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Author Topic: Disasters, fell beasts and FUN  (Read 797 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Disasters, fell beasts and FUN
« on: July 01, 2014, 04:23:06 pm »

From the Front: A battle report. Apologies for the massive length, but sometimes this game requires it.

20 Hematite, 131 – Year four of the founding of Nishnanir “Tradedrhymed”

It hasn't been a quiet season. The recent arrival of the Elven caravan coincided with the fourth goblin incursion. The siegecrafters assured me all would be well, as the last wave had lost half their cave-dragons and goblin hammerers to the trapped roads leading to the gates, and the rest to the wave of magma released by the smith's guild from the iron floodgates over the obsidian fortress gates.

The first hint that things might be different came with the thin wails of the elves as they were slaughtered somewhere over the shoulder of the mountain's southern ridge. The guard decided to raise the drawbridge as curls of smoke started to rise from the forest behind the hill crest. It was a moot point. The goblins had brought a friend – a legendary dragon – which swooped down the hill as the last of the dwarves scrambled though the closing doors. Looking around, the beast, somehow, spotted the iron floodgates and, rather than tackling the heavily defended main entrance, charged up the hill and, with a few swipes of its talons, tore the gates from their seat in the rock. That the magma promptly buried the dragon, incinerated its terrified goblin rider and slowly drowned it was little consolation for the news, delivered by shamefaced engineers, that no safety gates had been installed higher up the magma channel.

There was no way to stop the lava, rising now towards the gates and the siege fortifications.
If the engineers failed us, the masons were the heroes of the day. While distant elite goblins tried to snipe through the fume-belching arrow slits in the siege rampart, the masons managed to raise the arrow shutters and began madly tearing down the catapult and ballista to make way for a dam of obsidian. A second squad swiftly blocked the main gate with another wall before the gates gave way under the pressure of the rising sea of magma.

That I'm writing this shows they succeeded. In the aftermath, we looked out over the boiling cauldron of flame, lava and charring bones. Another entrance could – would have to be – carved higher on the slopes, but it would take months – years before it was heavily enough fortified to open to the outside and the next wave of raiders.

We needed wood. We needed additional water. We needed to go down.

In a month of epic labor, the miners did – delving over 140 levels before striking a deep cavern with a sea of fresh water, just yards above the endless magma seas. The smiths had been working at full speed, and wicked blades were ready for the planned series of traps to secure the lower entry to the fortress from the underworld, but the stairs made the installation a slow process. We had to have water and wood and something to brew. We had to breach the caverns and we had to do it now, not in six months.

The mining guild quickly hacked out a rough barracks room yards from the cavern, around a blind bend, and installed our most veteran squad of militia, the Laborious Murders, under command of Sibrek Degmedtob, militia commander.

Then the miners shattered the last skin of rock and opened the way. As the final wall fell, chill subterranean air rolled in, heavy with the smell of fungus, fresh water and, dimly, a musty animal musk.

For a month, nothing occurred, other than a few gremlins giving the squad's wardogs some much-needed diversion. The Laborious Murders settled into their new home, happy enough with the new arena to practice their bloody craft in endless drills, but slightly annoyed at the epic hike needed to secure the barrels of Dwarven wine that fueled them.

They can be forgiven for being distracted. Tales from the surface weren't reassuring as the lava now completely covered the entirity of the once-green vale that had lain before the gates. In any case, it was a day like any other, the strong-point echoing with the clash of battle drill and only Axe Lord Lolor Becorudib on watch, sleepily watching the hallway, where the engineers' chalk-marks noted places that, eventually, would conceal cunning traps.

    Lolor can be also be forgiven for not remembering clearly just what came down the passage. It was a pteradon, or sorts, with three tails and a leathery hide. Dribbles of white fog drooled from between a serried multiplicity of teeth and tattered wings lay folded against its flanks as it wedged its bulk down the passage toward the guard post and, across its few yards of floor, the stairwell that led into the heart of Nishnanir.

