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Author Topic: Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Angel vs Demon  (Read 4819 times)


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Angel vs Demon
« Reply #15 on: May 03, 2020, 02:29:17 am »

Turn 6 - Early Autumn
Smoke rises over the wreckage of Samo Gaum, a small village in Darrin's hinterlands. Demonic soldiers, emboldened by Darrin's total lack of response to their incursions, and increasingly in need of supplies to fuel their ever-larger armies, comb through the wreckage, taking anything of value. The population has been killed or enslaved. Demonic commanders oversee the methodical plunder, and within hours the village is robbed of anything remotely valuable or edible.
Far to the east, the villagers of Dakusi willingly give up food to angelic soldiers, who had defeated the bandits that had terrorised them since the local garrison was recalled. While loyalty to the King is unshakably strong in the towns and cities, those living away from such centres are feeling justifiably abandoned, and are willing to provide the cause of Good with basic supplies. Not only are they providing protection the King will not, the villagers are smart enough to know that an army in need of supplies will get those supplies; better to provide them voluntarily than have them taken by force.
Both armies are growing larger by the day, and keeping them supplied is increasingly an issue. Not an insurmountable issue by any means- by means fair or foul, supplies can be gathered from the surroundings. This does slow the progress of the armies somewhat. To mitigate the issue, commanders on both sides have opted to send a small portion of their forces ahead. The demonic army seeks to secure their advantageous position, while their angelic rivals hope to dislodge them before reinforcements arrive.

Sunbows are first on the scene, scouting ahead with the aid of Bright Shadows. Led by the Silver Markswoman, they harass the demonic vanguard, keeping them on their toes until the angelic vanguard reaches them. The demons have blocked access to the fort overlooking the pass, intending to prevent reinforcements from reaching the beleaguered garrison. In principle, their elevated position gives them an advantage, but the superior range and mobility of the Sunbows mean they cannot hold out forever, and so must make the first move- which they do, marching down the slopes towards the angelic vanguard.
Evidently Magoc has decided to take a page out of his rival's playbook, as the Uruks wield better equipment than before. Significantly better, in fact. Each is outfitted with a gambeson, of similar make to those of their rivals, albeit emblazoned with demonic runes. They also wear partial helmets- caps with eye guards, providing slightly more coverage than their rivals' helmets. In their arms they hold metal-rimmed kite shields and sturdy spears with gleaming points, while the rusty dagger at their side has been replaced with a small axe or mace. The unit of CHADS accompanying the vanguard do not have significantly better armour coverage, though it does have a more well-made and uniform appearance. The demonic commanders have been provided with partial plate armour, covering parts of the torso, forearms, and shins, as well as a full helmet with a fancy red crest. Combat will reveal the quality of these items to be superior to their angelic counterparts.
The Sunbows accompanying the angelic vanguard fire a volley of burning arrows into the oncoming Uruks. Though still deadly, the better shields and helmets do reduce the kill rate considerably, and unlike the flimsy shields seen before, the new ones do not burst into flame quite so easily. The demonic archers respond once entering firing range, which is marginally further than before, as their bows have likewise received an upgrade. At magic missile range, the acolytes accompanying the angelic vanguard open fire, and are answered by some of the Uruks- though not all. Instead of firing one concentrated volley, they stagger them, so as to create a constant barrage. This is less devastating on initial impact, but keeps the angelic line off-balance right up until the charging Uruks and CHADS reach them.
Not content to copy his rival's equipment, Magoc has also decided to complete his followers' training, augmenting their coordination with individual skill. The Uruks are now the equal of their rivals in melee skill, which combined with their slightly superior equipment and strength renders the angelic footsoldier the loser in most one-on-one confrontations. With their formation destabilised by the constant missile barrage, they are no match, and are steadily pushed back. In short order, the CHADS smash through the angelic flanks, and their officers order a retreat. Sunbows continue to harass the demonic forces as they depart, but the attention of CHADS forces them to back away as well.
Though only a relatively minor confrontation, the victory does secure the demonic position, ensuring the terrain will favour them in the upcoming battle.

The main hosts converge a few days later. The demonic forces have established themselves in a favourable position, in a curved section of pass where the craggy slopes are too steep for Sunbows to climb, and the angelic host will have to march up around the bend to reach them. In this manner, Sunbows cannot simply fire at the demonic army with impunity, as curve shots are not amongst the Sunbow's powers. Nevertheless, the angelic officers are confident, and order an advance.
The full might of the demonic army shows off another equipment upgrade; while the majority of Uruk footsoldiers wear gambesons only (henceforth 'Light Uruks'), a smaller contingent is armoured in maille (henceforth 'Heavy Uruks'), and these form a solid centre of the demonic line, with the Light Uruks adopting a less tightly packed formation to either side. There is also a contingent of Misfits; previously seen only in very small numbers, the (extra) mutated soldiers now form a block on one of the flanks, emitting a cacophony of roaring, screeching, and wailing. 
The angelic side has also upped their game. Striding amongst the common footsoldiers are massive, bull-headed humanoids- Minotaurs. Easily half as tall again as a human, they put CHADS to shame, before even considering their intimidating horns and rippling muscles. Fortunately, most appear to be lightly armed and armoured, marching forth in dull robes, wielding only wooden staves. Roughly a third march in the front line, carrying massive iron tower-shields, embossed with angelic glyphs.
As the angelic army turns the corner, archers on both sides open fire. As before, Sunbows are deadly, but having to deal with return fire makes them less threatening. The demonic soldiers raise their shields and weather the storm, content to let their rivals tire themselves marching uphill.
Unfortunately for the demonic soldiers, archery is not their only concern. Amongst the angelic ranks, the elegantly-clad Angel's Voices make themselves known, as (in trios) they initiate a Spellsong. Very different from the Song of Soothing, it instead causes a vortex of sparkling lights to form between the three Voices, growing larger and larger as the song continues. At the crescendo of the song, the vortex contracts into a single ball of Magic and Good, which then shoots forwards towards the demonic army, arcing downward until it hits the ground, then continuing forth with an appearance reminiscent of a cresting wave. Three such waves are launched, and all three crash into the densely-packed Heavy Uruk formation. Bracing against the impact does little to help, as the centre of the wave hits with enough force to smash their shields into scrap, and crush bodies through their chainmail. The outer edge of the wave is less devastating, having an impact equivalent to a magic missile fired by an acolyte. Against a more spaced out opponent, the spellsong would be less effective, but the tightly-packed Heavies take considerable damage.
Seeing this, the demonic commanders order an advance, and the Heavy Uruks endeavour to spread out. Fortunately for them, the new spellsong seems to take a while to cast, and the next three waves only hit a minute later, with a somewhat reduced impact considering the looser formation.
As the two sides enter magic missile range, the shield-bearing minotaurs plant their shields in the ground, and the angelic army stops behind them. But even in the narrow pass, the shields cover only a fraction of the angelic line, leaving many gaps between them. The demonic casters make a point to aim for these gaps, as acolytes on both sides open fire. The Heavy Uruks launch a single coordinated volley, reminiscent of last month's, while the Light Uruks stagger their shots as seen in the earlier skirmish. However, the angelic shields light up, and a shimmering magical barrier is projected around them, four times as wide as the shield itself. Where the barriers overlap, they seamlessly join together, and in this manner, the majority of the angelic line is covered. The barrier blocks most of the incoming magic, only buckling in a few places (one of which is the target of the Heavy Uruks' coordinated volley). Thus, the devastating impact is reduced to a few errant missiles, nowhere near enough to cause the angelic line to falter.
The barrier does nothing to stop physical projectiles, however, and restricts the angelic acolytes to casting through gaps in the barrier, or using Major Missile (which is capable of arcing over the top). The demons continue to advance, with the Mutamist Globadiers doing their thing- although the Mutamist seems to have received an upgrade, as it now reliably poisons those exposed to it, with effects ranging from slight nausea to death (with the most common being serious discomfort and decreased vigour). This is disruptive to the angelic line, but not insurmountably so, and it is a mostly cohesive line that is presented to the demons.
Unfortunately, with the Uruks now wielding quality equipment with some level of competence, and operating in formations of their own, defeating them in combat is more of a challenge. A furious melee begins, one in which the Uruks have the upper hand, although not by much.
The demonic warriors generally try to avoid the imposing minotaurs- and are quite relieved to see that the minotaurs mostly return the favour, striking out against those that attack them, but generally focusing more on holding their ground. When they do attack, they strike with precision and care, applying just enough force to knock their opponent unconscious without killing them. This also applies to CHADS- although it may take a few blows rather than one, a minotaur can easily deal with a CHAD. The same is not necessarily true for multiple CHADS at once, especially not when combined with several Uruks; they are by no means invincible, and their martial arts do not seem suited to serious combat. Where confronting a minotaur is unavoidable, the demonic forces concentrate their forces, and often manage to bring them down- though not without cost, both in terms of soldiers incapacitated by the minotaur, and the tactical costs of not focusing on the bulk of the angelic soldiers for a period. A number of shield-bearing minotaurs are eliminated, and their shields pushed over, disrupting the barrier.
In places where the barrier fails, Light Uruks generally respond by pulling back. In some cases this leads to angelic forces giving chase, thinking their opponents are fleeing, but this generally leads to the pursuers being surrounded and eliminated. For the retreat is tactical; it is used to regroup, reorganise, and then pelt the angelic line with magic, before charging in again. After some time, the entire barrier dissipates, the shields' charge evidently spent, and the Light Uruks begin a constant cycle of retreat, harass, charge.
Meanwhile, the Heavy Uruks hold the centre, keeping the angelic forces pinned down. Their armour, while not impenetrable by any stretch, allows them to weather noticeably more damage than the Light Uruks, or indeed the angelic soldiers.
Nevertheless, the demons are not getting off easy. Though the angelic barrier is not perfect, sections still stand (the shield minotaurs still standing pulled back, where acolytes recharged the shields, allowing them to return to the front and reestablish the barrier), and while minotaurs may not be the most effective at dealing damage, they do serve to restrict demonic movement. These factors combined result in the angelic army taking less damage, minute to minute, than their rivals. More importantly, the narrow pass means a lot of soldiers are held in reserve, allowing wounded soldiers to be replaced with fresh soldiers. It isn't anywhere near feasible to heal the wounded as fast as the demons deal damage, but it does slow the bleeding.
As the fight drags on and numbers dwindle, eventually the demonic line starts to look somewhat ragged, while the angelic numbers are still sufficient to maintain a solid line. As the demonic forces start to waver, angelic officers order the wyverns (who until now had been protecting the back line from demon crows) forwards. The wyverns perform their remorseful refrain, which succeeds in breaking the demonic morale (and as before, the wyverns flee immediately afterwards). Though they are able to prevent a complete rout, the demonic commanders have no choice but to sound the retreat.

The victorious angelic army is in no state to pursue, having taken far too many losses in the battle. They settle for securing their fort, and preparing to advance next month.

Neither side makes progress in Darrin, but the Demonic side loses the advantage.

As in Darrin, both armies are slowed down by logistical concerns. Seeking to avoid a repeat of last month, both sides send detachments ahead to try and secure a crossing- whatever the cost.
The skirmish proceeds similarly to the one in the mountains. Sunbows arrive first, and manage to cross the river, but before the footsoldiers arrive, they are driven back into the water by charging CHADS. With no counter to the Uruk's rolling barrage, the angelic vanguard is beaten back, and their demonic rivals secure a beachhead. The demons dig in as best they can (which is not very well), hoping to hold their ground until the main army crosses.
Unfortunately for them, their position is not as optimal as their counterparts in the mountains, and Sunbows continually harass them, whittling down their numbers, and giving them no time to rest.

