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Author Topic: PeridexisErrant's DF Starter Pack  (Read 4174162 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Dai stihó, Hrasht.
    • View Profile

@Salithus, JAFANZ - sadly I have no idea. 

Spacefox TwbT doesn't seem to fix the 0's being tombs. I enabled and disabled far no fix. Is there additional option that I'm missing?
Have you moved the plugin itself across?  A TwbT pack is required for compatibility, but not enough on it's own. 

Quick question; is the growth bug fix activated? I get this screen when starting a game. Looks like the help menu or something. Maybe I'm doing something wrong.  :-X
Hmm, I think I fixed this in r64.  Go to "LNP/LNPWin.txt" and replace "fix/growthbug" with "fix/growthbug enable". 
I maintain the DF Starter Pack - over a million downloads and still counting!
 Donations here.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Dai stihó, Hrasht.
    • View Profile

Quick question; is the growth bug fix activated? I get this screen when starting a game. Looks like the help menu or something. Maybe I'm doing something wrong.  :-X
Hmm, I think I fixed this in r64.  Go to "LNP/LNPWin.txt" and replace "fix/growthbug" with "fix/growthbug enable". 
Nope, I found the error:  we had both a lua and a ruby version of fix/growthbug, and the wrong (lua) one was being given priority.  Simply delete that and you'll be good. 

@Kevin:  The symlinks script is working beautifully (thanks!), but I'm still having trouble getting the other to work properly.  It now works as expected for the gamelog, saves, and user content... but fails at the soundsense packs and ignores any timeout or pause I insert at the end.  Current code below, and next week I'm going to set up some actual version control because this is kind of crazy. 

Code: (Copy data from my old install.bat) [Select]

ECHO This script copies across save data from your last install of Dwarf Fortress.
ECHO It's designed to work with older versions of the 'PeridexisErrant LNP', and also has untested support for
ECHO   the old classic 'Lazy Newb Pack [v15]', the advanced version of that pack, and even the vanilla game.
echo All of these depend on the name of the folder staying default, and this new version being in the same folder as the old one. 
timeout /t 60

rem abort the whole thing if there are already save files in place, overwriting would be BAD
IF NOT EXIST "%CD%\Dwarf Fortress 0.34.11\data\save\region*" goto no_saves_here

ECHO There are already save files in this folder! 
ECHO To avoid overwriting your data, this script will do nothing when save files are here. 
timeout /t 60
GOTO finish

REM - this bit copies from
rem get this pack's version number
rem get this folder's name, of form 'peridexiserrant' 'lnp' 'r#'
for %%* in (.) do set CurrDirName=%%~n*
rem split name up by spaces, and keep the last set as a variable
for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims= " %%a in ("%CurrDirName%") do set release_r#=%%a& set release_r#=%%b& set release_r#=%%c
rem now we have "r<version#>" as a variable, add an r to the end...
set "release##=%release_r#%r"
rem ... and trim off the first and last characters.  Inelegant but flexible. 
set "release#=%release##:~1,-1%
rem subtract 1 from current version to avoid circular copies
SET /A "result=%release#% - 1"
rem count down versions from current to 1
FOR /L %%G IN (%result%,-1,1) DO (
IF EXIST "%CD%\..\PeridexisErrant LNP r%%G\" (
set "previous_version=%CD%\..\PeridexisErrant LNP r%%G\"
goto PeridexisErrant_LNP_found

rem now look for packs that aren't PeridexisErrant LNP whatever: 
rem LucusUP's classic LNP: 
IF EXIST "%CD%\..\LazyNewbPack [0.34.11] [V15]\" (
    set "previous_version=%CD%\..\LazyNewbPack [0.34.11] [V15]\"
    GOTO classic_LNP
IF EXIST "%CD%\..\LazyNewbPack Advanced [0.34.11] [V15]\" (
    set "previous_version=%CD%\..\LazyNewbPack Advanced [0.34.11] [V15]\"
    GOTO classic_LNP_advanced
rem Vanilla DF:
IF EXIST "%CD%\..\df_34_11_win\" (
    set "previous_version=%CD%\..\df_34_11_win\"
    GOTO vanilla_DF
rem no compatible pack found?
GOTO no_pack_found

