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Should the Orcs of Ghoshash Snazaga use the looted Fluidcaster?

Engineer a new magma forge near the surface
- 5 (38.5%)
Build some obsidian traps
- 2 (15.4%)
Build lava pump weapons on a tower/walls
- 3 (23.1%)
Make some minecart weapons
- 1 (7.7%)
Bah, who needs it?  We have axes, don't we?
- 2 (15.4%)

Total Members Voted: 13

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Author Topic: Ghoshash Snazaga, "Cleaver of Ignorance," a ¤MDF Orc Fort¤ tutorial (Ch 22)  (Read 102927 times)


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Re: Ghoshash Snazaga, "The Cleaver of Ignorance," a ¤MDF Orc Fort¤ tutorial
« Reply #46 on: February 17, 2013, 02:07:08 am »

I really like the direction the voting is taking in this 'exports' poll. 

Tomio I had one other ahead of you in the queue for Dreamwalkers, but you're up next, and the great part about Orcish clan officer status is that I can make you a shaman too once you do arrive :)  I'd like to have multiple Dreamwalkers here before I do the spellcasting Chapter anyway.


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Re: Ghoshash Snazaga, "The Cleaver of Ignorance," a ¤MDF Orc Fort¤ tutorial
« Reply #47 on: February 17, 2013, 03:35:45 am »


Chapter 5: Goblin Ghetto
Journal of Thrakha'zaguul.

Moonstone, 251

We pick up a few anvils, picks, seeds, a bit of booze, and cheap yarn and leather from the clan traders.  Keita's Corsair skills obtained for us a fine deal.  In the future, we might need more than cheap seeds and yarn.  I call a conclave and speak:  clanmates! our new life here in the savage lands is not easy.  But we have wrested from the wilds many valuable resources.  We have wood and sand for ornate glasswork.  We have rich pelts, shells, and ivory for traditional crafts.  We have veins of ore for burnished metal goods.  Which craft should we master?  What shall be our calling card to the world?

FIRE AND DEATH cried the conclave with one voice.

Opal, 251

A basic set-up for a raiding dock involves three inputs.  Ballista parts: from a siege workshop.  Cheap weapons: from a forge, factory, or looted from an enemy's corpse.  Rusty iron shillings: from a freelancer's guild, or minted at a forge.  The Raider's Drydock is then the hub for the raider's work and it takes on several types of jobs.  Assemble a raiding ship, usually a simple longboat from wood and ballista parts.  Assemble a raiders' weapons kit, from weapons.  Then unleash our raiders using a ship, a weapons kit, and coins.  Longboats and Weapon kits are both tools, so a wise clan-leader will put a goods>tools stockpile near the Drydock.

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Raiding is a risk, of course.  We may get back a ship full of loot, we may happen get back the weapons, or we may lose everything as the crew die forgotten and alone in a far off land.  The shillings of course are spent no matter what else happens.  If an experienced Corsair or other Siegecrafter runs the Drydock, we will likely get the best quality loot.

In these early days of our new settlement, I decide not to run the riskiest raids.  Instead: let us round up some goblin migrants!  This is a much less expensive and less risky action that our Raiders can perform.  When the goblin migrants arrive at our stronghold, they are stored along with other useful objects in the Tools stockpile.  Goblins are used to build "shantytown" workshops where they perform menial jobs underneath the direction of an Orcish taskmaster.  These shanties include the Sawmill, Stonecutter, and Tinkerer.  They can work well together because the Tinkerer can smelt big batches of bars from ores of tin, lead, or copper.  Then the Sawmill and Stonecutter can use cheap metals as fasteners to effeciently make furniture.

I would like to order our goblin Tinkerer to make better weapons for our gunners.  He knows the scheme to make better dart-throwing Flachette guns, and pistols, and even muskets.  But the goblin speaks:  we need a metallurgist to help me make brass for parts; also for muskets we would need tool kits stolen from human gunnery masters.  Sometimes, I think goblins should build guns more and speak less.

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Many small pets and birds have hatched this moon.  I advise to Warchief Broken-Mind:  Please pasture your pet sabrecat cub in the Zone of Terror along with the small direwolf pups.  Otherwise he will probably die by an elf and you will then go on a rampage and kill several or perhaps all of the Orcs.  We also pasture some goslings all around the perimeter of our stronghold to give warning of ambushers. 

