Bay 12 Games Forum

Other Projects => Other Games => Topic started by: The13thRonin on March 29, 2014, 09:16:23 pm

Title: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: The13thRonin on March 29, 2014, 09:16:23 pm
Let me start off by saying that many people will enter this topic who have made up their minds already just from the title that they are going to launch into a defence of gaming. If you read nothing else then I hope you at least read this first paragraph. I don't WANT the videogame industry to suck, heck I have spent the better part of the last five years trying as hard as possible to convince myself that things have become 'different', not worse. As someone whose first memories were based around DOS prompts and gaming and who has spent at least every second day since with a controller or keyboard and mouse in hand there is nothing more in the world that I would like to believe than the idea that videogames are getting better. But I don't feel that I can lie to myself any longer and so this post was born as much to get my thoughts down on 'paper' as to open up discussion. For the sake of avoiding any misunderstandings I feel that starting with a short FAQ would be best:

Q. Boring... Read this all before... PC gaming is dead... Blah, blah, blah... Pack up your keyboard and go home Ronin.

A. I'm sorry that you feel bored. I wrote this post primarily for me, you do not have to read it. As someone that feels that a large part of my identity comes from gaming [being a huge part of my life for 20+ years now] I really felt the need to put this all down on 'paper' if for no other reason than to vent.

Q. So you think all videogames that have been produced over the last 5 or so years and are being produced today are terrible? Have you lost it completely?

A. Certainly not. There are occasionally still good games made [heck Minecraft came out in the last 5 years and that was fantastic] but I do believe the overall quality of the industry and games has dropped dramatically.

Q. You are wrong!

A. You are certainly entitled to believe that. I can understand why you would feel that way... I certainly spent a lot of my time trying to convince myself that I was wrong too. I wish I could still convince myself most days.

The Rise of Gaming for Me:

The first gaming rig I owned was a rig that ran DOS. I loved the crap out of that computer and managed to amass quite a collection of floppy disks. It certainly wasn't convenient or easy to be a gamer... Hardware cost a small fortune and I remember some games being up to 8 floppy disks. Later on I acquired a Super Nintendo and then after that an N64. I remember fondly a bunch of games that I can no longer remember the titles of. One game that particularly caught my fancy was Harvest Moon for the Super Nintendo.

It was an exciting time to be a gamer. Everything was always constantly improving, game design, technology and game developers seemed to respect gamers. Games made you learn and master the mechanics before you could win. Expansion packs actually extended the game. Developers were willing to try innovative and new things. It was an exciting time because you couldn't even imagine the absolutely ridiculously good games that were over the horizon. Many people will claim that I am nostalgic but I challenge those people to really think about how the industry worked... Putting aside the technical limitations have things necessarily improved?

The Focus on Graphics:

Somewhere along the way... It's hard to pinpoint an exact date the focus for developers shifted from game design to graphics. At first this wasn't such a bad thing... The blocky graphics of DOOM and Half Life 1 while having a certain retro-charm were not exactly easy on the eyes by any stretch of the imagination...

Graphics are an important part of a game. I won't argue that. You will notice I said PART though. Graphics are only one part of the experience. Think of it like restoring a car... Not many people enjoy a slow car do they? But if you blow your whole budget on a massive twin-injection V8 engine [that's probably not a thing... I'm not a car guy] and the rest of the car is still a wreck does that make it a good car?

What's this Ronin? Last gen graphics? WHERE'S MY BLOOM?

If graphics are advancing at the cost of every other single part of the game then there is a problem... A serious problem. I think that the focus on graphics became a problem when we hit the 'bloom' generation of graphics... Let me state this right now... Bloom is not making anything look better... What it is doing is making my eyes bleed.

Bloom... The reason why our children will eventually live in caves under the Earth...

It seems like there's always 1 graphical gimmick of the day that every game MUST have... 99% of the time that graphical gimmick actually makes the game look WORSE.

These days developers don't even bother to advertise FEATURES of the game anymore... They just show things exploding and then fart out their brand name afterwards. You just know somewhere there's a CEO in an office yelling at a group of guys because their modern FPS shooter had three less explosions in their ad than the other teams modern FPS shooter had in their ad.


The Casualisation of Games to Appeal to a Wider Market:

Let's get this out of the way straight away... Game developers [at least the big ones] believe you are an idiot... It's OK they believe I'm an idiot too.

Game developers think we don't want deep experiences... We want to drool at the graphics on display and complicated things like BEING ABLE TO OPEN DOORS should be left to the AI companions. And when you look at the AI companions it truly is an insult to think that game developers give them more respect than the player.


What's completely astounding is that gamers do not want to be treated this way... Games that do not hold your hand [Minecraft, Portal, Dwarf Fortress, etc] have been crazy successful.
I might be alone in this but if I'm playing the game I want more than just an on-rails experience... Let me wander the halls... Let me call the shots... LET ME OPEN THE GOSH DAMN DOORS.

First level boss battle.

The Rise of Consoles + Mobile Games and the PC Port + DRM and Always Online:

You know what I love? Spending $2000 on hardware so that I can play a terrible port... Why... For the love of all that is good in the world would you not start development on the platform with A) the best hardware and B) the most possible variations of hardware... Common sense would dictate porting to a simpler, fixed specifications platform would be easy from that position... I really have nothing more to say on this... I'm perfectly happy for consoles, I know that a lot of people love them but that's really not an excuse for developers to abandon the PC almost entirely.

Remember when playing a game was as simple as putting a CD key in? Now you need to go through five extensive background checks, report to your local government agency, show them your passport, pass a drugs test, qualify for the Winter Olympics and then after all that you can play.

Oh wait no you can't because the servers aren't up...


Kickstarter and the 'Indie' Scene:

Some people claim that gaming was in fact saved by the rise of Kickstarter and the 'Indie' Scene [note the sarcasm marks please]. Let's get Kickstarter out of the way first...

Dear Kickstarter... I hate you... You are a land of broken promises and failed dreams... The cake was a lie.

Kickstarter has produced SOME [some in this case meaning VERY LITTLE] worthwhile stuff. For the most part though you have simply given a platform to 'ideas people'. Before I go any further... I do not make games therefore I guess I am an 'ideas person' myself. There's nothing inherently wrong with 'ideas people'... Until the 'ideas people' decide to try to make a game... Then $200,000 backer-dollars later a half-finished, unsatisfying game is given up on and left perpetually in alpha in all but name. I can't think of one game that was Kickstarted and has actually properly finished production... There probably are some out there but the fact remains that most are not.

Moving on to the 'indie' scene. You know what you were lacking games industry? Hipsters... Well worry no longer! Because now we have an army of indie developers and just look at the armada of interesting games it has created:

Braid - retro style platformer
Fez - retro style platformer
Super Meat Boy - retro style platformer

Hang on a second... I'm noticing a pattern here... There is a disturbance in the 'indie-force'...


What's more worrying than the fact that a large part of the 'indie' scene is even less creative than AAA games is the extreme dickishness of the developers:

Example: Phil Fish, creator of Fez: "PC's are for spreadsheets". Phil Fish also told critics to "go die".

If anyone here has seen Indie Game: The Movie they'll know what I'm talking about... Some people consider games art... Well games are supposed to be fun as well. If you game is not fun calling it 'art' does not make it a good game.

The Future of Videogames?

From my perspective it doesn't look bright. Every day I lose a little bit of hope. One day I hope I can get excited about the future of videogames again. Until then I guess I'll always have Dwarf Fortress.

I could spend all day posting more but to be honest I am exhausted and thinking any more about it will just make me even more sad. So I will cut it off right here... Over to you for discussion/criticism.

Things I will cover if I come back to this post... DLC... Freemium... Paid-Reviewers... Etc...
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Levi on March 29, 2014, 09:40:49 pm
Man, I completely disagree with you about indie gaming.  Its not just for hipsters and it really has improved gaming as a whole.  There pretty much wouldn't be platformers and puzzle games these days if it wasn't for the indie resurgence(and I LOVE those genres).

And its not just platformers.  There are indie 3d shooters, indie shootem ups, indie point and click adventure games and more.  Honestly I think we are pretty much in the golden age of gaming.  I buy almost every game I play off steam on sale for 5 dollars, and I can't even keep up with them.  They are producing more interesting games faster than I can plow through them.  And I play a LOT of games. 

I've been gaming since the commodore 64 as well, so its not like I haven't been there for most of the evolution of gaming.

And I loved both Braid and Super Meatboy because they were both great games, not because of some hipster label.   :P 

(and everybody knows what is really wrong with gaming is microtransactions).
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: BFEL on March 29, 2014, 10:12:50 pm
Well Ronin....I'm not gonna say I disagree with you, because for the most part you're right. Gaming has flown into a Bermuda Triangle of Action Adventure God of Duty Call to War and its in a messed up point right now.

But, good news: That's pretty much on the verge of exploding. The crazy AAA games are slowly killing themselves with a economically unfeasible businessplan (pretty much everything they make costs more to make then they make back.) and more then that, gamers are getting more aware of how ridiculous it all is.
We're tired of this bullshit, just like you are, and that's gonna eat into the profits of the corporate shitsacks until they all jump off a building. Its a self-solving problem at this point. Granted its solving itself SLOOOOOOWLY, but its getting there.

As for the Indie thing, don't forget that Minecraft started as an indie game too, as did the great Kerbal Space Program. Indie games are basically "lets let everyone have a try" and yeah, that's gonna throw a lot of bullshit out there, but its gonna give us some great things too. I would say the indie scene isn't gonna kill gaming anytime soon.

The main problems I think gaming has right now boil down to: Consoles, and "Free-to-Play" games.

Now consoles in and of themselves aren't a problem, it was a great idea to make a system that starts pretty much instantly and you don't have to check the specs of. Note that the games you started with, the Super Nintendo and N64 are consoles. The problem is that Microsoft and Sony are comically missing the point.
They're both making really terrible PCs and calling them consoles, and that's retarded.

As for Nintendo....they're alternating between being stuck on their past successes and making gimmicky "innovative" hardware that adds nothing to their games.

As for Free-to-Play, its being mishandled. Hilariously so. You probably heard about the "Dungeon Keeper" fiasco, and that's ridiculous.
Granted even its more benevolent uses can be pretty insane if you look at it purely by the numbers. A game I enjoy is Star Trek Online, and while its free and completely awesome, I did the math and the amount of money one would need to buy all the possible ships and other optional crap is utterly insane.

Ok I didn't do all the math, but it comes out somewhere in the range of thousands of dollars, so its kinda crazy. I still love it, and I don't feel all that exploited by it as-is, but jeez.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: werty892 on March 29, 2014, 10:16:09 pm
*grabs popcorn*
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: alexandertnt on March 29, 2014, 10:17:30 pm
Warning: Hastily written mega-post inbound.

If graphics are advancing at the cost of every other single part of the game then there is a problem... A serious problem. I think that the focus on graphics became a problem when we hit the 'bloom' generation of graphics... Let me state this right now... Bloom is not making anything look better... What it is doing is making my eyes bleed.

Bloom as some good uses. It can help produce the effect of an increadibly bright light, for example. Much nicer than having your high-powered light being a small collection of underwhelming white pixels.

But Im not sure what the big deal is. Most games let you turn it off and its not like it costs money or time to develop (its a trivial post-processing effect (like 30 or so lines of shader-code), you can download a bloom shader from the internet for free).

Yeah, bloom can be annoying, but it seems like a far too minor thing to consider part of the "Decline" of the video game industry.

Im suprised you diddn't touch on SSAO, thats an effect thats been abused more than bloom, and generally looks much more nasty than the innocent little bloom effect.

Most of the technology behind the graphics are handled by a third party engine, so its generally a suprisingly small part of game development. Making the art is generally done inhouse, but is assisted by the fact that it is often harder to make lower quality graphical art (requires abstraction, special considerations, special tools, particular approach, sculpting high-poly models frequently easier than box modelling a decent model), and improvements in CAD software.

These days developers don't even bother to advertise FEATURES of the game anymore...

yes they do. For any game its easy to find a gameplay trailer or something like it online. Looking at games on the steam store page, I can almost always find a description of the game play and a set of dot points outlining the game.

Most of the advertisements on TV "back in the days" spent most of their time showing off their flasy visuals too.

We want to drool at the graphics on display and complicated things like BEING ABLE TO OPEN DOORS should be left to the AI companions

Stuff like this is done to keep the game flowing, not because players are dumb or some strawmanny nonsense. Some players dont want the game to abruptly slow down just because there is a door in the way. Enabling the AI to do stuff like this also gives a better sense that the AI exist as characters and are not just fleshy gun turrets.

I have no idea what your image here has to do with modern games, most earlier games either did not contain AI at all, or their AI was equally as broken.

The Rise of Consoles + Mobile Games and the PC Port + DRM and Always Online:

Console games are developed on the PC, you can't develop on the console itself.

the best hardware

If you spend 2000 dollars, than yes. most people have not spent 2000 dollars on their PC. If you develop on a super-pc, then its going to be a pain in the ass to make your game work on %97 of the PC market. You develop for your primary platform (the one that is expected to make the most money), that is common sense.

that's really not an excuse for developers to abandon the PC almost entirely

It sort of is. PC's dont have some inherit right to have games ported to, or developed for them, and companies are only going to do so when their is a reasonable business oppurtunity.

Remember when playing a game was as simple as putting a CD key in?

Every. Single. Time. I. Wanted. To. Play. And then the game pauses and asks me to enter the 5th word of the 14 page of the manual. Truely, the golden age of gaming. Now, I just double click the game in my steam list and up it pops, even without an internet conneciton (for 99% of single player games).

Games with online DRM have been fairly limited, and its becomming less popular still (Ubisoft announced that they are not using it, for example).


Kickstarter has just brought to light the crap that has always existed. Sturgeon's law and all that.


Because those games cant be genuinely enjoyable games in their own right.

Braid - retro style platformer
Fez - retro style platformer
Super Meat Boy - retro style platformer

Are you implying that those games are all the game? They are all interesting, fun and original games.

Some people consider games art... Well games are supposed to be fun as well. If you game is not fun calling it 'art' does not make it a good game.

No, but it doesnt make the game, or games in general crappier either, so I dont see how this is related to the idea that games are in "decline".


Sucks, but genrally improving in quality.


Sucks, I can't defend that.


Sucks, but has been around forever. Back in the time when it was harder to find alternative reviews it was even more devistating.

From my perspective it doesn't look bright. Every day I lose a little bit of hope. One day I hope I can get excited about the future of videogames again. Until then I guess I'll always have Dwarf Fortress.

What about KSP? Or is that a hipster indie game?

gimmicky "innovative" hardware that adds nothing to their games

the motion sensor stuff has been abused to hell and back (wriggle games), but there certainly exists games that have made genuinely innovative stuff of them. Sports games on the Wii are often very responsive and satisfying.

So yeah, I completely disagree with you (and I started gaming on DOS/NES). Games have been getting much better. Less clunky, more immersive, more varied etc.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: The13thRonin on March 29, 2014, 10:32:42 pm
To the claim that developers want to 'keep the action flowing':

I don't see the 'flowing'.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: BFEL on March 29, 2014, 10:36:01 pm
that's really not an excuse for developers to abandon the PC almost entirely

It sort of is. PC's dont have some inherit right to have games ported to, or developed for them, and companies are only going to do so when their is a reasonable business oppurtunity.

This is really the only thing in your post I find serious fault with. To quote Jim of Jimquisiton fame: "When did making money become a holy quest above scrutiny"
Just because a company is expected to care about making money doesn't mean it "has a inherent right" to actively exclude what is quite simply a more advanced platform. Could putting their game out for PC hit their figures? Sure, but its still a nice thing to do, probably isn't going to bankrupt them anytime soon, and will help make them look less evil in the long run, so there is benefit there.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Glloyd on March 29, 2014, 10:43:12 pm
Despite many of the sweeping generalizations you make, I agree with you in general. However, I largely disagree with your section on indie games.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Arcvasti on March 29, 2014, 10:56:32 pm
On some level, you're right. Many AAA games are trash. A lot of MMORPGs are trash. Freemium games are usually bad too. I don't game on console a lot, so my knowledge might be lacking there, but you seem to be overgeneralizing a tad. I personally see Kickstarter and indie games as the light of the future of gaming. FTL was awesome, Antichamber was awesome and a fair portion of indie games are innovative. Plus there's games like Clockwork Empires, Portal 1 & 2 and Skyrim from larger companies which are really good. Some of them know their buisness. I'm with you about the over-focus on graphics lately and I honestly don't care about the difference between text-based, ASCII, Half-Life 1 graphics and the latest 3D super realistic game which came out. I am of the opinion that the bad games are the result of more less-talented people getting into the gaming industry because of the absurd profits really good games got. It seems like games are more and more like fanfic these days: The majority are horrible, but the really good ones are to die for.

TL;DR: Basically what Glloyd just said, but more words.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Hugehead on March 29, 2014, 10:59:46 pm
Super Meat Boy and Braid are retro? I guess Braid's genre existed in a small sense before it was made, but I don't understand that comparison at all. And Super Meat Boy... Super precise platformers like it never really existed back in the 80's and 90's either, so I'd like to know what you're referring to there as well.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Shadowlord on March 29, 2014, 11:03:09 pm
To quote Jim of Jimquisiton fame: "When did making money become a holy quest above scrutiny"
Just because a company is expected to care about making money doesn't mean it "has a inherent right" to actively exclude what is quite simply a more advanced platform. Could putting their game out for PC hit their figures? Sure, but its still a nice thing to do, probably isn't going to bankrupt them anytime soon, and will help make them look less evil in the long run, so there is benefit there.

Perhaps when most of the companies making great games went out of business or were swallowed up by larger companies after releasing them, for example, Microprose (Sid Meier and co went on to found Firaxis), Looking Glass Studios (whose employees moved to Ion Storm Austin - both branches of Ion Storm later shut down as well after releasing several games that were commercial flops), Maxis (became part of EA), Westwood (bought and largely destroyed by EA), Origin (bought by EA, ceased to exist in 2004 although since 1999 or so they only still existed to support UO)? Or perhaps just when the costs of making games started to go up, and businesspeople started to helm game development companies, which is different times for different companies.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Frumple on March 29, 2014, 11:07:08 pm
I'm with you about the over-focus on graphics lately and I honestly don't care about the difference between text-based, ASCII, Half-Life 1 graphics and the latest 3D super realistic game which came out.
Apropos of nothing, reading this made me have flashbacks to like the late 90s. It's amazing I've been reading basically that exact same line for over a decade and a half.

That... that might say something about the actual existence of a recent over-focus on graphics. Unless we're talking recent in the, like, centennial sense or something.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Cheedows on March 29, 2014, 11:08:38 pm
Like others have said, even if it is a generalization I completely agree about fremium games, pc ports and emphasis on graphics. Currently there is this mentality that graphics make the game rather than the gameplay, games with old graphics automatically become shit. But I disagree with you on the indie gaming scene, sure some is bad but the thing is there are so many that of course you'll get bad games. But then you get amazing games that are indie, indie gaming gives more choice to the games you play.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: freeformschooler on March 29, 2014, 11:23:51 pm
The sheer amount of good video games in existence right now is outrageous. If gamers were to go back and play the ones that already exist, Renaissance style, discovering every last bit of them, ( no one would have time to complain about "modern gaming" or "the future of gaming." We don't need innovation in game mechanics or less focus on graphics or a paradigm change. We need to change
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Neonivek on March 29, 2014, 11:26:21 pm
I feel like 13th Ronin is more exaggerating then flat out wrong.

I mean who hasn't seen Indie games, what was once heralded as the savior from triple-A boredom, fall into the same stagnation that every other game fell into because of "follow the leader" and "Nostalgia bait".

Does that mean indie games are entirely without merit now? No...

But it is genuinely rant worthy.

I am not personally in the mindset that videogames are irredeemable and that truly great games will ever stop being made or stop being made with any frequency.

Honestly my belief of why there are soo many gems in the really old games was more that they had to take risks because no one knew what constituted a great game back then... and heck during the Golden Age of Videogames the most amount of absolutely dreadful games were made at the same time.

Well ok that and the "Primary people who played videogames" back then were "Gamers" and not "people who played videogames".
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Robsoie on March 29, 2014, 11:30:40 pm
I can't say the videogame industry is in decline, i'm a bit over my forties and have been playing games for a couple of decades and some.

And never back in those days you had publishers or guys like Newell swimming in gigantic seas of money like they're doing now.
So industry decline, i really doubt it.

Now that said, i must recognize that what have been in decline is my interest in several game genres, i guess getting old play a part, but the continous flow of clones of financially successful games that didn't really captivated me to start with play another good part.

But in the same time my like/dislike is of no importance for the industry as considering what i'm playing the most on my free time that has a gaming part makes it so i'm not the target audience anymore, so me not buying anything from modern time does not have any impact, as big guns of videogaming do not care about someone that small game time is spent on games that are either 10 or more years old or are made with visuals that can be reproduced on notepad.

Regarding indie, people trying to sell a game without having to go through a big publisher is far from something new, when i was young i remember the stories of people coding games in their garage and trying to sell them.

The only difference is that at the time those guys didn't have all those platforms helping them to make a living out of this, and there wasn't the internet as the great tool to advertize the product of their work. So it wasn't rare some of those games weren't getting more than a couple of dozen units sold from "ear to ear" , but at least they helped those guys to get a nicer curriculum vitae for when they would try to get into a company later.

