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Messages - Rockphed

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 54
A giant undead grasshopper was causing floor constructions to get suspended.  I sent the adamantine equipped mace lord squad after it.  Usually 1 hit to the head will mangle it.  But they fought it right next to the magma moat, and the grasshopper pushed 2 mace lords right into the magma like it was nothing...

Please tell me your mace lords don't have admantine maces.  Those things are only good for giving to hammerers.

Other Games / Re: How did you last *own*?
« on: March 27, 2020, 10:04:09 am »
Was playing CKII and switched to my cousin who won the crusade for Jerusalem.  I had gotten a bunch of egyptian land and the knights templar had gotten the duchy of damietta (the nile delta, more or less).  Then the ravening Aztec hoard invaded.  I mostly ignored them because I was too busy beating up Fatimids and Seljuks.  Then they declared a war on the Templars for Egypt.  I decided that I would rather not border the Aztecs (since they are blood-thirsty and had a doomstack to end all doomstacks), so I joined the war.  They had about 320,000 troops at the start of the war.  By putting my entire army under the direct command of my god-queen of jerusalem I was able to (mostly) win every battle with the Aztecs and win the war.  I wish I had taken screenshots of their army before and after the war because afterward they had about 30,000 troops, so I killed about 300,000 bloodthirsty aztecs with an army that capped out at 20,000.  I mean I mostly fought the aztecs in small groups (15-20K troops), but I was still toasting armies about 50% bigger than mine with minimal losses at the end.  I like to imagine my queen wading through the battlefield cackling as she mowed down her enemies.

DF General Discussion / Re: Future of the Fortress
« on: November 22, 2019, 09:14:14 am »
I love the artifact thief deciding to go visit the tavern after getting his artifact.  Fleeing the map is probably wiser, but it paints an awesome picture.

DF Dwarf Mode Discussion / Re: Face Palm moments you had
« on: November 15, 2018, 01:20:43 am »
The Good News is that the !!DEFENCE!! system worked. The bad news is that there was a leak.

The (3) survivors are now stuck in an office while the control lever is under 7/7 magma on the other side of the fort.

Is the magma contained, or is it slowly spreading out to cover the rest of the landscape?

DF Dwarf Mode Discussion / Re: Face Palm moments you had
« on: October 25, 2018, 03:29:28 pm »
I dont see the problem. Need a war? Start one. Go and raid those gobbos. :p
need to learn "how to military" first.

This sounds like the perfect opportunity!  Train up a couple squads in weapons, then give them orders to go "rescue" an artifact from the goblins.  Eventually the goblins will get fed up and attack.

DF Dwarf Mode Discussion / Re: Face Palm moments you had
« on: October 24, 2018, 05:25:29 pm »
used marking mode channel designations to mark where my roads shall go... later found a boulder in the path and designated smooting - which activated that tile for channeling. so the caravan's wagons went by without going to my depot :(
My latest caravan got almost all the way to my depot, with two wagons not quite there yet, and then stopped in its tracks for no discernable reason.

Did a tree grow somewhere on its path suddenly or a wall get finished that blocked their path?

DF General Discussion / Re: Future of the Fortress
« on: October 24, 2018, 05:24:34 pm »
2 questions:

When you talk about silly additions, what do you mean?   My experience with previous additions is that the silly stuff is normally caused by weird interactions between recently fleshed out systems and systems that are still placeholders.

As Dwarf Fortress gets more complex, how do you check for bugs?  It seems too complex to exhaustively search the event space, but just turning it on and seeing what pops out seems likely to miss things.  Maybe I should specifically ask how you came to check what happened to the trade warehouse when the fortress got hit by a forgotten beast?

DF General Discussion / Re: Future of the Fortress
« on: September 25, 2018, 03:14:22 pm »
I look forward to a bug where a villain is turned in to a night troll spouse and proceeds to terrorize the world from their lair.

DF General Discussion / Re: Future of the Fortress
« on: September 17, 2018, 07:36:56 am »
I wish there were an easy way to get narration like the stories Toady tells of his worlds.  I am sure that I could parse it out, but it never seems to click.

DF Dwarf Mode Discussion / Re: Face Palm moments you had
« on: September 05, 2018, 06:32:31 am »
I finally find water on the third cavern level.

3 dwarfs die of dehydration on the way there.

Why were you trying to have your dwarfs drink water?

DF General Discussion / Re: Future of the Fortress
« on: August 30, 2018, 04:58:23 am »
If dwarf fortress has taught me anything, it is that by studiously lighting yourself on fire you can become immune to any ailment.

Have you looked into getting a proper AC?  If you only use it during the smoke season, it shouldn't cost that much to run and should make life much more bearable.

DF General Discussion / Re: Future of the Fortress
« on: August 19, 2018, 12:12:14 pm »
I, for one, welcome our new Jilted Lover overlords.

DF General Discussion / Re: What turns you off about DF?
« on: August 17, 2018, 12:30:15 pm »
As for "bringing in some experts", the difficult part of multithreading is not that you need to know how multithreading works, but that you need to know how the entire architecture of what you're attempting to design works, and how multithreading works, and how you can mesh the two together. It's either Toady adding it, or Toady spending 2 years teaching some coder every in-and-out of his code to then have that coder spend another 3 redesigning everything to make it work, with effectively no progress on the game itself in that time.

As I said at the bottom of the last page, "I also suspect that the basic loop of the game is a horrible spaghetti-code mess that he doesn't want to try to pick apart to make things parallel."  My own experience with parallel processing is entirely offloading large, equivalent operations onto the GPU, which requires significantly more thought than just "make a function call".  Okay, so it ultimately devolves into "make a function call", but there is significant data handling first and you need to make sure that all parallel options have accessed the data before you alter it, otherwise you end up with a random result.  And that is for numerically identical things like blurring a photo.  Dwarves aren't doing identical things on every tick, so you need more of a CPU model than a GPU model (i.e. you need to execute arbitrary code in parallel, rather than executing almost identical code with a couple branches)

DF General Discussion / Re: What turns you off about DF?
« on: August 15, 2018, 04:24:31 pm »
ToadyOne when hes spoken about it, doesnt believe it will do much for the game.
Well, it's Toady's game. He knows what's good for it.

I suspect that if Toady could split all the lists apart and process each in parallel that the game would experience less slowdown for having tons of objects.  I also suspect that the basic loop of the game is a horrible spaghetti-code mess that he doesn't want to try to pick apart to make things parallel.  I remember Toady once saying that he had an idea of how to do it, but it would take about a year of development and would add 0 features, which he doesn't want to do.  Frankly, I don't blame him.

DF General Discussion / Re: Future of the Fortress
« on: August 13, 2018, 05:43:24 pm »
Where will we see these (tacky) villainous names show up?  I'm pretty sure we will see them if we start unraveling plots, but will we also see them when a death squad comes to put an end to our interference?  Will we hear of their alias when told of troubles ("Bloodmist the Evil sends his goons to harass us, but none know where he hails from" type of conversation)?

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