Obsidian, 251

Thieving Grey Langur men attack.  One attempts to steal away with one of our goblin migrants, while another flings a snaga boworc skidding across the ground into a tree.  It happens that Broken Mind and Mavj are training nearby and speak:  Orcs of Ghoshash Snazaga!  Stop your peasant labors and attend to this demonstration.  This is the proper way to use a macuahuitl sword for dismembering, and also war claws for stabbing and piercing and twisting. 

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« Last Edit: February 17, 2013, 01:54:05 pm by smakemupagus »


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Re: Ghoshash Snazaga, "The Cleaver of Ignorance," a ¤MDF Orc Fort¤ tutorial
« Reply #48 on: February 17, 2013, 05:32:29 pm »


Looks like my little orc is doing just fine!

Those dirty Uruks are always picking on the lesser.


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Re: Ghoshash Snazaga, "The Cleaver of Ignorance," a ¤MDF Orc Fort¤ tutorial
« Reply #49 on: February 18, 2013, 03:11:17 am »

Got the first big migration wave in safely in Slate (month 2) of 252.  If we do get elvish assassins this year it will be soon, so pausing to make sure I take my time setting up jobs and thinking about how many of the new migrants to draft.  Population jumped from 15 to 41.  There is one female (bow) and one male (sword) Ronin, about 5 other new Uruks, and 2 artisans. 


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Re: Ghoshash Snazaga, "The Cleaver of Ignorance," a ¤MDF Orc Fort¤ tutorial
« Reply #50 on: February 18, 2013, 06:55:39 am »

Dammit now I wish I had waited for that Ronin. Ah well.


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Re: Ghoshash Snazaga, "The Cleaver of Ignorance," a ¤MDF Orc Fort¤ tutorial
« Reply #51 on: February 18, 2013, 09:20:07 am »


Looks like my little orc is doing just fine!

Those dirty Uruks are always picking on the lesser.

If they wanted to live, they should't have tried to steal my socks.
In a hole in the ground there lived a dwarf. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a dwarf fortress, and that means magma.
Dwarf fortress: Tales of terror and inevitability


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Re: Ghoshash Snazaga, "The Cleaver of Ignorance," a ¤MDF Orc Fort¤ tutorial
« Reply #52 on: February 18, 2013, 10:17:05 am »

What's a Ronin?
...You're arguing with the GM? Why don't you argue with Jesus about how much Peter liked clams?
Because each player's delicious tears are fuel for the continued torture that is the Warrens of Oric the Awesome.


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Re: Ghoshash Snazaga, "The Cleaver of Ignorance," a ¤MDF Orc Fort¤ tutorial
« Reply #53 on: February 18, 2013, 10:22:18 am »

What's a Ronin?

'A Casteless uruk who hope to barter their skill in arms for a home in a new clan.'


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Re: Ghoshash Snazaga, "The Cleaver of Ignorance," a ¤MDF Orc Fort¤ tutorial
« Reply #54 on: February 18, 2013, 11:03:15 am »

What's a Ronin?
Basically, it's a large orc (capable of wielding some big weapons one-handed) who has certain martial skills from the very beginning.


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Re: Ghoshash Snazaga, "The Cleaver of Ignorance," a ¤MDF Orc Fort¤ tutorial
« Reply #55 on: February 18, 2013, 09:54:53 pm »

What's a Ronin?

They also are very dedicated to training, appearently.  Our new Sword-Ronin (Dohan) has been sparring non stop against all takers, first Mavj (a lot of "surprised by the ferocious onslaught of!" but he hung in there), then the warchief, and now taking on *both* of the other new recruits at the same time!

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« Last Edit: February 18, 2013, 10:10:21 pm by smakemupagus »


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Re: Ghoshash Snazaga, "The Cleaver of Ignorance," a ¤MDF Orc Fort¤ tutorial
« Reply #56 on: February 19, 2013, 02:52:34 am »


Chapter 6: Blood and Mithril
Journal of Thrakha'zaguul.

Granite, 252.

The new year dawns, and still only 15 orcs settle here.  Only two which would have any chance against an elvish assassin.  We need to construct some archer's nests along the wall for ranged troops to even the odds.  The goblin Sawmill and the Mason shops are both orderered to make many blocks.  The goblin Stonecrafter and a Boneyard workshop are ordered to construct some simple weapon traps: a back door corridor for emergencies. 

The goblin Tinkerer can efficiently smelt some simple ores in large batches: saving some fuel.  He also can extract a small amount of silver along with the copper from tetrahedrite ore.  He smelts some sphalerite and tetrahedrite: copper for alloys, zinc for the other goblin Shanties to use in furniture; silver to the forge for heavy clubs.