Now with the insane cost of those AAA videogames, it's not a surprise that they're all more or less clones as those big publisher need to not lose money on them, as they have a need to please their investor and stock holders, losing money could just be fatal for those companies, so cloning what has been a proved financial success again and again makes sense, especially as there are constantly new kids getting in age to play videogames for whom those clones are in fact new games that they will buy.

So if you really want more than just rehash of the same thing, the indie scene is the actual place in which people will still try to make new concepts or make things they actually like first before any thought of "profit is priority" instead of just making a copy of what has been cloned dozen of times before.
Now sure you'll get a bunch of bad or uninteresting game, but you'll get some gems too, but that's the same for everything after all.

I'm with you about the over-focus on graphics lately and I honestly don't care about the difference between text-based, ASCII, Half-Life 1 graphics and the latest 3D super realistic game which came out.
Apropos of nothing, reading this made me have flashbacks to like the late 90s. It's amazing I've been reading basically that exact same line for over a decade and a half.

Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Neonivek on March 29, 2014, 11:39:08 pm
I think the industry is currently in a decline... but I am referring to the business side of things.

But I need to actually check the numbers.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: jocan2003 on March 29, 2014, 11:56:19 pm
*grabs popcorn*
You better let me have some XD
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Arcvasti on March 30, 2014, 12:16:40 am

I'm with you about the over-focus on graphics lately and I honestly don't care about the difference between text-based, ASCII, Half-Life 1 graphics and the latest 3D super realistic game which came out.
Apropos of nothing, reading this made me have flashbacks to like the late 90s. It's amazing I've been reading basically that exact same line for over a decade and a half.
SOME of us haven't lived long enough to remember that. ; ) I'm mostly talking about showing Dwarf Fortress or Nethack or Wizardry or Morrowind to someone and them rejecting it out of hand because of the graphics. Which isn't entirely fair to the poor game companies since they don't have anything to do with those people most of the time. And besides, gameplay and graphics aren't mutually exclusive. I mean, graphic designers don't necessarily have the know-how to code games. They just graphics and the programmers just program. Not ALL that much overlap. The performance of the art team and the development team is usually mostly unrelated. Except when the prior gets a vastly higher budget then the latter, I suppose. It looks like, that when there's a major advance in graphics and not in gameplay, the people will shout "ALL THEY'RE WORKING ON IS GRAPHICS" regardless of the actual effort put into either of them. It might just be that its harder to innovative gameplay then it is to art and the latter has more of a noticeable impact per unit of work put into it.

^Take the above with a grain of salt. Its a bit late for rational thinking where I live. By which I mean that my rationality is slightly impaired by my sleep deprivation.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: alexandertnt on March 30, 2014, 12:25:55 am
crap, accidently used modify and erased my entire post with something else :/ disregard this.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: The13thRonin on March 30, 2014, 12:29:36 am
Too many people are equating money to decline.

I wonder if a million dollars was offered but you had to have a lobotomy to get it how many people would choose the lobotomy.

The SOUL of gaming is in decline. As an industry it has always and will always make some kind of money.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Glloyd on March 30, 2014, 12:32:24 am
Regarding indie, people trying to sell a game without having to go through a big publisher is far from something new, when i was young i remember the stories of people coding games in their garage and trying to sell them.

Indeed. In fact, just look up the Scratchware Manifesto. I mean, Rollercoaster Tycoon was made entirely by one guy.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: The13thRonin on March 30, 2014, 12:34:34 am
I'm with you about the over-focus on graphics lately and I honestly don't care about the difference between text-based, ASCII, Half-Life 1 graphics and the latest 3D super realistic game which came out.
Apropos of nothing, reading this made me have flashbacks to like the late 90s. It's amazing I've been reading basically that exact same line for over a decade and a half.

That... that might say something about the actual existence of a recent over-focus on graphics. Unless we're talking recent in the, like, centennial sense or something.

If you've been reading the same line for 10 years then there's probably something to that line.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Frumple on March 30, 2014, 12:42:16 am
Yeah, I don't think there is. But you're welcome to rant on the subject if you want to, since you've already made it pretty clear you're not interested in actually discussin' stuff in this thread. Ain't gonna' try t'stop yeh, heh.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: alexandertnt on March 30, 2014, 12:46:47 am
The SOUL of gaming is in decline. As an industry it has always and will always make some kind of money.

The "soul" of gaming is extroadinarily subjective, vague, and far from being something thats fixed.

If you've been reading the same line for 10 years then there's probably something to that line.

Alternatively they are like the apocolypse preachers, endlessly preaching about something which never comes to be. Which I think is what Frumple was implying. (A better analogy might be "Damn kids and their rock and roll!").

This is really the only thing in your post I find serious fault with. To quote Jim of Jimquisiton fame: "When did making money become a holy quest above scrutiny"
Just because a company is expected to care about making money doesn't mean it "has a inherent right" to actively exclude what is quite simply a more advanced platform. Could putting their game out for PC hit their figures? Sure, but its still a nice thing to do, probably isn't going to bankrupt them anytime soon, and will help make them look less evil in the long run, so there is benefit there.

I agree with the premise of your argument in some circumstances, like food and medicine. But video games??

You do not have some inherent right to have video games ported or developed for your pc. It is not "the wrong thing to do" to decide not to port a game, or to not develop a game onto the pc.

Is it a nice thing to do? Yes. But if they don't, its absurd to feel morally offended. By all means, complain to them (thats one way companies know that there is some interest), but don't act like its "the right thing to do".

PC's are only more "advanced" in the sense that they expose more funcitonality to the end user. What is available and relevant to developers is quite different. The PS3's Cell processor destroyed PC processors for quite a long time, and was coupled with modern hardware was very much advanced (moreso than the PC in many ways).
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: The13thRonin on March 30, 2014, 01:02:56 am
The SOUL of gaming is in decline. As an industry it has always and will always make some kind of money.

The "soul" of gaming is extroadinarily subjective, vague, and far from being something thats fixed.

Not everything in life can be measured with a yardstick. Are you saying that because it's difficult to measure it can't possibly decline?

If you've been reading the same line for 10 years then there's probably something to that line.

Alternatively they are like the apocolypse preachers, endlessly preaching about something which never comes to be. Which I think is what Frumple was implying. (A better analogy might be "Damn kids and their rock and roll!").

Or maybe they're like the countless people who predicted the start of WW2 before it happened and were ignored because DOOMSAYERS! "We shall have to fight another war again in 25 years time." ~Lloyd George, talking about the Treaty of Versailles. People who are able to look at the past and the present and make intelligent inferences about how these things will impact on the future.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Shadowlord on March 30, 2014, 01:23:32 am
There are occasionally still good games made [heck Minecraft came out in the last 5 years and that was fantastic] but I do believe the overall quality of the industry and games has dropped dramatically.
You know, I didn't like Minecraft at all, any of the times I've tried it. Just didn't find it fun. *shrugs*

The first gaming rig I owned was a rig that ran DOS. I loved the crap out of that computer and managed to amass quite a collection of floppy disks. It certainly wasn't convenient or easy to be a gamer... Hardware cost a small fortune and I remember some games being up to 8 floppy disks. Later on I acquired a Super Nintendo and then after that an N64. I remember fondly a bunch of games that I can no longer remember the titles of. One game that particularly caught my fancy was Harvest Moon for the Super Nintendo.
The first computer or console I played any games on was a Commodore 64. The 64 meant it had a whopping 64 KB of RAM! The computer was built into the keyboard. Floppy disks were actually floppy. You could fit 8 games on a single floppy disk. There was MULE and Archon and Spy vs Spy (and Spy vs Spy 2) and Lords of Conquest and Repton (the one with the phase-cloaking spaceship/fighter/thing, not the other one) and I'm out of really memorable games to name. Well, Potty Pigeon was certainly memorable and amusing, too.

It was an exciting time to be a gamer. Everything was always constantly improving, game design, technology and game developers seemed to respect gamers.
You missed The Videogame Crash of 1983 (, triggered because of shit games, market oversaturation, too many consoles, etc. The wikipedia article goes into a lot of detail.

Somewhere along the way... It's hard to pinpoint an exact date the focus for developers shifted from game design to graphics. At first this wasn't such a bad thing...
I agree that if you throw almost all your money at having amazing graphics, there's an opportunity cost, in that you could have been spending that money on something else. That's not to say that you can just fund a game designer to design "amazing gameplay," because you can't really predict if something will be fun or not without trying it, and it wasn't until this recent indie phenomenon started that you could even get a game with many sales if you "neglected" (e.g. "went retro on") the graphics.

Even so, history shows that the problem of companies making shit games and bloating the market with them existed long before it was possible to make games with amazing graphics, before the internet infrastructure existed to make 'free' puzzle games which charge you $0.99 for an extra 'life' or games with $40 spaceships or where you pay $2.50 for a minuscule fraction of a percent chance to get a spaceship from opening a lockbox.

If graphics are advancing at the cost of every other single part of the game then there is a problem... A serious problem. I think that the focus on graphics became a problem when we hit the 'bloom' generation of graphics... Let me state this right now... Bloom is not making anything look better... What it is doing is making my eyes bleed.
Let's sidestep bloom for the moment and go back to the issue of whether graphics are advancing at the cost of every other part of the game. I'd like to compare two games.

First, Commando for the C64. Here's a video.
Second, compare that to whichever you may have played of the last few Call of Duty games, or the Battlefield series. Doesn't really matter which one!
Can you say that the only thing that has advanced there is graphics?

Of course, Commando's design is remarkably simple, it's remarkably short (if you don't die repeatedly, which is what you're expected to do), and it's not even multiplayer. But for some reason I cannot fathom it's #1 on (I even played it in the 80s myself and never got past the first level, but then, I was a kid and that's a lot of bullet and grenade spam).

Two games with more depth from the 80s are M.U.L.E. and Archon, both multiplayer. M.U.L.E. is a co-operative (but also competitive!) multiplayer colony/trading game. Archon is a magical battle on a chessboard between light and dark to control Power Points. Power Points are proof against magic.
The 90s brought strategy games with a lot of depth (Master of Magic, Master of Orion 2, etc), but often so much depth that the AI couldn't handle it all, and couldn't deal with a player who found an effective strategy. AI still seems to be a problem today for a lot of studios, but it's certainly much easier to make your AI cheat than to make your AI understand all the tactics a human player will, especially in a deep strategy game. Throughout the 90s, any game or game level including an AI companion was dreaded, because the AI was always *terrible*. It tends to be better now, but at the same time developers have made changes which you've noticed - like turning off friendly fire - the result of which is that the AI no longer runs in front of the player and gets killed in the middle of battles, or if it does, it at least doesn't take any damage, and is less likely to incur the wrath of reviewers, especially if the game makes the companion immortal instead of requiring the player to start the level over if they die. Players shouldn't need to worry about the AI being stupid, and it's cheaper and easier to make the AI tougher or just immortal than to make it clever enough to stay alive as well as the player can.

These days developers don't even bother to advertise FEATURES of the game anymore... They just show things exploding and then fart out their brand name afterwards. You just know somewhere there's a CEO in an office yelling at a group of guys because their modern FPS shooter had three less explosions in their ad than the other teams modern FPS shooter had in their ad.
I generally don't watch those things, because I don't want to get hyped about something that might not even be accurate.

Let's get this out of the way straight away... Game developers [at least the big ones] believe you are an idiot... It's OK they believe I'm an idiot too.
It's not that they think you or I are idiots, it's that they've learned that to appeal to the most people they have to design their games to be playable by people who don't know what the frak they're doing, or who are having a bad day, or who don't feel like reading the almost-400 page manual (Dominions 4 - I read it), or, yes, are idiots. Idiots should be able to play games too, n'est-ce pas?

What's completely astounding is that gamers do not want to be treated this way... Games that do not hold your hand [Minecraft, Portal, Dwarf Fortress, etc] have been crazy successful.
I might be alone in this but if I'm playing the game I want more than just an on-rails experience... Let me wander the halls... Let me call the shots... LET ME OPEN THE GOSH DAMN DOORS.
Modern FPSes have trained me to know that in most games, I don't have to worry about anything that looks like a maze or a forest or anything else that one could normally get lost in. Just charge right in and fate will ensure that you go the way you're supposed to go, because every way you're not supposed to go will be impossible to go. If there are actual mazes, well, you can usually still tune out and use the right-hand-path solution to solve them without thinking about it. There are, of course, games which aren't like this. Skyrim, the Assassin's Creed series, and so on. Skyrim gives you quest markers showing you precisely where to go, of course, but it tends to be some cave clear on the other side of the map...

I can point out games that don't hold your hand which didn't get a lot of sales or publicity and weren't crazy successful, if you like. One particular one is named The Summoning (, and it's an SSI game from 1992. Personally, I'd call it a very good game. The wikipedia article doesn't have much information on it, and if you acquire it, you'd really want to read the manual for the backstory and how the magic works and such. (I wonder if GoG has it... doesn't look like it)

You know what I love? Spending $2000 on hardware so that I can play a terrible port... Why... For the love of all that is good in the world would you not start development on the platform with A) the best hardware and B) the most possible variations of hardware... Common sense would dictate porting to a simpler, fixed specifications platform would be easy from that position... I really have nothing more to say on this... I'm perfectly happy for consoles, I know that a lot of people love them but that's really not an excuse for developers to abandon the PC almost entirely.
It seems logical to me: It's much easier to develop solely for one or two hardware configurations (consoles) rather than all possible PC hardware configurations, which lead to strange incompatibilities and errors and missing DLL files and so on.

On the subject of shit ports, with the rise of Steam, I believe companies have realized they stand to get a substantial amount of cash from making ports that aren't total shit (one hopes) - and some kinds of games are for the most part not on consoles anyways (such as TBS 4xes, or RTSes, of which you can find very few on the 360).

Remember when playing a game was as simple as putting a CD key in? Now you need to go through five extensive background checks, report to your local government agency, show them your passport, pass a drugs test, qualify for the Winter Olympics and then after all that you can play.
On the XBox 360, you basically put in the game CD and that's it. Or if it's installed on your hard drive and you downloaded it from XBox Live, you don't have to do anything at all. This is the main reason I get games for it. The sales on XBL are kind of shit, though. MS has been giving two free games away per month to XBox Live Gold subscribers, though. (Some good, some crap - right now it's Dungeon Defenders, which I didn't even bother to download.)

PC games have had onerous copy protection since onerous copy protection has existed, in one form or another. First it was code wheels and finding pages in the manual - There was an Indiana Jones game for the C64, with a red film that you had to hold over a page to see some text, so that you could prove to the game that you owned it. Frontier: Elite II had you look up ships in the manual, I think. Curse of the Azure Bonds (A D&D game) had a code wheel. Eventually games started including CD checks (... and CDs), then things got more nefarious. I don't think anyone installed any DRM in DOS, they were still trying to get by with looking things up in the manual back then. (Photocopying the entire manual was a thing people would do when pirating a game with such DRM before the Internet was big). Of course, installing some kind of rootkit into your OS is a lot more nefarious, but those games are easy to be aware of and avoid.

Steam is a whole lot better than all that. For that matter, GoG doesn't have even copy protection on anything they sell, at all - and most of it is old games already set up or patched to work on modern OSes, but they also have some newer games (including the Witcher 1 and 2, for example).

Oh wait no you can't because the servers aren't up...
You just have to know who has/had the terrible DRM and not buy from them, on the platform where it exists, e.g. Ubisoft on PC, although they have said their new games no longer have it, IIRC.

My singleplayer Steam games still work when I can't reach Steam (You have to have steam auto-login / save password).
So do my xbox 360 games.
I think not getting achievements (on steam) while offline is the only real issue there.

You do have to make sure not to buy games that have DRM other than steam included with them, but their Steam store page will say if they do.

Dear Kickstarter... I hate you... You are a land of broken promises and failed dreams... The cake was a lie.

From what I've read over the years, it normally takes about as long as Kickstarter has been around, or longer, to create, complete, and release a game (5+ years). (For an actual development studio making an actual game, of course...) Of course there are some studios that manage to release a new game (Call of Duty) every two years, and swap off every year with a different studio so they can put one out every year, but they're also building off their previous games and so on.

Moving on to the 'indie' scene. You know what you were lacking games industry? Hipsters... Well worry no longer! Because now we have an army of indie developers and just look at the armada of interesting games it has created:

Braid - retro style platformer
Fez - retro style platformer
Super Meat Boy - retro style platformer
I'm raising my eyebrow like Spock again. I think you're probably overgeneralizing, but then I've only played one of these games and only for a few minutes (that being Braid).

What's more worrying than the fact that a large part of the 'indie' scene is even less creative than AAA games is the extreme dickishness of the developers:

Example: Phil Fish, creator of Fez: "PC's are for spreadsheets". Phil Fish also told critics to "go die".
Did you happen to see what said critics were saying to Phil Fish? That's not to say that telling people to "go die" is good promotion or publicity, because it's not. But Fish didn't hire a publicist or anyone to manage his communication with the rest of the world (which has a tendency to include jerks), and he had the kind of personality where if someone attacked him, he attacked them right back. And it snowballed out of control. AAA devs use publicists and the like. Back in the early 90s devs didn't have to deal with people getting on the internet and flaming them on forums, twitter, and facebook, spamming up their emails, and so on.

From my perspective it doesn't look bright. Every day I lose a little bit of hope. One day I hope I can get excited about the future of videogames again. Until then I guess I'll always have Dwarf Fortress.
Have you played Papers Please?
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Flying Carcass on March 30, 2014, 01:28:32 am
I think that the focus on graphics became a problem when we hit the 'bloom' generation of graphics... Let me state this right now... Bloom is not making anything look better... What it is doing is making my eyes bleed.

I agree with this part 100%, just because developers CAN put a ton of shaders and graphical effects into a game doesn't mean they SHOULD. Moderation is key. Of course, the graphical effect I absolutely hate the most is motion blur.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: The13thRonin on March 30, 2014, 01:38:39 am
Interesting post Shadowlord.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: BFEL on March 30, 2014, 01:59:30 am
PC's are only more "advanced" in the sense that they expose more funcitonality to the end user. What is available and relevant to developers is quite different. The PS3's Cell processor destroyed PC processors for quite a long time, and was coupled with modern hardware was very much advanced (moreso than the PC in many ways).

Yes, and during that time it still had zero games out to use that sexy processor on :P

The big thing about computers is you have access to practically every game ever made.
Wanna play the newest AAA thing? You can do that. Wanna play something from last gen? You can do that. Wanna play something from fucking Atari??? Do so.

Consoles only let you do the first now. Is sads :(
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: alexandertnt on March 30, 2014, 02:23:42 am

*sigh*, I will remember to correct my spelling next time so as to avoid making my arguments look less valid.

Are you saying that because it's difficult to measure it can't possibly decline?

I never said anything about the "soul" of a video game beyond "what even is the soul of a video game?".

Or maybe they're like the countless people who predicted the start of WW2 before it happened and were ignored because DOOMSAYERS! "We shall have to fight another war again in 25 years time." ~Lloyd George, talking about the Treaty of Versailles. People who are able to look at the past and the present and make intelligent inferences about how these things will impact on the future.

They are more than likely just stopped clocks.

Most of your criticism appears to be directed at FPS's. In fact, it appears to be directed at a particular type of FPS (the so-called Modern Millitary Shooters). It seems likely that they are just a fad, and will probably disappear soon (what happened to all those WWII shooters that were mass produced in the early 00's?).

Have you played ARMA? With its neat bullet penetration physics (unlike those dumb old games) you can't hide behind a cardboard box or sheet metal and expect it to save you.

I also think that these new graphical effects are still finding their place (they are quite new, after all). Remember when 3D was a new thing? All those games with the ugly Nearest-neighbor texture filtering and obnoxious wobbily 3d geometry. Eventually, game devs will figure out which features to keep, which to dump, and which to tweak. Bloom has already largely gone through this (most new games make much more modest use of bloom, compared to when pixel shaders were a new thing) and stuff like SSAO (That nasty black glow) may very well be on its last breath with all the new big engines supporting real time Global Illumination.

PC's are only more "advanced" in the sense that they expose more funcitonality to the end user. What is available and relevant to developers is quite different. The PS3's Cell processor destroyed PC processors for quite a long time, and was coupled with modern hardware was very much advanced (moreso than the PC in many ways).

Yes, and during that time it still had zero games out to use that sexy processor on :P

The big thing about computers is you have access to practically every game ever made.
Wanna play the newest AAA thing? You can do that. Wanna play something from last gen? You can do that. Wanna play something from fucking Atari??? Do so.

Consoles only let you do the first now. Is sads :(

I can do that on my PSP and phone too :D The only reason you can't do this on a console are the artificial restrictions the companies put on them, not because they are less advanced.

Its a perfectly valid reason not to buy a console, but not really a valid reason not to develop for console.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Glloyd on March 30, 2014, 02:33:00 am
There are occasionally still good games made [heck Minecraft came out in the last 5 years and that was fantastic] but I do believe the overall quality of the industry and games has dropped dramatically.
You know, I didn't like Minecraft at all, any of the times I've tried it. Just didn't find it fun. *shrugs*

Good to know I'm not the only one.

It was an exciting time to be a gamer. Everything was always constantly improving, game design, technology and game developers seemed to respect gamers.
You missed The Videogame Crash of 1983 (, triggered because of shit games, market oversaturation, too many consoles, etc. The wikipedia article goes into a lot of detail.

Oh god, ColecoVision, that brings back some bad memories.

