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Topics - squeakyReaper

Pages: [1] 2
Life Advice / Screenname Troubles
« on: August 20, 2014, 12:32:23 pm »
This is... hardly as dramatic as any of the other blugh I throw on here, and may not be up to the par for life advice. But w/e.

I've used Squeaky Reaper as my screen name for a long time. Made it a while ago and it stuck. I'll be starting my own... company type thing? Developing junk for the app store, and I need a good "company" name. I've decided to run with HeyLookFoil, sort of like someone pointing at a shiny thing going "HEY LOOK, FOIL!".

When I go to represent my little product, should I have that company name as my screen name? Put it in my signature? I'm not terribly well known, but sometimes I run in to people who remember me from another site, or I join a game with friends and I can just tell them "SqueakyReaper". What's the best way to preserve my "brand", so to speak, while still having a way to share my company name?

Also, would it be in my best interests to sign up for forums, mostly TigSource, with my "company" name? The solution here is probably just "use the signature feature", but I wanna see if anyone else has run in to a similar thing.

Life Advice / Driver's License
« on: June 20, 2012, 12:37:31 pm »
I'm 19, almost 20, and I'm not fond of driving. So, I don't have a license. I'll probably get one later, because life is all about making you do things you're not fond of, but for now I ride the bus and my bike.

What is your general opinion on adults who do not have a car or license? Do you respect them less? What age did you get your license?

Other Games / Good Fishbowl Games?
« on: June 12, 2012, 04:01:28 pm »
As in, something to just plop down somewhere on your screen and watch it grow, either over minutes or over days. Imagine if you could just watch a city in Dwarf Fortress build itself, and the game will report simple stories and reports as to what is going on. That kind of stuff.

Does anyone know any? I need to do homework, but I'd like to be able to fulfill my need to "play" games at the same time.

Identical-ish thread here.

Life Advice / General Acne Advice
« on: December 25, 2011, 11:46:31 pm »
Need some help. I'm 19, have acne. My mom is [datanotfound], has acne. I've tried some astringent for a month, but like with flossing or not eating pie I give in to the easy side of the force.

I'm planning on nuking my acne in the new year. What advice can you guys give? I heard cycling through fresh pillow cases helps, but iunno.

DF General Discussion / Will Your Dwarves Be Half Speciesist?
« on: October 26, 2011, 12:25:28 pm »
Unless there are serious drawbacks to being a lycanthrope or vampire, I'm confident in saying that these half-breeds will be better than regular dwarves. How do you think your fort will handle it, though, if they expose someone? I'm pretty sure everyone would flip out and attempt to murder said individual for being scary and different, but how do you want them to? As a community obsessed with... odd ideals of efficiency, I'm interested in knowing.

Other Games / Stronghold 3
« on: October 25, 2011, 12:56:22 am » not buy it.

This will hold as a discussion thread for those who want to have one. My self, I just want to wallow in pity.

Stronghold 3, a "Castle Building Simulator" comes out soon.

I'm looking forward to this one.  Its going to keep me sane while I try to finish Dark Souls.

Meh, I'm not. Stronghold 2 wasn't really as good as the first, mostly because of things like the Gong Pit(why? why would you do that? There's a reason we don't do it in DF, despite the requests to do so). Plus, I really hated Stronghold Kingdoms, with it's pay-2-win.

Err, anyways, reasons to skip on the purchase.

  • 4 maps for multiplayer fun-ness. You may make more in the map editor, but vanilla only has four maps in its entirity.
  • There is no guide for hotkeys in the game, or anywhere at the moment. No one has any idea how to speed it up beyond "Slow as hell".
  • Walls, they do nothing! In SH2, pikemen could tear down walls. In SH3, pikemen can ignore walls. They can just reach up with their spears and stab archers on your fortifications.
  • Your escorts move faster than anyone you have, meaning they get to danger before you can.
  • Plagues kill anyone who touch them... and they usually manifest in the most trafficked area. That means you instantly lose everyone in your city.
  • Apple Blights and Mad Cow Disease affect every single workshop of that type, and usually set you behind for a few in game weeks. Note; a half-full granary depletes within one week of normal rations.
  • It's 50$.

I'm told they already have patches for it planned. That's... a lot of things to patch, aye?

DF Gameplay Questions / Windows 7 Problems
« on: October 18, 2011, 01:17:38 pm »
Yes, I've searched for this. Typically, either they have a different problem than I do, or it doesn't get resolved.