The Forgotten Beast, Ozzeb Ngogngodosmu Xosprusm, has come!

Lolor met the beast, charging down the hall to stop it with no thought for persona safety. Note to the Mayor – recommend for a citation for bravery. The beast was apparently not expecting this level of welcome.

The Axe Lord hacks The Forgotten Beast in the left foot with her thirestil shrir Kab, tearing the muscle!
An artery has been opened by the attack!
The Forgotten Beast falls over.

Writhing, struggling to find its feet and in some shock, the beast twisted its toothy head and the fanged mouth gaped, the dribbles of fog swelling into an explosion of freezing mist tainted with ancient decay. Lolor raised her iron shield, leaning forward as a gales of breath as cold as space filled the hall.

The Axe Lord blocks the breath.

Ice-crystals furred the face of the shield, and its metal creaked with a pained sound as the cold twisted its material – but the armorer's work held.

“What are you doing out there, Lolor?” commander Sibek called, still sparring.

The Axe Lord punches The Forgotten Beast in the upper body with her left hand, bruising the muscle!

“Can you assholes stop drilling and come give me a hand?”

The militia commander punches The Hammer Lord in the left foot with his right hand, lightly tapping the target!
The militia commander strikes at The Hammer Lord but the shot is parried!
The militia commander strikes at The Hammer Lord but the shot is blocked!
The Hammer Lord counterstrikes!
The Hammer Lord strikes at The militia commander but the shot is parried!

“Help with what?” the commander called, noting for the first time the white fog that was spilling into the room. “Are you smoking on duty?”

The Axe Lord hacks The Forgotten Beast in the lower body with her thirestil shrir Kab, tearing the muscle!
The militia commander stands up.
The Axe Lord hacks The Forgotten Beast in the left eye with her thirestil shrir Kab, tearing it apart!
The Axe Lord hacks The Forgotten Beast in the left lower leg with her thirestil shrir Kab, tearing the muscle!
The Axe Lord blocks the breath.
The Axe Lord hacks The Forgotten Beast in the right wing with her thirestil shrir Kab, tearing the muscle!
The Hammer Lord stands up.
The Axe Lord hacks The Forgotten Beast in the lower body with her thirestil shrir Kab, tearing apart the fat!
The Mace Lord bashes The Swordmaster in the head with her -silver mace-, lightly tapping the target!
The Swordmaster stabs The Mace Lord in the upper body with her iron short sword, lightly tapping the target!
The Axe Lord hacks The Forgotten Beast in the lower body with his Isaknulral, tearing the fat!
The Axe Lord stands up.
The Axe Lord hacks The Forgotten Beast in the lower body with his Isaknulral, tearing the fat!
The Axe Lord blocks the breath.


The Axe Lord hacks The Forgotten Beast in the upper body with his Isaknulral, tearing the fat!
The Axe Lord hacks The Forgotten Beast in the lower body with her thirestil shrir Kab, tearing apart the fat!
The Axe Lord hacks The Forgotten Beast in the center tail with his Isaknulral, fracturing the bone!
An artery has been opened by the attack!
The Axe Lord hacks The Forgotten Beast in the center tail with his Isaknulral, fracturing the bone!
The Swordmaster stabs The Mace Lord in the left foot with her iron short sword, lightly tapping the target!
The Swordmaster strikes at The Mace Lord but the shot is parried!

“Come on guys, let's go see what Lolor is whining about.”

The Mace Lord counterstrikes!
The Mace Lord strikes at The Swordmaster but the shot is blocked!
The Swordmaster strikes at The Mace Lord but the shot is parried!

“Oh, OK, fine. I was winning, though.”
“No you weren't. I had you, easy.”
“You're mom's the easy one, mate. I had you right...”
(At this point the militia commander and the hammerer actually get a glimpse of a frost-coated Lolor swinging her axe at something vast, wreathed in mist and dripping steaming blood. When it roars the stones shake and the drill comes to an immediate halt, the Laborious Murders turning toward the visitor with a variety of oaths. Well, except for the two slowcoaches in the back.)