If graphics are advancing at the cost of every other single part of the game then there is a problem... A serious problem. I think that the focus on graphics became a problem when we hit the 'bloom' generation of graphics... Let me state this right now... Bloom is not making anything look better... What it is doing is making my eyes bleed.
Let's sidestep bloom for the moment and go back to the issue of whether graphics are advancing at the cost of every other part of the game. I'd like to compare two games.

First, Commando for the C64. Here's a video.
Second, compare that to whichever you may have played of the last few Call of Duty games, or the Battlefield series. Doesn't really matter which one!
Can you say that the only thing that has advanced there is graphics?

I agree with your point, but you're comparing a gap of 30 years. (holy shit, the 80's were 30 years ago.) Your arguments are completely valid when comparing the 80's to now, but when you look at the time in-between, trends start to emerge.

The thing that gets me is that the advancement in games has seemed to slow down in recent years. Personally, I grew up in the nineties, and started playing games then. For me, the advances in video games from 1994-2004 were far greater than the advances from 2004-2014. You went from 2D pixelated games playing on cartridges on a Super Nintendo, to the Original Xbox, PS2 and Gamecube, all CD based, and for the most part, 3D. (And the Xbox 360 a year later). Look at the differences between the Super Nintendo and the PS2. Now look at the differences between the PS2 and PS3. Or the Xbox 360 and the PS4. Or the Gamecube and the Wii U. Not a whole lot has changed over the last ten years in terms of consoles, and I think that is where this perception of stagnation is coming from.

Indeed, there HAS been a sort of stagnation over the last ten years when it comes to consoles, but I think that led to a rediscovery of the PC as an optimal gaming platform. Think about it. Five or ten years ago, how many people did you know who played video games on PC regularly as opposed to consoles. Now how many today? It's like it was when I was growing up. Everyone had Rollercoaster Tycoon, everyone had Sims 1, those whose parents were cool had Doom and later Quake. Hell, I remember when decent games like Rollercoaster Tycoon came in cereal boxes, and everyone would go out and get them, and brag about their parks. In the early and mid 2000's, it seemed like everyone had a console, and nobody seemed to play computer games outside of those who loved strategy games. Even then though, nobody seemed to be talking about them, everyone was focused on the newest GTA and the newest FPS.

Nowadays, it's somewhere in-between the two. There's an abundance of good, cheap, and not overly demanding on hardware games for PC out there. While consoles still have huge followings, and make huge sales, I think that there is a trend towards PC gaming again, and I think that arguing there is a stagnation in the PC world is unfounded, even though arguments can easily be made for stagnation in the console world.

Anyways, that's just my 2 cents. Who knows, in ten years it may swing back and people will stop caring about PC's and indie games again, but on the other hand, there will be massive advancement in how games are made.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: alexandertnt on March 30, 2014, 04:12:34 am
I should probably expand on what I said about FPS's earlier.

I think most of your complains are more or less valid for these sorts of generic COD'ish shooters, and if you were to title this thread something like "A rant about the decline of the FPS"", I would probably agree with the majority of your complains. Are you mainly a FPS player? Because if so, I think I could understand why you feel this way, but I dont think these complaints apply to modern videogames as a whole.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Sharp on March 30, 2014, 04:15:21 am
For lots of developers the rise of freemium is coming. There is a big trend emerging that companies don't want people to just buy the product but they want the consumer to keep subscribing to the product, the recent pitches by cloud computing services for gaming all have this by making it easier for developers to monetise their product to keep getting a trickle of income from their consumers.

There is a big argument that freemium actually makes games better because they want players to have a good experience and then be happy to give money to the developers to keep paying for the good experience, to me though it sounds a bit brain-washy. Some freemium is better then others, I totally don't understand how people can pay money to speed up building in Dungeon Keeper, and although Dungeon Keeper sounds like a weird one off oddly enough other games which also do it don't have the same arguments, that may be pricing policy and time or something else. Clash of clans is a popular mobile game and has similar features afaik (I don't play those types of games) but that seems to be successful unlike DK, same for Candy Crush Saga.

However there are other freemium games like Team Fortress 2 and League of Legends which I feel are a nicer model of freemium, in the former there is nothing which affects the game that you can buy, everything is cosmetic which is bought with real money so people who want to pay money can while people who don't don't. In the latter it has appeal to both types of freemium purchasers where you can spend money to get stuff quicker but can also spend money on cosmetics while still allowing all gamers to play fairly. Still however seems a bit brainwashy as they are looking to make the experience addictive as possible so you keep spending money.

However I am not too worried about the rise of freemium games because nowadays games are easy to develop, even ones with fancy graphics, Unity 4 is amazing and Unity 5 is looking to be even better (so excited for when it finally gets released). There are a lot more tools now to make developing games easier and that means there will still be developers who aren't looking to just make some easy money but to actually develop an interesting game. It's becoming easier to make a good looking, interesting gameplay, multiplayer game.

I do like kickstarter as it puts power in developers instead of publishers but I can see why people can be cynical about it, there are some successful projects which have been released though like shadowrun returns (although I haven't played that or the original so I can't see if it was a good project to back or not). Elite Dangerous will be coming probably Q4 this year and it's looking amazing and I'm happy to have backed it (so far). I don't even know when Star Citizen will be released, it would be funny to see how much stretch goal success there would be if people realised that stretch goals also means it's stretching the release date.

So all in all, as a percentage wise yes there is a decline in videogame industry but don't worry because there will still be awesome developers who will make awesome games.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Farce on March 30, 2014, 04:22:00 am
The Game industry sucks

I thought that was common knowledge.  I thought that was common knowledge for several years by now.  AAA gaming is ruled by profit-focused types, is hideously bloated, thus dependent on snatching as wide an audience as possible, which makes bland samey-samey copycat shit the go-to plan, discourages experimentation and encourages shit to be pushed out in spite of completion.  Interference by the big bosses taints and ruins things.  The press is essentially bought.

Indie game development is great, but the systems in place are definitely abusable - Kickstarter and Greenlight especially.  It's hard for me to say much on that Indie front sucking, though, since uh, I think it's really cool.  There definitely is, hmm... I'm not sure what blanket term to use... maybe 'lack of professionality'?  Like that whole Nepotism fiasco with Mighty No. 9 and that one 'community manager' chick that never played Megaman and was shit as a forum mod.

It seems a lot to do with just how business seems to be done these days in general.  At least as I understand it, it's super monopoly-driven, and such big players don't really need to work at improving their product anymore so much as they do maintaining their dominance.

I forget if I mentioned DRM, but that blows ass, also.

Um, I may or may not have tl;dr'd through this entire thread, also.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Virtz on March 30, 2014, 06:43:33 am
I just want to say I completely disagree about the graphics part in modern games. It's nowhere near as bad as it used to be in the early-mid 2000s, because advancements in hardware have slowed down considerably. Developers seem downright reluctant to even go with the realistic route and often go in a cartoony/caricatural direction. The things that are actually taxing are most often simply badly optimized (especially if they're ports).
Your mid-range desktop computer can last a long time compared to an early 2000s computer in terms of what it can run. It won't be high settings and you'll miss out on the latest buzzword technology (what even are 5.1 pixel shaders and who cares?), but at least it'll run at all.

And while I will agree that the indie market is overflooding with hipsters and lazy immitators, it can still occasionally give us a really good game that AAA studios could not produce due to cost-versus-profit aspects. For better or worse, the indie market feels a lot like the 90s gaming market in terms of what it outputs. Lots of immitators, some failed experiments, and a few games that stand out and do something great.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: scrdest on March 30, 2014, 06:48:56 am
Pfft, Videogames Industry, as any industry pretty much ever, always was about profit. There is a small handful of people who create games and expect to end up with losses and do it anyway.

The problem is not that they are focused on profit, the problem is that they are focused on profit and stupid about it. It is much more rational to make a new Minecraft (NOT Minecraft clone) - the costs of development were, relatively, minimal, and the profit-to-cost ratio was astronomical.

On the other hand, consider CoD - it is extremely costly to make, with budget of millions of dollars. And while they, too, sell millions of units, they may even barely get even with the costs. If you wanted to make as much money as possible, you'd look into new Minecrafts, not new CoDs.

The big companies, like EA, are basically doing cargo cult development. They have no idea what will work, so they go with what they know used to work, plus some random marketable-sounding ideas.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: miauw62 on March 30, 2014, 10:18:37 am
I used to think that I was born at the end of the Golden Age of gaming. But I was wrong. I was born at the end of the Golden Age of CONSOLE gaming, but right at the start of the Golden Age for PC gaming. The indie gaming scene has exploded with a fucktonne of amazing games that are not all the same, despite the fact that you can, holy shit, recall 3 indie platformers. Fez isn't even all that retro, pixel art is a style.

Most AAA games nowadays are pretty shitty, and there are hardly any games on consoles later than the PS2 that I enjoy. (Notable exceptions include Skyrim and GTA V,  but I don't consider Valve an AAA company because of their work philosophy, which remains close to the "small teams" philosophy). Nothing can be done about that, really, except hope that the masses will eventually get bored.

There is another branch of the industry that you forgot in your rant: Free and ESPECIALLY Open Source games. There are hundreds of small, open-source games, developed by enthusiasts, and a few hundred more free games. These aren't hard to get nowadays, because of the internet. Games are no longer something made by big  companies, effectively anyone can make or contribute to a game, and have a ton of people play it.

Sturgeon's law remains true, naturally, but the good stuff generally floats to the top, and OG is a great place to find good games :P
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: rabidgam3r on March 30, 2014, 11:54:48 am
I'll just slap down my two cents here, even though you don't need it two more goddamn cents.
Yeah, the industry is in a decline. Military-themed hallways, RPGs getting padded to the extremes, and the oversaturation of "indie" games. What are we going to do about it? We can't do jackshit anymore, Kickstarter's a joke and gamer input is practically nonexistant. I'm just gonna go back and play the games I like without whining about "shitty graphics" and such.
Yeah that gave nothing to the conversation, but I just wanted somewhere to shove my two cents even though who wants them.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Tawa on March 30, 2014, 12:05:43 pm
If you ask me, you're sort of right and sort of wrong.

First, you seem to be generalizing the game industry based on indie platformers and FPS'es. They still make good RPGs, for one. Your description would imply that the "game industry" is a line, half of it indie games and half of it first person shooters.

Second, you have no backup for most of your problems.

Third, there are games that aren't reliant solely upon graphics.

Dude, did you even google any of this before posting?
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Neonivek on March 30, 2014, 01:32:35 pm
I honestly wonder if we might actually be getting close to a Triple-A collapse.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: scrdest on March 30, 2014, 01:33:41 pm
I honestly wonder if we might actually be getting close to a Triple-A collapse.

Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Mictlantecuhtli on March 30, 2014, 02:04:21 pm
I'm not sure whether this is meta trolling or if the OP is serious.

Minecraft is an example of a good modern game, despite having all of its features lifted from other games. Yeah.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Tawa on March 30, 2014, 02:12:30 pm
First party Nintendo games are actually not that bad, in my opinion. Mariokart and Pokemon games especially have good multiplayer value, and some of the zelda games are worthwhile. (Don't waste your time on Skyward Sword, though.)

Too many people judge game decency by age rating. It's "M" for Mature, people, not "M" for Magnificent.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: penguinofhonor on March 30, 2014, 02:31:23 pm
My "someone insulted Fez" instincts are tingling. Pixelated graphics do not make something a retro platformer.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: MoLAoS on March 30, 2014, 04:02:26 pm
This reminds me of the rant mode I went into when NPR has some guy on just singing the praises of Nirvana today. Nirvana is "the most influential alt rock band" the same way Harry Potter is "the most influential story of a mistreated or bored adolescent who goes on a fantastic adventure". Its literally true but its so full of shit at the same time.

After both of those works came out my positive experiences in the relevant areas, fantasy literature and non-mainstream music began to decline significantly.

The video game industry has gone downhill in the same sense. In the Golden Age of SciFi it was all about the grand ideas, and similarly for say, punk rock. Now pop punk and modern sci fi is all about relationship drama or mindless action sequences. See Battlestar and like, New Found Glory. The masses care about their irrelevant social dramas and brainless passive entertainment and so accessibility essentially translates to, as they say on the Codex, Decline.

Video games tend to fall into mindless action in order to be "accessible" although we have trivially simple casual games as well. And of course social games devolve into the kind of trivial social garbage that even Jane Austen would be disgusted by.

Indie games, like indie music, decline in a different way. Being focused on the dramas of elitist middle class white people in a way that was once the territory of english lit majors. "God, my game/book/song is so self referential and obscure!" "The minimalist geometry/corridor based space shooter I made is so artsy!"

You can claim all you want that making accessible media brings in new blood but the % of people who know who Clarke or Jello Biafra or Richard Bartle are has not increased, and similarly for their modern day equivalents.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Mr. Strange on March 30, 2014, 05:41:09 pm
Most AAA games nowadays are pretty shitty, and there are hardly any games on consoles later than the PS2 that I enjoy. (Notable exceptions include Skyrim and GTA V,  but I don't consider Valve an AAA company because of their work philosophy, which remains close to the "small teams" philosophy).
I've never played GTA 4 so I can't say anything about that, but Skyrim makes me rage. Not because it's a bad game (I think it is "meh" game at best, considered on it's own), but because it was intended to be much better than what it turned out to be on release. There's so much cut content in it (like the dynamic Civil war quests) that was planed and partly coded into the game files but never completed in time for the release, and it wasn't even patched in later or made into new DLC, it was all buried and Bethesda pretended it never existed. Stuff that would have changed the whole game experience wasn't considered important enough, they didn't want to pay for few extra code monkeys since they blew all their budget on those neat auroras and ants on tree stumps and wind blowing leafs around (but only on few prefixed locations, what were you expecting, random enviromental effects?). Looking at the modding community and what they can do with the game system is amazing, but the vanilla game is nothing but bare bones of an RPG, if it even deserves to be called that. It's taking huge leap toward action genre and trends you see in FPS games, railroaded story with cutscenes with ocasional fight with unsurprising outcome (YOU WIN! CONGRATULATIONS! ARCHIVEMENT UNLOCKED!) that's intended to provide "interactivity" to the player. Sure, there's the free to explore world, but all the events and quests you find bring the same railroaded experience you saw in your last playthrough, no mater what you do differently. Unless you manage to break the game, that's allways fun to do.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: penguinofhonor on March 30, 2014, 05:45:55 pm
This reminds me of the rant mode I went into when NPR has some guy on just singing the praises of Nirvana today. Nirvana is "the most influential alt rock band" the same way Harry Potter is "the most influential story of a mistreated or bored adolescent who goes on a fantastic adventure". Its literally true but its so full of shit at the same time.

After both of those works came out my positive experiences in the relevant areas, fantasy literature and non-mainstream music began to decline significantly.

The video game industry has gone downhill in the same sense. In the Golden Age of SciFi it was all about the grand ideas, and similarly for say, punk rock. Now pop punk and modern sci fi is all about relationship drama or mindless action sequences. See Battlestar and like, New Found Glory. The masses care about their irrelevant social dramas and brainless passive entertainment and so accessibility essentially translates to, as they say on the Codex, Decline.

Video games tend to fall into mindless action in order to be "accessible" although we have trivially simple casual games as well. And of course social games devolve into the kind of trivial social garbage that even Jane Austen would be disgusted by.

Indie games, like indie music, decline in a different way. Being focused on the dramas of elitist middle class white people in a way that was once the territory of english lit majors. "God, my game/book/song is so self referential and obscure!" "The minimalist geometry/corridor based space shooter I made is so artsy!"

You can claim all you want that making accessible media brings in new blood but the % of people who know who Clarke or Jello Biafra or Richard Bartle are has not increased, and similarly for their modern day equivalents.

I'm not sure if this is intentionally a caricature of the original topic, but congrats on a funny one either way.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Moghjubar on March 30, 2014, 09:05:35 pm
(To OP)While there are some definite stinkers, and if you only look at those it looks terrible over all... honestly theres plenty of other variety out there as far as neat, actually good games go.

As for kickstarter, only really a few of the kickstarter games are out by now, so the verdict is not yet out on that batch (unless you just pick those few and judge the entirety of the large number of KS games by those).

In any case though, since you seem to think its all terrible...
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Arcvasti on March 30, 2014, 09:08:53 pm
(To OP)While there are some definite stinkers, and if you only look at those it looks terrible over all... honestly theres plenty of other variety out there as far as neat, actually good games go.

As for kickstarter, only really a few of the kickstarter games are out by now, so the verdict is not yet out on that batch (unless you just pick those few and judge the entirety of the large number of KS games by those).

In any case though, since you seem to think its all terrible...

Sadly, I think many video game companies are going with #14 as their answer to their problems.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: MoLAoS on March 30, 2014, 09:23:46 pm
This reminds me of the rant mode I went into when NPR has some guy on just singing the praises of Nirvana today. Nirvana is "the most influential alt rock band" the same way Harry Potter is "the most influential story of a mistreated or bored adolescent who goes on a fantastic adventure". Its literally true but its so full of shit at the same time.

After both of those works came out my positive experiences in the relevant areas, fantasy literature and non-mainstream music began to decline significantly.

The video game industry has gone downhill in the same sense. In the Golden Age of SciFi it was all about the grand ideas, and similarly for say, punk rock. Now pop punk and modern sci fi is all about relationship drama or mindless action sequences. See Battlestar and like, New Found Glory. The masses care about their irrelevant social dramas and brainless passive entertainment and so accessibility essentially translates to, as they say on the Codex, Decline.

Video games tend to fall into mindless action in order to be "accessible" although we have trivially simple casual games as well. And of course social games devolve into the kind of trivial social garbage that even Jane Austen would be disgusted by.

Indie games, like indie music, decline in a different way. Being focused on the dramas of elitist middle class white people in a way that was once the territory of english lit majors. "God, my game/book/song is so self referential and obscure!" "The minimalist geometry/corridor based space shooter I made is so artsy!"

You can claim all you want that making accessible media brings in new blood but the % of people who know who Clarke or Jello Biafra or Richard Bartle are has not increased, and similarly for their modern day equivalents.

I'm not sure if this is intentionally a caricature of the original topic, but congrats on a funny one either way.

Its sort of a hyperbolic rant. It probably falls short of self-caricature, but at the same times its not meant to be taken entirely sincerely.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: BurnedToast on March 30, 2014, 10:20:46 pm
I think a lot of this is just nostalgia.

Don't get me wrong, I hate dumbing down of games as much as the next guy, but it's very very easy to pretend old games were a lot better then they were.

For example, everyone holds up MoO2 as the best 4x ever in the history of ever. And maybe it was. But it was also a trainwreck in many ways - The AI was atrocious even on the hardest level with huge cheats. Race creation was so unbalanced it's hilarious (not just pre-patch creative, but so many abusable combinations that break the game) and so was ship creation. Diplomacy was (especially on the harder difficulties) basically non-existent. It was also micromanagement hell, I think I spent more time mindlessly queuing up buildings then anything else because auto-build was so dumb.

But nobody ever mentions any of that, it's just OMG SO GOOD. If the exact same game was released today (either with better graphics, or as an indie game to excuse the bad graphics) it would be torn to shreds and get, at best, low-middle reviews.

I think in the end, it's two steps forward, one step back... but it's a LOT easier to notice the one step back and miss the gradual improvements.

As far as developers making the same game over and over.... can you really blame them? Call of battlefield black ops 2033 sells 400 bajillion copies every time they release it. What's wrong with giving the people what they so obviously want?
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: MoLAoS on March 30, 2014, 10:26:51 pm
MoO2 is indeed awful by today's standards. So is Dune2. The problem is that anyone who wants to can just throw down the rose colored glasses argument to win 100%. Its what you might call a fully general counter argument.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Neonivek on March 30, 2014, 11:18:56 pm
Kickstarter to me has always been a necessary evil

I have pretty much decided that it will disappoint me constantly...

But when you have an industry that seems nearly against innovation... you need something that can push it.

Even if only 1 in 10 projects ever turn out any good.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Frumple on March 30, 2014, 11:32:34 pm
Ha. If 1 in 10 projects turned out good, it would be beating the industry standard for the last twenty or so years by an incredibly large margin :P

I remember those demo CDs. Upward 200 game demos, of which maybe 3-5 were worth even the slightest of damns.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Shadowlord on March 30, 2014, 11:43:53 pm
For example, everyone holds up MoO2 as the best 4x ever in the history of ever. And maybe it was. But it was also a trainwreck in many ways - The AI was atrocious even on the hardest level with huge cheats. Race creation was so unbalanced it's hilarious (not just pre-patch creative, but so many abusable combinations that break the game) and so was ship creation. Diplomacy was (especially on the harder difficulties) basically non-existent. It was also micromanagement hell, I think I spent more time mindlessly queuing up buildings then anything else because auto-build was so dumb.

This. Telepath + ground combat bonus: Nice fleet you got there. I think I'll take it with my marines, and then I think I'll mind-control your planets from orbit. Add in creative and you don't have to choose between techs, making you even more overpowered. (Probably have to take negative choices for it, but a -pop growth penalty is not a huge issue when you can mind control everyone from orbit, fly technologically superior starships, and capture every fleet that you meet in the first 3 turns of combat*.)

One time I even won the game without ever colonizing outside my home solar system, with a custom race of course. On the Huge map size, IIRC, but I think it was standard difficulty.