The two armies reach the river, and waste no time pushing forwards; the demons crossing as quickly as they can, while the angels rush to attack their beachhead. Sunbows fire burning arrows, while Voices hurl waves of magic, pelting the already depleted beachhead. The Uruks launch magic missiles at the charging angels, but the shield-minotaurs block their initial volley, and subsequent volleys are not enough to disrupt the charge. Minotaurs lead the assault, although their pacifist tendencies make them less effective at this role than they could've been. They are still successful at disrupting the demonic formation, making the job of the footsoldiers behind them easier. The demonic troops are quickly pushed back, almost into the river.
CHADS from the main demonic army reach the bank at this point (being bigger and faster enabling them to cross quicker), and for a moment stabilise the demonic position- but at this point, Heliel reveals herself, cleaving through the demonic forces with spear and magic. Though the CHADS try their best, and indeed are able to halt Heliel's rampage, laying into her with their hammers and axes until she is on the defensive, doing so takes their attention away from the rest of the angelic army, who are able to push forwards until the demons are standing in the shallows.
Heavy Uruks arrive, announcing themselves with a volley of magic aimed at the angelic troops on the bank, and the coordinated blast does manage to disrupt the angelic attack, but this only leads to the angels retreating behind the shield minotaurs, who erect a barrier along the bank that significantly reduces the impact of the demonic magic. From there, the Heliel and the Voices lob waves of magic at the demonic troops, while minotaurs of both flavours make regaining a foothold extremely difficult.
None of the tricks in the demonic arsenal enable them to push onto the shore- Mutamist causes some casualties and disruption, but never enough, and even when the barrier runs out of charge, their volleys of magic missiles are met by an angelic counter-charge led by Heliel, who prevents them from taking advantage. Eventually, the demonic commanders opt to cut their losses, and pull back across the river. The angelic army pursues, but the demons manage to enact a fairly steady fighting retreat, and angelic soldiers leaving behind the safety of the bank suffer heavy casualties. Minotaurs are especially effective in the river, as their great size and strength reduces the degree to which they are encumbered by the water, but their hesitance to cause serious injury means the demonic army does not suffer too badly as they pull back to the western bank.
The situation is now reversed, with the demons holding the bank while the angels attempt to fight their way out of the water. And while the waves of magic that Heliel and the Voices intermittently throw at the shore are disruptive, enabling the angelic forces to take a small section of the bank, they are too infrequent and not powerful enough to secure a large enough beachhead to form a solid formation, and the beachheads are quickly eliminated. Minotaurs are initially successful at securing ground, but they are quickly swarmed by CHADS, and either driven back or killed. Meanwhile, Uruks periodically fire volleys of magic into the river-bound angels, with the shield minotaurs unable to provide reliable protection to the entire force.
Heliel's personal presence is a powerful boon, but even she cannot take the bank single-handedly. Or single-wingedly, as the case may be. After a lengthy struggle, Heliel eventually orders a retreat. Once again, neither side proves capable of crossing the river when contested by the enemy.

Neither side makes progress in Xa-Nam.

At long last, the King of Lesimor oversteps. While not dethroned quite yet, his latest attempt to replace a swathe of bureaucrats and officials is blocked after even his allies object. Were they bribed, blackmailed, or genuinely concerned with his growing power? Who's to say. Whatever the case, this shatters his invincible image, emboldening his rivals, and demoralising those who had hoped that Lesimor's politics might finally stabilise.
While his law-restoration campaign is abandoned in favour of attempting to regain control at court, the rampant violence of recent months seems to have decreased, as there are fewer murders and warehouses fires. There are a few reports of people afflicted by random mutations, but that sort of thing isn't especially alarming- probably the result of some magical experiment gone awry. For the guests attending the recent spate of high-class parties, it is no more than an amusing anecdote.

In the Fortified Frontier, the big news is a recently established unit of archers, noteworthy for the enchanted bows they wield. They are touted as elites capable of outranging even the eastern nomads' archers. How the bows were acquired is unknown.

The recent competition between the Green and Orange universities concludes without incident, to the relief of the majority of observers. The arrival of some strange philosophers leads to a number of intriguing discussions on the nature of morality, while others speak of a figure of unparalleled beauty roaming the province.

The King of Dolgoth concludes his vacation, but immediately departs for the Wartorn Wastes, spending almost no time in the Ostentatious Capital. Parties and sermons continue to attract the nobility, though the mysterious preacher who attracted so much attention last month seems to have departed.
In a secluded corner of a secluded party, a number of nobles speak of a rumour that you didn't hear from me, or at all, but listen to this. They say that a distant relative of the last local king of Dolgoth has emerged from hiding somewhere in the countryside. The young man is said to be a virtuous, kind, and charismatic figure, who has already earned the loyalty of many citizens with his promises to restore local rule. Whether his claims to the throne have any legitimacy is impossible to tell- officially the local dynasty is extinct, quite deliberately eliminated to the last by the current king's ancestors, but it is possible that a child escaped their notice somewhere, whose descendant the new claimant could be-, but it doesn't really matter so long as enough people believe it.

The most exciting news from the Trade City this month involves a humorous mixup involving a shipment of spices alleged to cure hair loss and another known to cause baldness. The Wigmaker's Guild had to hire extra workers. In mostly unrelated news, sales of Bootlegger's continue to grow.

As mentioned, the King himself visited the Wartorn Wastes this month, to bolster morale after last month's setback. While he has no interest in getting involved in actual combat, his presence does prove motivating, and certainly puts an end to any murmurs of discontent.

New stuff:
A lot of new things to talk about this month. Most noticeably, Magoc enacted an ambitious project to equip his followers with better equipment. Using some alchemical trickery, the Draughtsmiths managed to turn various metals into pure iron (no alloys), which they were then able to process further into steel- a remarkable achievement, allowing the demon's craftsmen to provide his forces with high-quality equipment of various forms.
To augment the new equipment, he also provided the Uruks with training in melee combat, specialising the two variants (Light and Heavy Uruks) into distinct roles.
Not seen on the battlefield, but certainly noticed by angelic operatives behind the scenes, is the new Ethereal Armament spell, which allows casters to summon objects made of solid magic- allowing Keepers of Desire to walk around 'unarmed', only to pull out a sword and shield the moment they are attacked.
Seemingly related, the spell currently known as Dumb Drunkard's Detangibiler is a janky but effective way of turning the caster and up to two 'passengers' into intangible magic for a few seconds. Though not usable by Acolytes, Warcasters are able to keep the spell primed for extended periods, preventing them from using other magic, but allowing them to quickly turn themselves and those they are escorting intangible. Combined with Ethereal Armament, this makes demonic operatives considerably more resilient versus assassins.
Finally, the Draughtsmiths were persuaded to actually keep notes on the process of creating their Chaotic Mutagenic Draughts. By narrowing down the ingredients and techniques used, the range of effects was reduced, and it became possible to deliberately make one of three varieties: a beneficial-mutation type, a detrimental-mutation type, and an actually-poison type. This, in turn, makes Misfits more plentiful (although they are still only marginally more effective than regular Uruks), Mutamist more dangerous (although not as dangerous as a specifically-designed poison would be), and the Mutagenic Draught's usage as a chaos-causing infiltration tool more practical (although still not especially effective at accomplishing anything in particular).

Heliel also brought many new things to the table. The most obvious are the Monks of Minos. Once created by a demon, these minotaurs were betrayed by their creator, and thus rebelled by retreating to a hidden valley and forgoing Evil and violence. It seems that these were actually recruited several months prior, but due to their intensely pacifist worldview, it took several months and an escalation in the conflict to convince them of the war's necessity.
She also responded to the Uruks' overwhelming magical volleys by designing the Barrier Shield, which as seen is a massive iron shield that can project a magical barrier to defend against magical attacks. Convincing the minotaurs to carry the inherently defensive Barrier Shield proved fairly simple.
The large waves of magic used to disrupt demonic formations are the result of the Missile in Major Key spellsong. Although powerful, the magic is actually rather inefficient, and only allows Angel's Voices to deal slightly more 'damage per second' than Magic Missile- though tactically, the ability to disrupt formations can be more important than dealing more damage.
Seeing an opportunity in the Monks of Minos's ability to successfully debate an angel, Heliel had them instruct a new class of missionary. The "Apostles of the Minotaurs" have managed to absorb a crash-course on moral philosophy from the Monks, giving them an insight into the true nature of Good, and the ability to discuss the topic intelligently. Admittedly, it sounds like nonsense to most people, but intellectuals and others interested in philosophy can appreciate their words.
Finally, the workshops in the Blessed Desert were expanded in order to produce enchanted goods for export to allies in the Fortified Frontier. Currently only Sunbows are produced, but any future products may also be exported (in small numbers). Merchant contacts from the Trade City organised the necessary paperwork to legitimise the import, although there is a level of obfuscation to hide their true origin from laypeople.
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Angel vs Demon
« Reply #16 on: May 03, 2020, 02:29:49 am »

Equipment Lists for Turn 6:

Spoiler: Angelic Equipment (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Demonic Equipment (click to show/hide)
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Angel vs Demon
« Reply #17 on: August 06, 2020, 04:16:11 pm »

Turn 7 - Mid Autumn
Autumn winds scour the Imerian Mountains. They portend a long and bitter winter, bringing as they do the first of many storms from the north- fortunately bearing only rain, for now. The downpour does not dissuade either army from marching forth to slay their hated foe, though they are slowed somewhat by muddy paths, compounding the existing logistical issues. Once again, vanguards are sent ahead, both slightly larger than last month.

Sunbows forge ahead, led once again by the Silver Markswoman, following the directions of the Bright Shadows. They encounter the demonic vanguard climbing the pass between them, and harry the dark warriors with hit-and-run attacks. CHADS do their part to chase the Sunbows away, preventing them from causing significant damage, but minor losses and mental fatigue are inflicted. The angelic vanguard is not exempt from harassment either, beset as they are by crows, but the acolytes accompanying them are usually able to drive the feathered fiends away with relative ease.
The vanguards meet at the height of the pass. The demonic Commanders spot the imposing Shield Minotaurs striding alongside the angelic footmen, but order a fearless advance regardless. For their part, the angelic Officers are content to simply form up and await their rivals, as Sunbow harassment whittles away at the Uruks, and the trio of Shield Minotaurs protects the centre of their formation from magical reprisal.
The first new development to be showcased comes from the demonic acolytes. These open fire from a noticeably longer range than before (archer range, roughly), the missiles noticeably smaller- but no less powerful (indeed, they pierce the angelic gambesons more reliably). These are fired off less rapidly than regular magic missiles, but serve to pepper the flanks of the angelic army a little sooner than might be expected.
At closer range, Uruks and the angelic acolytes open fire. The Uruks aim for the flanks, avoiding the Minotaurs' barrier, though a small portion hold their fire until they are closer still. These demonstrate another mode of the new demonic magic, launching missiles that are noticeably larger. Aimed above the Minotaurs' barrier, the larger missiles arc downward as they travel, managing to hit the angelic forces behind the barrier (though the impact is somewhat reduced). Acolytes also use these sling-style missiles. The net effect is that the angelic vanguard's formation is less troubled than last month, but by no means unhindered, leaving them somewhat off-balance against the charging demons.
The clash of spears soon reveals another demonic innovation. Both CHADS and Commanders wield weaponry engraved with demonic runes (otherwise similar in appearance to previous months). When these accursed blades (or bludgeons) strike the foe, they absorb the blood spilled into themselves- acquiring a faint red hue in the process. Subsequently, the blade channels the stolen vitality into the wielder, gradually restoring their stamina and healing their wounds. Though this does not render the wielder immortal or grant them infinite stamina (by any stretch), it does extend their endurance considerably. In some cases, heavily injured CHADS/Commanders will pull back from the melee, then stab/smash an allied Uruk, granting them a second wind (their value in combat being considerably higher than the sacrificed Uruk). The Uruks are not exactly thrilled to see their fellows used this way, but they are fanatical enough to fight on with few complaints.
The Shield Minotaurs provide a solid anchor for the angelic line, but they focus mainly on holding their shield, only incapacitating foes who come to close. This allows the demonic warriors to avoid their attention until it suits them. Once the Armed Cultists surrounding them have been dealt with, a cluster of CHADS and Uruks can overwhelm a minotaur- at the cost of a few KO'd Uruks, and a broken bone or two for the CHADS. Without eyes in the back of their head, a minotaur cannot fight foes on all sides at once.
During the fighting, the Markswoman and her Sunbows continue to harass the demonic force, moving around their forces to attack from the rear. While more effective than last month- where the melee was decided too quickly for her to make an impact-, she is unable to swing the battle by herself. However, her efforts do mean that by the time the angelic Officers sound the retreat (when the last minotaur falls), the demonic vanguard has suffered more casualties than last month. The CHADS spend their time chasing away the Sunbows, allowing the rest of the angelic vanguard to retreat safely.
Magoc's forces have won the skirmish, but must continue to contend with Heliel's vanguard, giving them less freedom in choosing where to fight. They manage to secure a desirable position- further down the pass, where the battlefield is wider-, but would've ideally liked to fight even further down, in the valley itself.

