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Author Topic: V.4g Hexxedgarish - AboveGround Dwarf Challenge  (Read 22191 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4g Hexxedgarish - AboveGround Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #60 on: January 17, 2014, 09:02:07 pm »

poor Catten


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4g Hexxedgarish - AboveGround Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #61 on: January 18, 2014, 03:03:14 am »

1st Hematite
3 Automatons were left, when the militia finally arrived, and they were quickly dealt with. Everyone moved back, when we spotted another ambush led by a legendary drone. For reasons I couldn't understand, most of the militia refused to attack those, even though they had orders to do so. So it was up to a lasherdwarf and a swordsdwarf to do all the dirty work alone. And they did it. The drone was immediatetly beheaded, although with some support from the axethrowers, and the other Automatons were also destroyed in quick succession. Seeing, they were not needed, the others decided to slaughter the elves in the meantime. Another ton of mithril went into our stockpiles...

3rd Hematite.
Catten has finally brought the corpse to the stockpile... Maybe i can catch, when the butchers try to butcher it.

10th Hematite
Kamikazi herself has started the big military reform.

All dwarves in military will now have to join a guild, preferable the legion or the wrestlers guild for melee combat dwarfs. Also the equipment will be upgraded again. We are working now on steel plate armor, and even the ranged dwarfs will receive regular steel armor. Weapons will receive upgrades as well, which is keeping me quite busy for now. This process will take probably more then a year.

2nd Galena
Tenderroast is still fairly isolated in the city. Most dwarfs distrust him. But today he found a new friend.

14th Galena
Now every melee soldier is part of a guild. Also most soldiers are already wielding their new weapons, but we haven't yet started on the armors. We would also like to get our javelin throwers into the marksman guild, but with the end of the season looming, this would be bad timing. Everyone has to be ready.

25th Galena
An ambush! And not Automatons for a change. But Goblins.

Bowgoblins, to be exact.  16 of them. And not a single melee one. Maybe they are still hiding?

27th Galena
That was anticlimactic. The goblins had decided to hunt some traders again. But the goblins did this right below the bastion with Ber and his two axe thrower recruits. And Ber, using the artifact axe thrower I had made several years ago, was just in the mood.

Goblin bodyparts were flying everywhere, and before the goblins realized what had just happened, they had already lost 4 of their kind. Noticing this was mostly the work of a single dwarf, while they were attacking a town with more then 200 dwarves, they realized the hopelessness of their endeavour and ran. Two of the traders had also died, but they were not worth more then a bunch of moleweasel as scouts for us anyway.

28th Galena
Our never resting haulers went out there to grab the remains of Ber's victims. But when they arrived there, they did not only find the dead goblins, but also a giant drowspider. Irks! Luckily Ber and his men were still in position. The spider webbed the hauler, but somehow wasn't sure if it should attack, which gave the worker valuable time to free himself and start running. With her victim out of range and several axes hitting the ground right next to it, the spider turned and fled the field.

1st Limestone
Summer is up. Another uneventful season full of restructuring. Our industry building is finally fully roofed, and soon masons can begin their work in the city center. But we are lacking blocks, again. There was only one special thing about that summer. There was no caravan! Have the humans realized what the situation is? That would make them much smarter then the elves, who are coming here again and again.

9th Limestone
Tenderraost promised me, this would be the last time, he has to do this. Afterwards he would be done and ready to defend the city. Well, right now there is nothing to defend us from, but anyway, I welcome his wish to finally participate... Hopefully he remembers, when he is done studying.

(that the final upgrade)

24th Limestone
We have started construction on our new trade building. This should be done quick, just the lack of blocks is slowing us down. But today we finally got some visitor again.

While the other big races are visting us less and less, it seems like the beast of this world now all pilger here. Since our marksdwarves weren't on the wall anymore, there may even be a fight this time.

25th Limestone
The beast managed to get to the entrance without being hit once by an axe or javelin. But our militia was already waiting together with the drakes.

