? That can't be a default result.

Scroll down to the Manga option. Also fun is the ape-man one.

So, I love making maps in Photoshop. Well, maybe love is an overstatement, but I do enjoy it. World and city maps for writing projects that never really get used, dungeon maps for use in D&D games, maps in old brown-yellow-sketchy style, maps in more detailed full colour style. Maps of castles and towers and mines.

But, I'd really like for my maps to actually get used for something. So, this is where you come in.

Demand maps from me! But, to do so, you must fulfill the ancient ritual, the design brief.

What is the map for? If you don't have a reason besides 'I want to see a cool map, you may as well let someone else get their request in and just watch.
What style are you going for?
What does it have to have?
What should it never have?
If it's a world map, do I need to mark major city cites and nation borders?
If it's a city map, what style of city? European-style windy streets and haphazard expansion or American straight roads and blocks of buildings.
If a dungeon, what sort? Cavern, tomb, prison?

With all these things, and anything else you can think of, be specific. Do not just say 'whatever you feel like' or I will probably ignore your request.

Now, I'm looking to do one map a week, as the title hints at, but I reserve the right to take longer if the request is for a large city or a similarly fiddly project.

And lastly, if I get enough requests, I'll put it up to public vote as to which gets my attention first, though I may veto this if I feel like it.

Creative Projects / Re: Bay12 Photo Share! Your pets are adorabledible!
« on: January 12, 2013, 07:40:41 pm »
I'm not sure if it goes here, but I've accidentally stumbled upon a website where you can upload the photo of your face and then age it (or change your gender or race). It's pretty cool.

Look upon the horror you have wrought.

Creative Projects / Re: Bay12 Photo Share! Your pets are adorabledible!
« on: January 12, 2013, 11:18:03 am »
This is me, mildly drunk, at a friends 'dress in checked shirts and be miserable' birthday party last November:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I'd like to say that poor lighting and a bad angle are to blame for my lack of jawline and pale skin, but it's actually not true. I'm just british.

....You do know the secret ingredient of Horsepower... right?

RedBull but with horse's ?

Methamphetamine and the blood of race horses.

I am remembered! My life is complete.

Yay, Akigagak is back! Are you DMing the in-person D&D group? I remember your Red Hand of Doom campaign... many silly times were had.

Hey Soli!

I am, actually, though I got one campaign as a player before this, in a party of 10. So much derp, though only half the party felt like being sensible or actually doing something at any given moment. Highlights included:

<My companion Wolf that never failed a constitution save, never ran away from combat, and never got knocked out. One of the only survivors of the campaign, though my Druid died.

<The mad halfling cleric Vugar, he of Owl-Bear-Head-Hat and the bane of all vampires. Another one of the few survivors.

<The Entangle spell being utterly overpowered, whenever it was used. Let our party of ten level 1s kill the owlbear with no losses, when it could one-shot any one of us if it got a decent damage roll.

<Two members of the party getting teleported away by cursed magic mirror, appearing bleeding and unconscious in their lord's hall and rather torn, scratched and bearing a bad headache inside of a tavern respectively. The character who ended up in the tavern looked around at the confused other members of the bar, looked at his shredded clothes, looked back up and uttered his final words of the game: 'I'll take the bar, please.'

<The Super Deadly Poison Trap. Just after the teleportation of those two, the party attempts to force their way into a room that bears an enticing sign upon to door. I forget exactly what it was, but it was fairly enticing. 6 of them die to a poison trap immediately, rolling really badly on their fortitude saves and the surviving two members look upon what it was they died for: A small, broken, music box.

I am remembered! My life is complete.
Hugs and Kisses Elemental. Neither you nor Fault will ever be forgotten (or forgiven) for that.
Hey hey hey, the ancient one known as Neruz was also at least mostly partially responsible.

I seem to remember you. Or at least that odd username. :P

Welcome home.
Hey Akigagak, I remember you being a cool person.

I am remembered! My life is complete. Most of the names I remember (you two included) still seem to be around, except for Vector who vanished nearly two months ago.

I don't really have a reason to post in this thread besides that, as the job search continues to be frustratingly unsuccessful, I'm still at home with the parents and have had utterly no luck with the ladies.

But on the up side, I actually have a local group to play D&D with, so woo.

Holy motherloving Christ, this thread is still going?

I remember when this thing started. I was such a wipper snapper back then.

Now to estalk the names I remember, see if they're still around.

EDIT: Oh my, I forgot this was my avatar.

General Discussion / Re: MSPA Homestuck: LAND OF STUMPS AND DISMAY
« on: October 16, 2011, 04:20:11 pm »

Mafia / Re: Ockham's Mafia - Day 2
« on: October 15, 2011, 11:11:38 am »
...Apparently yes. So also apparently my Night actions are completely and utterly pointless. I get to learn something I already knew. Fantastic.

Mafia / Re: Ockham's Mafia - Day 2
« on: October 15, 2011, 11:05:05 am »
I can probably explain the lack of a NK. Chances are, I was targeted. I'm immune to NKs because of my guards. Also, some interesting flavor in my nighttime PM. Some of my guards were telling stories about how the Darkling used to hide around these parts but disappeared years ago. Apparently he hid a bunch of loot somewhere. I have no idea if this is in any way related to the game, but in a flavor-heavy game I feel that it's worth mentioning.

Or, they just didn't try to kill anyone.

I'm a bit confused over the contents of my night action PM, that I hope someone in particular can fill me in on. So, to that person, who the hell is Albert Vessa?

And if the person I'm talking about (they probably know who they are) doesn't fill me in soonish, I will be voting for you.

Yay, shitposting±

Apparently my tilde key doesn't tilde.

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