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Messages - Starver

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 847
Well if you can "tweak" the laws of physics slightly, knock yourself out!

Quote from: obligatory ST:TNG
Q: "Just change the gravitational constant of the universe!"

Okay, lemme just... wHOA WHOA-

DF Suggestions / Re: Terrible Suggestions Thread
« on: Today at 04:19:56 am »
Some people have trigonophobia. Replace all triangles with spiders.

Not quite the pre-2005 era.

That was when the revaluing basically invloved removing six zeros from everything. I remember "Who Wants To Be A (Turkish) Millionaire" competitions where the prize was a (very affordable!) million contemporaneous Turkish Lira. Possibly, even more than tourism (you probably would be advised to arrive with travellers'-cheques or well-supported plastic that'd charge you the conversion rate as of the moment of any purchase or cash-withdrawl), one of the few positive currency trades at the time.

Compare prior with post.

But of course that's not to minimise the current curve of the graph, as per any of your favourite currency converter graphs.

General Discussion / Re: Space Thread
« on: May 14, 2024, 08:50:29 am »
The sun had already set at that point and the pinkness was in the wrong spot for it to be a sunset, it was more in the middle of the sky, looking back on it it probably was the aurora but because of all the clouds it looked like this strange pink haze in the middle of the sky.
(...with the absolute caveat that it could be aurora, especially as there was aurora around... even if I still didn't see it...)

That could always be signs of the sunset that you'd still be seeing if you were stood on a high (cloud-high) tower.  The red-tinged light of sunset scraping over the 'over-the-horizon' horizon and illuminating some isolated cloud/high-level-haze in absolutely whatever part of the sky it happens to be. All it needs to do is not be blocked off by yet more sunward clouds.

The old "Red sky at night, (sailor/famer)'s delight, red sky in the morning (their) warning" relies on this, even more than the horizon-adjacent sky itself going red around the setting/rising Sun[1]. Clear skies over the westward/eastward horizons revealing the absence of clouds that might arrive or had been (with the correct type of prevailing weather system, of course). But also needs clouds up (mostly) in the eastward/westward skies to pick up on this diffused light (if you hadn't had clouds, you are more than likely probably now due them, and if you already had clouds then their now being lit up red is a good sign that there's no more to come. Certainly consistently enough to give the right sort of hints enough of the time for fishing or farming communities to take head of. (Also, it rhymes, so it must be true!)

Theres been a lot of lore dumping, i mean a lot, when was the last time Susan was named on TV?
I can immediately bring to mind about three times when the granddaughter was mentioned/refered to, in NuWho. Which I think was with the Ninth, Tenth and Twelfth (if I have the general stories right), but I couldn't say if by actual name without checking. (Nine, in particular, probably just kept it as "family", being in the mood he was in.)

I'm fairly sure that Susan has 'appeared' in a Big Finish audio (not sure offhand which Doctor, possibly Eight  - but of course it involved Daleks (Re)Invading Earth), which was (regardless of precise Doctor) made during the NuWho/revival era.

Remember that there are a lot of long-time fans that have been in the driving seat (including Russel T.), and it isn't the first time that they've drawn in 'ascended fanon' out of possibly long-forgotten details, throwaway or even as major arcs, and not always in agreement with each other. ;)

On the Lore-Dumping, I get the idea that this is (along with the late 2023 14th Doctor) being treated as "Nu-Nu-Who", perhaps in part due to it being under a bit of the Disney umbrella.  The Re-Re-(Re-?)Re(spark/boot). There's a bit more Explaining To Watson than is necessarily done to any new companion (i.e. audience-surrogate). This tends to happen a lot more when new-Doctor and new-Companion(s) happen almost-simultaneously (usually due to regeneration-crisis-related reasons), moreso than when there's just a mid-Doctor companion-change. Or maybe its more just that a double-changeover of incumbants just happens moreso when a mini-reboot time comes around with a deliberate break from the most recent major story arcs that had just culminated under the last philosophy.

Either way, it caters for the ultra-new fans that (they hope) will suddenly discover this age-old franchise after finally being allowed to stay up late enough to watch things like this, plus the age-old fans that (they hope) will latch onto this ultra-new bit of the franchise. A little easter egg, if not a whole bunny.