rem copying from peridexiserrant LNP...
ECHO Copying the gamelog ...
COPY "%previous_version%Dwarf Fortress 0.34.11\gamelog.txt" "%CD%\Dwarf Fortress 0.34.11\gamelog.txt"
ECHO Copying the save folders...
ROBOCOPY "%previous_version%Dwarf Fortress 0.34.11\data\save" "%CD%\Dwarf Fortress 0.34.11\data\save" /e /NFL /NDL /NJH /NJS /nc /ns /xo
ECHO Copying user generated content...
ROBOCOPY "%previous_version%User Generated Content" "%CD%\User Generated Content" /e /NFL /NDL /NJH /NJS /nc /ns /xo
IF EXIST "%previous_version%LNP\utilities\soundSense r42\packs" (
ECHO Copying the music and sound files for soundSense...
ROBOCOPY "%previous_version%LNP\utilities\soundSense r42\packs" "%CD%\LNP\utilities\soundsense\packs" /e /NFL /NDL /NJH /NJS /nc /ns /xo
IF EXIST "%previous_version%LNP\utilities\soundsense\packs" (
ECHO Copying the music and sound files for soundSense...
ROBOCOPY "%previous_version%LNP\utilities\soundsense\packs" "%CD%\LNP\utilities\soundsense\packs" /e /NFL /NDL /NJH /NJS /nc /ns /xo
rem in r53, now using symlinks back instead of folders - so it's in the user content copy
if %result% < 53 (
ECHO Copying Quickfort blueprints and .dfmap files...
ROBOCOPY "%previous_version%\LNP\utilities\Quickfort 2.04\blueprints" "%CD%\User Generated Content\User Blueprints\" /e /NFL /NDL /NJH /NJS /nc /ns /xo
COPY "%previous_version%\LNP\utilities\Overseer 0.70.1\*.dfmap" "%CD%\User Generated Content\Overseer Map Files\"
echo done
    timeout /t 60

goto finished_copying

ECHO Copying the gamelog ...
COPY "%previous_version%Dwarf Fortress 0.34.11\gamelog.txt" "%CD%\Dwarf Fortress 0.34.11\gamelog.txt"
ECHO Copying the save folders...
ROBOCOPY "%previous_version%Dwarf Fortress 0.34.11\data\save" "%CD%\Dwarf Fortress 0.34.11\data\save" /e /NFL /NDL /NJH /NJS /nc /ns /xo
ECHO Copying the music and sound files for soundSense...
ROBOCOPY "%previous_version%LNP\Utilities\1-Newb\soundSense r35\packs" "%CD%\LNP\utilities\soundsense\packs" /e /NFL /NDL /NJH /NJS /nc /ns /xo
goto finished_copying

ECHO Copying the gamelog ...
COPY "%previous_version%Dwarf Fortress 0.34.11\gamelog.txt" "%CD%\Dwarf Fortress 0.34.11\gamelog.txt"
ECHO Copying the save folders...
ROBOCOPY "%previous_version%Dwarf Fortress 0.34.11\data\save" "%CD%\Dwarf Fortress 0.34.11\data\save" /e /NFL /NDL /NJH /NJS /nc /ns /xo
ECHO Copying the music and sound files for soundSense...
ROBOCOPY "%previous_version%LNP\Utilities\1-Newb\soundSense r35\packs" "%CD%\LNP\utilities\soundsense\packs" /e /NFL /NDL /NJH /NJS /nc /ns /xo
ECHO Copying Quickfort blueprints...
ROBOCOPY "%previous_version%\LNP\Utilities\2-Advanced\Quickfort\Quickfort 2.04\blueprints" "%CD%\User Generated Content\User Blueprints" /e /NFL /NDL /NJH /NJS /nc /ns /xo
goto finished_copying

ECHO Copying the gamelog ...
COPY "%previous_version%gamelog.txt" "%CD%\Dwarf Fortress 0.34.11\gamelog.txt"
ECHO Copying the save folders...
ROBOCOPY "%previous_version%data\save" "%CD%\Dwarf Fortress 0.34.11\data\save" /e /NFL /NDL /NJH /NJS /nc /ns /xo
goto finished_copying

echo Finished copying you data to this pack, from %previous_version%
echo Keep the old pack until you're sure everything has made it across - this didn't copy settings, only content. 
timeout /t 60
goto finish

ECHO No compatible pack was found!  This only works when your old install still has the default name, and is in the same folder as this install!
echo So far, it only supports
echo     - the vanilla game (in folder "df_34_11_win"),
echo     - the old Lazy Newb Packs (in "LazyNewbPack [0.34.11] [V15]" or
echo                                   "LazyNewbPack Advanced [0.34.11] [V15]"),
echo     - previous versions of the PeridexisErrant LNP. 
echo You can still keep save data and the gamelog from other packs or if you changed the name - you'll just need to copy-paste them by hand :(
timeout /t 60
GOTO finish

timeout /t 60
I maintain the DF Starter Pack - over a million downloads and still counting!
 Donations here.


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile

@Salithus, JAFANZ - sadly I have no idea.
Oh well, thanks anyway (& it's stopped doing it, but only after a reboot caused by a Steam CTD when I wasn't even running DF), & thanks for maintaining this massively useful game pack.


  • Bay Watcher
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  • Bay Watcher
  • gottagofast
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No - only things new I'm using as of r64 are the last 3 checkboxes under the DFHack tab and TwbT. I'm sure it's got to be some setting I've got wrong, but not even sure where to start. Did a clean install with these inits, we'll see where it takes me:
That's -probably- the TWBT plugin misbehaving, try upgrading to the latest version to see if it helps:
Download the latest mutilevel-win package, and overwrite hacks/plugins/twbt.plug.dll with the updated dfhack-r5 version.
dunno if it was the culprit or if I had a corrupted whatnots, but everything is working like a champ now with the latest multilevel. thanks!