* The AI sometimes does seem to understand what's going to happen - Its reaction to the arrival of a small ship-capturing fleet often seemed to be to jump its entire fleet into hyperspace ASAP.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: alway on March 30, 2014, 11:56:53 pm
I think a lot of this is just nostalgia.

Don't get me wrong, I hate dumbing down of games as much as the next guy, but it's very very easy to pretend old games were a lot better then they were.

For example, everyone holds up MoO2 as the best 4x ever in the history of ever. And maybe it was. But it was also a trainwreck in many ways - The AI was atrocious even on the hardest level with huge cheats. Race creation was so unbalanced it's hilarious (not just pre-patch creative, but so many abusable combinations that break the game) and so was ship creation. Diplomacy was (especially on the harder difficulties) basically non-existent. It was also micromanagement hell, I think I spent more time mindlessly queuing up buildings then anything else because auto-build was so dumb.

But nobody ever mentions any of that, it's just OMG SO GOOD. If the exact same game was released today (either with better graphics, or as an indie game to excuse the bad graphics) it would be torn to shreds and get, at best, low-middle reviews.

I think in the end, it's two steps forward, one step back... but it's a LOT easier to notice the one step back and miss the gradual improvements.

As far as developers making the same game over and over.... can you really blame them? Call of battlefield black ops 2033 sells 400 bajillion copies every time they release it. What's wrong with giving the people what they so obviously want?
Yep, this. Those OMGSOAWESOME classics were seen as amazingly good precisely because the alternatives were things like E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial. Here's a Let's Play of that (, to give you an idea of what an awful AAA video game REALLY looks like. And fun fact, that was sold for $50 in 1982. Or approximately $120 if you adjust for inflation.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Mech#4 on March 31, 2014, 12:05:32 am
I think that E.T game was developed in about a month by one guy. Quickly made to bring out along with the movie.

Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Neonivek on March 31, 2014, 12:36:52 am
I think that E.T game was developed in about a month by one guy. Quickly made to bring out along with the movie.

Yep, E.T. was basically an incomplete load of garbage made as a cash in because people wouldn't know how bad it is until they bought it.

Just like... hmmm... I guess that still happens.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Rez on March 31, 2014, 12:45:43 am
The issue with kickstarter is that publishers actually do perform a job, with regards to QA and, yknow, making sure the developer can actually do what they're saying.  Kickstarter is pretty clear proof that publishers aren't bad guys all the time and that customers aren't necessarily well-equipped to decide what projects are viable.  Now, if you look at kickstarter as a system for donating to projects that you like, you won't be too upset.  If you look at it as an investment, you're going to get burnt, badly and often.  Most kickstarting games are on kickstarter, because they're too early or too rough to get funding anywhere else.  There's often a reason for that.

Publishers being incredibly short-sighted and seemingly actively seeking to lose customers seems to be a side-effect of the market for gaming ballooning dramatically.  EA and acti-blizz are the best example of this.  If a dev is bought by EA, you can watch the quality of their games drop from release to release.  Acti-blizz has been more of a slow, sad decline, though perhaps not so slow in the last 2 years or so. 

Of course, it doesn't matter much, because the price for a game is relatively small and few customers practice their disdain with boycotts.  Unless they release many truly awful games, plenty of people will buy them just to have them.  Thanks to pre-orders and a large number of really horrendous reviewers and publications, plenty of people will buy awful games regardless of how terrible they are.

Nostalgia certainly informs our opinions.  We can look at the best games of yesteryear and ignore the bad ones.  However, it's hard to avoid the feeling that there's less variety of games and less effort in producing well thought out gameplay.

It might be interesting to compare design and art budgets between the 90's and now.  And throw advertising money into that bar graph, just for the lulz.

I honestly wonder if we might actually be getting close to a Triple-A collapse.
I doubt it, because my 3rd paragraph.  AAA's in general haven't been losing money [citation needed] and that's what needs to happen for bad companies to go bankrupt, which coincidentally might free some unutilized IP, like SMAC or Ogre Battle.

This is Bethesda's MO now.  I think they realized sometime during production or after release of Morrowind that they could release unfinished games as long as they made modding accessible.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: WealthyRadish on March 31, 2014, 02:42:19 am
I agree with most of the thread here, that it's mostly FPS that's seen the listed negative changes. As someone who didn't play any of the old FPS games when they came out, but is rather picking them up now in the last few years, I can say that things have gotten worse without personal risk of nostalgia. Other genres have done well, and definitely improved, but there are so many things I see wrong in modern FPS that's only just now beginning to change back for the better. For instance, I played some Titanfall when they released that marketing demo (not calling it a beta), and hated every bit of it, but was goddamn THRILLED to see a faster movement system with things like double jump in it in what is otherwise a straight CoD clone. It gives me hope.

A huge part of it (again, specific to FPS) I would indeed say can be blamed on the dominance of consoles. The horrid accuracy of a controller compared to mouse/keyboard, restricted FOV (lucky to get 90, I always check for hacky ways to get up to 120), painfully slow movement, the existence of aim-down-sights, compromises to level design to squeeze 'good' graphics out of outdated hardware, and an all around casual audience has really worked over the genre, even if you don't blame it all on CoD4's success. But, as has already been mentioned, the prevalence of MMS is a fad, and hopefully we're near the end of it.

Also, to touch on indie games... the large number of platformers is largely due to how much easier it is for a small team (or one person) to make a platformer using the many existing engines than making a 3D or more complex game. The simple graphic styles are also typically a product of necessity, though many do like the pixel art style. I'd also say that's it's very possible for a game to be graphically unimpressive but still have a good aesthetic, and that games that try to look realistic typically appear dated in a few years (even as graphics advancement does slow down).

Good god, welcome to wall of textville, population every video game nerd ever. I think I managed to write 3 paragraphs without saying anything.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Neonivek on March 31, 2014, 02:53:59 am
I remember playing Game developer or whatever it was. (you run a game development company)

And you could mix and match themes and genres... and some mixed badly...

But honestly? I ended up kind of wanting them.

Who here wouldn't want to play a UFO Business Tycoon game?

I honestly think the videogame industry is FAR from drying up the well of good ideas... but stepping into odd games is risky.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Mech#4 on March 31, 2014, 03:02:06 am
"Our Cow abduction quota hasn't been met this fiscal year. Step up your game or our shareholders will have YOU on the dissection table!"
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Darvi on March 31, 2014, 03:06:17 am
I remember playing Game developer or whatever it was. (you run a game development company).
Game Dev Tycoon iirc.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: The13thRonin on March 31, 2014, 05:04:35 am
For the people saying only FPS have gotten worse:

- Diablo 3 (RPG) Metacritics user score: 3.9
- Simcity 2013 (Simulator) Metacritics user score 2.1
- Rome Total War 2 (Strategy) Metacritics user score 4.0
- Day One: Garry's Incident (Indie/RPG) Metacritics user score: 0.5
- Company of Heroes 2 (Strategy) Metacritics user score: 1.9
- Legends of Pegasus (Indie/Strategy) Metacritics user score: 1.6
- Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight (Strategy) Metacritics user score: 2.1
- Star Trek The Video Game (Action) Metacritics user score: 2.2
- Jagged Alliance: Crossfire (Strategy) Metacritics user score: 3.7
- Postal 3 (3rd Person Shooter) Metacritics user score: 3.1
- Stronghold 3 (Strategy) Metacritics user score: 3.0
- Silent Hunter 5: Battle of the Atlantic (Simulator) Metacritics user score: 2.8
- FIFA Manager 13 (Sports) Metacritics user score: 4.3
- Dungeons (Strategy) Metacritics user score: 4.5

Keep in mind that I plucked these off Metacritic in five minutes. Give me an hour and I could have ten times this list. All the games on this list were released within the last 5 years and are not obscure or niche games... Most gamers should have heard of at least 90% of these. None of them are FPS games.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Tally on March 31, 2014, 05:11:10 am
Perhaps I'll chip in with one thing and say that of recent years games have seen phenomenal improvements in other scales we haven't touched on. One of the greatest advancements is that the internet has allowed user feedback to actively change a game in the areas of game balance and bug fixes.

For that note, patching is possible now (yes I will acknowledge there has been a lot of abuse for developer shortcuts with this). In the days of yore, you couldn't simply patch a game to fix bugs. You could release a newer version of the game, of course, but you'd have to get stores to stock it for you, and anyone who already has the game likely wouldn't buy it again for bugfixes. This was especially true for consoles. Any game of olden days could be counted on to have more bugs than you could count.

To prove that point, a very popular game: Final Fantasy 1. Fantastic game that left an incredible legacy, but also fantastically buggy in subtle ways.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

To say that the majority of games on the market in present day are awful is... correct. But it was also correct of the 'golden age' as well. And this will always be true. There were some great games, but it doesn't allow you to overlook the terrible ones. There will always be terrible fads that flood the market with awful crap too. Just look at FMV games (the genre). It is a hallmark of shame from an otherwise monumental achievement in video game technology.

The point of the post is that wearing nostalgia glasses can damage your hindsight as much as your foresight if you aren't mindful of them. There is, however, a visible difference between then and now; The internet has allowed bad games, abusive marketing strategies, etc. to be more visible, so you do see more bad going on, but that doesn't mean there's more bad things happening now than before.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: werty892 on March 31, 2014, 05:42:16 am
For the people saying only FPS have gotten worse:

- Diablo 3 (RPG) Metacritics user score: 3.9
- Simcity 2013 (Simulator) Metacritics user score 2.1
- Rome Total War 2 (Strategy) Metacritics user score 4.0
- Day One: Garry's Incident (Indie/RPG) Metacritics user score: 0.5
- Company of Heroes 2 (Strategy) Metacritics user score: 1.9
- Legends of Pegasus (Indie/Strategy) Metacritics user score: 1.6
- Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight (Strategy) Metacritics user score: 2.1
- Star Trek The Video Game (Action) Metacritics user score: 2.2
- Jagged Alliance: Crossfire (Strategy) Metacritics user score: 3.7
- Postal 3 (3rd Person Shooter) Metacritics user score: 3.1
- Stronghold 3 (Strategy) Metacritics user score: 3.0
- Silent Hunter 5: Battle of the Atlantic (Simulator) Metacritics user score: 2.8
- FIFA Manager 13 (Sports) Metacritics user score: 4.3
- Dungeons (Strategy) Metacritics user score: 4.5

Keep in mind that I plucked these off Metacritic in five minutes. Give me an hour and I could have ten times this list. All the games on this list were released within the last 5 years and are not obscure or niche games... Most gamers should have heard of at least 90% of these. None of them are FPS games.

I don't see how this proves anything. All I see is a list of shit games that you plucked off metacritic, and everyone knows these are shit.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Mictlantecuhtli on March 31, 2014, 05:55:59 am
I like the effort put into nonsensical lists.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: miauw62 on March 31, 2014, 06:09:23 am
For the people saying only FPS have gotten worse:

- Diablo 3 (RPG) Metacritics user score: 3.9
- Simcity 2013 (Simulator) Metacritics user score 2.1
- Rome Total War 2 (Strategy) Metacritics user score 4.0
- Day One: Garry's Incident (Indie/RPG) Metacritics user score: 0.5
- Company of Heroes 2 (Strategy) Metacritics user score: 1.9
- Legends of Pegasus (Indie/Strategy) Metacritics user score: 1.6
- Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight (Strategy) Metacritics user score: 2.1
- Star Trek The Video Game (Action) Metacritics user score: 2.2
- Jagged Alliance: Crossfire (Strategy) Metacritics user score: 3.7
- Postal 3 (3rd Person Shooter) Metacritics user score: 3.1
- Stronghold 3 (Strategy) Metacritics user score: 3.0
- Silent Hunter 5: Battle of the Atlantic (Simulator) Metacritics user score: 2.8
- FIFA Manager 13 (Sports) Metacritics user score: 4.3
- Dungeons (Strategy) Metacritics user score: 4.5

Keep in mind that I plucked these off Metacritic in five minutes. Give me an hour and I could have ten times this list. All the games on this list were released within the last 5 years and are not obscure or niche games... Most gamers should have heard of at least 90% of these. None of them are FPS games.
Sturgeon's law. I bet you could find a fuckton of shitty games from the 80's. Bad games are released in every genre. Also, I'm fairly sure that Day One: Garry's Incident is an FPS. "indie" isn't a genre. Also note that most of these are AAA sequels, and at least three of them by EA.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: alexandertnt on March 31, 2014, 06:27:11 am
I can make a whole long list of garbage games from the 90's. A very long list. A very, very long list (oh dear god some of the crap that was shoveled out back then). And I can make a long list of great, well recieved games from this era. I dont exactly know what that proves. Plus metacritic user scores are a terrable way to try to prove your point (

I feel like copying and pasting "Sturgeon's law" over and over again, because it's something that people just seem to forget about.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Sonlirain on March 31, 2014, 06:58:37 am
Back in the day people could make a game and shovel it yto stores hoping for a quick buck because there were barely any reviewers and people would never know if "insert a game from AVGN" was good or trash. Nowdays with the internet it's far harder to sell a shiny box full of manute to people because i can just google "Legend of Pegasus" and i instantly know what;s wrong with it.

However look at that list again and note that most of those games are sequels of well known series.
Diablo 3 - A sequel of one of hte best hack and slashers out there... dumbed down and armed with one of them ost annoying DRMs ever devised by mankind.
SimCity - Same as above.
Rome Total War 2 - A GLITCH FEST full of stupid mechanics and bugs while being the nevews instalment of a WELL KNOWN and LIKED series.

What we see here is murdering of franchises.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on March 31, 2014, 07:48:34 am
Back in the day people could make a game and shovel it yto stores hoping for a quick buck because there were barely any reviewers and people would never know if "insert a game from AVGN" was good or trash. Nowdays with the internet it's far harder to sell a shiny box full of manute to people because i can just google "Legend of Pegasus" and i instantly know what;s wrong with it.

However look at that list again and note that most of those games are sequels of well known series.
Diablo 3 - A sequel of one of hte best hack and slashers out there... dumbed down and armed with one of them ost annoying DRMs ever devised by mankind.
SimCity - Same as above.
Rome Total War 2 - A GLITCH FEST full of stupid mechanics and bugs while being the nevews instalment of a WELL KNOWN and LIKED series.

What we see here is murdering of franchises.

I'll chime in and say, that's true! Shitty games don't just appear out of thin air, they either come in the form of sequels (Which most AAA companies have trouble producing at quality) or as games intended just to make a few quick bucks. Indeed, most of the hate originates from shitty sequels, there are plenty of great games out there.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Glloyd on March 31, 2014, 09:50:22 am
For the people saying only FPS have gotten worse:

- Diablo 3 (RPG) Metacritics user score: 3.9
- Simcity 2013 (Simulator) Metacritics user score 2.1
- Rome Total War 2 (Strategy) Metacritics user score 4.0
- Day One: Garry's Incident (Indie/RPG) Metacritics user score: 0.5
- Company of Heroes 2 (Strategy) Metacritics user score: 1.9
- Legends of Pegasus (Indie/Strategy) Metacritics user score: 1.6
- Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight (Strategy) Metacritics user score: 2.1
- Star Trek The Video Game (Action) Metacritics user score: 2.2
- Jagged Alliance: Crossfire (Strategy) Metacritics user score: 3.7
- Postal 3 (3rd Person Shooter) Metacritics user score: 3.1
- Stronghold 3 (Strategy) Metacritics user score: 3.0
- Silent Hunter 5: Battle of the Atlantic (Simulator) Metacritics user score: 2.8
- FIFA Manager 13 (Sports) Metacritics user score: 4.3
- Dungeons (Strategy) Metacritics user score: 4.5

Keep in mind that I plucked these off Metacritic in five minutes. Give me an hour and I could have ten times this list. All the games on this list were released within the last 5 years and are not obscure or niche games... Most gamers should have heard of at least 90% of these. None of them are FPS games.

This is a logical fallacy. I just found a list of 257 reviews from the 90's for NES games. More than half were under C+, and many of the games under C+ I had heard of, or even played.

I could probably do the same for any console through history, and I know I could do the same for PC in the 2000's and 1990's. It's hard to find review data from the 80's, but trust me, there were still shitty games that came out then.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: GlyphGryph on March 31, 2014, 10:28:09 am
So this thread seems, to be, an equal mix between

Nostalgia Goggles: "Everything was better back in the day, because I've forgotten everything that sucks!"
Entitlement: "I don't understand why every game being made doesn't appeal to me, anymore! Damn these... these OTHER people getting games made for them!"
Blinders: "All the games today suck! What? Counter-examples? I've never played any of those, they don't count!"
Experience: "I've already *seen* this. I've already *done* this. Why isn't everything new and exciting any more?"
Changing Tastes: "I used to like this stuff - the fact that I don't any more clearly indicates something has changed about the games, not me! And no, I don't want to go back and play more of the retro stuff, I don't enjoy that anymore either, why does that matter?"

In my opinion, while there were some rough spots in the aughts, we're currently in a second golden age of gaming - I haven't seen this many awesome games coming out this quickly since the 90s. For all of the problems the game "industry" might be experiencing, there's a lot of good stuff coming out of it for anyone who cares to look, and doesn't approach things with the assumption they are going to be terrible.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: nenjin on March 31, 2014, 11:10:46 am
I will say this:

2d platformer puzzlers are getting beaten to death. Every single indie dev of note is making one, or has made one. I swear Incredipede has like 12 clones. When I see that as a game pitch, I am immediately turned off. Short of a theme I absolutely adore, there's very little that will get me to try them. If you don't believe what I'm saying, just go read the last 2 months of RPS articles and see how many 2d puzzle platformers you spot.

It's ironic that prior to the big indie rebirth, all we did was complain that games were a lot of visuals tied together with weak gameplay.

Now look at the indie scene. What do you see? A lot of "visually atmospheric/touchy-feely/emotional" games. Underpinned by........weak gameplay ideas. "Oh look, another 2d game about jumping and an ambiguous storyline. What sets it apart? Why, you can walk on the ceiling!!!11111" Developers that say violence and conflict are bad m'kay try to convince me that watching a girl use a mechanic (gravity, state switches) to get across a 2d level with accompanying sad violin music is supposedly better.

I really feel like we've come full circle on this, only now it's ok because instead of big evil corps making them, they're individuals with artistic license. So suddenly what was a cheap attempt at our money is now some spiritual experience because it's a guy making it and not a studio. Nevermind you're paying about $10 for a 2 hour experience at best. Most of your time will probably be spent trying to convince your friends this is an experience they should have rather than actually playing the game.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: freeformschooler on March 31, 2014, 11:16:51 am
(VVVVVV was the height of 2d puzzle platformers)

While we're talking about the game industry, a question: what happened to 3d platformers? You know, sonic, nights into dreams, malleo, that sort of thing. Is it dying off because consoles are dying off, or did most of the devs that made stuff for the N64 universally decide "this is stupid and a fad?"

As incompatible third-person-3D was with platforming, the genre was pretty awesome while it lasted.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Hugehead on March 31, 2014, 11:51:36 am
Nintendo's still making 3D Marios, and Sega 3D Sonics, Mirror's Edge 2 is coming, and Cloudbuilt released on Steam in the last couple days. There's not a huge number like there were during the N64 era, but they're still being made.

Third person action games also usually have varying amounts of platforming in them.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Arcvasti on March 31, 2014, 11:56:52 am
This thread has thoroughly outmaneuvered my constructive involvement. How about we just burn an effigy of EA games and call it quits?
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: scrdest on March 31, 2014, 11:57:17 am
I still don't understand how Mirror's Edge... happened. An original IP, published by EA, that was actually good (SHUT UP, IT WAS!), with a color palette that wasn't dropped in the mud...
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: freeformschooler on March 31, 2014, 11:58:25 am
Nintendo's still making 3D Marios, and Sega 3D Sonics, Mirror's Edge 2 is coming, and Cloudbuilt released on Steam in the last couple days. There's not a huge number like there were during the N64 era, but they're still being made.

Third person action games also usually have varying amounts of platforming in them.

whoa I didn't hear about those last two

Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: GlyphGryph on March 31, 2014, 12:04:32 pm
Isn't Project Spark like... an *engine* for creating 3d platformers, with lots of awesome 3d platformers released in it already?

2d platformer puzzlers are getting beaten to death. Every single indie dev of note is making one, or has made one. I swear Incredipede has like 12 clones. When I see that as a game pitch, I am immediately turned off. Short of a theme I absolutely adore, there's very little that will get me to try them. If you don't believe what I'm saying, just go read the last 2 months of RPS articles and see how many 2d puzzle platformers you spot.
No more than FPS games have been getting beaten to death for the last two decades, where everyone felt the need to push out a shitty FPS, or Adventure Games in the 90s, where they were easy enough to make that you could find dozens and dozens of different crappy adventure games in every single bargain bin (although I don't know anyone who ever tried most of them aside from me).

I don't think there's anything wrong with a genre being popular among devs, it tends to lead to the development of some shining crown jewels in the sea of the crap, and to be honest... a lot of it is simply that 2d platformers are easy to make.

2d platformers have always been the go-to for aspiring game developers, since the 90s at least.

Hell, you know what the Doom guys started out making and originally got famous for? 2d Platformers. A chunk of the people on their team didn't even *like* their 2d Platformers, but it was just so goddamn easy to do fun stuff with them that from a development standpoint it was and is almost always going to be the genre you "cut your teeth" on, and the easiest to introduce new "gimmicks" to and thus stand out from the crowd - and if you've got artistic rather than game ambitions, it's the genre that provides perhaps the easiest entry point that still allows you to communicate the idea you want to communicate.