Surprised to see no comments, already, on the relaunched double episode (but two-times-single, not a two-parter) of the 2024 series proper. Waited a bit, but looks like nobody else here picked up on them.

Spoiler comments, just for those outwith this broadcast catchment:

In short, liked the first. Second did (and had to do) a lot of heavy lifting, plotwise, and fingers crossed that they've got a lot of the 'decorative' bits out of their systems.

DF Suggestions / Re: Terrible Suggestions Thread
« on: May 11, 2024, 08:41:09 pm »
Milk cheese, and make cheese milk cheese. Which of course you can milk.

And why stop at in-game objects and substances? Milk things that are in the player's world. Things and concepts. This milking meme, for example, should be milked for all it is worth...

General Discussion / Re: Space Thread
« on: May 11, 2024, 09:12:01 am »
My brother said he saw aurora at his house, quite a bit south of me, at 34°48' N!

Aurora Borealis?

At this time of the year, at this time of day, at this part of the country, localised entirely within your brothers house?
Well, maybe the neighbours are hosting the Aurora Australis. You surely can't expect them to share the same Airbnb, but at least this way it would technically only need the one Uber from the airport. (Assuming not much luggagez but the Auroras tend to travel light...)

General Discussion / Re: Space Thread
« on: May 11, 2024, 04:03:06 am »
Is that why part of the sky here was pink a little bit after the sun had gone down?
That could just be high altitude clouds doing a sunset-thing. But hard to tell from the other side of a internet cable(/RFC1149/whatever) connection, so maybe it was and maybe it wasn't. Pink (involving high-up oxygen) and blue (lower-down nitrogen) aren't exactly unexpected hues in the sky, if they're on the edge of vision. I think the 'gold standard' would have to be the greens (or, of course, being completely obvious 'sky curtains', whatever colour(s) they're displaying) as being not a 'normal' sky-hue for pretty much every other event (sunset 'green flash' aside).

I think am a little bit too northerly for a G4-G5. I had a first good look after midnight, and peeked out last at ~2AM (either side of astronomical midnight), and could not see any glow that I couldn't identify as probably more like noctiluscent clouds[1] and/or very indirect illumination from the nearest large towns/maybe-a-regional-city-of-note. But I'm rather used to the northern horizon hardly going very dark in summer as the Sun is barely 'over the pole'. And we're barely a month off that peak time. Even to the south, in the darker sky and thin enough to see many of the expected stars through, there were patches of clear cirrus fibratus (or similar, maybe undulatus or uncinus) in view.

I really keep meaning to check up when 'magnetic midnight' is, for me, to maybe better time my looking/going out. But a G4-5 is roughly relatable to a Kp of 8-9, give or take geomagnetic variation, and I'm apparently better placed to see Kp=7 (~G3 sourced) aurorae. With maybe some luck with that at times. Better in the properly dark skies of midwinter, I find.

[1] Not really sure if they're this. All my life I've known that there's visible high clouds at night, in the right conditions, then a decade or two ago they announce the 'discovery' of NCs, and I'm wondering if I've just seen 'normal' night-time clouds and never actually seen whatever-it-is-that's-actually-truly-noctiluscent. Either because I've never looked up when they're there or because I've been distracted by all the non-noctiluscent clouds up there! ...see also "my northern horizon stays gloriously lit (i.e post-sunset blue, if generally clear) in summer" effect, above.

Humans are man-made, so we are technically artificial intelligences
It's not any man that does most of the actual manufacturing...

General Discussion / Re: Space Thread
« on: May 03, 2024, 04:42:21 am »
A good principle, but so is the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, and that hasn't entirely stopped proliferation. Plus there's always the 'accidental' dual-use of otherwise perfectly benign (or not) space hardware.

My bet is either that this is an attempt to try to curb the US's use of superior military reconnaisance hardware (by some subtle wording that includes conflict-purpose hardware rather than just full on weapons) into the ban or (more likely) it's a gambit where they get a sure diplomatic win out of the attempt (one way, they get vetoed by US and can then accurately claim that the US/whoever was 'against peace'; the other way they force support/non-opposition from their greatest rivals, which they can also bend to their advantage and dine out on for at least the foreseeable future).