Hardware specs:
AMD A4-3400 APU with Radeon HD Graphics 2.70 GHz
6 GB RAM (5.48 usable)
64-bit operating system

When generating a world, it goes about as nice as you'd expect. I can start adventure mode, but I get 1 FPS or so. It says 100 FPS until I input a command, then it swiftly drops down. It usually rounds out at saying it's 20 FPS, but is horribly unresponsive and slow. As for playing in fort mode, once I hit embark it seizes up and becomes unresponsive. Sometimes, Windows kills it automatically. Other times it'll pass through to where it says "Beware the wolves", etc. Trying to move on from there crashes it pretty much instantly.

I've tried running it as administrator, tried running it as windows xp compatibility, etc. No dice so far. DF worked pretty well on my 6 year old Windows XP machine, it's just frustrating that this "upgrade" completely hinders my ability to play. Any suggestions for fixing this thing?

General Discussion / Save the Virtual Polar Bears
« on: September 07, 2011, 08:13:58 am »
Fox reports on SimCity Societies.  Now, I have to warn you... this is fox.  Please bring brain bleach.

Now, war games are terrible if they show Americans losing.  Recent events are also evil and most be banned, such as Eight Days in Fallujah.  But when we don't go the violent route?  Well, it's liberal propaganda for children.  Let's ignore the fact they say Fate of the World is for five year olds, let's ignore the fact they say nuclear energy is one of the safest sources of energy, let's ignore the fact that they say games are only for children...  And let's focus on these things.

This is Beartic, or more recognizably, a Virtual Polar Bear.  You see, Virtual Polar Bears need to be saved.  Just listen to the guest, McCormack, about how our children are ignoring these creatures in favor of other, more fun games.  I say these creatures need to be saved.  A good view on to the dilemma can be seen in this youtube video.

Won't you save the Virtual Polar Bears?

Life Advice / Religion In Hard Times
« on: August 28, 2011, 11:57:14 pm »
This isn't the Atheism Redux thread.  Just putting that as a disclaimer.

My stepdad is in Korea for a year, my sister (6) has speech disorders, my brother (8) is autistic, my baby brother (5 months) is...  Well, a baby.  Add in a depressed, jobless and car-less (but full time college and babysitting) me, as well as my mom's own college duties and... Well, it'd be an understatement to say my mom is stressed.

To...  Cope with this, I guess, my mom has turned to God for answers.  She now goes to Church in addition to her many appointments, gives 10% of everything we have as tithes, and does special bible devotionals to my stepdad to "strengthen their marriage"... This in addition to saying grace at dinner, buying tons of bible study dvds, buying everyone in the family deluxe quality bibles and those frustratingly ear-wormy christian music cds.

Thing is, this just isn't her.  She's always been an atheistic person, and suddenly her world view changed... Literally over night.  Whether the whole Jesus thing is correct and all matters little here, it's just very jarring.  she responds bitterly to me not wanting to go to church, spends money on Godly things and seems to just be using it as an escape.  It's better than crack, and it's not hurting anyone, but it's worrisome to me.

Maybe I'm crazy or whathaveyou.  I just don't want to have her suggesting I get baptized anymore.  Asking for someone to give me the words to magically snap her back to reality sounds argumentative to Christians and all, but...  I dunno.  Just ranting I guess.

DF Suggestions / Expandable Engravings
« on: August 22, 2011, 11:10:41 am »
Similar to how Liberal Crime Squad has 3 letters for graphics, and how ASCII Art Rewards work, I think having larger engravings would help us visualize things a bit better.  It would at least make things a bit prettier, and more expandable in a way.  Here's what I mean:

Here's an engraving of elves laboring.  Relates to the founding of a forest retreat.  Overworld view, it would just be "e".  But when you go to look at the engraving, it would show this somewhere on the engraving info:  "eee".  Or when a human strikes down a goblin, it would show this:  " Ug"  Depictions of gods could be cool, with a dragonfly god surrounded by food looking like "%.%".  Even "circles" would show up at "ooo", though a single circle would just be a single o.

Just something to fit in, if anyone likes the idea.  Could be a spot right above a description.  When you make an artifact, which has multiple decorations on it, I guess you could have a small browser for it...  maybe line them up all, side by side, and highlight the description of the one selected?  I dunno.

DF Adventure Mode Discussion / Open Hand for Wrestling
« on: August 14, 2011, 06:07:26 pm »
Here's a fun one; what do you have to use to still have an "open" hand for wrestling?  I've always been inspired by the tale of the Colossus and the Wambler, but my practice of one weapon and a shield has stopped me.  How can I be considered open for wrestling, while not sacrificing the offense of a weapon and the defense of a shield?