The lower pass is lightly forested, providing cover in some areas. The angelic army is cautious, and opt to form a defensive line across the pass, with Shield Minotaurs (of which there are noticeably more than last month) providing cover for the majority- only the extreme flanks are left unprotected. Several units of Sunbows are sent ahead to harass their rivals. Still having the greatest range on the battlefield, they are able to do so with relative impunity, even if the efficacy is reduced by the tree cover. The demonic Commanders do not wait long before ordering a charge down the slopes.
The demonic army advances in as wide a formation as possible. There is a limit imposed by the terrain, as the slopes to either side are not conducive to rapid manoeuvres (at least not by regular Uruks). As units emerge from the trees, they are showered with burning arrows, but the charge continues undaunted. Uruk Archers enter range, peppering the angelic army with volleys of arrows. Angelic archers, Angel's Voices (casting Missile in Major Key), and demonic acolytes (casting snipe-type missiles) enter range, the latter prompting the Shield Minotaurs to raise their barrier. Angelic acolytes are next to start shooting, although they are limited by the magical barrier, mainly using Major Missile (with some just sticking to healer duties).
The first interesting interaction is the Light & Heavy Uruks getting to short range. Most of them have been imbued with the sling-type missiles, which they duly sling over the angelic barrier, causing damage amongst the angelic ranks. Though nowhere near the level of devastation caused by the Uruks' first appearance, the large and consistent barrage serves to render the angelic footsoldiers off-balance (though the foremost ranks are unaffected, it still disrupts the cohesion of the formation). Mutamist Globadiers cause some disruption as well, with the net result that the angels are not fully prepared for the impact of the charging demons (with the exception of the stoic minotaurs).
As before, the demonic warriors have the upper hand in a one-on-one fight; better equipment, strength, and equivalent training. Combined with their charging momentum and the angelic imbalance, it is not surprising that the angelic soldiers suffer heavy casualties in the initial clash. Fortunately, the minotaurs prevent the angelic line from breaking entirely, though some find themselves isolated from their allies, and subsequently swarmed by their enemies.
Once the initial shock wears off, the melee becomes less one-sided. Even though the demons still have the upper hand, the angelic Officers know that Heliel's Love will let them win a battle of attrition. However, as the melee continues, a slight flaw is noticed in this analysis- the new enchanted weapons the demonic elites wield. The Uruk Commanders were already superior warriors, but they tended to avoid excessive danger- now they almost seek it out, confident that their injuries will be mitigated by their vampiric blades (the only angelic troops capable of reliably overwhelming them being pacifists).
Matters are worse on the flanks, where many of the CHADS are concentrated. Already extra vulnerable due to unblocked magical barrages, the reckless charging CHADS left them reeling- the CHADS did not get off lightly either, but each swing of their hammers and axes reaps a harvest of blood that revitalises them, making the task of putting them down permanently seem almost sisyphean (it is not- while surface wounds close quickly, internal damage builds up faster than the enchanted weapons can heal, and it usually costs a CHAD more energy to kill an Armed Cultist than he gets back). Soldiers healed by Heliel's Love are directed to reinforce the faltering flanks, but this does not seem to suffice.
Just as the battle seems on the brink of swinging decisively in Magoc's favour, a radiant figure emerges behind them; the Silver Markswoman, who had set out to outflank the demonic army with a squad of Sunbows and a small group of Armed Cultists prior to the battle commencing. Her timely arrival causes a resurgence of morale amongst the angelic soldiers, and a corresponding wave of confusion amongst their demonic rivals. The flurry of burning arrows doesn't hurt either. A number of CHADS and Uruks disengage in order to go after her, relieving pressure from the angelic flanks.
Unfortunately, the Markswoman's gambit is not enough to turn the tide. The footsoldiers accompanying her are tired from clambering through the mountains, and do not last long against demonic reprisal, and she and the remaining Sunbows are forced to back away in response to CHAD attention. The distraction does give the angelic Officers a chance to reorganise their forces, further reinforcing the flanks and cycling out injured troops. The situation is stabilised, but the factors that caused it have not been dealt with- Uruk Commanders are still disconcertingly fresh, and the CHADS on the flanks are still cleaving through cultists with ease. Another attempt is made to turn the tide, deploying the Wyverns to harry the demonic flanks, but their performance is still disappointing, and insufficient to truly disrupt the relentless CHADS.
The angelic officers hold out for a bit longer, in the hopes that the demons' enchanted weapons might stop working at some point, but eventually they conclude that they should cut their losses while they can.

As before, Sunbows enact delaying tactics, harassing the demonic army to buy time for their less footsure comrades to pull back. Additionally, several minotaurs stay behind to slow the demonic pursuit. Neither Sunbows nor Minotaurs come out well as a result; the still relatively fresh CHADS are able to run down many Sunbows, and with no supporting troops the minotaurs find themselves surrounded by a ring of spearmen cautiously jabbing at them- death by a thousand cuts. Their sacrifice is not in vain, however, as the rest of the angelic army is able to make an orderly retreat.
The demonic army, once re-organised itself, follows, but there is no expectation of actually assaulting the angelic fort. As always, the angelic forces are healed in body and mind, which combined with a solid defensive position renders a second battle likely to go in their favour. However, demonic scouts do make note of how much of the angelic force is pitched outside of their fort, as the ancient structure is simply too small to accommodate even a depleted army. The value of these pre-existing fortifications is likely to decrease further as the armies grow ever larger, meaning that even in the absence of siege weaponry the attackers could overwhelm them.

Neither side makes progress in Darrin, but the Demonic side has the advantage.

As the memory of summer fades, the rivers gradually rise again. The fords remain open, but it is to be expected that the waters rise further when the winter rains sweep across the plains. Angelic and Demonic armies alike seek to end the stalemate of the past two months- come hell or high water (both of which are eminently possible). Vanguards rush ahead to secure a crossing.

The skirmish is similar to last month's, with a few differences. As in the mountains, the angelic vanguard is graced by a trio of Shield Minotaurs. And as in the mountains, some of the demonic forces use sling-type missiles to circumvent the barrier.
As seen last month, minotaurs are less troubled by the rushing water than footmen, and with them at the fore, the angelic force is able to slowly but surely push their rivals back. However, upon reaching the far bank, they are exposed to Light Uruks firing missiles diagonally into their flanks, and face a foe standing on dry land while they still drag their feet through the water. The minotaurs cannot carry the angelic vanguard out of the river by themselves (once again, their hesitation to be pro-active and their heavy shield limiting their offensive efficacy), while the regular angelic footmen are inferior to their demonic counterparts, and certainly inferior to the Commanders and CHADS.
Yet despite their lack of progress, the angelic forces fight on. For two months they have struggled here, and the vanguards both have strict orders to take the crossing or die trying. There can be no stalemate, not until the sun sets, and even then only reluctantly. So the melee drags out, until the river runs red and the dead outnumber the living. Heliel's Love and the Song of Soothing keep the angelic cultists in the fight for longer, but Magoc's enchanted weapons do the same for the CHADS and Commanders.
Eventually, the demonic warriors manage to overwhelm the minotaurs anchoring the angelic formation. Seeing their champions fall, the remaining angelic cultists break, fleeing back across the river. The demonic forces summon the last of their strength to pursue, with even the CHADS too exhausted to run down the foe effectively, but at least they manage to secure the crossing- albeit by the skin of their teeth.

The main confrontation is likewise similar to last month. The demonic beachhead is more perilous than before, and is further weakened by Sunbows. The angelic army slams into the demons' ragged formation, pushing them to the water's edge, but CHADS from the main force arrive in the nick of time to reinforce. Last month, said CHADS were countered by Heliel's personal intervention- a key difference this month is the lack of Heliel. Thus the CHADS are able to hold on long enough for Heavy Uruks to reach them, who batter the angelic forces with a volley of sling-type missiles before joining the melee.
Missile in Major Key is quite effective against the demonic forces crowded on the shore, but not effective enough to outweigh the CHADS and Commanders cleaving through the angelic lines. It is especially the persistence of those two that allows the demonic army to slowly expand their beachhead.
As more Uruks reach the shore, they are able to fire missiles into the angelic forces- who can retreat behind the Shield Minotaur's barrier to mitigate the impact considerably, but this does open some space for the demonic army to expand into. Once the angelic footmen are engaged with the Uruks, CHADS focus on battering back the minotaurs- while actually incapacitating them is not easy whilst they are surrounded by comrades, persistent effort is able to put them on the back foot. Pushing the minotaurs back exposes the angelic cultists, forcing them to step back as well. In this manner, the demonic army is able to painstakingly make their way forward, paying for every inch with their tainted blood. 
So it is that the entire demonic army makes the crossing. The angelic army does not immediately retreat, but continues to fight a more traditional pitched battle. Their archery-range damage output remains superior, and with the Shield Minotaurs providing cover, even Magic Missile range is stacked in their favour- but at short range, sling-type missiles and globadiers give the demons the upper hand. In the melee the demons' slightly superior equipment and strength renders the footsoldier fight in their favour, while the inhuman endurance of the CHADS and Commanders magnifies their impact, leaving the reluctant Minotaurs in the dust. A battle at range would surely favour them, but the melee remains a crucial factor; the former does not outweigh the latter (in this instance).
As in the mountains, the angelic Officers hold out hope for the tide to turn, but eventually decide to retreat.

The aftermath is similar to the situation in the mountains; Sunbows and minotaurs are able to slow the demonic pursuit enough for the angelic army to retreat safely, and the demonic Commanders judge their odds of assaulting the angelic fort too low to try- while taking note of the decreasing value of the fortifications.
Next month, there will be no river between the demonic army and the fort, and the battle will likely happen in open fields.

Neither side makes progress in Xa-Nam, but the Demonic side has the advantage.