As soon as they had the giant in sight, they started their attack. One of our swordsdwarves was the first to reach the creature, just to nice he had forgotten his sword in excitement of the upcoming battle.
The giant looked amused at the dwarf, who took all his strength, and punched the giant straight in the face. He had a great teacher! The incoming fist was the last thing, the giant would see in his life.

The battle was decided by a single unarmed dwarf, before any other dwarf could even reach the creature. I slowly begin to understand why the other races are not showing up anymore. That was now the second beast, that got slain by a dwarven fist.

16th Sandstone
During some redesign work in the industry hall we accidently left a floor without support, crashing down with one of our legendary woodworkers and her baby. The woodworker only had a few bruises, but the baby had serious injuries in head and torso. Well... babies are not important, right now... unless you are that woodworker.

12th Timber
A siege!
That is almost a week earlier then we expected enemies. But this are also enemies we didn't expect...

Looks like a mottoparty about maces... Just one guy didn't read the invitation card, and brought his teddy and a hammer. But it looks like they are patiently waiting this out and are no trying to advance towards our entrance.

13th Timber
Waiting time is over. Our most cunning plan to lure them here worked! Well, actually the moleweasel just ran around like crazy and they decided to follow it. Whatever... As usual everyone was waiting near the entrance.

Once the drakes leaped forward, the soldiers followed them, using the ensuing chaos for their attack. Ignoring the drakes, the numbers were even. But the humans could compete neither in armor, nor weaponry nor skill. Kosoth made some fun of it and tried to show off with some special moves. Those battles get more and more a bragging contest between our dwarves.

Once the guy on the bear was taken down, the remaining macemen tried to disengage. But that was nearly impossible, be stuck between hordes of drakes and dwarves. Except two of them none survived. And again our armor protected all our dwarves against injury. I'm really proud of my work! Only our drakes had suffered, with 2 being dead, and 5 unconcious.

19th Timber
The calm seasons seem to be over.

An Orc ambush! As there were a lot of haulers outside, the militia was ordered to intercept the Orcs before they could reach the entrance.

20th Timber
Another ambush, this time from the other side. That made the situation way more difficult, especially considering the fact, that the Orcs conssit almost entirely out of boworcs.
Our militia would be caught in the crossfire, if they engage into this. But at least now our marksdwarves started firing down on the Orcs.

It was kamikazi, who decided, that the only way to prevent being caught between their arrows would be a quick preemptive strike against one of their wings. Charging into them would surly be troublesome, but until now our armor had never failed us.

21st Timber
I guess, only because someone is a legendary warrior that does not automatically enable them to know the difference between LEFT and RIGHT. Ducim, a wrestler, decided he knew better and charged off in the wrong direction. Alone!

While the other flank of the Orcs got beaten down like sand under a pick, Ducim had more troubles. An arrow opened his arm, but he managed to keep grasp of his shield and weapon. Only his incredibly high agility (DT shows 7640/5000) prevented worse. Luckily a few drakes followed him and acted now as arrow catcher for him. That was all he needed. The drakes, Ducim and the constant rain of axes and javelins was just too much for the Orcs. Not a single one escaped.

1st Moonstone
While one may consider the human siege as a failure (for them), they surely had achieved one goal. Even though the siege lasted only 3 days, they had prevented the caravan from the mountain homes.
Originally we wanted to use that caravan to clean up our city. We have already stockpiled trash for it. But it looks like we have to wait for a bit. With the attacks resuming, even though still on low volume, it is good to know, that the training of our soldiers and their equipment can withstand most threats. Since we feel under control of the surface for now, we have decided to start digging further down. For that purpose we have mined out some stairs outside the city going down and bypassing our mining tunnels, that are connected to the inner area of the city. That way, in case of an incident, we will always channel what ever may come up there through our entrance. Only because we are undefeated until now, we shouldn't get lighthearted.
When we talk about constructions, we have to admit, that the masons got stalled lately. We ran out of marble to finish our trade building. Will probably continue that later. But I'm not sure, if Mosey will accept a building out of sandstone for himself as an administration building. But postponing that as well, is also not a good option. Neither is angering him... Even though he is living in that wooden hut for >5 years now... Everything would be an improvement.

