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Author Topic: Wanderer of the Waste [Fallout Suggestion Game]  (Read 1375 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Wanderer of the Waste [Fallout Suggestion Game]
« on: February 04, 2012, 08:22:21 am »

Long ago, before the bombs dropped, mankind built great Vaults beneath the surface, havens to those that would survive the War, and become the last of mankind. Every Vault had a different purpose from developing farming technology for use in that desolate waste, to creating soldiers to face the horrors that were sure to come, but dozens of Vaults simply had the task of preserving people for the life after the War. One such Vault, Vault 25, is where our story begins. And our survivor is one of those that reside within, and they are ...

Name: What the character goes by
Gender: Male, or Female

Spoiler: Author Note (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: February 04, 2012, 08:53:20 am by adwarf »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wanderer of the Waste [Fallout Suggestion Game]
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2012, 09:06:24 am »


Name: Steve Mclondonkulonks
Gender: Male

Generation 12 The First time you see this copy it into your sig and add one. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wanderer of the Waste [Fallout Suggestion Game]
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2012, 09:47:04 am »

Uses energy weapons 'cuz they're cool, yo!
When a soldier makes a mistake, one man dies.
When a captain makes a mistake, a dozen men die.
When a commander makes a mistake, a thousand men die.
When an emperor makes a mistake, well, there is a game save for retry.


  • Bay Watcher
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Wanderer of the Waste [Fallout Suggestion Game]
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2012, 11:32:53 am »

Darkness is all you see, and all you hear, it lasts ages yet only seconds all encompassing .. but broken by a shrill computerized voice as it spoke, "Patient: X-458PS7, Name: Daniel Steve Jackson, Gender: Male, Procedure: X-5-7, Door Opening." With a hiss, and a rush of steam the glass case in front of you slides up, and out of your way. You clamber out of it, and fall on to a dust covered tile floor with a loud thud, your vision fades a bit as you impact against the thick concrete. You stand up, and your knees wobble as you take in the room, across from the pod you see a screen, and terminal.

The voice speaks again, but this time its slightly less computerized as it says "Hello Patient X-45, or Daniel Steve Jackson, please step up to the terminal, so we can begin your preparations for the outside world. Thank you." With that the terminal flickers to life, and you approach it to find. You examine the screen, and find the side reads S.P.E.C.I.A.L. You turn, and see there is another to your right that has some more writing across it. As you stand there staring blankly the computerized voice says, "Please fill out that form, and then stand on this platform." You turn your head to see a platform outlined by bright green lights in the back corner.

Code: (Computer Screen) [Select]
  5 Points Remaining
S.trength      < 5 >
P.erception    < 5 >
E.ndurance     < 5 >
C.harisma      < 5 >
I.ntelligence  < 5 >
A.gility       < 5 >
L.uck          < 5 >

Code: (Computer Screen 2) [Select]
                                  - CHOOSE UP TO TWO SPECIAL PERKS -
Poor Vision - Your vision is poor, and you have to have glasses on, or incur a penalty.
[+1 to Perception while wearing glasses, -1 to Perception without them]
[Requirements: 6 or less Perception]

Small Frame - You where always smaller then others, but who says that is a bad thing?
[+1 to Agility, -1 to Strength, -20 to Starting HP]
[Requirements: None]

Good-Natured - You were always Good Natured, and couldn't really manage to do anything that wasn't good as well.
[-1 to Energy Weapons, Small Guns, Big Guns, Explosives; +1 to Science, Medicine, Barter, Speech]
[Requirements: None]

Prankster - You were born a prankster, always messing with others, running from those that caught you, and hiding from the rest.
Because of this you have gained an aptitude for such acts.
[+1 to Stealth, Lockpick, Explosives.]
[Requirements: None]

Sharpshooter - You were born with a gun in your hand, and the will to use it for whatever you deemed necessary.
[+2 to Small Guns]
[Requirements: None]

Wild Wasteland - The wackier side of the Wasteland comes into play, and all sorts of slightly crazier creatures will appear throughout the Wasteland.
As well as the more fantasy-ish, and to far out stuff that you normally wouldn't expect.
[Requirements - None]

Custom - Make Your Own


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wanderer of the Waste [Fallout Suggestion Game]
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2012, 02:39:24 pm »

S.trength      < 3 >
P.erception    < 8 >
E.ndurance     < 4 >
C.harisma      < 7 >
I.ntelligence  < 4 >
A.gility       < 6 >
L.uck          < 3 >

Sharpshooter - You were born with a gun in your hand, and the will to use it for whatever you deemed necessary.
[+2 to Small Guns]
[Requirements: None]

Suave - Good at influincing people through voice and stuff I... guess.
[+1 charisma]
Generation 12 The First time you see this copy it into your sig and add one. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Wanderer of the Waste [Fallout Suggestion Game]
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2012, 06:21:41 pm »

You quickly fiddle with the terminals, and find the controls to still be in working condition for use, within several minutes you have all of your the information inputted, and press the finish button on the screen. With a flicker of light the screen comes to life, and the face of an old man, a scientist maybe, appears followed by a deep voice you believe to be his, "Daniel listen to me, I am Zachary Steins, the scientist assigned to cure you of a lethal disease that you have. I will not be alive to give you this message, so do as I say. Take the gun, and ammo I have on me, and head to the equipment room down the hall. Gather what you can, and then make your way to the Research Lab, in their you will find a vial labeled 'PX-57' whatever you do you must inject this into you. It is the cure for the disease you carry, and without it you will die in three hours time, now goodbye, and forgive me for I could not work up the courage to save your from this hell."

With that the screen is flooded with a bright red flash, and it blinks out of life. At the far side of the room the platform hydraulics begin to turn into place, and you run over to it before you are left down there. You stand on the platform praying it doesn't give as its rust covered, and hole filled surface groans periodically underneath your weight. After a minute of waiting your arrive on a window covered steel walkway, the first thing you see is three dead bodies, upon closer inspection you find the husk of a destroyed securitron, and the corpses of two humans surrounding the thing.

As you look over them you realize that one of them is the man from the message, and you search his body to find a 9mm Pistol, 15 9mm Bullets, and a Stimpack which you quickly pocket before scavenging over the other two. The other human nets you a rusty pipe, a stimpack, and a pack of gum while the securitron has 5 energy cells, and a fusion cell. With that done you stand up and take a look around where you find a massive computer at one end, and a large bulkhead door on the other. What should you do?

Spoiler: Daniel Steve Jackson (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wanderer of the Waste [Fallout Suggestion Game]
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2012, 05:01:32 pm »

Investigate the computers.
Generation 12 The First time you see this copy it into your sig and add one. Social experiment.