The Mace Lord counterstrikes!
The Mace Lord strikes at The Swordmaster but the shot is parried!

Meanwile, the actual battle is joined.

The Axe Lord hacks The Forgotten Beast in the left foot with his Isaknulral, tearing the muscle!
The Hammer Lord bashes The Forgotten Beast in the right wing with his Satnengrur Nakistogal, chipping the bone!
The militia commander kicks The Forgotten Beast in the upper body with his left foot, bruising the muscle and bruising the left lung!

“Armok's balls, Sibrek, don't kick it, use your goddamn Axe!”

The Axe Lord bites The Forgotten Beast in the right upper leg, tearing the fat and bruising the muscle!
The Axe Lord latches on firmly!

“Holy shit, did you see what Lolor just did?”

The Hammer Lord bashes The Forgotten Beast in the left foot with his Satnengrur Nakistogal, chipping the bone!

“It's inhaling! Turtle up, lads!”

The militia commander blocks the breath.
The Axe Lord blocks the breath.
The Hammer Lord blocks the breath.
The Axe Lord blocks the breath.
The deflected breath splashes onto the surrounding walls, crazing the stone into a network of fine cracks.
The Axe Lord hacks The Forgotten Beast in the head with her Nobtakrul Fokshled, tearing the muscle!
The Axe Lord hacks The Forgotten Beast in the right upper leg with his Isaknulral, tearing the muscle!
The militia commander hacks The Forgotten Beast in the right foot with his iron battle axe, fracturing the bone!
An artery has been opened by the attack!
The Forgotten Beast breaks the grip of The Axe Lord's upper front teeth on The Forgotten Beast's right upper leg.

Meanwhile, still sparring and unaware of the battle in the hall...
The Swordmaster slashes The Mace Lord in the left foot with her iron short sword, lightly tapping the target!
Note to command: Definitely extra duties for these two knuckleheads.

The Hammer Lord bashes The Forgotten Beast in the upper body with his Satnengrur Nakistogal, bruising the muscle and chipping the left true ribs!
The Axe Lord strikes The Forgotten Beast in the right foot with her iron shield, bruising the muscle!
The Hammer Lord bashes The Forgotten Beast in the left wing with his Satnengrur Nakistogal, chipping the bone!
The Hammer Lord kicks The Forgotten Beast in the right upper leg with his left foot, bruising the muscle!
The militia commander blocks the breath.
The Axe Lord blocks the breath.
The Hammer Lord blocks the breath.
The Axe Lord blocks the breath.

“I wish it would stop DOING that!”

The Axe Lord hacks The Forgotten Beast in the left lower leg with his Isaknulral, tearing the muscle!
The militia commander hacks The Forgotten Beast in the upper body with his iron battle axe, tearing the muscle!
The Axe Lord hacks The Forgotten Beast in the upper body with her thirestil shrir Kab, tearing apart the fat!
The Hammer Lord bashes The Forgotten Beast in the upper body with his Satnengrur Nakistogal, bruising the muscle, jamming the right false ribs through the right lung and tearing the right lung!
The Forgotten Beast is having trouble breathing!
The Axe Lord hacks The Forgotten Beast in the right upper leg with her Nobtakrul Fokshled, tearing the muscle!

“Where in the hell is Ustuth and that idiot Rith?” Lolor yells, her movements showering shards of ice from her armor.

The Mace Lord strikes at The Swordmaster but the shot is blocked!
The Swordmaster counterstrikes!
The Swordmaster strikes at The Mace Lord but the shot is blocked!

“I dunno. Morul is up getting beer, and Bim is off having a piss,” the commander grunts. “Tosid is off getting lunch. Hell if I know where Doren is.”
“So you, me, Iden and his hammer and Geshud and his axe are it? That's four out of a squad of ten?”