OOC: my fortress value is >4 mio, i have >200 dwarves and >450 dead creatures and i still get such lackluster attacks... I guess the game will equal it out at some point with a 100 frost giant siege or smth like that...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4g Hexxedgarish - AboveGround Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #62 on: January 19, 2014, 12:45:49 am »

cool, your got the lvl 3 earth training to stick. I never got it to work myself (probably had to do with the fact that the last time i tried, the dwarf was a legendary shield user, armor user, dodger, and swordmaster)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4g Hexxedgarish - AboveGround Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #63 on: January 19, 2014, 05:51:20 pm »

4th Moonstone
Or miners hit the caverns! For now it seems they pose no threat to us. We will dig some more tunnels around the cavern to see how to get around the best way. From what we can see the cavern walls have tons of gems and some titanite and other rare metals in them. We may mine that at some point.
Also Watson found some dragonscale today. We immediately forbid the usage of it, as to prevent some random dwarf using it for whatever he may think of in a rush.

13th Moonstone
Tenderraost is back at the training grounds. Again, he is sparring with kamikazi, while wearing his mithril plate armor and wielding a giant welded wolfram meteor hammer.

In the meantime our civilians were tasked with catching all those animals running around. There are more animals then dwarves in that city. We really have to cage them.

28th Moonstone
Our miners have discovered various new ores and rocktypes including gold and warpstone. Until now we had gained all our gold from melting down loot, but this would now finally change.

1st Obsidian
Our mines breached the caverns again, this time from the other side. (still first caverns) But this time we were able to see way more of it. And we found something. Something special. Another blood of armok gem!
All works on the administration building were halted to change the design for our industry complex.

12th Obsidian
A Frost giant thief! Seems like a good tradition by now that they visit us during winter. How fitting.

13th Obsidian
Kolad, one of our miners paid for our exploration surge.

A giant blade spider webbed him and was then continuously slashing him in the head, but for some reason had difficulties breaking his thick skull and his hood. Even though most of the militia were fighting the Frost giant, kamikazi and Tenderroast were rushing down the shafts. Would they make it in time?

14th Obsidian
They almost had reached the caverns, when they heard a terrible sound from above. An ambush! Frost giants!

Without their leader the militia looked quite disorganized, but it seemed, the Frost giants had similar issues, being far spread out. Maybe it would be possible to take them down one by one.
At the same time in the cavern, even though the miner was unable to defend himself, it looked like he would survive. The endless attempts of the spider to break the dwarfs skull had made her tired and she collapsed several times.
(look at the pagenumber...)

15th Obsidian
Our military isn't fooling around. Ineth killed a Frost giant with a single javelin, and Lenz did similar, when he cut off a Frost giants arm with one of his javelins. On the ground the soldiers had engaged the Frost giants now in melee but with the attackers being isolated from each other, they quickly got swarmed and overpowered.
From the ambush party only the leader was left. He was now joined by two more Frost giant thieves, but our militia was looking for blood and decided to hunt them down.
In the caverns, kamikazi was first to arrive. She quickly took out the exhausted spider.

Kolad had somehow survived, thanks to his hood, but was severly hurt and would need some medical attention.

Not having time to rest, the 2 saviours had to rush back for the surface.

16th Obsidian
Now the drow joined the party. But we didn't care much about them, as we were still busy with the Frost giants as another thief was spotted.

19th Obsidian
Finally all the Frost giants were defeated. Also I learned today, that dwarves aren't social creatures. Our haulers had even brought up the corpse of the blade spider. But the bleeding heavily injured miner right next to it was still lying there, waiting for someone to bring him to the hospital. I hope it get's done soon.

28th Obsidian
Kolad is still lying there. Today I heard a possible justification, why no one wants to bring him back. Since he recovered consciousness, no one feels the need of carrying him to the surface, but since his legs are dented, he is unable to walk the way himself. So he is still there. Slowly starving and being already very thirsty. Sometimes I think, Armok gave dwarves their brain only for it to be caved in during battle, but didn't bother equipping the dwarves with the means to use it in any useful way.

