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Topics - SoHowAreYou

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Forum Games and Roleplaying / (SG) Advancing into the Void
« on: June 15, 2013, 08:41:04 pm »
The year is 2030 and earth is shot to hell. Something about nuclear warfare. When the smoke cleared only one billion people were left.

You are the UN secretary general, in the years since the war broke out your power has steadily been rising, however even with all your power you see only three futures for humanity.
or expansion

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(Pretty standard game, more depth will be applied as needed)

Forum Games and Roleplaying / (SG) The War (Prologue)
« on: May 04, 2013, 03:30:51 pm »
The rescue mission was a disaster, what was supposed to be a routine retrieval mission turned into a drawn out blood bath with an alien race. Now as you watch the ships descend you begin to run through the events leading up today.

It started so innocently and low key, a Colonel arriving from the volume office to inspect the system defense forces. An expedition to a planet several hundred light years had disappeared and you were asked to find it. After deploying drones to the system you quickly located a wreck above desert like planet, along with the black box, so the SDF offered to take you along as an observer, which you of course excepted. On board your cruiser that brought you, you watched the general give a briefing to the officers.

After this you have a turn until you are in range of the planet, then you will launch shuttles. Of course you will end up on that planet, but you don't  know that yet.

O.k. if you played either of Ebbors old to the stars games, this should be familiar.

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Character Sheet:
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Yes that last one was directly lifted from one of the last games, ecology will not be coming back

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This one was also lifted

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If you lookup the old thread you can learn the planet generation mechanics, but its not neccesary.

Also of note new rule, you can have more than 2 positives, but then you need a negative, that I choose

Ukrainian Ranger





Ruler of Nothing


2 items of importance:
First of all if you have any suggestions, or preferences on how you want the game to go, speak now.

Also next week at some point I will mutilate the rules of this game to make a fantasy version, look out for that.

If you want to be a mercenary commander PM me that and we will work it out

Forum Games and Roleplaying / Squad 6X7 (3/8)
« on: April 11, 2013, 08:54:55 pm »
Intro: I remember the visions, the cult of death breaking the idol, the development of their hive mind, and the strange creatures in the ship beyond the sky, and the explosion which followed there deaths, today more ships appeared, but unlike before they are not filled with wonder and joy, they are filled with harsh emotion, that here on Eden we have never felt, and now as a massive column of light rises into the sky I must cry for my people, and for the sky creatures for they have doomed themselves, and will never see joy again.

Human perspective: The UNSS Hero was destroyed 1 month ago, Admiral Wright was the older brother, of the Heroes commander, has volunteered for this mission. The plan is simple: a walking heavy railgun bombardment of the planet. The operation at first appeared successful, but then strong plant life reemerged  even in the midst of the bombardment, while we have salted the planet, years went by before we figure out psionics, now our response has come. While its power has diminished, land operations are necessary and that is why you are here. Humans have a hard time fighting Gaia's psionic powers, but AI don't and this is why you were recruited, to do the land operations.

Choices for bodies:

1 super node/ communications caster

1 scout/ sniper

1 support/ demolitions

5 Reaper super combatants

Load outs come later, but the premise is your here to keep the planet down.

Forum Games and Roleplaying / Like a phoenix (C+0/C+3)
« on: April 06, 2013, 09:15:54 pm »
Well this is a game about a race, rising from the ashes of a catastrophe, finding an ancient star ship, on their moon, and restoring it to the best of their ability, and rebuilding.

Now the first thing that may have drawn you is the C in the title, this stands for collective. One of my problems with games, that have a limited number of players, is that if your not in, even with wait lists, you really aren't doing anything, so BAY12 plays the number four slot, while individuals play the first 3.

All races are the same, you are essentially a branch off of your race, for example the collective will being playing humans, you are no nations property, but you still must maintain legitimacy in the eyes of the UN, otherwise Earth will be closed to you, less of a problem later, but still devastating, the humans catastrophe, was limited nuclear warfare, players can find their own, I will give you an inventory list once everyone has signed up and I know this has a good chance going forward.

For individuals here is the race sheet:

UN analogue:
Flavor:(History + description)
Model System: (Be reasonable, don't say: the Gas giant sized super ship, with hundreds of livable moons)

Remember you are essentially all the same

For the collective: your in Sol, whenever I am short of time, which will be fairly often, until summer, I will ask for the UN report, which is what you send to the UN and will influence their perception of you, so if their is something in the turn, you don't want them to know, make it the internal report, list future actions as well, because this is your turn, send it to me in a PM, just to note if I receive more than one, I will pick one at random.

To players, if you don't want to make your system, until I give you equipment that is fine, also if I get an outpouring of support I will raise the player limit, but once we've been playing for a while, no new races will be added, and the wait list will be to take the reins of an old one.

Forum Games and Roleplaying / The Terrible Old Town (4/4)
« on: April 04, 2013, 12:31:16 pm »
A horror story, you are 4 friends who have stopped because you think something is wrong with the car your in, of course the sun is about to go down.

