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Author Topic: Suggestion for Decorations with Alternates  (Read 442 times)


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Suggestion for Decorations with Alternates
« on: January 06, 2017, 07:06:34 pm »

Perhaps on each item that can be decorated a new element could be added called MAX_DECORATIONS with a config INI option for default MAX_DECORATIONS. Then as a toggle on items when inspected the max decorations could be adjusted.

allows multiple materials to be queued for decorating furniture without doublling up on decorations allowing queuing of multiple gem types to be used only once per item. (Makes muliple repeating gem jobs behave better).


Decorate with Morion (Repeat)
Decorate with Green Jade (Repeat)

Thus we can JMQ a standing order to decorate with the various materials we have with a default max number of decorations (say 1 by default in the config) and get an item decorated only once with either a morion or a green jade but not both.

Alternate Suggestion
Allow a "Decorate with Available Gems" (rather then specific gems) job that decorates an item once.

Alternative Alternate
New building called Filigree Station. Combines all decorating options in one building and will not accept already decorated items as input.

Alternate Alternative Alternate (Perhaps Simplest also)

As a workshop option specify the max existing decorations allowed on an input item. 0 resulting in only undecorated items.

This would allow for very specific chains to be set up. Assuming B is for beds and J is for Gems and R is for crafter and O is for stockpiles

       O     O    O    O
B -> J -> J -> J -> R -> O

You could then have undecorated beds go to a jeweler being fed a specific type of gem (Max Decoration =0) then fed into the next jeweler being supplied a different gem type (with Max Decoration =1) then to the next gem station (Max Decoration = 2) then to a crafting station for some shells or bones (Max Decoration = 3). The nice thing is the crafting station could have shells, bones, horns, etc queued up but it would only ever decorate the incoming bed once since after decorating it would have a total of 4 decorations.