1st Granite
And another year has passed. While it had started slowly, it picked up a lot toward the end. We had the first real fight with the Frost giants, even though it was still onesided due to our number advantage, we have completely overhauled the military, breached the cavern, finally found a source of magma and started the construction of our new palace and administration building. I saw the plans for it, and it will require a lot of blocks... and time.
During winter we had slain 9 Frost giants, bringing us to a total of 12 bifrost bars. This will surely make some nice pieces of armor! Talking about the equipment, our military mostly received new improved weaponry, and some already have their new plate armor. Also we got strengthened by our first rock mage, Tenderroast. He hadn't yet been involved in battle, but surely his time to prove his worth would be soon. Also during the year we have managed to get all our melee fighters guilded, and only a few javelin throwers this lack their guild membership. Overall it has to be said, that there hadn't been a serious threat to our military in the last few years. We had made new enemies in the humans, but their siege was quickly broken, even though it had prevented the caravan from the mountain homes to reach us. With the Warlocks ignoring us for more then two years now and most attacks lacking numbers to seriously challenge us, city life has been quite safe. Unless you are a miner.
The miners have finally started to dig deeper, looking for the caverns and promptly finding an abundance of various minerals, and most important a blood of armok. Right now a tunnel is dug out, and we expect to hold the valuable gem in our hands in a few days. Redesign of the industry hall for that is almost completed.
When we talk about construction we surely have to talk about our new palace building. Construction has started, and several hundred blocks were already used, but it is still a long way until it is finished. We had to move the inner entrance to our tunnels a bit, because it interfered with our new architecture. Another project of the year is trade building, but it on halt for now, due to the lack of marble.

OOC: i already played a bit into spring, and well... i have to say, most of the conclusions/predictions above won't last long :D But as i always write while playing of course i didn't know this back then ^^


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4g Hexxedgarish - AboveGround Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #64 on: January 20, 2014, 06:45:44 am »

6th Granite
One may not believe it... But one of our doctors has finally picked up Kolad and is bringing him back. I had already lost hope for the poor guy.

8th Granite
Armok gives and Armok takes. Another miner made it back from the mines to the city today, just to break down and suffocate right next to the appartments.

Coal dust... Again. Our worst enemy. Also someone finally noticed that one of our stockpiles in the trade building was broken. He was talking something about bad trackstop and so. I didn't fully understand it, but those stockpiles always seem like black magic to me.

19th Granite
We have a magmaling! Preparations are almost completed, soon will be the big moment!
But most of the civilians here can't share my happiness right now. With the fixed central stockpile for finished goods and some new streamlined stockpiles for stones, everyone is busy. Yes, every single dwarf of our 230 dwarves!

26th Granite
Today was suppossed to be the day, when the magma chamber should be filled. Out of habit I checked all the security measures once again. And that was a good decision. A brdige, connecting the magmachamber with the outside, had been designed wrongly. It was built as an retractable bridge, thus not blocking the way. What desaster would it have been, if I wouldn't have noticed?

12th Slate
Kolad is in the hospital for more then a month now. He has gotten more then 20 treatments, and the doctors aren't done yet. Most went well, but sadly he caught two infections. I just hope they don't get serious.
OOC: by the end of the season he had 33 treatments

20th Slate
A serpent man had caused chaos in the mining tunnels. While the workers all ran away, a child got too close and beaten. Even though kamikazi made a run for it, this time she was too late. Just when she took down the serpent men, the last remaining life force left the child.

23rd Slate
With a month delay the moment has come. We ordered the chamber below the forges to be filled with magma.

24th Slate
A visitor. For the fourth time.

The only difference? He showed up right at our entrance, in lizard form. The drakes didn't ask questions... and slaughtered him in seconds.

2nd Felsite
Magma is spawning. But somehow a lot of things went wrong. First of all did the magmaling get hit by his own magma, dropping from its platinum platform down the shaft into the magmachamber. It almost got killed by the fall. Afterwards it started running around down there, spraying some magma into the forgearea, but luckily no one got hurt by it.
Secondly, and most important was something else. When I asked the architects to construct the new magmaforges, they gave me a very surprising answer. They couldn't built them. For some reason, it seems, our magma is different from the one they had heard from before, and now they had to see some natural magma first, before being able to desgin the new forge buildings. This is seriously disturbing! Well... looks like the miners will have to dig down then.

