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Messages - dennislp3

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 176
Other Games / Re: Star Citizen: The Old Thread Was Dead
« on: August 20, 2020, 04:30:40 am »
There is basic progression you keep your stuff between versions....

Other Games / Re: Crusader Kings 2 is released.
« on: January 27, 2019, 12:53:09 am »
Edit: A vassal of mine ruined it.

I feel like this sums up CK2

This is why I try and make all my vassals from my that somewhere along the lines I can at least take ownership of their stupidity.

Other Games / Re: Haven and Hearth!
« on: January 18, 2019, 10:33:30 pm »
Wow...been sooooooo long since I last played...suppose that would be a good time to take it for a spin again

Other Games / Re: Crusader Kings 2 is released.
« on: January 15, 2019, 08:52:20 am »
I haven't checked current mod status, but the total conversions I run are CK2+/HIP for historical games and Warhammer/Game of Thrones for fantasy needs. Elder Kings used to be good, but I think it has been lagging behind for a couple of DLCs?

They do it funny (Elder Kings)...if you use the dev build (SVN build) its actually up to date...I was playing it today updated to the current DLC with bloodlines and religions and everything adjusted and working.

The steam build and downloads are way behind though. They have a "rolling release" mindset about the whole thing. This actually lets them update quicker than most other mods as they literally push updates every day (though obviously these daily patches are very minor in most cases). You also get to choose when to update the mod so you won't have any updates mess up your save.

here is the post with all the details

Just make sure you follow everything on that post exactly as it says and you are good to go.

Very nice...thank you for the update as I had forgotten about this

Other Games / Re: Stellaris: Paradox Interactive IN SPACE
« on: January 07, 2019, 12:21:49 pm »
Anomolies become special projects. Anomolies are randomly generated and give random results. Sometimes those random results are special projects which are actual events as opposed to anomolies.

As for stations...~200k seems to be the upper limits for them barring any repeating techs

Other Games / Re: Crusader Kings 2 is released.
« on: January 07, 2019, 12:06:41 pm »
Sweet understanding was that you could only impregnate random courtiers and/or the child of stan would not be of your dynasty...I was also under the impression that they were a "fake" demon spawn and not the same thing as the event driven version....

That sounds like a fun playthrough

I personally chose to avoid radio packs, content packs, snowfall, disasters, and concerts.

Radio packs are literally just music...I tend to listen to my own in the background.

content packs just adds alternate versions of a handful of buildings and almost nothing else. Essentially just a few modded buildings. Get mods instead.

Snowfall seems pretty cool but in reality it only works on specific maps (where it is literally snowing all the time, no real seasons).

Disasters doesn't seem to work like it should. Disasters don't add much other than being annoying by wiping out large parts of your city which you then have to rebuild by hand. You also have the option to build things like disaster shelters to save lives...but if everyone loses their homes and/or work places in a disaster they end up leaving your city anyways so they serve literally no purpose.

Concerts is just a gimmicky little thing similar to sports stadiums. Stadiums are free though...concerts DLC costs you and adds very little.

The rest are pretty good.

Other Games / Re: Stellaris: Paradox Interactive IN SPACE
« on: January 04, 2019, 09:05:18 pm »
So I didn't realize it before....but I found an insane combo

Tomb World start + fanatic purifiers. To get even more silly throw in adaptable and you literally colonize every planet (but I understand they will fix tomb world starts having high habitability on all planet types)

With armageddon bombardment you can turn worlds into tomb worlds which means if you see an enemy planet with a ton of slots you can just bomb it into a tomb world and you are good to go.

Take the ascension perk that allows raiding if you want to steal some of their pops for unity first.

Other Games / Re: Crusader Kings 2 is released.
« on: January 04, 2019, 08:56:03 pm »
yes...they need a "partial ironman" notification or something.

I think it would be a much more active and meaningful game if they added "seasons" or something to wipe the map clean every year at 6 months - year. Adjust the gameplay to be a little more fast paced and you have yourself a much more accessable game world.

Anyone running this on a system that is below the minimum specs? I have an i5 2.6ghz, but the minimum calls for a 3.3ghz i5. The game looks right up my alley, but I'm not sure if my system can handle it.

It gets pretty processor heavy later on so it might be ok if you simply want to run around in a ship and shooting stuff up...but if you want to develop stations and a trade network (which you will want to) it will probably die via FPS death for you....

The also needs some optimization work anyways so until that gets done I doubt you have much of a chance because even with proper specs it can get choppy later on if you aren't careful

Other Games / Re: Stellaris: Paradox Interactive IN SPACE
« on: December 30, 2018, 10:45:26 am »
This is why a trade system essentially cover up the flawed and simplistic economy. A few resources are infinite while a few others are not...this helps create balance. If infinite minierals via spam was possible alloys would also be spammable and at that point trade becomes useless.

Other Games / Re: Crusader Kings 2 is released.
« on: December 28, 2018, 01:10:16 am »
Trying to advance to the final rank of my warrior lodge. In order to do so, I have to duel an existing top ranked member... ... my wife.

She's a lot better fighter than me, which is a problem, but I come up with a solution: I get her pregnant, which places a nice debuff on her combat skill, then I duel her while she's carrying our child.

I'm kinda proud of how this all worked out, but at the same time, I'm also kinda not.

That's certainly one way to do it lol...only in CK2

The only place I've found to observe orders is the ship behavior window, which will list the currently active order and any queued orders. And I certainly agree that this is something that should be more visible when selecting ships on the map, without needing to dive into sub-menus.

By default when you select a ship it shows a line on the map to all the orders they have. If you mean in list form then the behavior window is the only place. Using the map and the lines on the map you should be able to do everything you need except reordering the commands.

It is possible to turn this off though so maybe thats something that you have done? The option is in the mnues where you select trade filters (the last tab I think)

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