Normalcy returns to the Lawless Capital, in the form of chaos. The current king of Lesimor is looking less and less likely to be in control for much longer. A charismatic rival has started to openly gather supporters, and erstwhile allies are distancing themselves in the hopes of not sharing the king's fate. Everything is shaken up, perhaps explaining the recent surge in crime. In some sections of the city, it seems as if rival gangs have set aside their differences, coordinating efforts to drive back the watchmen intruding on their turf. In other areas, houses are ransacked- seemingly at random-, while citizens who had dared to halt their protection payments are reminded in no uncertain terms who is really in charge.

The nominal governor of the Scholarly Towers province abandons his post to return to the capital, more concerned with securing his position in the hierarchy than managing the affairs of the region. Perhaps this explains the increase in crime here as well? Accusations are levied by a scholar associated with the Green University that the Orange University condones or even supports the criminal activity, but no evidence is found supporting the theory.

The newly established archery unit is challenged to a contest by the officer of the Fortified Frontier's best archers. Onlookers are surprised when the new enchanted bows prove just as effective as advertised, handily defeating the formerly-best archers. Many inquiries are heard regarding the acquisition of these mysterious weapons. 

Significant happenings in the Wartorn Wastes. While the king was touring the region, the Southern Realm- apparently tipped off as to his presence- launched a large assault, with the aim of capturing or killing the king himself. The king barely escapes, fleeing back to the capital, while others are not so lucky- many officers are killed in the surprise attack, as are many of the king's loyal mercenaries. The province is beset by chaos, with sudden promotions resulting in conflicting orders, and the mercenaries responsible for policing engaged in a bitter struggle to retake lost territory. One glimmer of hope is the Southern army suffering increased harassment at the hands of bandits, resulting in a few easy victories versus their depleted forces.

The Ostentatious Capital is caught off-guard by the king's sudden return. His recent near-death experience does nothing to diminish the king's paranoia, and several courtiers unexpectedly find themselves in the executioner's care. Eventually the king's supporters are able to placate him, and turn the situation to their advantage, securing promotions (to the recently-vacated posts) for loyal supporters of the dynasty.

Profit and loss, loss and profit. Business as usual in the Trade City. Some reports indicate an increase in smuggling, but nothing too concerning.

New stuff:
Going almost unnoticed by Magoc's followers (with only a chance discovery of a safehouse tipping them off) are Heliel's new Directors. Though exceedingly eccentric, these men and women are masters of politics... or at least theoretical politics; actually talking with people is a bit beyond them. Residing in safehouses throughout Lesimor and Dolgoth, they take information (provided to them by a variety of sources) and compile reports on the political situation. These reports can then be disseminated to Heliel's operatives, aiding them in their efforts.
Heliel also deployed an increased quantity of enchanted equipment this month, especially Barrier Shields. This is thanks to her new industrial hub, the Bright Forge- a magnificent workshop possessed by the 'Angel of the Forge' (a lesser angel), whose influence pervades the structure, inspiring the craftsmen within and assisting with the application of enchantments.

Magoc, meanwhile, became some sort of divine patriarch to criminals across Lesimor and Dolgoth. Through a combination of intimidation and incentive, his followers have enlisted the aid of many criminal organisations. Though the grunts may not be aware of it, Magoc's tendrils pull their strings, providing the demonic cause with a greatly increased workforce. These criminals are not as zealous as cultists (and thus less effective), and the number available obviously varies based on the local crime rate, but their assistance is sure to cause Heliel a headache everywhere.
Enchantment became a demonic pursuit as well this month, as the new Blood-Drinker Blades (or Blood-Drinker Bludgeons) were distributed to CHADS and Commanders. As seen, the weapons 'drink' the blood they spill, siphoning the lost vitality into the wielder. The process is not especially efficient, but even receiving back ~10% of damage done is enough to drastically increase the endurance of a skilled combatant. Bludgeons are somewhat less effective than blades, but the vitality siphoned is not directly proportional to blood spilled.
The demons also made some changes to Magic Missile, creating Manipular Missile, a modal spell that allows the 'density' of a missile to be changed. Denser missiles fly further and pierce better, but are harder to cast and aim, making their use by Uruks infeasible. Less dense missiles are more affected by gravity, allowing them to arc over obstacles, although the damage they deal is more spread out. Uruks can only 'learn' one mode at a time, whilst Acolytes can switch between modes freely.
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Angel vs Demon
« Reply #18 on: August 06, 2020, 04:22:34 pm »

Equipment Lists for Turn 7:

Spoiler: Angelic Equipment (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Demonic Equipment (click to show/hide)
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Angel vs Demon
« Reply #19 on: December 14, 2020, 03:21:42 pm »

Turn 8 - Late Autumn
The rain coming in from the north grows colder as winter nears. Already snow accumulates in the peaks, though for now the passes are clear- albeit muddy and unpleasant.

Last month's battle saw demonic forces push all the way up to the rickety walls of the angelic fort, but stop there due to fatigue. However, they are poised to assault the fort early this month, and without reinforcements it is destined to fall. As such, the angelic army sends their vanguard ahead to relieve some of the pressure on the fort, while the demonic army sends their vanguard to intercept. If the demonic vanguard can drive back their counterpart, the fort will fall. If the angelic vanguard can break through, they will be able to distract the demonic army for long enough that the main force can reach them to fight a pitched battle.

Worryingly for the angelic officers (now bedecked with a variety of insignia, suggesting a more elaborate military hierarchy), Bright Shadow scouts report that the demonic vanguard is larger than expected. Driven along by an Uruk wearing more elaborate armour than normal Uruk Commanders, the demonic warriors march in a more organised fashion than before (not faster, in this case, but carrying more supplies to allow for greater numbers). On the demonic side, the ordinary Uruks may grumble internally at the increased burden, but they dare not go against the will of the Warlord- and can understand the principle that the more tiring march means more soldiers on the battlefield, which in turn will mean an easier fight.
The early stages of the skirmish are familiar; both sides must contend with a degree of harassment during their march- demonic crows and angelic Sunbows causing minor casualties and inflicting mental fatigue. The vanguards meet in a pass, and close to attack. One change is the more proactive efforts of the angelic officers to outmanoeuvre their rivals- though they are still accompanied by Shield Minotaurs, and have a range advantage in the Sunbows, they do not sit idle, but seek opportunities to use the terrain to their advantage in some fashion. Unfortunately for the angelic officers and their newly-acquired tactical acumen, the demonic commanders respond with tactical actions just as good, nullifying any advantage they might gain. There is some shuffling about by both sides as they attempt to get one over the other, before the Uruk Warlord determines that further manoeuvring will only give the Sunbows more time to pepper them with arrows, and orders an advance.
A subtle difference in the angelic ranks is the presence of a trio of Angel's Voices. With the demonic forces still a considerable distance away (with Sunbows between them and the bulk of the angelic vanguard, firing the occasional arrow as they pull back), they begin to sing. The song is reminiscent of the previously deployed "Missile in Major Key", but does not generate the vortex of glowing lights that presaged that particular magical attack. There is perhaps a faint shimmer, but not one the demons could feasibly spot at this distance.
The demonic vanguard only notices the spellsong by the audible cue: a sharp note, as loud as thunder, is heard. A split second later, a section of the demonic line explodes into gore, whilst those nearby clutch their ears in pain. Eight Uruks are naught but mangled corpses; a dozen more are non-responsive, blood seeping from their ears; many more struggle to hear their commanders' orders. Nevertheless, the demonic advance falters only momentarily. The Uruk Commanders urge their underlings to move faster, to reduce the time spent at the mercy of Heliel's latest spellsong. The sonic devastation recurs at a steady pace, as the Angel's Voices repeat the spellsong over and over.
The Sunbows filter through the angelic line, seeking safety behind the ranks of spearmen. Demonic archers and acolytes launch their own attacks, revealing to the careful observer an increase in the power of the Manipular Missiles the acolytes cast- perhaps related to the novel blue tinge to their eyes. As the charging Uruks draw closer to the angelic formation, an addition to the demonic vanguard is revealed; a number of Mutamist Globadiers sling their noxious payloads from short range, as regular Uruks launch sling-type Manipular Missiles over the barrier projected by the Shield Minotaurs (their power is not increased compared to previous months).
Moments before the Uruks make contact, the angelic officers launch a coordinated counter-charge, preceded by a volley of arrows and missiles intended to blunt the Uruks' momentum. The manoeuvre is reasonably well executed, and somewhat mitigates the Uruks' charge, but does not have a huge impact on the state of the ensuing melee.
What does have an impact is the figure leading the countercharge: a man clad head to toe in glowing plate and wielding a greatsword, both of high quality, and used to great effect to blunt Uruk speartips and cleave through Uruk shields, armour, and flesh. The surrounding angelic soldiers are inspired by his presence, cheering as the "Warden" devastates the charging Uruks- and even the CHADS, who find that the glowing plate can tank a glancing blow from their hammers- a direct hit being infeasible versus the skilled warrior.
But, in a narratively satisfying development, the Warden is not the only larger-than-life figure on the field. Magoc, seeing the Warden's impact, reveals itself, shedding the guise of a regular CHAD and striding forth to deal with the threat.

A volley of magic missiles serves as an invitation to duel- the missiles barely staggering the Warden, his enchanted plate protecting him from threats of both a physical and magical nature. Magoc, however, is unconcerned, as it knows the plate can not hold out forever- the enchantments will fail with enough punishment. An overhand swing of Magoc's two-handed hammer is blocked by the flat of the Warden's blade, but the force still pushes the Warden back. Yet Magoc is overconfident; as he winds up a second swing, the Warden lashes out with surprising speed, striking Magoc in the chest with his sword. Where the blade makes contact with the demon's flesh (or approximation thereof), golden fire bursts forth. This evidently causes Magoc considerably more distress than an ordinary blade would, as he recoils, a thousand curses spoken simultaneously.
Now more cautious, Magoc resumes the assault, using his greater reach and strength to hammer away at the Warden, although he suffers numerous small wounds in the process. After some time, the armour's glow does indeed begin to falter a little. Magoc, being a demon with no reason to fight an honest duel, orders nearby Uruks to throw themselves at the Warden. He dispatches them with little effort, yet not no effort, and the distraction proves perfectly arranged to let Magoc unleash a hammerblow of incredible force, smashing the Warden directly in the chest. The armour's glow is instantly extinguished, the greatsword dropping from the Warden's hands as he is sent flying through the air.

The demonic soldiers cheer, their resolve strengthened, and with Magoc leading them, they start to push the angelic formation back. To their credit, the angelic soldiers do not waver significantly, the officers doing their part to minimise the damage, yet the outcome of the battle is clear.

That is, until someone stabs Magoc in the back with the Warden's greatsword, with sufficient force that the tip emerges from the demon's chest, engulfing Magoc entirely in golden flames. An eldritch screech reverberates through the pass, causing plants to shrivel miles away. Twisting ebon tendrils emerge from Magoc's torso, gripping the sword and yanking it free, leaving a gaping hole from which acrid smoke emanates as Magoc turns to face the attacker. Behold; a tattered gambeson and battered helmet, taken from the corpse of an angelic soldier, animated by the same glow which previously graced the Warden's plate. For no man of flesh and blood is the enduring Warden, but a shade of unparalleled strength, for whom destruction is naught but an inconvenience, and death a long-surpassed boundary. Though Magoc strikes the Warden with furious strength, obliterating his spectral form, he will soon return- whereas Magoc, still marred with a smouldering hole in his torso, sprouts a pair of raven-esque wings and takes off for the sky, leaving his forces to their lot.
Needless to say, seeing their dark overlord flee has a demoralising effect on the demonic soldiers, whilst it invigorates their rivals. The tide slowly turns, exacerbated when the Warden shows up for a third time, until one particularly devastating sound-strike by the Angel's Voices causes the Uruks to break, following their master in quitting the field.