Just a hint there will be very few dice roles, if any, so really all you need is a name and discription


Description:(physical, and mental please)

Forum Games and Roleplaying / Alien Invasion(suggestion game)
« on: March 31, 2013, 08:03:22 pm »
I love spring break, but that is not why I am here. This is what this game is, modern human sci-fi vs. 50's style greys. So you might being saying like X-com? No, first of all this is a large scale, no tactical battles, second of all a world government, yes I know that is more unrealistic than the aliens, but it will be more fun for all of us if we don't have to worry about that. I will apply several roles to see generally how well the fight goes. Modifiers to these roles like response time or how quickly troops are at the scene, interception, or how most of the UFOs are going down, troop quality, and knowledge of the aliens are modifiers you will get.

So yeah come up with a name for the new U.N. military, all world militaries are in your hands, current tech level todays. So yeah give me and the aliens a fight.

Forum Games and Roleplaying / Horror game (5/6)
« on: November 24, 2012, 02:17:43 pm »
O.K. here is the idea, Bay12  plays as something humanity fears, there are 3 categories:

Old style: you know, demons, and that is pretty much it, powerful but, you're leaking off energy, and you will be a pariah, you built a cult and run on belief, though on your own you are strong.

Cultists, and wizards: Cultist you pray to a demon and get power, wizards work a little differently, you make contracts, and can summon, stuff to do your bidding, or just do whatever.

Tech-horrors: Insane psychic, robots, Ai, modern horrors, who take no prisoners, and kill everyone in your way, basically you do this yourself and are trying replace humanity, you get some neat tricks, depending on what you are.

Suggestion sheet:

What are you:
Orgins:(optional, just for a little flavor.)

Forum Games and Roleplaying / Interest gauge (sci-fi corporate)
« on: October 29, 2012, 07:37:05 pm »
Hey guys this thread is to test the interest (obviously) and maybe eventually become a thread for a futurific corporation game. Obviously you do things like computer, space travel, biotech etc. Submit your speciality now if you want this to go forward so here is a sheet

Name of company:

Speciality:(keep this broad)



An actual time for this start will probably be in a week or so since marching season is coming to a close meaning my teachers will murder me for any mistakes so yeah, also the time commitment.

Blah Blah Exposition Blah Blah

O.K. Precursors? I don't know, I'm making this up a I go along.

You are leader of a race here is the sheet
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You are about to embark on journey to the stars so you will need tech, but also a society ready to ascend to the heavens.

Here are some possible suggestions:

Police state, lots of crackdown facilities (prisons, barracks etc.) Probably will have major advantages in loyalty and industry, but will suck at science.

Feudalism, embrace the nobles, set up a group with near or even total religious support from the masses, similar to police state, though less internally brutal but still there are flaws.

Transcendence, Super people and rainbow kittens, heavy science and all that stuff slower start but there will be mechanics to make it worth it.

Democracy, well it's democracy.

So here are a few things to be aware of, your people have traits and quality levels so transcendence may look a little better, bear in mind police states raise loyal but uncreative citizens generally (you can run a research police state if you want). Another thing is unless you can come up with a justification in battle your race will see space as 2-D, though this can be changed.

Finally science, I hold the end vote as too what it will do but feel free to suggest.

General Discussion / U.S. Telegraph
« on: July 26, 2012, 07:52:53 am »
I started up this tread to see if maybe I could send a telegraph to a random person in the US where I live. Does anyone know the answer to my question?

So as you got from the title this would be me trying fumbling around in Endless Space which I have beat on the easier difficulties as the Craves before the Locust really got nerfed (To those who don't know the Locust ability gives Cravers a 30 turn bonus to FIDS, 30 Turns of normal FIDS  and forever penalty to FIDS afterwards). I really need to know two things:

Settings for the game like races

And website to upload pictures

Also take a look at the wiki to decide which race I will screw over.

I reserve the right to reject proposals.

Naming we will figure that out as we go along.

You are reading this, you fool, so you have decided to take a chance and come to my game, I will not be the GM, I will be the Rofl god.

Sign up



Race:(Anything you want, yes I except ponies but I will abuse and warp and disregard, the MLP canon if any of these are made, plus any other shows, games, or really anything)

Bio: If you want

I reserve the right to do anything including suspending and handing of characters, also I will do anything for the Comedy.

Word of advice do funny things and good things will happen to you, failing that you will have to put up with my humor

Forum Games and Roleplaying / You are a Nanowarrior
« on: June 22, 2012, 05:39:26 pm »
Hello I have created a long trail of failed forum games that were the result of mild creativity on my part. Now I will proceed to rip-off the entire nanobot series.

3 things you should know:

I will try to make this as accurate as possible.

The above rule has exception in the main controllers one of which you will be playing as.

You are at war with other controllers.

Also you may or may not be on Earth, as you destroy controllers you will learn more.

Online. You hit the ground at first light your raindrop transport to ground at its brothers have stopped falling.

You are simply Controller 150097, you hold a fourth of the cipher and thanks to a subatomic quantum computer nicknamed author laziness you are a nano-bot with sentience and semi-directed randomness a.k.a. creativity. You are not capable of replicating yourself. You can make less advanced robots. Your sensors detect a large amount of concrete and carbon fibers nearby. Query how shall you proceed?

General Discussion / What do you think of the English language?
« on: June 08, 2012, 08:39:42 am »
Because I know there are so many non-native English speakers I want to know what the rest of the world thinks of English. Technically I am a bilingual American but the other language is Latin. I just want to see your guys opinions on this language out of curiosity.

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