  • Do bucklers take up a hand?  As in, could a sword and a buckler still leave me open?  Shields take it up, but their smaller cousins...?
  • If I use a two handed weapon, does it literately occupy both hands?  A long sword wielding dwarf of a great sword wielding human, could they throw if they had nothing else?
  • Does a crossbow leave an open hand for grappling?
  • If I go "confused turtle" style, as in two shields, could I throw?  Or would they have to be...
  • Two left handed items?  Say, equipping a sword AND a shield to one arm, would that work?

Wrestling isn't the most effective option, and dwarves are too small to make full use of it.  But throwing and taking enemies down is just too action-hero cool to not use.

DF Dwarf Mode Discussion / Old Age
« on: July 20, 2011, 06:00:48 pm »
Falling off large towers.  Building into a corner, and starving when I forget to get you out.  Goblins.  Lots of goblins.  Getting bored and being sent to the Accident chamber.  Fluffy Wamblers.

I've...  never actually had a Dwarf die of old age.  I think you should get an award for having one go like that- the only notable Dwarves to die off from father time was Tholtig and a few of her relatives.  Have you ever seen a bearded fellow fall victim to the hourglass?

Creative Projects / Browser based game..?
« on: July 18, 2011, 11:08:32 am »
When I was younger, I always wanted to create a game like Neopets.  That's a natural programmer thing that still kicks in today, and you probably know the feeling.  Sadly, I'm sort of on a creative rut.  I've been looking at a lot of browser based games, and I just can't find one that I really like.  Some are fun, but none really reach a level that I can purely enjoy.

Bay12 might not be one entity, but a majority of us have something in common; we like Dwarf Fortress.  I find that you guys have pretty great taste in games, so I go through the Other Games section quite often to pick out new toys to play with.  Thus I find Bay12 to be a pretty good place to start soul searching- what sort of browser based game would you enjoy?  I would really like to kick up a programming project, and your input would be valuable.  Miscellaneous thoughts below:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Life Advice / Kicked Out
« on: February 27, 2011, 02:27:14 pm »
I am a 4.0 earning college student.  The college is a nice 40 minutes away from my house.  I am driven from here to there by my parents, as I do not have a car.  My tuition is paid via my stepdad's GI bill.  I do not have a job.

Suddenly, shit happens.  I have until April 1st to move out.  I am no longer getting free cell phone, internet, rides or food.  I have my own computer, but a computer is literatly not a life.  I'm scared and have no idea what to do...  Any advice?

DF Community Games & Stories / The New Web of Pages - [Hiatus]
« on: February 21, 2011, 01:31:32 pm »
The New Web of Pages

This is the spiritual successor to Webpaged.  Webpaged was a project in which we played Dwarf Fortress in a multiplayer sort of way; that is, you would "control" your Dwarves by suggesting things for them to do.  I am attempting to recreate that.

How to Play

  • You pick the name and custom profession of your dwarf.
  • You decide which labors your dwarves have activated, if they're in squads, burrows, etc.
  • I try to follow your decisions to the T.  After all, you guys are the players!
  • I will update once every 24 hours, or at least 48 hours.  Each update will be one season.
  • If you do not post between two updates, I'll just try to keep doing what you were told to do last.
  • Unnamed Dwarves are all "Urists".  Urists are my special defined job that has every single labor activate unless there is a specialist in that field.  That way we can have someone do carpentry even without a carpenter.
  • If you guys have ideas for projects, lay it on me!  I'll do my best to follow your specs.

When migrants come, I will attempt to accommodate everyone who wants to join up.  Genders and Skills for immigrants are randomly generated, so I'll do my best to fit them, but don't expect a perfect match.  Here's the sign-up sheet:

Quote from: Sign-up
Forum Name:
Dwarf Name:
Personality Quirks:

Updates So Far
Prologue - Strike the Earth!
Spring 101 - The Sky is Falling
Summer 101 - Official
Autumn 101 - The Sanctum
Winter 101 - Sky's Tower
Spring 102 - Migrants
Bonus - A Tour
Summer 102 - NOT THE BOOZE
Autumn 102 - The Grand Housing Hall
Winter 102 - Therleth's New Toys?

The Dwarves
Spoiler: Roster (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Obituaries (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Waiting List (click to show/hide)

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