As anticipated, winning the skirmish allows the angelic vanguard to relieve pressure on the besieged fort. The main force arrives a few days later, and a larger battle ensues. Though the demonic army holds a superior position, they do not benefit from the increased numbers seen in the vanguard (being able to move troops more efficiently does not create more troops to move). Magoc remains injured and reluctant to lead from the front, whilst the Warden is a shining beacon in his recovered plate.
The battle is a brutal slog, with considerable casualties on both sides, but the angelic army has the upper hand throughout. The steady battery of their new spellsong is especially devastating versus a large force in the relatively narrow confines of a mountain pass. While the average Uruk remains superior to the average angelic soldier, the ranged damage inflicted upon them is too much to compensate for in the melee, especially with the Warden serving as a one-man line breaker where needed (slightly improved coordination between angelic spearmen and archers also plays a role).
Though the demonic forces do not give up easily, they are gradually pushed back and whittled away. Eventually the Warden leads a charge that splits the demonic line in two, and the Uruk Warlords give the signal to retreat. Sunbows pick off stragglers, and the Angel's Voices launch a few more sonic strikes, but the retreat is relatively orderly, with the bulk of the angelic army too tired to launch an immediate pursuit.

After recovering in mind and body through magical means, the angelic army follows their retreating rivals. Magoc's forces pull all the way back to the next fort, their commanders well aware that a second major battle would only worsen their situation. Thus they dig in around the crumbling fortifications, and hope for better luck next month. However, after a lengthy debate, the angelic officers decide not to wait until next month. After brief preparations, they launch an assault.
Much of the demonic force is outside of the walls, and thus exposed to the attention of Sunbows and Angel's Voices, who batter them from a longer range than they can respond to. The demonic commanders are forced to abandon their defensive position to stop the one-sided beatdown, but as anticipated, the subsequent battle goes no better for them than the last. The survivors cram back into the fort, but the angelic spellsong smashes the gates, and Magoc is forced once more to sprout wings and take flight, abandoning the remaining Uruks. Vengeance is sworn in a dozen languages as he flies west towards the Rice Terraces, leaving the mountains behind.

The Angelic Army pushes the front line in Darrin, bringing their control of the Mountain Passes to 4/4. Next turn's combat will take place in the Rice Terraces.

The rivers swell with rainwater, but this is less relevant to the eldritch armies this month, as the demonic army already secured a crossing last month, and are on the verge of capturing the angelic fort. As in the mountains, it is certain that the fort will fall if it cannot be relieved soon. The vanguards meet in the open plains, the demonic vanguard again larger than expected thanks to the efforts of the Uruk Warlord leading it.

With plenty of room to manoeuvre, both sides spend an excessive amount of time moving back and forth to attempt to gain a tactical advantage before engaging. The demonic forces are less troubled by Sunbows than in the mountains due to the open terrain, and it is the angelic officers who- after two days of fruitless manoeuvres- advance to attack directly, as time is not on their side.
As in the mountains, the new angelic spellsong surprises the demonic force with its long-range devastation, though after the initial shock, the demonic commanders are able to spread their ranks out to mitigate the impact somewhat, and they rapidly advance to avoid the range disadvantage.
Neither Magoc nor the Warden are present to swing the battle. The Silver Markswoman is, but she has a lesser impact, especially as her attempts at outflanking the demonic force are all spotted in advance. The fight ends up being quite rote, the main differences being the damage dealt by the Angel's Voices and the increased proportion of troops on the demonic side. At the onset the numerical advantage is greater than the losses to the spellsong, but as the fight drags on the spellsong has a bigger overall impact. Mutamist Globadiers and improved angelic coordination have some impact, as does the Markswoman, yet nothing creates a decisive advantage either way.
In the end, the battle is decided when a group of CHADS detach from the melee- having waited until all angelic soldiers were engaged- and swing around to smash the angelic left flank. Though the angelic officers react quickly, the disruption caused by the charging CHADS (who are kept fresh by their blood-drinker blades) is enough to swing the battle. The angelic forces fight on, but eventually the wavering line crumbles, and the remnants are forced to retreat.

Without relief, the angelic fort soon falls to the demonic army. Undeterred, the angelic reinforcements line up for battle- not in the hopes of recapturing the fort, but rather to hold ground on this side of the next river over. The battle is mostly the same as the skirmish, with one key difference; the demonic side lacks the numerical advantage. Without this factor mitigating the impact of the spellsong, their formation is thinned out by the time they reach the melee, to the point where they cannot repeat the flanking manoeuvre that won them the skirmish, as all forces are needed just to hold the line. In fact, the tactic is reversed, as once the demonic forces are all engaged, the Markswoman is able to lead a successful strike into their flank, which proves sufficient to break the spirit of the demonic forces. They relinquish the field to the angelic army, ensuring that next month's battle will once again take place in open fields.

The Demonic Army pushes the front line in Xa-Nam, bringing their control of the River Crossings to 2/4. However, the Angelic side has the advantage. There is also a unique opportunity on this front next turn (see bottom of post for details).

Lawless Capital
The king is dead, long live the king! Everyone knew it was coming, although the method was more dramatic than expected. The ex-king was found smeared over a palace courtyard, apparently having fallen from a tower overlooking it. News of this event proves impossible to keep quiet, and soon the entire city knows- and many citizens come to the obvious conclusion that the new King was behind it. His inauguration is met with scattered protests, with firebrands decrying the violence inherent in the system- the ex-king having attained some level of popular support. Meanwhile, the political class is consumed by infighting as people jostle to acquire power and deflect blame. This continues for most of the month, until a group of nobles reveal evidence- collected by an unnamed private investigator- that proves the ex-king's death was an accident, and not politically motivated. Though not everyone believes this, considering the noblewoman named to be a scapegoat, it does serve to stabilise the situation a little.
Meanwhile, a new vice enters the city- Frag, a sensation-enhancing drug, is distributed through mysterious channels into the hands of dealers throughout the capital's twisted alleys. This despite an uptick in competence amongst the city watch- even with many watchmen busy dealing with protests, a few elite squads manage to take down a number of important criminals... though there are always more.

Fortified Frontier
Ramifications of the ex-king's death make their way east, as one of his relatives announces his intention to seize the throne from the new King, who he accuses of murder. Though the Prince does not manage to gather nearly enough to his side to truly threaten the capital, his doomed rebellion does cause a headache for the generals of the frontier, as whilst they are well prepared for a fight, their walls and towers mostly point out, not in. Officers scramble to respond to rebel raids on supply lines, whilst debating how many troops can safely be taken away from the border, and who should lead them. At least the officers lucky enough to have forces equipped with Sunbows are pleased to have an opportunity to prove their efficacy in a real battle.

Scholarly Towers
Ramifications affect the west also. The governor, who last month travelled to the capital, finds himself out of a job after managing to offend the new King. Rather than meekly accept this, he decides to burn bridges by absconding overseas with a large part of the province's treasury. The new King is too busy to deal with this properly, and the interim replacement proves an incompetent steward, imposing crippling taxes to refill the coffers that cause riots throughout the region. In this environment of chaos, the conflict between the Green and Orange universities heats up, with accusations of sabotage, theft, and even murder.

Ostentatious Capital
Have I mentioned that the King is paranoid? Cos he is, and his vacation only served to calm him down ever so slightly. Curfews are imposed on the capital, and any sign of disloyalty is cracked down on harshly. Frag makes a brief appearance, but the King bans it on a whim, and no one is foolish enough to flaunt the ban (in public, at least).

Trade City
A new tax is imposed by royal decree, to pay for the ongoing war in the west. Yet the merchant princes, perhaps complacent after several months of benign neglect, refuse to enact it. The King is not best pleased, and has one of the princes executed in response- after which the remainder hastily comply with his will. Unfortunately for the King, this particular instance of tyranny inspires only greater resentment amongst the merchant classes- while they say nothing in public, behind closed doors many begin to scheme. The royal ban on Frag, while officially followed, is poorly enforced, with a few high-profile seizures of Frag used to disguise the fact that the stuff is widely available if you know where to look.

Wartorn Wastes
Last month's excitement abates, as reinforcements from the capital restore the status quo. A few bandit-hunting exercises are undertaken, and a wild rumour spreads of a monster in a hooded cloak, but otherwise things are normal.

New stuff:
In this corner, weighing in at... uh, ghosts don't weigh anything... anyway, it's the First Warden, Heliel's new champion. Once a soldier in Lesimor's army, the First Warden joined Heliel's forces a grizzled veteran. Fanatically loyal to her cause, he fought in several battles, before being struck down by demonic soldiers. Unfortunately for them, he did not stay dead. His spirit, rather than retreating to the afterlife, remained in the world, becoming a ghost. This happens, from time to time. What does not happen is a ghost being physically stronger than they were in life; nor are ghosts typically indestructible, returning again and again no matter how often they are destroyed. How did this come to pass? Who knows. What matters is that upon returning to the Blessed Desert, Heliel accepted his service for a second time, and had an enchanted suit of plate and greatsword forged for him, pushing the ability of her enchanters to the limit, further enhancing his already inexplicable strength. While not immune to damage, the First Warden can return to the fight (after a few minutes of recovery time) so long as there is enough ambient Good for his spirit to reform- effectively meaning that until the rest of Heliel's forces (who are soaked in Good, providing plenty of the necessary energy) retreat, the Warden cannot be defeated. He can be stripped of his armour and weapons, but he can possess any equipment that is not tainted with Evil.

In the other corner, weighing in at... variable... is the Obsessive Scholar. Significantly less flashy than the First Warden, but equally dead, the Obsessive Scholar was (as the name suggests) a renowned scholar obsessed with obtaining ever more knowledge. Exhausting the ability of conventional wisdom to satisfy his curiosity, he sought out increasingly dangerous sources of information, ultimately making his way into the depths of the Haunted Jungle, seeking to commune with Magoc itself. Unfortunately for the Scholar, Magoc took a liking to him, and challenged him to a battle of wits, with his soul as prize. Magoc cheated, of course, but what can you expect. The Scholar's mortal form was destroyed, and his spirit eternally bound to Magoc's service. A vessel was crafted- an artificial body of recycled flesh and pure Evil-, to which his spectral form was bound, creating a being immortal twice over: an undying spirit tied to an undying body. Now, Magoc did not do this for fun- the new body was designed to be exceptionally malleable, allowing the Scholar to take on a wide variety of forms and guises. By touching a person and overcoming their innate defences, the Scholar can absorb their being and assume their appearance, along with their memories and personality.

In other developments, Heliel enhanced her armies with a highly refined version of Missile in Major Key, entitled Morceau in Major Key. Morceau swaps out the blast of raw Good/Mana for a blast of magical sound, and fixes various inefficiencies of the original at the same time. The result is a spellsong that has a greatly increased range- twice that of the average archer, which is still a fair distance further than a Sunbow-, and is three times as deadly (versus the average target).
Her officers took a page or two from her allies in the Fortified Frontier, in a programme known as "Lessons from the Horse Wars" (horses were never actually mentioned), which expanded the number of ranks, improved tactical flexibility, and emphasised the proper coordination of ranged and melee troops.
Finally, she expanded her repertoire of influence agents with freshly minted Investigators- skilled detectives, augmented with minor mutations that further bolster their analytical ability, and taught basic self-defence by the Monks of Minos. The result are a cadre of hard-boiled sleuths who are constantly being put off of cases and handing in badges, but damnit chief, they get results. They are specifically encouraged to cooperate with local law-enforcement, simultaneously earning the favour of human authorities and handing off the dirty work of actually taking down demonic agents.