The Hammer Lord scratches The Forgotten Beast in the third toe, left foot, fracturing the bone!
The Hammer Lord bashes The Forgotten Beast in the right tail with his Satnengrur Nakistogal, chipping the bone!

“Impressive Lolor, you can count. Shut up and do your job!”

The militia commander hacks The Forgotten Beast in the right tail with his iron battle axe, fracturing the bone!
A tendon has been torn!
The Axe Lord scratches The Forgotten Beast in the left foot, tearing the muscle!
The Axe Lord hacks The Forgotten Beast in the lower body with her Nobtakrul Fokshled, tearing apart the fat!
The Hammer Lord punches The Forgotten Beast in the left upper leg with his left hand, bruising the muscle!


The militia commander blocks the breath.
The Axe Lord blocks the breath.
The Hammer Lord blocks the breath.
The Axe Lord blocks the breath.
The Hammer Lord bashes The Forgotten Beast in the upper body with his Satnengrur Nakistogal, bruising the muscle and bruising the right lung!
The militia commander strikes The Forgotten Beast in the lower body with the pommel of his iron battle axe, but the attack glances away!
The Hammer Lord bashes The Forgotten Beast in the right lower leg with his Satnengrur Nakistogal, bruising the muscle!
The Axe Lord hacks The Forgotten Beast in the right foot with his Isaknulral, fracturing the bone!
An artery has been opened by the attack!
The Axe Lord hacks The Forgotten Beast in the right lower leg with her thirestil shrir Kab, tearing the muscle!
The Mace Lord strikes at The Swordmaster but the shot is parried!
The Swordmaster stabs The Mace Lord in the right foot with her iron short sword, lightly tapping the target!
The Swordmaster strikes at The Mace Lord but the shot is blocked!
The Mace Lord counterstrikes!
The Mace Lord bashes The Swordmaster in the left hand with her -silver mace-, lightly tapping the target!
The Axe Lord kicks The Forgotten Beast in the left tail with her right foot, bruising the muscle!
The Hammer Lord bashes The Forgotten Beast in the head with his Satnengrur Nakistogal, bruising the muscle, fracturing the skull!
The Hammer Lord bashes The Forgotten Beast in the head with his Satnengrur Nakistogal, bruising the muscle and fracturing the skull!
The militia commander strikes The Forgotten Beast in the second toe, right foot with the pommel of his iron battle axe, fracturing the bone!
The Axe Lord hacks The Forgotten Beast in the left lower leg with her thirestil shrir Kab, tearing the muscle!
The Axe Lord punches The Forgotten Beast in the left lower leg with his right hand, bruising the muscle!
The Axe Lord hacks The Forgotten Beast in the upper body with her Nobtakrul Fokshled, tearing apart the fat!
The Hammer Lord scratches The Forgotten Beast in the left wing, fracturing the bone!

“Incoming, lads!”

The militia commander blocks the breath.
The Axe Lord blocks the breath.
The Hammer Lord blocks the breath.
The Axe Lord blocks the breath.
The Hammer Lord kicks The Forgotten Beast in the upper body with his left foot, bruising the muscle!
The Mace Lord strikes at The Swordmaster but the shot is parried!
The Swordmaster slashes The Mace Lord in the right upper leg with her iron short sword, lightly tapping the target!
The Hammer Lord punches The Forgotten Beast in the right upper leg with his left hand, fracturing the bone!
The militia commander scratches The Forgotten Beast in the upper body, tearing the muscle!
The Axe Lord bites The Forgotten Beast in the right wing, tearing the muscle!
The Axe Lord latches on firmly!

“Holy hells, she's like a rabid wolverine. Remind me to never piss Lolor off.”