Slate, 252

A huge group of migrants!  We now need food and shelter for 41 in total.  Among the travel-clan the chief is Dohon the Sword-Ronin.  Like myself: an exiled son of a powerful family from the Old clan.  Unlike myself:  ronin have the strength of two orcs, are naturally skilled swordsorcs, and are large enough to wield mighty weapons with a shield.  Among the travel-clan too are three others for the warband: a female Bow-Ronin, a veteran mace-orc, and a veteran orc with skill in both lash and crossbow.  Firehawk chooses also two other halfway promising snaga to join the bow squad.

Dohon spars non stop against all takers.  First he surprises Mavj with many furious onslaughts.  Then he fights a savage duel with warchief Broken Mind featuring much grappling, and various degrees of biting and dirty fighting on both sides.  Finally, he is taking on *both* of the other new recruits at the same time. Dohon quickly gains several levels in Fighting skill.  Mavj and Broken Mind have gained weapon skills.  The warband grows stronger.
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We now have 12 useful orcs in the warband, but, a great shortage of gear.  Crafter Demonbutter and the two new artisan migrants speak: take away our menial duties and allow some peasants to haul these rocks.  The crafters make a macuahuitl sword for Dohan and several more composite bows.  The crafters build a second Tribal Wargear shop and make a quantity of lamellar leather armor from langur-man.  The crafters smelt the last of our stashed bronze for mail and axes.

A terrible were-creature has come: a snaga twisted into the monstrous form of an ass.  To arms! for the Tiaga orcs have not yet learned to fear the night.  But from our brook emerges a great water dragon, a limbless amphibian predator who rips the were-ass in half with a single bite.  Fall back to the walls!  for it is quite reasonable to fear a water dragon. 
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Felsite 252

With peasants to carry rocks I finally take a moment to meet the useless liason from the old clan.  I say: bring us iron, steel, bloodsteel, seeds, or else bring nothing and we would not care.  They ask for scepters, jewelry, and trinkets.  The useless decadent fools: that is what we were going to send anyway.

We have an interesting decision.  Our langur-man totem bounties at the Freelancer have earned 5000 coins.  Do we spend the cash to buy a single scimitar or a couple  cat-o-nine lashes? but no: I instead use the money to pay for a longboat raid on a the Dwarven settlement.  The raid fails.

Hematite 252

We have a small surplus of food and drink so I reason: what good is living comfortably and safe now, if it limits our chance to kill elves in the future?  We cash in blood-bounty and grog, and get just enough shillings to send our back-up longboat on a second raid.

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Malachite 252

Migrants, but the poor fools wander into an elf assassin Ambush!  The first several travellers sprint for the main gate, which slams shut behind them.  Our warband prepares for battle, but it would be madness to send them into open combat against mithril spears and superior numbers.  From the walls I yell: foolish migrants, you are dead orcs!  Still, we leave the west gate open for you.  Organize yourselves as a militia squad and die with honor.  Of course, several peasants are struck down where they stand, but others die more slowly and draw the enemy within arrow-shot of the walls.  Firehawk and Gamerlord set up their squads and rain destruction from above.  Two of the migrants have even rallied to subdue their opponent.  They are suffering from wounds and soon to be overwhelmed:  a dozen more elves close in but now their formation is disorganized.  Do we lock the door and risk the loss of both the worthless bleeding migrants and the precious elven mithril?  I give Broken Mind the signal to charge.

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« Last Edit: February 19, 2013, 06:27:33 pm by smakemupagus »


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Re: Ghoshash Snazaga, "The Cleaver of Ignorance," a ¤MDF Orc Fort¤ tutorial
« Reply #57 on: February 19, 2013, 04:26:43 am »

Oh! Do I have that dartgun now?


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Re: Ghoshash Snazaga, "The Cleaver of Ignorance," a ¤MDF Orc Fort¤ tutorial
« Reply #58 on: February 19, 2013, 01:24:52 pm »

Oh! Do I have that dartgun now?

Nope, i failed that goal (although it was pretty close).  The iron from the successful Dwarf raid in Hematite was used for a Metallurgist, but didn't get the brass smelted in time. 

In my defense if I had remembered that we need iron to smelt alloys I never would have promised in the first place because there was really not much chance ;)
« Last Edit: February 19, 2013, 01:58:28 pm by smakemupagus »


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Re: Ghoshash Snazaga, "The Cleaver of Ignorance," a ¤MDF Orc Fort¤ tutorial
« Reply #59 on: February 19, 2013, 05:11:54 pm »

Hmm, elves coming at the same time as migrants? That's new to me.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2013, 05:13:31 pm by gwathlobal »
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