They generally go over a lot better at the fledgling developer and artistic attempts at the FPS that happened in the early aughts. Blech.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Rez on March 31, 2014, 12:27:11 pm
I wouldn't bother looking at any kind of ratings for video games as a way to measure merit.  For one thing, /v/ bombs metacritic user ratings for games the zeitgeist is against.  For a second, most reviewers are total hacks.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: LeoLeonardoIII on March 31, 2014, 12:44:27 pm
I think there are some good games coming out still, and the indie games coming out are sometimes better than AAA titles - and that's not new. Back in the day there were fewer game developers (and they were all small companies or individuals) and without the Internet of today we had little access to information about the games people were making. With limited space between magazine covers and on store shelves we only saw what had advertising money behind it.

You also had a lower barrier to entry with the technology. While we have better development tools now, we also have more complex expectations. The difference between making a basic 2D point-and-click adventure or roguelike and making a 3D vehicular FPS is huge. Then again, almost all of what we consider "a good game" around these parts has to do with game design, writing, and creative ideas - meaning we would generally be more likely to lay down $10 on a mind-blowing ASCII roguelike or text adventure than a tepid and formulaic WW2 FPS.

But I suspect bright days are ahead.

1) Online retailing is becoming easier on marketplace sites. This makes it easier to get a game out there and also sort the games by rating - so crap games get buried as they should and great ones rise to the top. This creates an erroneous impression for the gamer that only great games exist.

2) Libraries of code and graphics are always expanding. As an established base of structural components expands, it becomes easier to build using them. This means there are more games out there being made, which means more bad ones and more good ones. With less time spent on developing these shared components, each game developer can either put their games out faster or spend more time developing good content.

3) Game engines that are easier to use will encourage indie developers who have big dreams and great ideas but are short on technical skills. As the years pass more of these become available and the older ones become less buggy and more fully-featured, and better-supported in the form of developer forums and technical documents.

4) The differences in visuals for new technology each year are becoming smaller and smaller. This is just because you can only get a stone wall looking so realistic before there's no point adding more graphical updates to it. There's a point when working on the leaf doesn't make any more sense. Then to differentiate their new game a developer will have to turn to some other feature - such as story, breadth and depth of choices, voice acting, writing, etc. Up to recently we've been in awe of big new engines coming out of id or whoever and excited in the leaps in visuals we're seeing. I predict new engines will focus on better background components that make for better gameplay.

5) The casual mobile phase of game evolution is in full swing. When developing for smaller, weaker devices you have fewer processing resources to use, meaning a graphics-race will last only so long before hitting hardware limitations. Working within limitations is where a lot of good art and science occurs. Instead of brute-force graphics the focus must be on efficiency and gameplay, which will inform and benefit PC gaming. Additionally it's possible that some developer will realize that some people don't just want a 10-minute casual game, and they don't just want to extend that 10-minute period by another 50 minutes of grinding the same activities: some people want a mobile game with depth that will take several dozen two-hour train rides to fully enjoy. These may be good enough to play as a port to a beefier platform like a laptop or console.

6) As people invest their ideas into games, they occasionally create something new. Other games take the idea and run with it, growing it in new directions. Most of these branches will wither and die because they suck. Others will bear fruit. Some ideas that have lain fallow for too long will be unearthed by new developers and dusted off in surprise and glee. This continued expansion of the communal storehouse of ideas, and synthesis with old ideas, will give creative people a greater and greater vocabulary they can use.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: nenjin on March 31, 2014, 01:19:31 pm
Isn't Project Spark like... an *engine* for creating 3d platformers, with lots of awesome 3d platformers released in it already?

2d platformer puzzlers are getting beaten to death. Every single indie dev of note is making one, or has made one. I swear Incredipede has like 12 clones. When I see that as a game pitch, I am immediately turned off. Short of a theme I absolutely adore, there's very little that will get me to try them. If you don't believe what I'm saying, just go read the last 2 months of RPS articles and see how many 2d puzzle platformers you spot.

But I can deal with plenty of top-down, ascii roguelikes. Because they're not trying to sell me a visions that is anything but.

Compare the marketing for a lot of these indie platformers though. They're trying to sell you an art experience more than a game, because the game has been thoroughly re-trenched 1000 times already. I'm not saying FPS are any different. But I feel like they're a bit more honest about what they're doing. What really sells 2d platformers isn't the game anymore. It's the art aesthetic and the music. The engine is just a platform for doing that. Put another way, FPS are about shooting shit, and I can dig that, generally regardless of the theme. 2d platformers, not so much, because I don't find jumping and puzzles fascinating. There's plenty of new indie games I'd be willing to try, based on the theme alone. When they're tied to platforming because it's the only format they're capable of working in......I don't feel like spending money on it.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: MoLAoS on March 31, 2014, 01:57:28 pm
So this thread seems, to be, an equal mix between

Nostalgia Goggles: "Everything was better back in the day, because I've forgotten everything that sucks!"
Entitlement: "I don't understand why every game being made doesn't appeal to me, anymore! Damn these... these OTHER people getting games made for them!"
Blinders: "All the games today suck! What? Counter-examples? I've never played any of those, they don't count!"
Experience: "I've already *seen* this. I've already *done* this. Why isn't everything new and exciting any more?"
Changing Tastes: "I used to like this stuff - the fact that I don't any more clearly indicates something has changed about the games, not me! And no, I don't want to go back and play more of the retro stuff, I don't enjoy that anymore either, why does that matter?"

In my opinion, while there were some rough spots in the aughts, we're currently in a second golden age of gaming - I haven't seen this many awesome games coming out this quickly since the 90s. For all of the problems the game "industry" might be experiencing, there's a lot of good stuff coming out of it for anyone who cares to look, and doesn't approach things with the assumption they are going to be terrible.

Ooh, someone made a whole list of video game themed fully general counterarguments. Great. Fabulous. Discussion isn't going to be ruined now, not at all. I swear I'm not being sarcastic. Okay I lied, I am.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Neonivek on March 31, 2014, 02:02:16 pm
Entitlement: "I don't understand why every game being made doesn't appeal to me, anymore! Damn these... these OTHER people getting games made for them!"

No, I am with the entitled people.

I am tired of mass produced garbage, I want some quality products and not something so bland it will be inoffensively popular. Why should I be happy about this?

Ohh wait but entitlement is a bad thing because you say it is...
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: MoLAoS on March 31, 2014, 02:38:30 pm
Entitlement: "I don't understand why every game being made doesn't appeal to me, anymore! Damn these... these OTHER people getting games made for them!"

No, I am with the entitled people.

I am tired of mass produced garbage, I want some quality products and not something so bland it will be inoffensively popular. Why should I be happy about this?

Ohh wait but entitlement is a bad thing because you say it is...

I posted this somewhere else I think but it bears mentioning here.

Blandness is the essence of popularity. How do you make a genre of media popular? Tone down what makes it unique. Punk pop? Less politics more food and girlfriends songs with poppier hooks. Science fiction, less philosophy, more teen drama. The actual purpose of the genre becomes a backdrop for the tedious and banal concerns of the average consumer.

Media is a zero sum game at this point. Back in the day when not everyone had computers it wasn't, but now that they are ubiquitous it is.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Tawa on March 31, 2014, 02:49:05 pm
So this thread seems, to be, an equal mix between

Nostalgia Goggles: "Everything was better back in the day, because I've forgotten everything that sucks!"
Entitlement: "I don't understand why every game being made doesn't appeal to me, anymore! Damn these... these OTHER people getting games made for them!"
Blinders: "All the games today suck! What? Counter-examples? I've never played any of those, they don't count!"
Experience: "I've already *seen* this. I've already *done* this. Why isn't everything new and exciting any more?"
Changing Tastes: "I used to like this stuff - the fact that I don't any more clearly indicates something has changed about the games, not me! And no, I don't want to go back and play more of the retro stuff, I don't enjoy that anymore either, why does that matter?"
In my opinion, while there were some rough spots in the aughts, we're currently in a second golden age of gaming - I haven't seen this many awesome games coming out this quickly since the 90s. For all of the problems the game "industry" might be experiencing, there's a lot of good stuff coming out of it for anyone who cares to look, and doesn't approach things with the assumption they are going to be terrible.

You forgot me.

I was more like "There are still decent games, you just have to stop pretending indies and FPS'es are the whole genre".

Seriously, Nintendo makes a lot of "kiddie" games, but they have quality in them alright. The older titles have some merit as well, sometimes more than the new ones. (I.E. Link to the Past, Mario 64)d

Also, my "reads", to use a mafia term, on the two genres:

Indies: Indie games vary widely in quality-- heck, DF is an indie game. Look how great it's been. On the other end of the spectrum is the absolute crap, which tends to be either horrible first person shooter games, RPGs with no story, or platformers with glitchy controls.
First Person Shooters: In general, they suck, but the only real problem with them, in my opinion, is that most of them are Call of Duty ripoffs or generic alien shoot-em-ups.

There's my two cents on the matter.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: GlyphGryph on March 31, 2014, 03:13:32 pm
Entitlement: "I don't understand why every game being made doesn't appeal to me, anymore! Damn these... these OTHER people getting games made for them!"

No, I am with the entitled people.
Yes. This is perfectly clear from your post history. Glad you can be up front about it, anyway.

It's a bad thing because you've done nothing to earn it. You're entitled simply because you've had it good in the past - well, tough luck. You're "problem" isn't that good things aren't getting made anymore (they are) or even that things aren't being made anymore that target your demographic (they are), but rather that things *are* being made that target *someone else*.

Ooh, someone made a whole list of video game themed fully general counterarguments. Great. Fabulous. Discussion isn't going to be ruined now, not at all. I swear I'm not being sarcastic. Okay I lied, I am.
Yes, a discussion based on crappy image memes, vague analogies, cherry-picked irrelevancies, generalizations and nostalgia has been ruined! How could it have possible come to this?

I read the thread - was there a singly actual argument being made about the "videogame industry" being any worse now than it was at some point in the past? Any evidence presented, any coherent arguments made? Because I just reread the thread (again) and I couldn't fine them. Certainly a lot of claims have been made, but the "it sucks" proponents seem to be a bit averse to mounting an actual concrete defense of those claims.

Want some advice on how to do that? Pick two years  - 199x and 2013 would work, I imagine - and then establish a set of criteria by which you think things might have been "better" on the earlier date. Then cite some actual evidence that those claims were true - perhaps comparisons on the number of games released, or something, I don't know, I'm not the one making the claim, I don't have to find the evidence, and I don't even know what specific claims would be made anyway.

Then explain how the evidence presented supports the claims, and then we will respond by pointing out any potential flaws, and accepting the argument if the evidence is strong enough, agreeing with your claims. We may then dispute whether or not those claims are actually representative of the general critique offered by the OP, but that's another level of conversation there.

You forgot me.
Sorry, I was mostly referring to the arguments of the people supporting the threads premise, rather than those opposed.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Neonivek on March 31, 2014, 03:20:08 pm
It's a bad thing because you've done nothing to earn it.

No one "deserves" anything GlyphGryph.

Me siding with being "entitled" is more of a "So, actually wanting to play something we like is terrible?"

You're "problem" isn't that good things aren't getting made anymore (they are) or even that things aren't being made anymore that target your demographic (they are), but rather that things *are* being made that target *someone else*.

How many I put it GlyphGryph...

My problem is I like Pizza... and a while ago I had it good because the only people who liked pizza was me and an audience who were Pizza Connoisseurs, so Pizzas were marketed towards an audience who generally tried a lot of pizza. Yet slowly over time people started to catch onto how good Pizza is.

Now everyone is eating pizza... but instead of making the pizzas with any flavor, they have to make it to sell to as many people as possible and be as easy to swallow as possible.

So Pizzas are now bland and mushy, because they are there to appeal to everyone instead of this select group... and I am not happy because I didn't grow up on bland pizza, I grew up on tasty pizza. So Bland doesn't cut it for me.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: MoLAoS on March 31, 2014, 03:21:11 pm
I guess you don't understand what fully general counter argument means. When someone throws down a WHOLE LIST of the damn things, its already clear that a serious discussion would be a waste of time, at least with them.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Neonivek on March 31, 2014, 03:23:10 pm
I guess you don't understand what fully general counter argument means. When someone throws down a WHOLE LIST of the damn things, its already clear that a serious discussion would be a waste of time, at least with them.

It was over as soon as the list said "People with Grievances are WRONG!"

Which is an annoying attitude in general... but still it wasn't the list but rather the context of the list.

Which is why I am not going to fight the context.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: MoLAoS on March 31, 2014, 03:24:18 pm
It's a bad thing because you've done nothing to earn it.

No one "deserves" anything GlyphGryph.

Me siding with being "entitled" is more of a "So, actually wanting to play something we like is terrible?"

You're "problem" isn't that good things aren't getting made anymore (they are) or even that things aren't being made anymore that target your demographic (they are), but rather that things *are* being made that target *someone else*.

How many I put it GlyphGryph...

My problem is I like Pizza... and a while ago I had it good because the only people who liked pizza was me and an audience who were Pizza Connoisseurs, so Pizzas were marketed towards an audience who generally tried a lot of pizza. Yet slowly over time people started to catch onto how good Pizza is.

Now everyone is eating pizza... but instead of making the pizzas with any flavor, they have to make it to sell to as many people as possible and be as easy to swallow as possible.

So Pizzas are now bland and mushy, because they are there to appeal to everyone instead of this select group... and I am not happy because I didn't grow up on bland pizza, I grew up on tasty pizza. So Bland doesn't cut it for me.

Pretty much this. So bland!!!!!!!! Argh!!!!
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: GlyphGryph on March 31, 2014, 03:27:49 pm
Right, moving past the fact that this still just amounts to entitled whining, do you have any evidence it's even valid.

Any evidence, at all, that there are fewer interesting games ("high quality pizzas") being made today than there were... whenever?

Again, do you have an actual *argument*, or just a general desire to complain?
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on March 31, 2014, 03:30:17 pm
How many I put it GlyphGryph...

My problem is I like Pizza... and a while ago I had it good because the only people who liked pizza was me and an audience who were Pizza Connoisseurs, so Pizzas were marketed towards an audience who generally tried a lot of pizza. Yet slowly over time people started to catch onto how good Pizza is.

Now everyone is eating pizza... but instead of making the pizzas with any flavor, they have to make it to sell to as many people as possible and be as easy to swallow as possible.

So Pizzas are now bland and mushy, because they are there to appeal to everyone instead of this select group... and I am not happy because I didn't grow up on bland pizza, I grew up on tasty pizza. So Bland doesn't cut it for me.

A good, but ultimately non sequiter analogy. Videogames are literally better in every way, shape, and form than 20, 10, 5 years ago. In some ways videogames have been "dumbed down", but ultimately it's just that you've played it all before. Companies don't have to be innovative, their products are still excellent quality, especially to young gamers who aren't familiar with older games. What i'm trying to say is, the pizza is still tasty as shit, but you've had it so many times you can't eat any more.

EDIT: ninja'd
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: MoLAoS on March 31, 2014, 03:33:18 pm
Right, moving past the fact that this still just amounts to entitled whining, do you have any evidence it's even valid.

Any evidence, at all, that there are fewer interesting games ("high quality pizzas") being made today than there were... whenever?

Again, do you have an actual *argument*, or just a general desire to complain?

"Entitled Whiners! Provide me with well thought out evidence I will just dismiss with my FGCAs!"


Ask yourself why you have to post here. If we are just entitled whiners, why not just go play all those fun games out there that are being made these days. I for one, if there were tons of fabulous games to play, would be out there doing that, instead of arguing with people I clearly have no respect for.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: MoLAoS on March 31, 2014, 03:37:25 pm
How many I put it GlyphGryph...

My problem is I like Pizza... and a while ago I had it good because the only people who liked pizza was me and an audience who were Pizza Connoisseurs, so Pizzas were marketed towards an audience who generally tried a lot of pizza. Yet slowly over time people started to catch onto how good Pizza is.

Now everyone is eating pizza... but instead of making the pizzas with any flavor, they have to make it to sell to as many people as possible and be as easy to swallow as possible.

So Pizzas are now bland and mushy, because they are there to appeal to everyone instead of this select group... and I am not happy because I didn't grow up on bland pizza, I grew up on tasty pizza. So Bland doesn't cut it for me.

A good, but ultimately non sequiter analogy. Videogames are literally better in every way, shape, and form than 20, 10, 5 years ago. In some ways videogames have been "dumbed down", but ultimately it's just that you've played it all before. Companies don't have to be innovative, their products are still excellent quality, especially to young gamers who aren't familiar with older games. What i'm trying to say is, the pizza is still tasty as shit, but you've had it so many times you can't eat any more.

EDIT: ninja'd

Don't think you know what non-sequiter means.

Video games are not in fact better in every way. They are shinier, but that's about it.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Neonivek on March 31, 2014, 03:40:16 pm
It all boils down to opinion GryphGlyph since it cannot be "proven" either way.

Can you prove videogames are just as innovative, and fun, and great as they always were? You could list a lot of games and I could list a lot of games. It won't go anywhere.

Mind you, my feeling of videogames is that their general quality hasn't changed... But where classics hit more highs and lows (You will NEVER find more terrible games), modern games hit more of a in the middle with less that stand out.

My main point is that saying people should just be happy or shut up is asking people to be dishonest with their feelings. I'd rather be entitled then someone who tries to force everyone to like what they do.

What i'm trying to say is, the pizza is still tasty as shit

You can still eat good pizza.

Yet anytime I pour over the classics I am really blown away by some of the concepts and gameplay elements they came up with exploratory gameplay and kind of wonder why innovation just sort of trickles in. As well a lot of these games were genuinely hard and had a learning curve, people like to talk about Dark Souls as some sort of amazingly tough game as a feature. We gotten to the point where "Not easy" is a feature!

And don't get me wrong, a lot of these games were just offshoots of other games. Yet even within that they got pretty interesting. A few genuinely felt ahead of their time (Laura Bow and the Colonel's Bequest would be innovative even if made today). and heck I wasn't born in that Era of gaming (I started gaming during the SNES era)
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Tawa on March 31, 2014, 03:41:05 pm
You forgot me.
Sorry, I was mostly referring to the arguments of the people supporting the threads premise, rather than those opposed.

Oh, I read it out of context.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: MoLAoS on March 31, 2014, 03:48:23 pm
Pretty much its all about opinion. We MIGHT be able to prove it, if we had the resources of a company like Google or Wolfram or something working on it non stop with a huge budget analyzing every game ever.

Fat chance though, right?
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Neonivek on March 31, 2014, 03:49:45 pm
Not to mention MoLAoS...

Entitled implies that we believe we "deserve" better.

What part of "We don't like the current batch of games and would like it to be better or to appeal to us more" is Entitled?

Which is the ultimate problem with the term "entitled", it is never used in the right context.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: GlyphGryph on March 31, 2014, 03:51:53 pm
It all boils down to opinion GryphGlyph since it cannot be "proven" either way.

He says, as if opinions can't be horribly and blatantly wrong.

"Entitled Whiners! Provide me with well thought out evidence I will just dismiss with my FGCAs!"


Ask yourself why you have to post here. If we are just entitled whiners, why not just go play all those fun games out there that are being made these days. I for one, if there were tons of fabulous games to play, would be out there doing that, instead of arguing with people I clearly have no respect for.
Well, it's good to see your ability to make baseless claims applies to areas *other* than video games, I guess?

Still, "I don't have to make a good argument because you'd just dismiss it anyway, so let me make some more unsupported claims" is pretty weak. And I enjoy arguing with people (more than playing video games of any sort sometimes, to be honest), although I prefer to do so with people capable of making an actual, coherent argument, and you're right - it doesn't seem like I'm going to get anyone like that from this thread unless I go full-on devil's advocate, since you've gotten to the point where you're apparently going to rely on "because reasons" and "that's just, like, your opinion, man" as your ultimate justification, as if I'm the only one you're failing to convince that your views have any merit.

So I might just do that - I'll get back to you. Since I like arguing but don't find much pleasure in whining, it might be fun to see if I can put together a coherent and defensible argument to represent your point of view.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Neonivek on March 31, 2014, 03:52:46 pm
since you've gotten to the point where you're apparently going to rely on "because reasons" as your ultimate justification, as if I'm the only one you're failing to convince that your views have any merit

Because who the heck wants to do that? Who the world wants to pause their life, delve hours into a list of games, play them, watch videos, and write reviews... ALL for the intent of defending their opinion because someone just doesn't accept that someone has a different opinion then them?

This is just supposed to be a fun thread for people to express themselves. Not an interrogation.

it might be fun to see if I can put together a coherent and defensible argument to represent your point of view.

It isn't because all it boils down to is examples that can be argued against with counter examples... and that isn't fun.

And heck it isn't like classic games didn't have their terrible awkward periods (early 3d period... UUGH!)

Not to mention you still have to filter the games.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: The13thRonin on March 31, 2014, 04:09:38 pm
First of all GlyphGryph you need to calm down because you are borderline if not outright flaming some people in this thread. Commenting on someones posting history is attacking them directly as a poster and not actually discussing their post.

I read the thread - was there a singly actual argument being made about the "videogame industry" being any worse now than it was at some point in the past? Any evidence presented, any coherent arguments made? Because I just reread the thread (again) and I couldn't fine them. Certainly a lot of claims have been made, but the "it sucks" proponents seem to be a bit averse to mounting an actual concrete defense of those claims.