The Axe Lord strikes The Forgotten Beast in the right upper leg with the pommel of her thirestil shrir Kab, bruising the muscle!
The Axe Lord hacks The Forgotten Beast in the left foot with his Isaknulral, fracturing the bone!
The Hammer Lord strikes The Forgotten Beast in the left foot with his Bithsst Tholest, fracturing the bone!
The Hammer Lord bashes The Forgotten Beast in the head with his Satnengrur Nakistogal, bruising the muscle and fracturing the skull!
The Axe Lord hacks The Forgotten Beast in the right wing with her thirestil shrir Kab, tearing the muscle!
The Hammer Lord bashes The Forgotten Beast in the lower body with his Satnengrur Nakistogal, bruising the muscle!
The Axe Lord hacks The Forgotten Beast in the right upper leg with his Isaknulral, tearing the muscle!
The Mace Lord strikes at The Swordmaster but the shot is parried!
The Swordmaster counterstrikes!
The Swordmaster slaps The Mace Lord in the right hand with the flat of her iron short sword, lightly tapping the target!
The Swordmaster strikes at The Mace Lord but the shot is blocked!
The Mace Lord counterstrikes!
The Mace Lord strikes at The Swordmaster but the shot is parried!


The militia commander blocks the breath.
The Axe Lord blocks the breath.
The Hammer Lord blocks the breath.
The Axe Lord blocks the breath.
The Hammer Lord bashes The Forgotten Beast in the lower body with his Satnengrur Nakistogal, bruising the muscle and bruising the guts!
The Hammer Lord bashes The Forgotten Beast in the center tail with his Satnengrur Nakistogal, bruising the muscle!
The Forgotten Beast breaks the grip of The Axe Lord's upper front teeth on The Forgotten Beast's right wing.
The militia commander kicks The Forgotten Beast in the upper body with his right foot, bruising the muscle!
The Hammer Lord bashes The Forgotten Beast in the head with his Satnengrur Nakistogal, bruising the muscle, fracturing the skull!
The Axe Lord kicks The Forgotten Beast in the right foot with his right foot, bruising the muscle!
The Hammer Lord bashes The Forgotten Beast in the left tail with his Satnengrur Nakistogal, chipping the bone!
The Swordmaster slashes The Mace Lord in the head with her iron short sword, lightly tapping the target!

“Did you hear Sibrek shouting something about turtles?”

The Axe Lord scratches The Forgotten Beast in the right wing, tearing the muscle!
The militia commander bites The Forgotten Beast in the right lower leg, tearing the muscle!
The militia commander latches on firmly!
The Hammer Lord bashes The Forgotten Beast in the lower body with his Satnengrur Nakistogal, bruising the muscle and bruising the guts!
The Axe Lord kicks The Forgotten Beast in the left foot with her right foot, bruising the muscle!
The Axe Lord hacks The Forgotten Beast in the left upper leg with his Isaknulral, tearing the muscle!
The Hammer Lord bites The Forgotten Beast in the left upper leg, tearing the muscle!
The Hammer Lord latches on firmly!

“Oh Armok, again – my underwear is full of ice.”

The militia commander blocks the breath.
The Axe Lord blocks the breath.
The Hammer Lord blocks the breath.
The Axe Lord blocks the breath.
The Forgotten Beast breaks the grip of The Hammer Lord's upper front teeth on The Forgotten Beast's left upper leg.
The Axe Lord hacks The Forgotten Beast in the right upper leg with her Nobtakrul Fokshled, tearing the muscle!
The Forgotten Beast breaks the grip of The militia commander's upper front teeth on The Forgotten Beast's right lower leg.
The Axe Lord strikes The Forgotten Beast in the left upper leg with her -iron shield-, bruising the muscle!
The Hammer Lord kicks The Forgotten Beast in the lower body with his left foot, bruising the muscle!
The Mace Lord strikes at The Swordmaster but the shot is blocked!

“Maybe we're getting turtle for dinner?”