Magoc, sticking to a theme, got to cooking up some wacky Frag-backy. Or, uh, slamming powder? Taking a needle hit? I don't actually know my drug lingo that well. Anyway, his intrepid alchemists have developed a new narcotic to go along with Bootlegger's Bounty. Frag (named for the tendency of the product to break into fragments) is a blueish crystal that tastes like the sound of nails on chalkboard, primarily consumed through inhaling smoke released by heating the substance in a pipe (although many other methods of consumption are viable). When consumed, it enhances the flow of Mana through the consumer's body. For non-mages, this results in heightened sensations and increased inspiration. For mages, this results in improved spellcasting potential. Overdoses may cause excessive mana-flow, resulting in the user's soul being frayed. Consistent use results in a growing dependency, although the substance is not inherently addictive. Needless to say, the substance contains a small amount of Evil in every dose.
To optimise distribution of Frag, Magoc utilised his criminal contacts to obtain locations where users may trip balls in peace, safe from the attentions of narcs. These 'Frag Dens' are typically well-hidden and/or heavily guarded (with the local watch typically bribed to look the other way), and not only help with Frag sales, but also provide a base of operations for all of Magoc's agents.
Frustrating the Horse-War-Lessoned angelic officers, Magoc also improved his leadership corps, by appointing the most ruthless of Uruk Commanders as Uruk Warlords. These Warlords sit at the top of a brutal hierarchy, advancement through which is based on regulated challenges (which require the use of strategy, tactics, and personal skill at arms), ensuring the cream rises to the top. Inspired by the aggressive strategies employed by the Victory faction in the Wartorn Wastes, Uruk Warlords prioritise the ability to move their forces quickly and effectively, which this month manifested itself in larger vanguards, but had the demonic forces not been up against angelic forts on both fronts, would also have resulted in the demonic armies getting to the battlefield slightly sooner than their rivals.

EVENT: The Bridge
Increasingly concerned for the safety of the big cities, the Queen of Xa-Nam has withdrawn several units from the garrison of a fortified bridge, which just so happens to be situated between angelic and demonic territory. This presents a perfect opportunity to seize the bridge, before the Queen's advisers convince her to return the garrison to full strength.
   This turn, you will have a strategic decision on the Xa-Nam front: you can choose how many (if any) troops to send to assault the bridge. Your choices are:
      -No troops: No effect.
      -1/3 of troops: Guaranteed to capture the bridge from the forces of Xa-Nam... but not necessarily from your rivals.
      -2/3 of troops: Sending more troops than your rival will almost ensure victory at the bridge, though it would leave your 'main' force perilously understrength.
      -All troops: Going all-in is risky, as if your rivals don't do the same, they will be able to freely capture your fort.
   If you manage to capture the bridge, it will become the focus of combat in the region, as it provides a much faster and easier way to cross the river- if the other side tries to cross at a remote ford, the side holding the bridge can easily encircle them.
   If you capture the bridge but lose in the field, then your rivals will be able to advance past the bridge, leaving the garrison stranded behind enemy lines. This is not a complete disaster- the bridge will remain in your hands until your rival dedicates troops to capturing it (at any time they can send 1/3 of troops to do so, guaranteeing capture (but weakening their main force)) but it won't be relevant in combat until the front line shifts back.
   The bridge consists of a small keep on each side, a larger keep on an island in the centre, and stone arch bridges connecting the smaller keeps to the larger keep.
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Angel vs Demon
« Reply #20 on: December 14, 2020, 03:23:46 pm »

Equipment lists for Turn 8:

Spoiler: Angelic Equipment (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Demonic Equipment (click to show/hide)
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Angel vs Demon
« Reply #21 on: July 30, 2021, 01:42:38 am »

Turn 9 - Early Winter
There is a chill in the air that has nothing to do with the arrival of winter. Residents of the cities of Xa-Nam bolt their doors and windows, and the recently bolstered city garrisons watch the horizon with deepening concern. Though no one can quite enunciate their feeling, everyone can tell that some form of conflict is happening- a great clash of incomprehensible powers. Late in the month, an explosion occurs in the hinterlands that can be heard in the capital, and sets off magic detectors in neighbouring countries- though it seems no one knows the cause.

Let us return to earlier in the month, and see if we can't figure this out.

Vanguards are not in play this month, as both sides are content to hold their ground until reinforcements arrive- the demonic army camped around their fort, the angelic army by the river. Small raids are carried out by both sides.
Sunbow Skirmishers approach the demonic camp under cover of darkness, led by the Silver Markswoman, and launch their arrows with the break of dawn. Whilst their burning arrows ignite a few tents and cause a few casualties, they are quickly set upon by the latest addition to Magoc's roster: Soulfang Jaguars. Packs of the jet-black felines rush out of the camp, forcing the Sunbows to turn tail. The Silver Markswoman herself is able to pick off a few Jaguars at long range, but the others must focus on fleeing and have no time to turn and fire. Even then, a few Sunbows are caught and mauled by the Jaguars.
Demonic raids focus on striking at angelic patrols and foragers- Jaguars overrunning them after hiding in tall grass. This is not super effective either. Perhaps a greater hindrance to the angelic army are the devil-rats that infiltrate their camp- though they are bad at causing casualties, swarming lone soldiers on occasion, they are great at eating the angel's food and gnawing ropes and canvas. A few rats are mysteriously ill after eating from a particular barrel, so the rats avoid it afterwards.
In sum, neither side suffers significantly at the hands of the other. The angelic army is perhaps a little hungrier than they'd like to be, and both sides suffer a few losses, but the conflict is primarily determined once reinforcements arrive and open battle begins.

When the bulk of the two armies arrive, it becomes immediately obvious that the demonic side is outnumbered. A third of the demonic army has been diverted, whilst Heliel's forces have kept their army in one piece.
Nevertheless, the demonic army forms up for battle. The Uruk Warlords dismiss the idea of attacking themselves, but hope to hold the angelic army back long enough for the forces at the bridge to capture it and encircle them, forcing the angelic army to retreat. Hopefully.
The Angelic army is confident. They march their forces into battle, Sunbows moving ahead- albeit cautiously, for Soulfang Jaguars patrol the plains, swarming any skirmisher who gets too far separated. Morceau in Major Key is not especially effective against the jaguars, as they do not move in predictable and compact formations, meaning the spellsong is both unlikely to hit and unlikely to take out a significant number when it does. A few arrows are usually enough to take down the smaller jaguars, and a concentrated volley can at the very least kill the Pack Lord Uruk riding the larger Alpha Jaguars. The skirmishing is not one-sided, but the jaguars have a slight advantage, and at the very least are able to keep the Sunbows away from the main force.

However, the jaguars are not about to go charging into a wall of spears, so when the bulk of the angelic army draws near, they back off. At this point, Angel's Voices start casting Morceau at the demonic army. As sections of the front line explode into gore, the Uruk Warlords order the advance. In a wide formation- both to avoid being encircled by the larger angelic army, and to reduce the efficacy of Morceau, they advance with shields held high, as Sunbows- now safely behind a wall of spears- pepper them with arrows. As Shield Minotaurs set up a barrier, the latest addition to Heliel's line emerges. Strange constructs of glazed clay covered with glowing glyphs, roughly the size of a warhorse, with six legs, three torso sections, and no obvious head. The Golem Cavalry form into three groups- one on each flank, and one larger group in the center of the angelic formation.
The central group waits for the Uruks to lob their missiles over the barrier, then charges headlong into the demonic line. The Uruks before them sensibly form up and lower their spears, as one would do when faced with a cavalry charge. However, the mass of pottery simply crashes into them, causing some spears to shatter and others to be knocked aside, while doing only minor damage to the outer glazing. Perhaps a more solid formation would've done better, but the Uruks had little time to react, and had been spread thin to avoid the impact of Morceau.
After the initial impact, the front sections of the golem cavalry raise up, and the foremost limbs are used as clubs to batter any Uruks left standing. Seeing no way of defeating the terrifying constructs, the Uruks start to back away. Fortunately for the cohesion of the demonic line, CHADS converge on the cluster of cavalry, swinging their large hammers and axes with considerably greater strength and skill than an Uruk jabbing with a spear. A good blow from a two-handed CHAD-hammer can knock chunks of ceramic off of a golem's limb. Even less perfect strikes leave clear marks that disrupt the glyphs carved into the clay, which seems to affect the golems. Emboldened, the Uruks return to the fray- though less effective, their spears (and sidearms) can scratch and chip at the golem's exterior, eventually disrupting the glyphs.
However, shortly after the tide starts to turn on the golems, they retreat- running 'backwards' with just as much ease as they previously charged 'forwards'. While they suffered some damage, causing some to move with considerably less grace than their initial appearance, not one was actually knocked out of action, while many Uruks- and even a few CHADS- were taken out.

At the same time, the golems on the flanks manoeuvre to crash into the sides of the demonic formation- and are met by Soulfang Jaguars, fulfilling their light cavalry role by intercepting flanking forces. The golems direct their attention to the new threat, and a curious fight ensues.
A Soulfang Jaguar's teeth and claws are not suited for damaging a golem- they can leave small scratches, but their claws are not made of steel, and using too much force will hurt the jaguar more than the target. Meanwhile, the golems cannot even hit the jaguars in the first place- the nimble beasts weave around the constructs, whose heavy limbs hit empty air. Though the golems are more agile than one might expect, and fight with a degree of skill sufficient to defeat an Uruk, they are too slow and predictable to hit the jaguars. The Pack Lords, being bigger targets and less nimble, are wise enough to stay at a distance whilst directing their beasts.
This slapstick melee continues for some time, as the golems continue to recognise the jaguars as an immediate threat that must be dealt with, an impression the jaguars do their best to maintain, goading the golems to keep them away from the vulnerable demonic flank. Though not entirely mindless, the golems have insufficient autonomy to re-evaluate priorities on the fly.

Meanwhile, those sections of the demonic line not engaged with the central golem group have made contact with the angelic line, and are fighting a fairly familiar fight with them. Unfortunately, they are not only outnumbered, but also out-championed, as both the First Warden and Heliel are on the front lines, whilst the Markswoman leads the Sunbows in providing ranged support. Demons 'only' have Magoc.
Demonic staying power is greater than might be expected, as demonic acolytes use a new spell to siphon blood from the dead and dying to heal allies, giving the common Uruk a chance to recover from minor wounds before plunging back into the fight. Magoc itself draws blood from the living, grabbing angelic soldiers, slicing them open, and drawing out their blood until only a desiccated husk remains. It then redistributes the blood to dozens of Uruks, rejuvenating whole sections of the demonic line. 