Want some advice on how to do that? Pick two years  - 199x and 2013 would work, I imagine - and then establish a set of criteria by which you think things might have been "better" on the earlier date. Then cite some actual evidence that those claims were true - perhaps comparisons on the number of games released, or something, I don't know, I'm not the one making the claim, I don't have to find the evidence, and I don't even know what specific claims would be made anyway.

Then explain how the evidence presented supports the claims, and then we will respond by pointing out any potential flaws, and accepting the argument if the evidence is strong enough, agreeing with your claims. We may then dispute whether or not those claims are actually representative of the general critique offered by the OP, but that's another level of conversation there.

No matter what 'evidence' you post someone will always dispute your methods. Case in point I used Metacritic User Scores and was told that this is not a good gauge of how 'good' a game is despite games being you know... A form of popular media with the entire point of being enjoyed ::). Nice counter-argument there to the scores... I guess we should give up having reviews altogether.

I'm sorry that you feel bored. I wrote this post primarily for me, you do not have to read it.

I don't get paid to write threads here on Bay 12 and I don't particularly want to waste my time spending hundreds of hours crafting graphs and compiling statistics that will then just be ignored anyway just to try to convince you of the truth. If you don't want to accept the truth then that's your business.

Also to the naysayers of the Metacritics scores follow each series through:

Diablo 1: 8.7 released 1996
Diablo 2: 8.7 released 2000
Diablo 3: 3.9 released 2012

You'll find that with most series the same trend is followed.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Neonivek on March 31, 2014, 04:13:06 pm
I don't like using scores mostly 13thRonin because they are always compared to the average of the time.

As well they are prone to what I call "score inflation".

Also is Diablo 3 really a 3.9? I thought it was "alright"... Not bad. Even if I stopped playing it because it just relentlessly bored me.


In Fairness I think 2d plane fighting games like Tekken and Streetfighter are genuinely better now then in the past (outside a few missteps).
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: aattss on March 31, 2014, 04:17:31 pm
The fact that they didn't make dungeon keeper 3 ( and produced a pile of shit and called it dungeon keeper) in addition to the fact that ea is still making always-online games means that whatever you think, one must admit that the op may be on to something.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on March 31, 2014, 04:18:55 pm
How many I put it GlyphGryph...

My problem is I like Pizza... and a while ago I had it good because the only people who liked pizza was me and an audience who were Pizza Connoisseurs, so Pizzas were marketed towards an audience who generally tried a lot of pizza. Yet slowly over time people started to catch onto how good Pizza is.

Now everyone is eating pizza... but instead of making the pizzas with any flavor, they have to make it to sell to as many people as possible and be as easy to swallow as possible.

So Pizzas are now bland and mushy, because they are there to appeal to everyone instead of this select group... and I am not happy because I didn't grow up on bland pizza, I grew up on tasty pizza. So Bland doesn't cut it for me.

A good, but ultimately non sequiter analogy. Videogames are literally better in every way, shape, and form than 20, 10, 5 years ago. In some ways videogames have been "dumbed down", but ultimately it's just that you've played it all before. Companies don't have to be innovative, their products are still excellent quality, especially to young gamers who aren't familiar with older games. What i'm trying to say is, the pizza is still tasty as shit, but you've had it so many times you can't eat any more.

EDIT: ninja'd

Don't think you know what non-sequiter means.

Video games are not in fact better in every way. They are shinier, but that's about it.

your Glyph's Neonivek's analogy is non-sensical, it doesn't apply to this situation in my opinion, and in the manner that he is implying that most videogames are just bland pieces of crap because companies attempt to appeal to a wider audience there is a disconnect between argument and outcome, therefore non-sequiter.

If you want to tell me that videogames in general aren't better, or theyre lacking innovation that's fine, but if you intend to tell me that games like the new Tomb Raider, The Last of Us, and Uncharted aren't better than the games back in the days of yore, your nostalgia is getting to you.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: GlyphGryph on March 31, 2014, 04:21:35 pm
Wait, how did I get blamed for the analogy?
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on March 31, 2014, 04:22:08 pm
whoops, read my own quote pyramid wrong, sorry!

EDIT: wow, cant type today D:
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: MoLAoS on March 31, 2014, 04:23:17 pm
Arguments as soldiers and motivated cognition apply here as well, not just FGCAs. People dismiss a dozen peer reviewed studies with ridiculous arguments all the time in real life. About shit that really matters.

So why would anyone want to spend 1000 hours doing research and data visualization about video games when we all know that no one is going to change their subjective opinion about whether video games are better now or were better 10 years ago?

If I enjoyed data visualization and doing the research to fill it out that much I would work at Google and make 200k a year. I'm certainly not going to do it fruitlessly to convince someone of something on the internet.

This is the problem with having divergent opinions. I simply can't spend the massive amount of time necessary to do the kind of thorough research about every damn thought in my head. Even if I thought I would actually convince people it wouldn't be worth it, much less talking to some guy who "likes to argue" on the internet.

GlyphGryph doesn't actually like to argue, though. He just likes to sit on the side of the status quo where he can put the burden of proof off on the people who differ from the mainstream. Thus he does no hard work and always, in his mind, comes out on top, since the other side never "provided valid evidence."

Of course he can defend himself by going through his post history and showing me a higher % of times where he took the unpopular side and argued it to the standard he requested in this thread.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Neonivek on March 31, 2014, 04:23:27 pm
Naw I was just trying to explain my mindset Urist McScoopbeard.

That there is a link between "marketed for mass appeal" and "Less appeal" beyond it just not being for me.

I was going to add a line about there still being good pizza... but I didn't want to muddle what was supposed to be a jist.

if you intend to tell me that games like the new Tomb Raider, The Last of Us, and Uncharted aren't better than the games back in the days of yore, your nostalgia is getting to you

Different. No game is good in everyway.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: MoLAoS on March 31, 2014, 04:26:13 pm
How many I put it GlyphGryph...

My problem is I like Pizza... and a while ago I had it good because the only people who liked pizza was me and an audience who were Pizza Connoisseurs, so Pizzas were marketed towards an audience who generally tried a lot of pizza. Yet slowly over time people started to catch onto how good Pizza is.

Now everyone is eating pizza... but instead of making the pizzas with any flavor, they have to make it to sell to as many people as possible and be as easy to swallow as possible.

So Pizzas are now bland and mushy, because they are there to appeal to everyone instead of this select group... and I am not happy because I didn't grow up on bland pizza, I grew up on tasty pizza. So Bland doesn't cut it for me.

A good, but ultimately non sequiter analogy. Videogames are literally better in every way, shape, and form than 20, 10, 5 years ago. In some ways videogames have been "dumbed down", but ultimately it's just that you've played it all before. Companies don't have to be innovative, their products are still excellent quality, especially to young gamers who aren't familiar with older games. What i'm trying to say is, the pizza is still tasty as shit, but you've had it so many times you can't eat any more.

EDIT: ninja'd

Don't think you know what non-sequiter means.

Video games are not in fact better in every way. They are shinier, but that's about it.

your Glyph's Neonivek's analogy is non-sensical, it doesn't apply to this situation in my opinion, and in the manner that he is implying that most videogames are just bland pieces of crap because companies attempt to appeal to a wider audience there is a disconnect between argument and outcome, therefore non-sequiter.

If you want to tell me that videogames in general aren't better, or theyre lacking innovation that's fine, but if you intend to tell me that games like the new Tomb Raider, The Last of Us, and Uncharted aren't better than the games back in the days of yore, your nostalgia is getting to you.

I hate all those games. Like, hate. Poor examples to pick :P

Appealing to a wider audience is by definition making games more bland and samey. This is inescapable and if you don't understand why that is, your ignorance is getting to you.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on March 31, 2014, 04:26:56 pm
Naw I was just trying to explain my mindset Urist McScoopbeard.

That there is a link between "marketed for mass appeal" and "Less appeal" beyond it just not being for me.

I was going to add a line about there still being good pizza... but I didn't want to muddle what was supposed to be a jist.

well in many ways, I say fair enough. I won't lie, and say I still enjoy COD or really most long-standing franchises, aside from Halo these days, and Halo only for the story.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on March 31, 2014, 04:31:16 pm
I hate all those games. Like, hate. Poor examples to pick :P

Appealing to a wider audience is by definition making games more bland and samey. This is inescapable and if you don't understand why that is, your ignorance is getting to you.

I struggle to classify any three of those games (well maybe uncharted) as bland and/or samey.

Sure, as people understand what works and what doesn't videogames are less likely to contain new and bold ideas, but to say that they all have been cast in the same mold is preposterous, besides games within the same genre are already bound to have a large list of similarities, it's not like every game can be a as-of-yet-unheard-of concept.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Neonivek on March 31, 2014, 04:34:27 pm
Few people can really say they are above mass market appeal... and given I am a HUGE Sims fan, and it is PRIME example of drech right now and I still buy it, I cannot say I am above it either.

Though I will say that Tomb Raider is probably a great example to pick if you were arguing for the "bland effect" given the number of mishmashed elements and features and gameplay that feels borrowed from another game, as well as "Survival elements" that are meant to simulate survival in a very shallow way. QTE and stuff...
-Though... I still say Tomb Raider is a good game... Since after you boil everything away, it is still a solid experience and nothing takes away from that. Which really is all that matters.

At the same time however... Someone made a game that combined all the Doom clones into one large melee summoning brawl. (I still say Heretic and Doom feel different even if they are done in the exact same engine) Proving how much classics copied other games.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Glloyd on March 31, 2014, 04:38:13 pm
Also to the naysayers of the Metacritics scores follow each series through:

Diablo 1: 8.7 released 1996
Diablo 2: 8.7 released 2000
Diablo 3: 3.9 released 2012

You'll find that with most series the same trend is followed.

My point about how there is, has and will always be shitty games still stands. There were multiple bad sequels in the 90's as well. This is still a logical fallacy, you are still ignoring the vast multitudes of bad games (many of which are sequals) from the last 30 years. It's Glyph's Rose-Coloured Glasses point. There were many shitty games that you are glossing over, and that we have forgot about. In 30 years will we remember the Dungeon Keeper remake? Will we remember Diablo 3? Or will we remember games that people actually enjoyed, like all the various good games from the 80's, 90's and naughts that people still look back to fondly, while forgetting about all the bad games.

That's my real point.

There are always bad games in a certain period, and there always will be. But noone remembers the bad games (except in cases like E.T where the badness is actually something of a legend at this point), people choose to remember what is good. Just as there are always bad games, there are always good games as well.

Give it 20 years. Someone will be complaining about how Terraria 3 is the worst game ever, and that games are in a massive decline and things were better in 2014 when we had games like [insert preferred game here]. It's all relative.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Neonivek on March 31, 2014, 04:44:07 pm
Ohh we making a bad classic sequels list?

There is Broken sword... and Excellent point and click and honestly one of the timeless classics...
Broken sword 2, a boring game with annoying characters and a honestly weird and sometimes racist adventure.
Broken sword 3-whatever: uuuuuugh!

Gabriel Knight: a game about voodoo where a ton of research was done and you can learn it all in game with witty and challenging gameplay.
Gabriel Knight 2 a Beast within: One of the best FMV games ever made and it has its problems but it is quite an intelligent game about one of Germany's more famous kinds.
Gabriel Knight 3: MY EYES THEY BLEED!

Lands of Lore: A challenging and intelligent RPG that will put you to the ultimate test of puzzle solving and gameplay!
Lands of Lore 2: A less interesting but still quite interesting RPG that puts you through a magical adventure across the world
Lands of Lore 3: MY EYES THEY BLEED!

Theme Park: A wonderful early rendition of a theme park business tycoon game.
Theme Part 2: a... 3d... barely altered game... that is quite ugly.

I am not including Kings Quest 8 in this, because it was a different game only King Quest 8 in name only (and I think 7 is underrated). I am also leaving Phantasmagoria 2 out of it because, in some ways it deserves some respect.

Ohh goodness was Grim Fandango a good game that unfortunately is a great example of "World of Warcraft Syndrome" as plenty of genuinely good games tried to follow suit and stank because of it.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: MoLAoS on March 31, 2014, 04:47:55 pm
Just because some people have RCGs doesn't mean everyone does. Some humans are murderers. Doesn't mean we are all murderers, too.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: GlyphGryph on March 31, 2014, 04:48:08 pm
Here's the problem, MoLAos. I can provide evidence for my beliefs and claims, pretty trivially. Do you want me to? That's a bit off topic, in my opinion, but I certainly can.

You can't do so for yours.

So why do you believe video games are worse today? It's clearly not a belief based on the evidence, evidence you indicate you've made no evidence to uncover despite how passionately you appear to hold your opinion.

Then again, the opposed argument I would make is pretty well supported by fairly obvious element, that being "The video game industry does not suck, as they still manage to turn out a number of high quality titles every year (I simply need to produce a list of high quality titles each year to support this, a much lower burden of evidence, admittedly, than the stance you are taking), and they are obviously not in decline because they are releasing more titles and making more money every year."

Before I bother to provide any of that evidence, I would like to make sure if evidence of reliable yearly output of quality titles is enough, in your opinion, to demonstrate that an industry does not suck, and if it's not enough, what criteria would you consider to be valid for determining whether or not an industry sucks?

The evidence my stance requires to be "true" is a good deal less than yours, on account of how I'm making a much less strong claim (not that the industry is better than it was in the 90s, or that it is worse, merely that it still produces quality products and therefore does not suck), but then, that's the benefit of deciding which claims to support after looking at the actual evidence.

It's relevant to what he actually posted, which was a comment about himself, so maybe you should read what I'm responding to before criticizing.

It's not my problem if you want to stand blindly by a viewpoint you can't find sufficient evidence to support.

Okay, so, it appears you don't actually understand what "evidence" means, but that's okay, we can work on this. It needs to be something that relevant, for one - posting the scores for three games in three different years isn't, on account of how there's a large number of games produced every year, and one can undoubtedly find high and low games from any year. It's a pretty blatant example of cherry-picking, and only supports the argument "bad games have been made recently" and "good games have been made in the past". This is something a lot of people feel passionately about, so I'm sure you can find an argument that is at least *relevant*, if not valid.

(Mind you, I thought the original Diablo was utter shite, but I'm willing to accept, for the purpose of argument, that the "quality" of a video game is independent of my personal opinion, and go by the metacritic scores. Is this acceptable as an assumption by other parties, or would you prefer a different one?)
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Rez on March 31, 2014, 04:57:11 pm
Well, as long as we're exploring why Platonic Ideals of suck matter for a product whose quality is wholly subjective, I'll grab popcorn, too.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: MoLAoS on March 31, 2014, 04:58:32 pm
Here's the problem, MoLAos. I can provide evidence for my beliefs and claims, pretty trivially. Do you want me to? That's a bit off topic, in my opinion, but I certainly can.

You can't do so for yours.

So why do you believe video games are worse today? It's clearly not a belief based on the evidence, evidence you indicate you've made no evidence to uncover despite how passionately you appear to hold your opinion.

Then again, the opposed argument I would make is pretty well supported by fairly obvious element, that being "The video game industry does not suck, as they still manage to turn out a number of high quality titles every year (I simply need to produce a list of high quality titles each year to support this, a much lower burden of evidence, admittedly, than the stance you are taking), and they are obviously not in decline because they are releasing more titles and making more money every year."

Before I bother to provide any of that evidence, I would like to make sure if evidence of reliable yearly output of quality titles is enough, in your opinion, to demonstrate that an industry does not suck, and if it's not enough, what criteria would you consider to be valid for determining whether or not an industry sucks?

The evidence my stance requires to be "true" is a good deal less than yours, on account of how I'm making a much less strong claim (not that the industry is better than it was in the 90s, or that it is worse, merely that it still produces quality products and therefore does not suck), but then, that's the benefit of deciding which claims to support after looking at the actual evidence.

It's relevant to what he actually posted, which was a comment about himself, so maybe you should read what I'm responding to before criticizing.

It's not my problem if you want to stand blindly by a viewpoint you can't find sufficient evidence to support.

Okay, so, it appears you don't actually understand what "evidence" means, but that's okay, we can work on this. It needs to be something that relevant, for one - posting the scores for three games in three different years isn't, on account of how there's a large number of games produced every year, and one can undoubtedly find high and low games from any year. It's a pretty blatant example of cherry-picking, and only supports the argument "bad games have been made recently" and "good games have been made in the past". This is something a lot of people feel passionately about, so I'm sure you can find an argument that is at least *relevant*, if not valid.

(Mind you, I thought the original Diablo was utter shite, but I'm willing to accept, for the purpose of argument, that the "quality" of a video game is independent of my personal opinion, and go by the metacritic scores. Is this acceptable as an assumption by other parties, or would you prefer a different one?)

Having opinions that are easier to justify isn't a virtue.

Metacritic scores are bad because of score inflation. I wouldn't accept that as evidence.

As far as making some titles that don't suck, I would like to see the % of games made that are bad vs not be higher, as well as a control for the amount of money spent vs total titles as well as quality titles. I would accept a % value of good vs bad that was 5% lower now than then, merely because I don't consider that likely. I'd also suggest that we don't consider graphics. Which of course screws over most modern games that rely heavily on graphics for appeal. That might be hard to score though.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: MoLAoS on March 31, 2014, 04:59:59 pm
Well, as long as we're exploring why Platonic Ideals of suck matter for a product whose quality is wholly subjective, I'll grab popcorn, too.
I'd say something, but I find that my opinions have already been stated, and that watching is more amusing.
*grabs popcorn*

Modern popcorn is of lower quality than the popcorn of the past. It uses low quality ingredients which it compensates for by added salt and butter. I had many other complaints on my blog, but I had to shut it down because I'm poor.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Rez on March 31, 2014, 05:02:28 pm
Possibly from all that vintage popcorn you had to buy.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Shadowlord on March 31, 2014, 05:03:33 pm
Nobody's going to convince anybody of anything by insulting them, their opinions, their thinking, and their logic.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Rez on March 31, 2014, 05:05:49 pm
You're just saying that because your opinions are wrong.

/sarc, just to be clear.  It was getting way too cereal in here.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: MoLAoS on March 31, 2014, 05:07:13 pm
Possibly from all that vintage popcorn you had to buy.

I will live in the streets but I will have quality popcorn!
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: MoLAoS on March 31, 2014, 05:07:47 pm
Nobody's going to convince anybody of anything related to identity, under any circumstances.

Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Mictlantecuhtli on March 31, 2014, 05:09:03 pm
As far as making some titles that don't suck, I would like to see the % of games made that are bad vs not be higher, as well as a control for the amount of money spent vs total titles as well as quality titles. I would accept a % value of good vs bad that was 5% lower now than then, merely because I don't consider that likely. I'd also suggest that we don't consider graphics. Which of course screws over most modern games that rely heavily on graphics for appeal. That might be hard to score though.

I was thinking of doing something like this. Take the best selling/grossing titles of each year. [I'm not sure where to find comprehensive data of unit sales dating to the 80's. 90's would work too.] Maybe just the top 20 for each year. I'd like to cross-check that with averaged critic/review/metacritic numbers for each title, if applicable. If the critic review number is lower over years, maybe there is something to say about generally decreasing [or even increasing] quality of the best-selling titles.

But that would still likely be subjective, as some people like games that others don't. And doesn't take into account that even some of the best games haven't been the best sellers, go figure [citation: that was an opinion].
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: GlyphGryph on March 31, 2014, 05:10:07 pm
Having opinions that are easier to justify isn't a virtue.
Having opinions that are justified is a virtue. The alternative is magical thinking, where things are true regardless of the reality. If you hold beliefs without justification, I'd consider that an anti-virtue, at least (a sin, perhaps?).

Metacritic scores are bad because of score inflation. I wouldn't accept that as evidence.
Is there any metric you would accept?

As far as making some titles that don't suck, I would like to see the % of games made that are bad vs not be higher, as well as a control for the amount of money spent vs total titles as well as quality titles. I would accept a % value of good vs bad that was 5% lower now than then, merely because I don't consider that likely. I'd also suggest that we don't consider graphics. Which of course screws over most modern games that rely heavily on graphics for appeal. That might be hard to score though.
Okay, so this reveals a significant underlying problem, and is why I'm glad I didn't go right to evidence. Why does "% good vs % bad" matter, to you or to me? We're not going to be playing every game that comes out every year, I imagine we're only going to be playing the good ones, why does it matter how many bad ones get released as long as "enough" good ones are?

If only 3 video games were made last year, and all of them were pretty good, but 100 were made this year, of which 10 were pretty good and 5 were absolutely amazing and mind-blowing, and the rest were pretty bad, you'd honestly consider this years game industry to "suck" compared to the year before? Because if so, this is a fundamental difference in assumptions that we will have to address before we can make any progress, and takes priority over questions of what evidence you would accept, since a mismatch here would blatantly render any evidence irrelevant since it would be based on my own priorities and not yours.

From my point of view, I would consider the second year significantly better -
Assuming I want to play more than three games in a year:
-In the first year, only three games were made, which wasn't nearly enough to meet my yearly and consumption, and the first year outright sucks, for me, since it can't keep up with my rate of consumption
Assuming I only want to play three games in a year:
-If I limited myself to this, the second year would still be better, since I'd end up playing three absolutely amazing games instead of 3 pretty good ones

If you think we should go with another criteria for a "sucky" year, please explain what it is and why.