The Axe Lord hacks The Forgotten Beast in the lower body with his Isaknulral, tearing apart the fat!
The Hammer Lord bashes The Forgotten Beast in the head with his Satnengrur Nakistogal, bruising the muscle, fracturing the skull!
The Axe Lord hacks The Forgotten Beast in the left foot with her Nobtakrul Fokshled, tearing apart the muscle!
An artery has been opened by the attack and a motor nerve has been severed!
The Hammer Lord bashes The Forgotten Beast in the lower body with his Satnengrur Nakistogal, bruising the muscle and bruising the guts!
The militia commander hacks The Forgotten Beast in the right upper leg with his iron battle axe, tearing the muscle!
The Axe Lord hacks The Forgotten Beast in the upper body with her thirestil shrir Kab, tearing apart the fat!
The Hammer Lord bashes The Forgotten Beast in the left tail with his Satnengrur Nakistogal, chipping the bone!
The Axe Lord hacks The Forgotten Beast in the left wing with his Isaknulral, tearing the muscle!
The militia commander blocks the breath.
The Axe Lord blocks the breath.
The Hammer Lord blocks the breath.
The Axe Lord blocks the breath.
The Hammer Lord punches The Forgotten Beast in the left wing with his left hand, bruising the muscle!
The Mace Lord strikes at The Swordmaster but the shot is parried!
The Swordmaster counterstrikes!
The Swordmaster strikes at The Mace Lord but the shot is parried!

“I hope so. I love turtle.”

The militia commander hacks The Forgotten Beast in the right eye with his iron battle axe, tearing it apart!
The iron battle axe has lodged firmly in the wound!
“Oh goddamn it. That's my axe!”
The Swordmaster strikes at The Mace Lord but the shot is parried!
The Mace Lord counterstrikes!
The Mace Lord strikes at The Swordmaster but the shot is parried!
The Hammer Lord punches The Forgotten Beast in the left wing with his left hand, fracturing the bone!
The Axe Lord hacks The Forgotten Beast in the upper body with her thirestil shrir Kab, tearing the muscle!
The Forgotten Beast is having trouble breathing!
The Hammer Lord bashes The Forgotten Beast in the left tail with his Satnengrur Nakistogal, chipping the bone!
The Axe Lord strikes The Forgotten Beast in the right wing with his iron shield, bruising the muscle!
The Axe Lord hacks The Forgotten Beast in the right upper leg with her Nobtakrul Fokshled, tearing apart the muscle!
An artery has been opened by the attack and many nerves have been severed!
The Hammer Lord kicks The Forgotten Beast in the head with his right foot, bruising the muscle and fracturing the upper spine's bone!

“Okay, shitheel, GIVE ME MY AXE BACK!”

The militia commander twists the embedded iron battle axe around in The Forgotten Beast's right eye!
The Forgotten Beast misses The Hammer Lord!
The Axe Lord scratches The Forgotten Beast in the upper body, tearing the muscle and bruising the right lung!
The Forgotten Beast is having trouble breathing!
The Hammer Lord punches The Forgotten Beast in the third toe, left foot with his left hand, fracturing the bone!
The Axe Lord hacks The Forgotten Beast in the lower body with his Isaknulral, tearing apart the fat!
The Axe Lord strikes The Forgotten Beast in the head with the pommel of her Nobtakrul Fokshled, but the attack glances away!
The Hammer Lord bashes The Forgotten Beast in the left wing with his Satnengrur Nakistogal, chipping the bone!
The Swordmaster strikes at The Mace Lord but the shot is parried!
The Hammer Lord bites The Forgotten Beast in the lower body, tearing the muscle!
The Hammer Lord latches on firmly!
The militia commander hacks The Forgotten Beast in the left upper leg with his iron battle axe, tearing the muscle!
The Axe Lord hacks The Forgotten Beast in the right wing with her thirestil shrir Kab, tearing the muscle!
An artery has been opened by the attack!
The Forgotten Beast breaks the grip of The Hammer Lord's upper front teeth on The Forgotten Beast's lower body.
The Axe Lord hacks The Forgotten Beast in the lower body with her Nobtakrul Fokshled, tearing apart the fat!
The Axe Lord hacks The Forgotten Beast in the lower body with his Isaknulral, tearing apart the fat!
The Forgotten Beast misses The Hammer Lord!
The Hammer Lord scratches The Forgotten Beast in the right lower leg, fracturing the bone!
The Hammer Lord strikes The Forgotten Beast in the left lower leg with his Bithsst Tholest, fracturing the bone!
The militia commander hacks The Forgotten Beast in the right tail with his iron battle axe, fracturing the bone!
A tendon has been torn!
The Mace Lord strikes at The Swordmaster but the shot is parried!
The Swordmaster counterstrikes!
The Swordmaster strikes at The Mace Lord but the shot is blocked!