  • Bay Watcher
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Have you moved the plugin itself across?  A TwbT pack is required for compatibility, but not enough on it's own. 

Thanks, it has been fixed.


  • Escaped Lunatic
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the newest lnp (64 I think) is not copying over my old saves.  Yes I am doing it right because it has been working for all the past lnps.  I press any key and the console window just closes.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Dai stihó, Hrasht.
    • View Profile
Dwarf Fortress 40.01 Starter Pack r1
« Reply #577 on: July 07, 2014, 10:08:51 pm »

Super fast response:  The starter pack has been updated to Dwarf Fortress version 0.40.01! 

As always, you can download it here.  (For those who want more tools and less bugs, the stable/legacy 34.11 version remains available here)

I won't go into the the wonderful details of what's new in DF 0.40.01 - for that you should check out the release page, and remember to consider donating - but here's the starter pack changelog: 

 - 12x8 or 16x16 ASCII graphics options in the launcher
 - changed settings to starter pack defaults, good for new players
 - Quick fixes to legends exports processor to update version references (might be broken, but speed is more important than perfection!)
 - Added symlinks batch script
 - no keybindings, a quick compare shows huge changes so I'll have to do more detailed analysis and updating later

Happy bughunting! 
I maintain the DF Starter Pack - over a million downloads and still counting!
 Donations here.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Stare into the abyss.
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Re: Dwarf Fortress 40.01 Starter Pack r1
« Reply #578 on: July 07, 2014, 10:15:56 pm »

Holy shit, that was fast. Well done.
Holy crap, why did I not start watching One Punch Man earlier? This is the best thing.
probably figured an autobiography wouldn't be interesting


  • Bay Watcher
  • Dai stihó, Hrasht.
    • View Profile
Re: Dwarf Fortress 40.01 Starter Pack r1
« Reply #579 on: July 07, 2014, 10:18:55 pm »

Pure luck, but thanks!  I'm feeling pretty happy about the speed - next, more content as the updates start rolling out!
I maintain the DF Starter Pack - over a million downloads and still counting!
 Donations here.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress 40.01 Starter Pack r1
« Reply #580 on: July 07, 2014, 11:38:27 pm »

Pure luck, but thanks!  I'm feeling pretty happy about the speed - next, more content as the updates start rolling out!

Thanks once again for never missing a beat.
In fact, we should really say, that beards are born with babies.  Since beards are sentient it is quite possible they style themselves or even that they grow styled.
I'm totally convinced dwarven babies are born with beards. How those get braided, combed or shaved before birth is one of the arcane dwarven mysteries.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress 40.01 Starter Pack r1
« Reply #581 on: July 08, 2014, 05:49:55 am »

Man, I sure hope dwarf therapist gets updated soon. I am so lost without it.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Dai stihó, Hrasht.
    • View Profile
Re: Legacy pack r65
« Reply #582 on: July 08, 2014, 08:13:27 am »

...And in the grip of some strange mood, I've also updated the legacy/stable pack to r65.  Download links for that is now over here.

The main news?  The Text will be Text plugin now has compatible multi-level-viewing, so that's in the pack to be enabled if you want it - copy the plugin from "/LNP/useful/Twbt 3.19" to "/DF/hack/plugins", use a TwbT-compatible graphics pack, and careful of the bugs!

 - updated Text will be Text to version 3.19; adds multilevel rendering (updated plugin and added shadows.png to the TwbT graphics packs)
 - new and improved symlink batch scripts thanks to Kevin Cathcart
 - deleted "fix/growthbug.lua" - it was interfereing with the .rb version, which we wanted
 - changes to the data copying script again... hopefully it's working now

Have fun with the tool-filled pack!

Oh, and the dropbox mirrors aren't going to be updated until the weekend when I get a decent connection again.  With this surge in traffic, they'd be down anyway!
I maintain the DF Starter Pack - over a million downloads and still counting!
 Donations here.


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Dwarf Fortress 40.01 Starter Pack r1
« Reply #583 on: July 08, 2014, 12:45:30 pm »

I just downloaded Starter Pack for DF 40.01 and when i run the "_Run Me First" thing it says "'mklink' is not supported on this operating system." (i use Win XP). Is there any way to make it works or am I just not able to use this Starter Pack?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress 40.01 Starter Pack r1
« Reply #584 on: July 08, 2014, 01:07:38 pm »

I just downloaded Starter Pack for DF 40.01 and when i run the "_Run Me First" thing it says "'mklink' is not supported on this operating system." (i use Win XP). Is there any way to make it works or am I just not able to use this Starter Pack?
WinXp doesn't support creating symlinks, but that's just a convenience feature, the game is playable without running that file.
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