But all this is a sideshow to the clash between Heliel and Magoc. These nemeses, having never come into direct contact before, are drawn together like magnets. Through seemingly random shifts in the melee, a pathway opens between them.
There is a brief moment of calm as they regard each other, then each launches a flurry of magic- magic missiles (or manipular, in Magoc's case) fill the air, colliding with each other in bursts of destructive energy. The very air is rent and twisted, causing visual distortions that both use to close the distance. Magoc is somewhat better armed, wielding an impressive two-handed steel hammer, which smashes aside the spear Heliel raises in defence. However, it does not smash aside the other three spears she wields, which jab at Magoc's torso. As Magoc steps back to ready another swing, Heliel flings the cracked spear at him before snatching another from the ground- but Magoc sprouts a third arm to bat it aside.
Hammer and spears clash again, and though Magoc's extra limbs block Heliel's strikes, she counters by sprouting more wings with which to wield more weapons. In response to this, tendrils extend from Magoc's back, which also snatch up fallen weaponry. At one point Heliel sprouts an extra large pair of wings and takes flight, but Magoc simply sprouts a pair of raven wings with which to follow, and the duel continues with an added aerial element.
As the pair pummel each other, the relentless hatred behind their strikes proves too much for the mortal weapons they bear- the ground beneath them littered with shattered spears and blunted blades, and even the shaft of Magoc's hammer is broken in two when Heliel blindsides him with a CHAD's axe. Eventually, however, it is Heliel who finds herself unarmed, the final spear within wing's reach breaking into pieces.
Magoc, wielding a single CHAD-axe, swings in for the finishing blow- but then Heliel spreads her wings. All of them. From a euclidean perspective, the action is impossible, and those cultists observing the duel either manufacture an illusion in their minds to shield the true sight, or go mad. From the eldritch core of Heliel's form, a spear of pure Good strikes forth with the momentum of a thousand righteous souls. This instantly shatters the steel axe, and seems poised to impale Magoc- but within the blink of an eye a similar spear of pure Evil lunges with equal intensity from Magoc's toothy maw, and intercepts Heliel's final strike.

Now, Good and Evil are of course elements that physically exist. Yet in another sense, they are concepts, with no material reality. This paradox is usually resolved by 'diluting' Good/Evil with material/magical properties that make them more acceptable to the the weft of the physical universe. Not so, however, in the case of these spears of pure Good/Evil- they are undiluted, perfect, reality-defying embodiments of their respective concepts.
Magoc and Heliel had been careful in the fight not to make direct contact with the other's form, as the collision of Good and Evil (even diluted) has destructive results- better to use mortal weapons or ranged bolts of magic to strike them down. Now, however, contact is made- between two equally powerful instances of purest Good and Evil.
I should hope the implications are clear.   

The blast obliterates those cultists fool enough to be standing nearby, destroying both body and soul in an instant. For those a little further away, it merely kills them. Further still, they are sent flying by a shockwave that leaves incurable scars on both body and soul. Those fortunate enough to be on the other side of the battlefield are merely shaken, or knocked over by those sent flying. Let us estimate the immediate deaths at a few hundred, those injured at a few thousand, and those unaffected at zero.
As for Heliel and Magoc? Gone- though the core of their beings escape. They will reappear at their respective bases in a few days time, weakened, but still functional.
The catastrophe actually provides somewhat of a welcome respite to the demonic army. For whilst Heliel and Magoc were engaged in their extensive duel, things had not been going well for Magoc's forces. Despite their new healing magic, they were outnumbered, and the unchallenged First Warden cut brutal swathes through their formation.
Matters only got worse when some angelic acolytes started a new spellsong, reminiscent of Refrain of Regret. The tune was clearly incomplete, begging for a second voice to respond and make it whole. So compelling was this need to complete the song that the demonic soldiers who hear it involuntarily do so, singing a refrain they had never heard prior. Singing the melancholy response drained the morale of the singers, causing Uruks to reconsider their odds of survival in the increasingly one-sided fight. The angelic soldiers hearing the response refrain in turn responded with the original refrain, perpetuating the demoralising music across the battlefield.
At the same time, the central group of golems reformed and charged again, which caused the wavering Uruks to break and flee. Though the slightly more resolute CHADS managed to drive them back a second time, the casualties were worse, and the golems were lining up for a third charge when Heliel and Magoc's duel concluded.
Following the explosion, the surviving demonic commanders immediately order the retreat. The golems that survived the blast run down many a fleeing Uruk, who are too shaken to enact an orderly retreat- it could better be described as a rout. However, the angelic cultists are also significantly shaken, and demoralised when they realise Heliel is gone, and so it takes some time before the angelic officers can restore order and pursue with their remaining forces.   

The demonic army, having suffered major losses, pulls back to the fort for a desperate last stand. Though better equipped to recover from battle damage- sacrificing one wounded Uruk to heal several others-, they are still left defending a woefully inadequate fortification, and it is not long before the last defender falls.
Though their victory is complete, the angelic army is in no state to push further, especially not considering the demonic detachment at the bridge could potentially cut them off if they did- better to secure their gains, and push on next month.

The Angelic Army pushes the front line in Xa-Nam, bringing their control of the River Crossings to 3/4.

The Bridge
"Do you think it's true?"
"Monstrous armies fighting each other in the hinterlands? Nah, it's probably just bandits or something. I mean, think about it. Supposedly thousands of soldiers and monsters managed to march from who knows where through the kingdom undetected, just to fight each other over some worthless grassland?"
"I suppose you're right, it doesn't make a lot of sense. 'ere, is that raven watching us?"
"It's just a bird, man."
"Yeah, but it's been sat there for ages now. Gives me the creeps."
"Look, I'll chase it off for you, you big baby." [...] "Augh, fuck, it bit me! It bit me! It- where did those others come from? Get inside, quick!"

The skeletal garrison (that is, the understrength garrison, not a garrison consisting of reanimated skeletons) of the fortified bridge are no match for the detachment of the demonic army sent their way. Though the guards are able to ward off crows after the initial surprise, versus the demonic soldiers they can do nothing but close the gate and send a desperate plea for help (which is intercepted by crows).
The Obsessive Scholar leads the demonic detachment, and notices the gate is protected by a magical ward, rendering it resistant to damage. However, it has clearly been poorly maintained in recent times, and the Scholar is easily able to dispel the ward at a distance using his mastery of mortal magic.
CHADS use their massive tower shields to provide cover for a group of Uruks carrying Bootlegger Barrels. The defenders fire crossbows as they approach, but the bolts are unable to pierce the shields. A few bolts slip between them, injuring one or two within, but do not slow the advance. Uruks return fire, throwing manipular missiles at the defenders, which though somewhat mitigated by the defenders' lamellar armour, is still able to knock a few out.
The Bootlegger Barrels are deployed, then detonated at a safe-ish distance. The defenders, seeing the gate reduced to smouldering charcoal, abandon the small keep, retreating to the central keep. Though the iron portcullis promises to delay the inevitable, the cowardly soldiers opt to abandon the bridge, fleeing in a small barge moored below the central keep under cover of night. They cannot escape the watchful eyes of the Obsessive Scholar, however, who destroys the boat with a well-placed fireball. Survivors who make it to the shore are greeted by Uruks on the west bank, and swarms of rats and crows on the east.

With the bridge under demonic control, the Obsessive Scholar leaves a sizeable garrison with enough supplies, then retreats west. Having scried the outcome of the battle, he prioritises securing the next fort to the west over trying to take on the remaining angelic army. Even with their heavy losses, they would likely defeat his small force with ease.
If the demons manage to recapture the fort lost this month, they will have a fast route to the next fort over, and will be able to overrun it before the angelic army can reinforce it. However, that is of course contingent on them still holding onto the bridge- a situation the angelic army could change at will. While the garrison is enough to deter the Queen from attempting to retake it, and will resist probing attacks by angelic forces, they could not hold out against a sizeable force determined to take the bridge.

The Demonic Army captures the Bridge. The garrison is stranded, but will hold out until the Angelic team decides to dedicate 1/3 of their troops (on the Xa-Nam front) to capturing it.

Though snow now begins to sweep into the passes, the fighting this month takes place in the Rice Terraces, where the air is chilly but the ground clear. Heliel's army seeks to secure their route out of the mountains, whilst Magoc's seeks to drive them back. The demonic vanguard forges ahead to secure a position that will block the angelic army as it leaves the mountains, and the angelic vanguard moves to dislodge them.

The demonic vanguard is led by an Uruk Warlord, whose relentless drive pushes them to outpace their rivals. Sunbow Skirmishers are faster still, but they find themselves preyed upon by Soulfang Jaguars, preventing them from delaying the demonic advance. The demonic vanguard is thus able to establish themselves on abandoned terraces overlooking the road out of the mountains, forcing the angelic vanguard to attack uphill. Knowing the angelic forces will have the ranged advantage, the Uruk Warlord is sure to position his forces where they will be ready to charge the angelic vanguard effectively.
In time, the angelic vanguard arrives, and after considering their options, advance towards their emplaced rivals. Sunbows range ahead, though not too far, wary of Jaguars. Magoc's military weathers the smattering of arrows, but soon the trio of Angel's Voices in the vanguard are in range, and sing-cast Morceau in Major Key. The impact of Morceau is slightly reduced, as the wave of magical sound loses some energy with each terrace step as it 'rolls' uphill- but is still deadly, and the Uruk Warlord is not inclined to sit around whilst getting decimated at range.

The demonic army charges, their pre-planned orders directing them down the terrace as effectively as possible. Soulfang Jaguars take to the flanks, while CHADS and Uruks descend in a semi-loose formation to avoid presenting too good a target for Morceau. In response, a squad of Golem Cavalry detaches from the angelic vanguard, charging around the demonic left flank. They are surprisingly effective at surmounting the terrace thanks to their six-legged configuration, and soon collide with the left group of Jaguars.
As seen in Xa-Nam, the meeting of the two is almost comical, as the Jaguars cannot damage the Golems, and the Golems cannot hit the Jaguars. A difference is that the demonic vanguard has Jaguars on both flanks, and the right group of Jaguars is free to bound downhill, driving the Sunbows behind the lines of spearmen. The nimble Jaguars wheel around the angelic formation, threatening to pounce into the exposed rear. Angelic officers quickly divert a number of spearmen to defend the flanks and rear, which is able to keep the Jaguars at bay, but does deprive the angelic front of some manpower.

Meanwhile, the bulk of the demonic vanguard continues to charge. Rather than charge uphill- and risk being caught whilst clambering up a terrace- the angelic vanguard does its best to brace for impact, with Shield Minotaurs setting up a barrier, and Sunbows dividing their efforts between attempting to pick off the prowling Jaguars (difficult) and peppering the oncoming Uruks. Morceau impacts reduce demonic numbers, but with a portion of spears diverted from the front, the numbers do not look favourable to Heliel's forces.
Once in range, Uruks launch volleys of Manipular Missiles, then lower their spears and charge into combat. The melee is relatively familiar; Uruks are somewhat better fighters with somewhat better equipment, but have a hard time taking down the towering Minotaurs; the CHADS interspersed through their formation provide the overwhelming force needed to push the bull-headed bastions back. Combined with the impact of their charge, the fighting is immediately in favour of the demonic forces.
Recognising the situation is imminently untenable, an angelic officer determines that the golems must be redirected. To accomplish this, he orders the ranged contingent to focus their fire on a single section of the demonic line, then gathers a group of spearmen and punches through the weakened section. Not expecting such a manoeuvre, the demonic commanders are too slow to react, and the officer breaks out. Though many cultists fall in the process, the officer is able to get close enough to the golem-jaguar melee to communicate new commands to the distracted golems. The officer is subsequently killed by a pursuing CHAD, but the goal is achieved.
The Golem Cavalry now turns towards the mass of Uruks, and begins to charge. The Uruk Warlord is able to order a number of Uruks to move to block their charge, but as seen in the River Crossings, even braced spears fail to do more than chip at the outer glazing of the relentless constructs. CHADS are pulled from the melee to shore up the flank, and their efforts are able to drive the Golems back- but doing so deprives the demonic host of the strength needed to push back the Minotaurs.