I'd have to fully read the replective texts to rule out some of my other (admitedly crazier) ideas as to "why them, why now?"

At first I thought you meant "throwing a dead cat on the table", not "why do busses always come in threes?", until I remembered the "painting boxes red to make nodel busses" thing. But then there's also the zipline thing and the aggressively tackling the child playing football thing and so many other things, so forgive me for forgetting any given case of Karma Houdini or that turned out to be key distractions to avoid other problems. (The actual circumstances where he probably caught covid would be good material, too, except that it wasn't a personal/limited "whoopsy", and that was not a lesson learnt given the link to later not-supposed-to-revealed slip-ups.)

I think the version of the quote I prefer is something like "Underneath that carefully cultivated thin veneer of being a bumbling fool, there's really a bumbling fool".

Well, he doesn't always know to follow the very rules that he made happen...

edit: BBC link/nearly identical version, for those normally allergic to popover/pester/ad-supported sites as me, at least for first-clicks. Although at original time of posting, BBC website hadn't "come out of purdah" quite as as quick as the BBC broadcast news or various other online sites...

Not that you'll ever find out about it, of course, if you follow advice.  ::)

I don't disagree with where you take that, but of course the (willingly?) apathetic can still bask (not "basque", doh!) in a "nuthin' to do with me" attitude, even if their country has all-but-wet actual boots on the ground, and their equipment is their by proxy.

It's still a matter of expanding you consciousness, but of course you're not just targetting the <Foo> embassy for that country's treatment of region <Bar>, but also trying to pivot the diplomatic/trade/treaty links of your actual government.

I mean, I'm technically letting who knows how many objectional links go unprotested that might well involve my energy suppliers/local-to-national governments/regularly visited shopping chains, etc. I could possibly be blissfully unaware that SupermarketCo's buying practices are reinforcing tribal tensions over on a completely different continent. And even if I'm then informed of this, might consider it not worth my while to unilaterally change my choccy-biscuit consumption, let alone daub a bedsheet with messages and wave it around in front of the local store.

I might well avoid doing the latter. Especially if someone else was already doing it. And perhaps this then had me I silently doing the former (or switched to DiscountLtd's own-brands instead, imagining that this was a more guilt-free alternative, with or without proof), and I'd end up doing practically nothing to help the situation by doing so. Because I'm less inclined to activism, or more inclined to apathy.

But it'd be good (if the cause were good... and perhaps that's subjective) for there to actually be actual protesters. Outweighing my own direct 'contribution' of merely no longer buying one packet of chocco-bisqui-cruncho-wafers a week. Which would hardly contribute even a downward-blip on the respective financials (and wouldn't even identify the reason for it, by the time the munged information hits any decision-makers). Someone who can (and will) get noticed properly is better.

The only properly thought through problems I have with these particular protests is that while calls for divesting are amongst the more powerful legitimate messages they can make, any divest will typically just ensure an equivalent (slightly discounted) revest by any body that is in a position to do so but without pesky students ever really in their face enough. Caveats to "do what's right, but without causing different forms of harm instead" are far more difficult than merely dropping a hot-potato. (The dropping of all the Sackler Family philanthropic links from all kinds of institutions probably was never net-positive in alll the consequences, just a performative 'good' that led to scrabbling around for different sponsorship/funding/honourations to link up with, etc.)

And that it's only a few precarious steps from "protect innocent Palestinians" to "support the annihilation of the Jewish state", which probably the right-minded bulk of the protesters would not willingly take on their own, but certain elements can move the mob's group-overton window into that easier than they ought to. Notwithstanding that denying the right to protest is a bad thing that one would hope never happens in "the land of the free", one should ideally be intolerant of intolerance (and no more).

Of course, heavy-handed 'authorities' can pivot the "just here to indicate my support for peace" people into "you're denying us our voice" reactionaries, as well, and doesn't do much to prevent the creep from protest (or counter-protest, where applicable) into riot (and counter-riot), which then makes it an issue that does directly effect those who turned up, despite not being directly involved.

(TL;DR;, voices need to be heard, or we never hear the vital message. When the voices are suppressed or go beyond being merely legitimate opinion-stating, or both trying to be done at the same time, then it gets problematic. Square that circle however you can.)

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