“Those two better be dead.”

The Axe Lord hacks The Forgotten Beast in the left wing with her thirestil shrir Kab, tearing the muscle!
The Swordmaster strikes at The Mace Lord but the shot is blocked!
The Hammer Lord bashes The Forgotten Beast in the right upper leg with his Satnengrur Nakistogal, chipping the bone!
The Axe Lord hacks The Forgotten Beast in the left upper leg with her Nobtakrul Fokshled, tearing the muscle!
The Axe Lord hacks The Forgotten Beast in the lower body with his Isaknulral, tearing apart the fat!
The Engraver punches The Forgotten Beast in the upper body with his right hand, but the attack glances away!

"Who is that?"

The militia commander hacks The Forgotten Beast in the upper body with his iron battle axe, tearing the muscle!
The Axe Lord hacks The Forgotten Beast in the upper body with her thirestil shrir Kab, tearing the muscle!
The Forgotten Beast is having trouble breathing!
The Forgotten Beast misses The Hammer Lord!
The Hammer Lord bashes The Forgotten Beast in the left foot with his Satnengrur Nakistogal, chipping the bone!
The Hammer Lord scratches The Forgotten Beast in the head, tearing the fat and bruising the muscle, fracturing the skull!
The Axe Lord hacks The Forgotten Beast in the right foot with his Isaknulral, fracturing the bone!
An artery has been opened by the attack!
The Mace Lord strikes at The Swordmaster but the shot is blocked!
The Swordmaster strikes at The Mace Lord but the shot is blocked!
The Mace Lord counterstrikes!
The Mace Lord bashes The Swordmaster in the right foot with her -silver mace-, lightly tapping the target!
The Hammer Lord bashes The Forgotten Beast in the lower body with his Satnengrur Nakistogal, bruising the muscle!
The militia commander hacks The Forgotten Beast in the teeth with his iron battle axe and the severed part sails off in an arc!

(Note to crafters reading the report. There are approximately 16 massive ivory teeth scattered on the floor of the lower gateway hall, please recover.)

The Axe Lord hacks The Forgotten Beast in the upper body with her thirestil shrir Kab, tearing the muscle!
The Forgotten Beast is having trouble breathing!
The Axe Lord hacks The Forgotten Beast in the upper body with her Nobtakrul Fokshled, tearing apart the fat!
The Hammer Lord bashes The Forgotten Beast in the left wing with his Satnengrur Nakistogal, chipping the bone!
The Engraver punches The Forgotten Beast in the right upper leg with his left hand, but the attack glances away!

“What the? Where did you come from? Where's Rith and Ustuth?”

The Axe Lord scratches The Forgotten Beast in the upper body, tearing the muscle!
The Hammer Lord bashes The Forgotten Beast in the lower body with his Satnengrur Nakistogal, bruising the muscle and bruising the guts!
With a wheeze, and a look of comic surprise on its now-toothless face, the fell beast collapses, blocking the passageway.
A few yards away, Rith and Ustuth continue to spar.

“What the hell are you guys doing?” Rith yells over a shoulder. “You're making a shit-ton of noise.”

(Mayor, please note attached recommendations of valor for militia commander Sibrek Degmedtob, militiamen Iden Shashdonnomal, Geshud Kubuklular and Lolor Becorudib. Also transfer orders to the refuse pits for two months for Rith Urdimkadol and Ustuth Oddomrifot.)
"Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit." - Oscar Wilde