Nobody's going to convince anybody of anything related to identity, under any circumstances.

If you consider "modern video games suck" to be a part of your identity, I... err... I might decide to back out of this conversation after all. I was under the impression we were arguing about reality, not religion, and I'd rather stay out of debates on the second. It suddenly makes a lot of the stuff you've said so far make a helluva a lot more sense, though.

Because I was getting quite excited about the possibility of finding a solid nook within an acceptable shared context, lying out the evidence, and discovering which of us was most likely to be correct based on those assumptions after analyzing the evidence, but if you consider this belief to be a part of your identity, I honestly don't see that happening.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Frumple on March 31, 2014, 05:17:39 pm
Y'know, I'd call a good measurement of suck to be cash invested vs. total sales, adjusted for inflation and GDP fluctuation. That would, I believe, let you know whether the industry as a whole is getting more efficient at providing the product the people want, which is about as an objective a measure of health as I can imagine for an entertainment industry. If the ratio goes down, it's decline -- the industry is getting worse at doing its job. If it goes up, it's ascension.

Now someone with more energy and will than me go crunch the numbers, plox :P
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: GlyphGryph on March 31, 2014, 05:24:06 pm
Y'know, I'd call a good measurement of suck to be cash invested vs. total sales, adjusted for inflation and GDP fluctuation. That would, I believe, let you know whether the industry as a whole is getting more efficient at providing the product the people want, which is about as an objective a measure of health as I can imagine for an entertainment industry. If the ratio goes down, it's decline -- the industry is getting worse at doing its job. If it goes up, it's ascension.

Now someone with more energy and will than me go crunch the numbers, plox :P

Well, personally I see the industries job as to produce more high quality games for me to consume - none of those seem relevant to that goal. The reason I see it that way is, I would hope, obvious (pure self-interest) - I'm honestly curious as to why the criteria you suggest above should be relevant as to our opinion on the industry?

I guess it could make sense from an industry, rather than consumer perspectiveAlthough even there, one could argue that the strict actual size of the margins is more important than their relative size.

Would you consider yourself to be better off if you earned 100,000,000 dollars every year at the cost of 99,999,999 OR if you earned 50,000 dollars every year at the cost of 25,000. In your scenario, you'd consider the second situation to be "less sucky", but I'm not really sure I would agree with that (I'd rather the net of 1,000,000 instead of the net of 25,000, to be perfectly honest). The same is true of most companies an industries as well. You could argue that the second case is more efficient, sure, but I'm not sure how directly that translates to "not-sucky".
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Frumple on March 31, 2014, 05:31:34 pm
Yeah, I was looking at it from an industry wide measure more than personal or consumer viewpoint. Way I see it, if the industry's becoming more efficient, it's getting better. That efficiency may not manifest in a way that's congruent with my personal tastes, but I'm willing to admit coherence with the preferences of a niche market does not a healthy industry make. If they're getting better at making bank per buck, they're getting better at providing desired product per dollar invested. That might not necessarily manifest as more higher quality games -- it may just mean less low quality ones are being produced (/invested in), which I would still accept as a sign of less suckage.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Toady One on March 31, 2014, 05:33:55 pm
Things are a bit heated up there, but now a bit of chill has been mixed into the thread.  Hopefully it will help.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: MoLAoS on March 31, 2014, 05:35:32 pm
Y'know, I'd call a good measurement of suck to be cash invested vs. total sales, adjusted for inflation and GDP fluctuation. That would, I believe, let you know whether the industry as a whole is getting more efficient at providing the product the people want, which is about as an objective a measure of health as I can imagine for an entertainment industry. If the ratio goes down, it's decline -- the industry is getting worse at doing its job. If it goes up, it's ascension.

Now someone with more energy and will than me go crunch the numbers, plox :P

This is a terrible metric. Humans are not a monolith.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: GlyphGryph on March 31, 2014, 05:36:20 pm
This is a terrible metric. Humans are not a monolith.

I don't understand what this is supposed to communicate.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: MoLAoS on March 31, 2014, 05:41:00 pm
Quote from: GlyphGryph
Nobody's going to convince anybody of anything related to identity, under any circumstances.

If you consider "modern video games suck" to be a part of your identity, I... err... I might decide to back out of this conversation after all. I was under the impression we were arguing about reality, not religion, and I'd rather stay out of debates on the second. It suddenly makes a lot of the stuff you've said so far make a helluva a lot more sense, though.

Because I was getting quite excited about the possibility of finding a solid nook within an acceptable shared context, lying out the evidence, and discovering which of us was most likely to be correct based on those assumptions after analyzing the evidence, but if you consider this belief to be a part of your identity, I honestly don't see that happening.

I'm not talking about me. I'm talking about everyone. You are arguing on floating beliefs just as much as me. Or anyone else in the thread.

None of us has done the research to answer the question. Therefore we are all equally culpable wrt subjectivity and unsubstantiated opinion.

Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: MoLAoS on March 31, 2014, 05:41:21 pm
This is a terrible metric. Humans are not a monolith.

I don't understand what this is supposed to communicate.

That's become pretty clear over the course of the thread.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Neonivek on March 31, 2014, 05:43:34 pm
Actually that is a very interesting concept.

In that both "the videogame industry sucks" and "The videogame industry is still good" are both valid because they are both two entirely different value systems.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Trapezohedron on March 31, 2014, 05:45:37 pm
I'm not sure I follow the debate anymore. :|
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: GlyphGryph on March 31, 2014, 05:48:36 pm
Nothing about my belief is "floating", in any way, shape, or form.

I believe the modern videogame industry does not suck, not because I want it to not suck, but because I would consider an industry to "suck", personally, when it is no longer capable of meeting my needs effectively - at the current time, enough games are produced each year that my needs are quite effectively met. In fact, many of my favorite games of all time have been produced relatively recently, providing evidence for an even stronger potential claim that the video game industry is better than it has been in the past... but while the evidence certainly exists, I don't think it's yet managed to become strong enough to base a firm belief around it, merely a strong suspicion.

In no way, shape, or form is the "state of the modern video game industry" a part of my identity. Apparently you not only do, but believe everyone else does too?

That's become pretty clear over the course of the thread.
Are you sure the problem here is me? Does anyone else understand what he was trying to explain there, and could perhaps clarify for me? (If everyone else understands, and they can't explain it to me in a way to make me understand, yeah... it's me. If they don't understand, will you accept that the problem is you?)
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Frumple on March 31, 2014, 05:50:33 pm
I don't understand what this is supposed to communicate.

That's become pretty clear over the course of the thread.
If it helps any, the implied question behind Glyph's statement was "Would you clarify?" Which... I wouldn't mind m'self, since that's a pretty ambiguous statement, and I'm fairly sure Glyph's trouble is more with your method of communication than the concept you're trying to communicate.

Regardless, I don't think humans need to be a monolith (assuming such words mean roughly what I take them to) for the metric to give a decent idea of whether the industry is getting better or worse at doing its job. I'd be quite happy to see other metrics, though, if you or others would be willing to provide.

E: Totes agree it's not the best measurement in the world, but there hasn't exactly been much in the way of alternatives proposed, sooo...
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: MoLAoS on March 31, 2014, 05:50:56 pm
Nothing about my belief is "floating", in any way, shape, or form.

I believe the modern videogame industry does not suck, not because I want it to not suck, but because I would consider an industry to "suck", personally, when it is no longer capable of meeting my needs effectively - at the current time, enough games are produced each year that my needs are quite effectively met. In fact, many of my favorite games of all time have been produced relatively recently, providing evidence for an even stronger potential claim that the video game industry is better than it has been in the past... but while the evidence certainly exists, I don't think it's yet managed to become strong enough to base a firm belief around it, merely a strong suspicion.

In no way, shape, or form is the "state of the modern video game industry" a part of my identity. Apparently you not only do, but believe everyone else does too?

So then you agree with us that from our perspective the industry does suck.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: MoLAoS on March 31, 2014, 05:56:39 pm
I don't understand what this is supposed to communicate.

That's become pretty clear over the course of the thread.
If it helps any, the implied question behind Glyph's statement was "Would you clarify?" Which... I wouldn't mind m'self, since that's a pretty ambiguous statement, and I'm fairly sure Glyph's trouble is more with your method of communication than the concept you're trying to communicate.

Regardless, I don't think humans need to be a monolith (assuming such words mean roughly what I take them to) for the metric to give a decent idea of whether the industry is getting better or worse at doing its job. I'd be quite happy to see other metrics, though, if you or others would be willing to provide.

What it means is that not everyone has the same terminal value.

Your point rests on essentially capitalist assumptions. The idea that increasing profits is the measure of success. From the standpoint of a publisher, your argument is essentially correct. Video games are a means to a terminal value, profits, and if they are making higher profits they consider that an improvement. Unfortunately for me, I am not an exec at a publisher.

Is clear that GlyphGryph does not believe this, he stated that his only concern was access to enough games to entertain him. Which is ironic. Since that is the issue myself and Neonovik have as well. The industry has failed me in that case.

In face in his last post, what he considers evidence is so subjective I don't understand how he can contain the cognitive dissonance in his mind without it physically melting from sheer illogic.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: WealthyRadish on March 31, 2014, 06:05:47 pm
I liked pizza before it was buttered.

Also, I think this quest for nonexistent data seems misguided. You're better off thinking of specific mechanics prevalent in modern games that you believe make them worse, or other aspects that make you dislike their overall design aesthetics (not just graphical aesthetics here). Also also, I'd avoid all the condescension, yah? Like, good god Glyph, I'm sure you're peachy in person, but this thread is starting to give me liquid eyeball cancer from the belittling.

Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: MoLAoS on March 31, 2014, 06:10:28 pm
I liked pizza before it was buttered.

Also, I think this quest for nonexistent data seems misguided. You're better off thinking of specific mechanics prevalent in modern games that you believe make them worse, or other aspects that make you dislike their overall design aesthetics (not just graphical aesthetics here). Also also, I'd avoid all the condescension, yah? Like, good god Glyph, I'm sure you're peachy in person, but this thread is starting to give me liquid eyeball cancer from the belittling.


I wonder, both of us are being condescending, and I know I am, but I'm not sure Gryph is even aware of how ironic a lot of his posts are. Like me and neo are entitled, but then he posts his definition of a non-sucky game industry and its like, that's what we've been saying the whole time. Does that make him a better or worse person? Ah well.

As far as your question, MMS, crappy JRPG stuff, WoW Clones. Those are all symbols of decline. The essential end of Impressions city builders, the fact that Majesty has not had a real successor, and similarly for KoDP. All signs of Decline. Although Dominions 3 did finally get a sequel.

Also, not to brag, but I've gotten 7 and 8 new replies messages before. I got 12 once, but not on this forum.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: alexandertnt on March 31, 2014, 06:12:36 pm
No matter what 'evidence' you post someone will always dispute your methods. Case in point I used Metacritic User Scores and was told that this is not a good gauge of how 'good' a game is despite games being you know... A form of popular media with the entire point of being enjoyed ::). Nice counter-argument there to the scores... I guess we should give up having reviews altogether.

Considering one of the arguments is that games have become "casualized" and made for the mainstream "masses", I would think that that is just evidence that games are better, since more people are enjoying them. Perhaps this "dumbing down" is making games better then?

I also think that GlyphGryph has made a number of valid observations, but some people have shifted their argument from "modern games are objectively worse" to "I am not a fan of modern games" (either that or they meant that to begin with but it wasn't very clear).
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Shadowlord on March 31, 2014, 06:17:47 pm
In fact in his last post, what he considers evidence is so subjective I don't understand how he can contain the cognitive dissonance in his mind without it physically melting from sheer illogic.

Most people appear to be quite capable of living with a rather significant amount of contradictory and inconsistent beliefs. The wikipedia page for cognitive dissonance lists strategies that are used to reduce cognitive dissonance, of which one is "Ignore/Deny any information that conflicts with existing beliefs," but I think most people who hold multiple contradictory beliefs simply do not examine them, or hold the belief that if someone makes a claim, someone else has to provide evidence to prove it false (rather than the other way around), allowing them to hold multiple contradictory beliefs simply because they have never seen evidence disproving them. That, or they are incredibly gullible, but won't believe people that others that they trust have told them to be suspicious of.

Mind you, this is just a general observation of people in general, not of anyone here.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: MoLAoS on March 31, 2014, 06:23:16 pm
No matter what 'evidence' you post someone will always dispute your methods. Case in point I used Metacritic User Scores and was told that this is not a good gauge of how 'good' a game is despite games being you know... A form of popular media with the entire point of being enjoyed ::). Nice counter-argument there to the scores... I guess we should give up having reviews altogether.

Considering one of the arguments is that games have become "casualized" and made for the mainstream "masses", I would think that that is just evidence that games are better, since more people are enjoying them. Perhaps this "dumbing down" is making games better then?

I also think that GlyphGryph has made a number of valid observations, but some people have shifted their argument from "modern games are objectively worse" to "I am not a fan of modern games" (either that or they meant that to begin with but it wasn't very clear).

So Twilight is better than Dune and a sign of making books better? Well in that case I hope books turn to shit again and soon. The shittier the better. Hell, I want to wallow in shit, that is full of parasites and bacteria and perhaps rotting corpses.

If I wanted to be very, very charitable I might say that you are valuing mindless entertainment over more engaging, intellectual activity. You see the validity of an argument depends almost entirely on your terminal values.

I have a question. How do you feel about wireheading? If you could put an electrode on your pleasure center and stimulate it directly for all time, would you? Because that's where the argument for games "getting better" you are making leads.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: MoLAoS on March 31, 2014, 06:26:02 pm
In fact in his last post, what he considers evidence is so subjective I don't understand how he can contain the cognitive dissonance in his mind without it physically melting from sheer illogic.

Most people appear to be quite capable of living with a rather significant amount of contradictory and inconsistent beliefs. The wikipedia page for cognitive dissonance lists strategies that are used to reduce cognitive dissonance, of which one is "Ignore/Deny any information that conflicts with existing beliefs," but I think most people who hold multiple contradictory beliefs simply do not examine them, or hold the belief that if someone makes a claim, someone else has to provide evidence to prove it false (rather than the other way around), allowing them to hold multiple contradictory beliefs simply because they have never seen evidence disproving them. That, or they are incredibly gullible, but won't believe people that others that they trust have told them to be suspicious of.

Mind you, this is just a general observation of people in general, not of anyone here.

Sorry, I was using hyperbole. I understand how people maintain contradictory ideas.

I actually wrote a paper in English in college with the topic explain something from another class you are taking and used cognitive dissonance as my idea to explain and she cried in front of the class when she handed it back. Needless to say I got an A+.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: GlyphGryph on March 31, 2014, 07:11:51 pm
You know, you never actually argued that the industry was failing to produce enough games, now, to meet your requirement for good games, as opposed to before, when it used to.

If you had ever actually made that argument, man, this thread would have gone in a whole 'nother direction!

Or I missed it, in which case I will apologize for doing so and admit I was wrong to have dragged it in the direction it went in.

a) Did you ever actually argue this, before now? Because I haven't seen anyone do so.
b) Is this acceptable as a shared starting point for moving forward?

"In the 90s, I could easily find 30 games a year that I enjoyed playing, but in the aughts I could only find 3 or 4 a year, which just isn't enough for me." is a pretty powerful, relevant, real argument for ones beliefs that the game industry sucks! It's one where we you even benefit from being proved wrong (or less right), since the only valid alternative argument is to point out recent games you haven't played that you will end up liking!

Gods, that sort of thing - relevant, legitimate evidence for the suckitude of the game industry (and a narrowing of the opinion to something supportable, that being that the game industry sucks only in the context of the opportunities available to the person making the claim) is exactly the sort of thing I was looking for as a meaty and effective starting point for a real discussion.

As of your last post, this is still not what you are arguing. So, uh, colour me incredibly confused.
I wonder, both of us are being condescending, and I know I am, but I'm not sure Gryph is even aware of how ironic a lot of his posts are. Like me and neo are entitled, but then he posts his definition of a non-sucky game industry and its like, that's what we've been saying the whole time. Does that make him a better or worse person? Ah well.

As far as your question, MMS, crappy JRPG stuff, WoW Clones. Those are all symbols of decline. The essential end of Impressions city builders, the fact that Majesty has not had a real successor, and similarly for KoDP. All signs of Decline. Although Dominions 3 did finally get a sequel.
I mean this? Your first paragraph makes it clear we've clearly failed to communicate, since that's... not what I was arguing, at all. And your second example makes it clear that you still aren't actually arguing from the point of view you claim is hypocritical of me, since none of that is remotely relevant to that point.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: BFEL on March 31, 2014, 07:29:46 pm
MoLAos, GlyphGryph are you just actively trolling each other at this point? Because I'm pretty sure at least one of you is, but I can't fucking figure out which one of you it is.

You've both pretty clearly made this personal and aren't even arguing your points anymore, you're just arguing that the other is wrong, incompetent, and generally a bad/stupid person. This applies to both of you. STAHPIT. The Toad has already paid a visit, and if you keep it up this thread is gone.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: MoLAoS on March 31, 2014, 07:34:12 pm
MoLAos, GlyphGryph are you just actively trolling each other at this point? Because I'm pretty sure at least one of you is, but I can't fucking figure out which one of you it is.

You've both pretty clearly made this personal and aren't even arguing your points anymore, you're just arguing that the other is wrong, incompetent, and generally a bad/stupid person. This applies to both of you. STAHPIT. The Toad has already paid a visit, and if you keep it up this thread is gone.

Define trolling? If you mean making inflammatory remarks for the sole purpose of inciting an angry response, which was the definition in the days when the plebs weren't broadening the term to near meaninglessness, then no, I don't think either of us are trolling.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: MoLAoS on March 31, 2014, 07:40:15 pm
You know, you never actually argued that the industry was failing to produce enough games, now, to meet your requirement for good games, as opposed to before, when it used to.
If you had ever actually made that argument, man, this thread would have gone in a whole 'nother direction!
Or I missed it, in which case I will apologize for doing so and admit I was wrong to have dragged it in the direction it went in.
a) Did you ever actually argue this, before now? Because I haven't seen anyone do so.
b) Is this acceptable as a shared starting point for moving forward?

You know this thread has like several mostly separate discussions going on yes?
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: LeoLeonardoIII on March 31, 2014, 07:45:35 pm
I think a great metric would be, are enough good games coming out each year, based on these criteria:

Your game budget vs. total cost of the games
Gameplay time you get out of the game vs. gameplay time you have available in the year,
Games that you really enjoy playing and have positive feelings about after you're finished

So, let's say we look back to 1993 and see which games came out. Keep the ones you would enjoy playing on the list. Total the gameplay hours you would put in. Total the cost. Now compare: is there enough gameplay time for the year? Can you afford all of those games?

If you can't afford them all or there is too much gameplay time, kick a game from the list and compare again.

Let's say that a year which had plenty of gameplay hours and the total was under budget, as a "Good Year For The Gamers". If the games were just too expensive, then you can say that it's an "High Cost Year". If there wasn't enough good stuff coming out and you had to fill it in with old games or *shudder* buying games that aren't as good, it's a "Low Quality Year".

Like with other things, you may need to increase your game budget if you have many gameplay hours to fill but you can't find enough cheap good games. Or if you have a LOT of gameplay hours to fill then maybe there will simply not be enough great games coming out that you want to play to fulfill your needs. You will be left replaying old games or lesser-quality games to fill your gameplay hours available.

In this way the games produced in the year must be compared to the individual gamer, in his hours available, his budget, and his game preferences. But using only game preferences you can compare one year to another to show how many good games were made, how many gameplay hours were involved with them, and what their total cost was.

I don't have the time right this second, but if you were to look at say 1983, 1993, 2003, and 2013, you could make some good comparisons. And I believe you would find that in each and every year there are enough games to fill all but the most grueling gameplay-hours requirement. And it's possible that this occurs for an ever-decreasing dollars-per-gameplay-hour cost (especially recently).

It's important to use launch cost, though, because right now for example a new gamer could spend almost nothing and get thousands of hours of gameplay because the market is rich with games already produced and that he hasn't yet purchased, and the comparison is not "what games are available now" but "what games are being produced now".

So now that you have a methodology, how about hitting Wikipedia, picking your favorite games, and adding it all up? I might do the same.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Toady One on March 31, 2014, 07:52:37 pm
Things haven't really cooled down.  MoLAoS and GlyphGryph, I'd appreciate a moderation of tone, or I'll be forced to remove one or both of you from this thread.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: alexandertnt on March 31, 2014, 07:54:04 pm
So Twilight is better than Dune and a sign of making books better?

Not necessarily "better", but you could argue that Twilight is a better piece of entertainment, because it entertained more people.

The13thRonin is trying to show games are crap based on the fact that a lot of people hated them. So it seems reasonable to assume that a game can be good if a lot of people liked them  (because apparently games are immune to the popularity fallacy. For some reason). So it seems somewhat contradictory to say "this game is popular and mainstreamed to make everyone happy" (as if thats a bad thing) while saying "all these people hate this game so its bad".