The Golems charge again, though the demonic soldiers are better prepared this time- while the Uruks are still smashed, better bracing reduces the impact slightly, and as soon as the Golems are stuck in, CHADS swarm them. By concentrating on one or two Golems at a time, the CHADS are able to overwhelm them, their heavy hammers and axes cracking ceramic with every strike. Though sturdy, the Golems cannot withstand this assault, and one at a time are reduced to a pile of pottery shards. By the time they pull back for a second time, half the Golems are destroyed. On the other hand, those who went unharried by CHADS took down many Uruks, and the CHADS do not emerge unscathed either.
Undaunted by their losses, the Golems charge a third time, with similar results. The final Golem falters and collapses, the glyphs on its surface disrupted sufficiently that the animating magics fail.
The CHADS and Uruks return to the main melee, which has been stalemated since the CHADS departure. Previously such stalemates favoured the angelic forces, but the demonic Acolytes now have an answer to the Heliel's Love healing spell. While Touch of the Hemophile is not as easy to use or as efficient as Heliel's Love, it is equally potent thanks to the use of blood sacrifice- and with Magoc's Acolytes better trained and hopped up on Frag, is in practice more potent. Angelic Acolytes are still more effective at rapidly healing many minor injuries (both due to the easier usage of Heliel's Love and the occasional use of Mass Heliel's Love), their rivals prove more capable of restoring soldiers with serious injuries to fighting condition. On balance, neither side has a real advantage in healing, and so the numbers in the melee deplete at comparable rates.
Until the return of the CHADS, that is. As they wade into combat with foes that actually bleed, their Blood-Drinker weapons restore their stamina and heal their injuries, while the Uruks who survived the Golem Cavalry charges provide a numerical advantage that threatens to overwhelm the angelic line.

In desperation, the angelic officers order most of the spearmen guarding the flanks and rear from Soulfang Jaguars to join the melee. While the influx of fresh bodies does relieve some pressure (the losses versus the Golems having noticeably reduced the total number of Uruks compared to the total number of angelic cultists- numbers which were already skewed thanks to the angelic ranged superiority and the smaller unit sizes of Uruks), the Jaguars predictably take the opportunity to strike.
The smattering of spearmen standing in their way are cut down, their spears hitting empty air, their gambesons insufficient to stop the claws and teeth of the mutant felines. The archers, casters, and crippled spearmen are likewise eviscerated. On the other hand, while the Jaguars are agile, and their thick hides provide natural armour, they are ultimately significantly less sturdy than their ponderous pottery counterparts, and lucky strikes by spear or dagger ensure their staying power is limited.
Moments before being dragged to the ground by a Jaguar, the last Angel's Voice starts their new spellsong ((briefly seen in Xa-Nam above)). The demoralising refrain sweeps through the demonic formation, and their resolve falters. However, at the same time, the counter-refrain that the angelic soldiers are compelled to sing overrides the (long unmentioned but constantly present) Song of Soothing. Though it does not actively demoralise, the usually present morale boost fading away leads to the angelic soldiers (who have been on the back foot for some time) faltering as well.
Though half the Jaguars are by now either slain or driven back, the larger Alpha Jaguars and their mounted Pack Lords corral the remainder into repeated strikes at the rear of the angelic formation. Though the pressure from the front has been somewhat reduced thanks to the Uruks wavering morale, the fear of being clawed in the back leads to some of the angelic spearmen disobeying orders and turning to face the rear.
Confusion sets in as the formation is disrupted. When a (already injured) minotaur is briefly left without proper support, a trio of CHADS take the opportunity to overwhelm it, then push on through the angelic line. Angelic officers respond as best they can to the deteriorating situation, but it becomes clear that their position is untenable, and the retreat is sounded.

Following this battle, Magoc's minions are able to bring the rest of their forces to reinforce the commanding position. Nevertheless, the angelic army makes a spirited attempt to dislodge them.
Heavy Uruks, Wailing Wyverns, Mutamist Globadiers, Monks of Minos (without shields), and various other bits and pieces have an impact, but the key factor is the efficacy of Golem Cavalry. Better suited to larger-scale engagements, and with orders to ignore the Jaguars, their devastating charges would've been sufficient to break the demonic formation, had it not been for the demonic vanguard having the time to prepare the field better (creating makeshift barriers and obstacles to disrupt their charge), and the Heavy Uruks presenting a more effective charge recipient (their training in tight formations means they don't get knocked down quite as easily, and their better armour means they take a bit more beating to knock out of action).
After the Golem Cavalry is spent, the demonic army is reeling, but still able to resist the demoralising effects of the Antiphon of Apathy. Though the Uruks are eventually forced to quit the field, the angelic forces are almost as badly beaten, and the prowling packs of Jaguars make pursuit infeasible.
Continued hit-and-run attacks by Jaguars, incessant harassment by Devil-Crows and Devil-Rats, and Magoc's forces ability to recover from the battle better than before lead to the angelic officers opting to encamp rather than attack the demonic fort immediately.

Neither side makes progress in Darrin, but the Angelic side has the advantage.

Lawless Capital
Big events in Lesimor! Exciting events. You see, a new king means new policies, and in this case it is a very controversial tariff on agricultural imports from Xa-Nam. The tariff does not apply to staple grains and hard cheeses. Needless to say, this causes factions to emerge in the court, as those nobles whose lands are agriculturally productive support the new tariff, whilst those whose lands import food are fervently opposed. Negotiations are tense, as the-
The new king, as it turns out, is not a fan of eldritch infiltration. Not even a little bit. In order to combat it, he establishes an Inquisition- an agency reporting directly to him, with sweeping powers to find and eliminate eldritch forces and their allies. It is safe to say that few, if any, expected this- most people are surprised to learn that there are eldritch infiltrators in the first place, while those who were in the know are surprised that the new king was able to organise this massive operation in secret. Recruiting Inquisitors, gathering intelligence on both cults, identifying converts and preparing evidence of their treachery... it's a great mystery how he achieved all this.

The newly-formed Inquisition immediately sets to work in the capital. Dozens of nobles (albeit mainly petty ones) are arrested, protests from their allies drowned out by the presentation of undeniable evidence of their eldritch sympathies (some nobles manage to avoid arrest, fleeing the city before Inquisitors detain them- but in so doing, they surrender most of their influence at court, and seriously risk being branded rebels). Hundreds of commoners are likewise rounded up.
Many of the arrested are sent to the gallows; the nobles are forced to sign confessions first, while commoners are summarily executed. Others are locked up in a recently-renovated prison. Some simply disappear, and dark rumours of torture swirl through the city. Not a single one is released- even though it is unlikely that everyone apprehended was indeed conspiring with eldritch forces, it seems the Inquisition has a 'better safe than sorry' policy.

Scholarly Towers
Oh, did you think the Inquisition would restrict its activities to the capital? You precious summer child. Inquisitors unveil themselves throughout the western regions of Lesimor concurrently with those in the Lawless Capital, quickly arresting a number of local nobles and scholars, as well as swathes of commoners. While it is obviously harder to detect the presence of eldritch forces in a province steeped in magic, the Inquisition has unearthed an old spell that can detect the presence of elemental Good/Evil, and have enlisted loyal wizards to cast it for them.

Fortified Frontier
The Prince's rebellion goes unaddressed- contained, but not put down-, as the army is embroiled in the Inquisition's activities. While the generals demand a higher standard of proof from the Inquisitors, the proof is in many cases there, and soldiers and officers alike are purged. No one is safe from the Inquisitors- with the exception of the Venerated Veteran, an old war hero who has recently reared his head in the region. Not even the Inquisition would dare to interfere with the living legend, whose mere presence inspires the army.

So, remember how I said there is a slight random aspect to infiltration? The above is what happens when all three provinces in a lane roll Mortal Crackdown at the same time. Very unlikely stuff. As such, the Inquisition is special- it will stick around, in addition to whatever other events occur. Their efficacy will be less dramatic, but they won't go away until this king does.

Ostentatious Capital
Things are far less exciting in Dolgoth. The king's paranoia abates slightly, and recently dismissed (read:executed) officials are replaced by 'trustworthy' figures, as recommended by his closest advisors. The new officials promote their own underlings in turn, and so on and so forth, drawing a new cadre of actors into Dolgothic politics. When news of Lesimor's Inquisition reaches the court, it is dismissed as the insanity of natives- just more evidence of the superiority of the king's countrymen.

Wartorn Wastes
Though the onset of winter renders the southern sun a little less scorching, neither side opts for any major offenses this month. The Southern Realm seems to be suffering from rodents disrupting supplies, and the familiar travelling medics in the region are joined by a few new competitors. Skirmishes take place, villages are plundered, the gears of war grind up lives and resources- same old, same old.

Trade City
Comet sighted! But nothing happens. An eccentric astronomer (usually employed in the creation of star charts for naval navigation) warns that the comet heralds doom and destruction, but nobody seems to care.

New stuff:
Okay so at this point I am just desperate to get this thing finished, so I'm just going to copy the descriptions from the equipment spoilers.

Angelic advances:
   -Venerated Veteran: Once a commander in the Lesimorian military, who won a miraculous victory that saved the country. Went on to solidify the military as an institution. Famous in Lesimor, and well known elsewhere. Has been made several decades younger by Heliel, but is otherwise an normal human. Charismatic and inspiring, and capable of leveraging his fame to bolster the angelic cause. Travels with a bodyguard. Unique
   -Golem Cavalry: Heavy six-legged cavalry that are devastating on the charge. Less agile and more predictable than a living being, but not by much. Made of ceramic segments inscribed with glyphs to reinforce the enchantments that animate the golem, each with a hard-to-access crystal for power. A simple artificial spirit controls the golem. Deployed in small squads. Uncommon
   -Heliel's Preservation: A technically functional food-preservation spell. Only works on fresh food, lasts a week, food cannot be consumed until spell wears off, decay sets in quickly after spell wears off, and casting is somewhat energy-intensive. Common
   -Antiphon of Apathy: A spellsong where the initiator starts Refrain A, which compels the listener to sing Refrain B, which has effects similar to Refrain of Regret. Refrain B, in turn, compels a few listeners to sing Refrain A, perpetuating the cycle. Due to the similarity to Song of Soothing, angelic soldiers are much more likely to sing Refrain A than fall victim to B. However, it does 'overwrite' Song of Soothing, meaning the Antiphon will gradually return angelic morale to baseline levels. Common

Demonic developments:
   -Soulfang Jaguars: Jet-black felines, mutated large enough to carry an Uruk into battle. Their saliva is toxic, damaging the soul of those bitten (physical flesh is not prerequisite to being bitten by them). However, they are somewhat unreliable. Operate in smallish units. Uncommon (Essentially obsolete)
      Soulfang Packs: Alpha Jaguars (slightly stronger and significantly more obedient), ridden by Pack Lords (better trained Uruks), leading packs of smaller, less mutated Lesser Soulfang Jaguars. Unit size is increased. Still Uncommon.
   -Touch of the Hemophile: An effective healing spell that uses blood as a vector to siphon vitality from a 'donor' into the target. Requires some concentration and a mostly-unmoving donor. Common
      Caress of the Hemophile: A more advanced version that can, in addition to healing injuries and sickness, restore youth to the target- at the cost of the life of a young 'donor'. Uncommon
   -Devil-Rats: Basically the rat version of a Devil-Crow. Common
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Angel vs Demon
« Reply #22 on: July 30, 2021, 01:45:50 am »

Spoiler: Angelic Equipment (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Demonic Equipment (click to show/hide)
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