I also think its safe to assume that metacritic user scores are hardly an unbiased sample.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: MoLAoS on March 31, 2014, 08:05:14 pm
Actually I think if I keep posting here I'll be getting a ban or w/e. So nvm.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Fniff on March 31, 2014, 08:43:20 pm
You know, I swear this topic happened like six months ago. Color me surprised that it's recent. Perhaps it's a sign?
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Frumple on March 31, 2014, 08:50:26 pm
It's been popping up something like at least once or twice a year since, uh. Since I joined, I think.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Fniff on March 31, 2014, 08:54:04 pm
And that was 2007. I am curious to know the implications of this upon the discussion.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Frumple on March 31, 2014, 08:55:54 pm
Look earlier in the thread :P

Brought roughly the same thing up around the bottom of the first page ('least so far as default posts/page goes).
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Owlga on March 31, 2014, 08:57:05 pm
It doesn't actually mean anything more than certain bay12 members being really opinionated about the game industry. Which isn't much different from any large enough community.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: MoLAoS on March 31, 2014, 08:59:10 pm
It doesn't actually mean anything more than certain bay12 members being really opinionated about the game industry. Which isn't much different from any large enough community.

The problem today is the same as it was around 2010 or even earlier. Its not that its brought up separately every year. Its the same ongoing problem that has continued until now and will continue in the future.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Owlga on March 31, 2014, 09:01:56 pm
Yeah, opinions are so problematic aren't they.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: werty892 on March 31, 2014, 09:23:22 pm
Everyone stole my popcorn  :(
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Neonivek on March 31, 2014, 09:36:18 pm
Hey I am still on a high from not being the "villain" of the thread for once.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: MoLAoS on March 31, 2014, 09:45:50 pm
Hey I am still on a high from not being the "villain" of the thread for once.

My only purpose in the world is to bring joy to others.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Fniff on March 31, 2014, 09:46:11 pm
Bay12ers: we're mostly nice, but get us on a subject and by god we will argue for as long as it takes.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: MoLAoS on March 31, 2014, 09:46:46 pm
Yeah, opinions are so problematic aren't they.

I mean the problem with the industry is the same now as it was the last time a thread like this was made, and the one before that etc.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: freeformschooler on March 31, 2014, 09:55:08 pm
Yeah, opinions are so problematic aren't they.

I mean the problem with the industry is the same now as it was the last time a thread like this was made, and the one before that etc.

Fresh blood comes in, holds similar opinions. The thread dies, most forget about it and go on. A new thread spikes a shovel in its corpse and looses its grip, Rambo hair blowing in the morning wind, ready for a new day.

It's not a big deal.

The idea that we can affect the game industry like this is humorous, so it's no surprise the problems are the same. I suspect most are simply here to vent, not interested in the work required to affect change (which is to say, somehow closing millions of wallets worldwide).
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Fniff on March 31, 2014, 10:11:40 pm
Aha! I have an ingenious plan! We steal ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD! That way EA & co. cannot get money.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: MoLAoS on March 31, 2014, 10:14:19 pm
Yeah, opinions are so problematic aren't they.

I mean the problem with the industry is the same now as it was the last time a thread like this was made, and the one before that etc.

Fresh blood comes in, holds similar opinions. The thread dies, most forget about it and go on. A new thread spikes a shovel in its corpse and looses its grip, Rambo hair blowing in the morning wind, ready for a new day.

It's not a big deal.

The idea that we can affect the game industry like this is humorous, so it's no surprise the problems are the same. I suspect most are simply here to vent, not interested in the work required to affect change (which is to say, somehow closing millions of wallets worldwide).

Of course we can't change the gaming industry. Even a billionaire would have no power. The interesting thing about the masses is that its not just their numbers but the fact that their wallets refill that gives them power. Even a trillion dollars would eventually run out for making good games and the popular games would resurge.

In fact to change the industry we'd have to change society generally. Hell the government can't get kids to care about school that shapes their future earning potential, much less get them to put thought into their video games or recreational reading or music listening.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Farce on March 31, 2014, 11:15:30 pm
Also, to touch on indie games... the large number of platformers is largely due to how much easier it is for a small team (or one person) to make a platformer using the many existing engines than making a 3D or more complex game. The simple graphic styles are also typically a product of necessity, though many do like the pixel art style. I'd also say that's it's very possible for a game to be graphically unimpressive but still have a good aesthetic, and that games that try to look realistic typically appear dated in a few years (even as graphics advancement does slow down).
I would also attribute some to nostalgia.  I'm pretty sure I remember from when I was watching Indie Game: The Movie (Documentary about the development of Braid, Super Meat Boy, and Fez) and I'm pretty sure I remember at least the Meat Boy guys saying that they wanted to make the kind of games they would have fanboyed super hard over as kids.

Big list
I have nnnnno idea what this is supposed to mean.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: The13thRonin on April 01, 2014, 01:38:51 am
I think the one thing we can all take away from this thread is that:

"Ronin was completely right and games are terrible".

My evidence being that there's 12 pages of people that think arguing about whether they do or do not suck or eating imaginary popcorn is more fun than PLAYING games.

Or in graph form:



Also I'd like to cite Ronin's Law "All peoples who disagree with Ronin are most definitely wrong and any law that interferes with the application or validity of this law is nullified, no take backs, no reverses."
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: MoLAoS on April 01, 2014, 01:48:56 am
As people used to, and probably still do, say on

Forum pvp best pvp.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Shadowlord on April 01, 2014, 02:25:11 am
My evidence being that there's 12 pages of people that think arguing about whether they do or do not suck or eating imaginary popcorn is more fun than PLAYING games.

That there are people willing to do that kind of arguing for pages and pages doesn't necessarily speak to whether they were enjoying it, so much as whether they were under the impression that it would be possible to "win" the argument which they had engaged in, and that doing so would have positive rather than negative consequences.

Your post indicates that you seem to be one of them.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Glloyd on April 01, 2014, 02:32:29 am
"Ronin was completely right and games are terrible".

My evidence being that there's 12 pages of people that think arguing about whether they do or do not suck or eating imaginary popcorn is more fun than PLAYING games.


Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: MoLAoS on April 01, 2014, 02:34:36 am
My evidence being that there's 12 pages of people that think arguing about whether they do or do not suck or eating imaginary popcorn is more fun than PLAYING games.

That there are people willing to do that kind of arguing for pages and pages doesn't necessarily speak to whether they were enjoying it, so much as whether they were under the impression that it would be possible to "win" the argument which they had engaged in, and that doing so would have positive rather than negative consequences.

Your post indicates that you seem to be one of them.

Now one thinks they have or could win this argument. His comments about his "law" are clearly intended to mark his post as funsies only.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: The13thRonin on April 01, 2014, 02:35:32 am
My evidence being that there's 12 pages of people that think arguing about whether they do or do not suck or eating imaginary popcorn is more fun than PLAYING games.

That there are people willing to do that kind of arguing for pages and pages doesn't necessarily speak to whether they were enjoying it, so much as whether they were under the impression that it would be possible to "win" the argument which they had engaged in, and that doing so would have positive rather than negative consequences.

Your post indicates that you seem to be one of them.


You can't argue with internet laws...
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Neonivek on April 01, 2014, 03:17:50 am
There are a few genres that just DIED in the modern day.

Heck even First Person Shooters that aren't Military shooters have suffered quite a bit, with Halo being sort of being the outlier (and it has become REALLY military shooter after the first game)

Real Time Strategies have been really struggling after Westwood just stopped being good at making them. I think Company of Heroes is like... the only one left.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Frumple on April 01, 2014, 04:38:24 am
That there are people willing to do that kind of arguing for pages and pages doesn't necessarily speak to whether they were enjoying it, so much as whether they were under the impression that it would be possible to "win" the argument which they had engaged in, and that doing so would have positive rather than negative consequences.
It... doesn't even mean that. People have been willing to take some time off (if that -- it's a lot easier to play and type than it used to be. I know I was waiting for some turns to finish processing while I was typing some of th'stuff I threw in) from games to talk about them since games were a thing. Not because they want to "win" or anything. Just because they like talking about video games. I enjoy playing video games enough I'm willing to shoot the shit a 'lil in the down time, or while m'doing something else, y'know? And then there's other reasons, o'course.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Shadowlord on April 01, 2014, 05:01:18 am
I stand corrected, then.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: scrdest on April 01, 2014, 05:38:46 am
My evidence being that there's 12 pages of people that think arguing about whether they do or do not suck or eating imaginary popcorn is more fun than PLAYING games.

That there are people willing to do that kind of arguing for pages and pages doesn't necessarily speak to whether they were enjoying it, so much as whether they were under the impression that it would be possible to "win" the argument which they had engaged in, and that doing so would have positive rather than negative consequences.

Your post indicates that you seem to be one of them.


You can't argue with internet laws...

scrdest's Law

You can argue with anything, given motivation. Including this law.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: The13thRonin on April 01, 2014, 05:39:13 am
Toady you can close this thread if you think it's causing more harm than good at this point.

I didn't start it to cause a shitstorm...

I really did just want to discuss the state of modern gaming.

I guess maybe it's just too contentious a topic to discuss.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: werty892 on April 01, 2014, 05:41:58 am
We have a new game to discuss though. (
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on April 01, 2014, 07:21:57 am
We have a new game to discuss though. (

holy absolute fuckery, gaben has delivered!

EDIT: April 1st. watch the fuck out,.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: miauw62 on April 01, 2014, 07:40:11 am
Toady you can close this thread if you think it's causing more harm than good at this point.

I didn't start it to cause a shitstorm...

I really did just want to discuss the state of modern gaming.

I guess maybe it's just too contentious a topic to discuss.
Ronin, we did discuss the state of modern gaming and concluded that it's not shit. #wow #whoa
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Mech#4 on April 01, 2014, 08:05:14 am
You heard it here first folks. Bay 12 Forum goers declare modern games "not shit". What will they declare as an encore? Stay tuned to find out!
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: TripJack on April 01, 2014, 10:32:19 am
There are a few genres that just DIED in the modern day.

Heck even First Person Shooters that aren't Military shooters have suffered quite a bit, with Halo being sort of being the outlier (and it has become REALLY military shooter after the first game)

Real Time Strategies have been really struggling after Westwood just stopped being good at making them. I think Company of Heroes is like... the only one left.
don't forget the RPGs
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Glloyd on April 01, 2014, 10:50:15 am
We have a new game to discuss though. (

holy absolute fuckery, gaben has delivered!


Am I the only one who really dislikes the half-life games?
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: freeformschooler on April 01, 2014, 10:56:32 am
We have a new game to discuss though. (

holy absolute fuckery, gaben has delivered!


Am I the only one who really dislikes the half-life games?

Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Levi on April 01, 2014, 10:56:37 am
We have a new game to discuss though. (

holy absolute fuckery, gaben has delivered!

EDIT: April 1st. watch the fuck out,.

And its a fake URL.   :P
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: PrimusRibbus on April 01, 2014, 11:24:05 am
We have a new game to discuss though. (

holy absolute fuckery, gaben has delivered!


Am I the only one who really dislikes the half-life games?

I find them to be thoroughly mediocre, even compared to their contemporaries. A good example of nostalgia glasses, imo.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Neonivek on April 01, 2014, 11:33:07 am
There are a few genres that just DIED in the modern day.

Heck even First Person Shooters that aren't Military shooters have suffered quite a bit, with Halo being sort of being the outlier (and it has become REALLY military shooter after the first game)

Real Time Strategies have been really struggling after Westwood just stopped being good at making them. I think Company of Heroes is like... the only one left.
don't forget the RPGs

I think it is too early to tell if RPGs are just outright "over"

I mean the Tales games are still going and in some respects they are as good as ever, even if they are games held up almost exclusively by characterization and not story.

While Dark Souls is unlikely to stop and while Dark Souls 2 isn't as solid as the first game, it is still a good game...

I mean sure Final Fantasy is dead and replaced with something entirely alien, Romancing Saga is dead, dragon quest is dead, Tactics Ogre is dead.

As well Bethesda is making more and more shallow games without stop, and Bioware keeps making the same game over and over again...

Hmmm... I guess RPGs are really in rough shape. But at least there are still strong RPGs being made.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: MoLAoS on April 01, 2014, 11:39:00 am
Toady you can close this thread if you think it's causing more harm than good at this point.

I didn't start it to cause a shitstorm...

I really did just want to discuss the state of modern gaming.

I guess maybe it's just too contentious a topic to discuss.
Ronin, we did discuss the state of modern gaming and concluded that it's not shit. #wow #whoa

We did? Not in this thread.

Also, Ronin, if you didn't want a shit storm, why did you use the words sucks and rant? That kind of language makes the Defenders of the Status Quo(TM) quite, well, defensive.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Farce on April 01, 2014, 12:02:11 pm
There are a few genres that just DIED in the modern day.

Heck even First Person Shooters that aren't Military shooters have suffered quite a bit, with Halo being sort of being the outlier (and it has become REALLY military shooter after the first game)

Real Time Strategies have been really struggling after Westwood just stopped being good at making them. I think Company of Heroes is like... the only one left.
RTSes mostly morphed into MOBAs right.

I have never played any of the Half-Lifes, also.

Re: RPGs, I've seen some pretty neat indie ones, if we're talking ye olde classic turn-based.  Squeenix, the King, though, has gone the way of the Targaryens, though, yes, and Bioware's kinda tossed some of the good stuff, like actually fiddling with equipment for not just your main character, and dumbed down their conversation trees to always being three archetypal responses - often explicitly explained as conforming to three archetypes even.  See:  Paragon, Renegade, Neutral in Mass Effect, or the Dragon Age 2 dialogue system.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Mictlantecuhtli on April 01, 2014, 04:08:25 pm
Also, Ronin, if you didn't want a shit storm, why did you use the words sucks and rant? That kind of language makes the Defenders of the Status Quo(TM) quite, well, defensive.

I like how people who haven't even seen the video game industry develop think they're experts on modern quality compared to yesteryears quality. Yes, modern games suck, if you dislike them. Oh well.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: nenjin on April 01, 2014, 04:11:45 pm
What exactly is the age cut off? Because polls show most users of Bay12 are less than 30 years old.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on April 01, 2014, 05:38:31 pm
There are a few genres that just DIED in the modern day.

Heck even First Person Shooters that aren't Military shooters have suffered quite a bit, with Halo being sort of being the outlier (and it has become REALLY military shooter after the first game)

Real Time Strategies have been really struggling after Westwood just stopped being good at making them. I think Company of Heroes is like... the only one left.
RTSes mostly morphed into MOBAs right.

I don't understand how people think RTSes are dead, i've got like 20 good ones in my steam library.

EDIT: people also seem to be overlooking replayability in this thread, many of us, and the wider pc gaming world in general, continue play games made in and past a decade ago.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Neonivek on April 01, 2014, 06:24:37 pm
I don't understand how people think RTSes are dead, i've got like 20 good ones in my steam library.

I actually would like to know what these are. Since the last really good RTS I played was Tiberium Sun.

MAYBE Company of Heroes but that crashed on me because I was playing "too well". (I didn't just stop playing RTS games... just that... Red Alert 3 isn't... that good)
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Mictlantecuhtli on April 01, 2014, 06:49:51 pm
Men of War?
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: werty892 on April 01, 2014, 07:02:10 pm
We have a new game to discuss though. (

holy absolute fuckery, gaben has delivered!


Am I the only one who really dislikes the half-life games?

I find them to be thoroughly mediocre, even compared to their contemporaries. A good example of nostalgia glasses, imo.
It's Ok by TODAY'S standard. Back in the day, it was the shit.

When it came out, Half-Life 2 was critically acclaimed and player adored. The physics, the graphics, the story: It was all fresh and new. And everything that wasn't new was done very well.

Those of us who played it when it first came out remember those times, and therefore still enjoy the game today, because we remember watching the tech-demo at E3 for the source engine with real-time model bending for non-actors (Things like mattresses), and seeing the in-game video-projection, seeing the awesome physics in action, and then finally playing the game ourselves, and just being wowed.

That's why it was a good game, and still is.
You need to look at it through the eyes of 2004, not 2014.

Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Levi on April 01, 2014, 07:43:46 pm
I liked HL 1 better. 

I was honestly feeling a bit disappointed when HL2 came out because it didn't have the same awesome feel of going through an industrial/scientific complex.  I'm not really sure why, it just didn't quite have the same appeal to me. 

Still a good game though.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Glloyd on April 01, 2014, 08:14:43 pm
We have a new game to discuss though. (

holy absolute fuckery, gaben has delivered!


Am I the only one who really dislikes the half-life games?

I find them to be thoroughly mediocre, even compared to their contemporaries. A good example of nostalgia glasses, imo.
It's Ok by TODAY'S standard. Back in the day, it was the shit.

When it came out, Half-Life 2 was critically acclaimed and player adored. The physics, the graphics, the story: It was all fresh and new. And everything that wasn't new was done very well.

Those of us who played it when it first came out remember those times, and therefore still enjoy the game today, because we remember watching the tech-demo at E3 for the source engine with real-time model bending for non-actors (Things like mattresses), and seeing the in-game video-projection, seeing the awesome physics in action, and then finally playing the game ourselves, and just being wowed.

That's why it was a good game, and still is.
You need to look at it through the eyes of 2004, not 2014.

I played them both when they came out. I thought HL 1 was okay (still have it on CD somewhere...), but I really did not like 2. Never played the other episodes of 2, but from what I've seen, it's more of the same.

EDIT: Heh. 2004 ≠ back in the day for me. When I played HL 2 I was looking at it as someone who grew up on DOS, and later NES and SNES. It didn't appeal to me then and still doesn't.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Neonivek on April 01, 2014, 08:30:17 pm
Honestly sometimes how good a game REALLY is, isn't evident immediately.

You just get blown away by the graphics, or the gimmick, or maybe just its "bigger" attitude... but as soon as those things start to lose their luster all you are left with is the gameplay and sometimes even story.

The one aspect of Halflife 2 that was sorely missed from the first in my opinion is its tight exploratory gameplay. Sure it was all pretty much a railroad, but if you looked hard enough you could occasionally see something quite interesting. It still exists in Halflife 2 mind you (some uninteresting, some interesting) but it never hit the same high for me.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: werty892 on April 01, 2014, 08:40:25 pm
Can you be more specific about why you dislike it Glloyd?
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on April 01, 2014, 08:48:22 pm
I don't understand how people think RTSes are dead, i've got like 20 good ones in my steam library.

I actually would like to know what these are. Since the last really good RTS I played was Tiberium Sun.

MAYBE Company of Heroes but that crashed on me because I was playing "too well". (I didn't just stop playing RTS games... just that... Red Alert 3 isn't... that good)


I've got:

Dawn of War I + all expansions

men of war + assault squad

Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion

Star Ruler

Star Wars: Empire at War

Wargame: Airland Battle

Wargame: Red Dragon (still no naval combat in beta D:)

Dawn of War 2 + Retribution, Chaos Rising


Rome II: Total War

Shogun 2: Total War + Fall of The Samurai

Napoleon: Total War

Empire: Total War

Medieval 2: Total War + Kingdoms

Rome: Total War

Also, not included in my Steam library, but at some point on a computer I used:

Company of Heroes + All Expansions

Stronghold 2

Pretty much every Army Men game made

Distant Worlds

Other RTSes not on my PC that I have loved over the years:

Halo Wars


Red Alert 3 (shit was hilarious)

Toy Soldiers (different but awesome)
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Glloyd on April 01, 2014, 08:49:51 pm
Short answer? It bores the hell out of me. I honestly just don't find it fun. I had to force myself to finish it. The first one bored me too, just not as much.

That being said, I've never been a huge fan of FPS's. I mean, I loved Doom when my parents allowed me to play it, and Quake was fun too, but the older I got the less interested I was in FPS's. I was always more of a strategy and RPG gamer. I fully respect how influential it was at its time, and how innovative it was, but in 2004 I was way more excited for Rome: Total War than I was for HL2.

Which is probably why I never understand why all the HL3 hoaxes get such huge coverage. It's just another boring FPS to me.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on April 01, 2014, 08:52:49 pm
half life (2, never played 1) was always about the story and the atmosphere for me, it was like playing 1984: in space, the game. It was never about shooting aliens or hilarious robocops, those were just thing Gordon Freeman happened to be doing at that time!
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Mictlantecuhtli on April 01, 2014, 08:55:10 pm
Yeah.. HL2 wasn't good because it's a solid shooter. The story is the most important part, the mechanics are less so. Though remember the engine did lead to arguably the most innovative FPS ever made, Portal.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: Neonivek on April 01, 2014, 09:05:45 pm
This is honestly the first time I ever heard anyone say that Half-life's story was particularly good.

I always thought it was basically an excuse plot meant to be understood but not contemplated.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: TheDarkStar on April 01, 2014, 09:09:48 pm
Urist McScoopbeard: You might be interested in trying out some of the RTSs from the Spring engine. (

I played Zero-k for a while and there are other decent ones besides that. They tend to be very different from the C&C and Starcraft style of RTS, with more of a focus on tactics than unit-by-unit micromanagement (it has features that optionally automate some repetitive commands).

As for Half Life, the second one has a decent storyline. The first one is older and I've only played part of Black Mesa, so I'm not sure about that one.
Title: Re: The Videogames Industry Sucks: Rant About the Decline of the Videogame Industry
Post by: alway on April 01, 2014, 09:23:30 pm
This is honestly the first time I ever heard anyone say that Half-life's story was particularly good.

I always thought it was basically an excuse plot meant to be understood but not contemplated.
No, it was pretty great at the time. It was one of the more successful attempts at taking the basic FPS gameplay and putting in an overarching story which was more than a simple excuse plot. It was built around the story itself more than the FPS gameplay. Of course, 'at the time' means a decade ago; a lot of aspects don't hold up quite as well today. If HL3 was simply as good as HL2, it would be considered a major flop by today's standards.