13th Felsite
Damn it.

And it is our worst enemy. The Warlocks. And the marksdwarves were completely out of position as well, while we spotted the Warlocks quite close to the entrance.
We ordered all civilians inside, even though most likely this won't be possible for everyone. And we demanded the one lever in the dining hall to be pulled. The lever of fire. Hopefully we won't torch too many of our own kind.

14th Felsite
The Warlocks started chasing one of our haulers and her baby. I don't know what she did out there, but now she is running for his life. But she is luring the Warlocks quite far away from the entrance. This is valuable time for our axe and javelin throwers!

15th Felsite
On their run, the hauler found more Warlocks. Now we can see 12 of them, including 2 legendaries. And the Elves sent another caravan. Sometimes I get the feeling they are all lobotomized.
Correction: 22 Warlocks... They are getting more and more.

16th Felsite
With the hauler and her baby dead, finally someone pulled the lever, when we spotted one of our masons still outside. With no Warlock near the entrance he should make it inside. Or so we thought, when a greylangur jumped right in from the entrance. Disaster struck. All our drakes rushed out, and the turrets opened fire. FIRE!

The entrance was covered in thick black smoke and the fire roared. We couldn't see anything, but surely many of our beasts were killed. The elven caravan guards and our marksdwarves had meanwhile finished off a few single Warlocks, but most were still alive. Would they dare to come close to the entrance?

17th Felsite
They would. At least 7 of them. With the mason and her baby being caught between the fire and the Warlocks it looked like we would lose more dwarves here, when suddenly 2 guardians of Armok charged out of the smoke into the Warlocks. The mason saw her chance, and tried to find a path through the smoke and flames towards the entrance.

From above javelins were raining at the invaders. And all that in midst of a huge fire. The Warlocks went forward, even closer to the entrance, when another burst of flames left the mouth of our turrets. Most of the Warlocks were caught all suffering serious injuries from it. Scared from what had just happened, they decided to run. Even though they were all set on fire, they managed to escape our eyes through the black smoke. This left us with 8 Warlocks remaining south of the city. They were slowly making their way around the walls to the northern side. Having seen enough fires, we decided to turn off the turrets. May our marksdwarves solve that problem.

23rd Felsite
The remaining Warlocks decided to flee as well after lingering around the soutern walls for a few more days. To celebrate this, kamikazi decided to name her knuckle duster.

On the outside, the bushfire is slowly spreading around the city, but we had a chance to look around our entrance. Out of 52 drakes 35 have died. Only the baby drakes lingering around in the dining hall were spared. Overall we have only managed to kill 4 Warlocks, while losing at least 2 dwarves. The elfen diplomat was also struck down at some point, even though we don't know if it was by Warlocks or if he died in the fire.

1st Hematite
Spring is finally over! It was a season full of bad surprises. Our plans for the magmaforges have failed, even though I was now told, that it could also be solved by researching something called liquid spawner. We may do that soon. The Warlock ambush and the desastrous test of our turret defenses has cost us all our drakes, while we lost 3 dwarves this month to coal dust and Warlocks. The fire is still roaring, but our haulers have started to clean up what is left over. And we have found another flaw in our turrets. The floodgates we used for closing them... Got stuck by the smoke, and are not working anymore. We have to disable the turrets. as soon as possible, as of right now a single monkey could start another huge fire. We will replaces the floodgates with some raising bridges in the near future, as soon as outside work is safe again.

OOC: what a season... Not many things went the ways intended ^^ But I guess that's DF :D Hope I don't get warlocks too soon again.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • worldbicyclist
Re: V.4g Hexxedgarish - AboveGround Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #65 on: January 20, 2014, 07:35:36 am »

I think it wasnt the warlocks, but stationing fireturrets near flameable grass. ^^

"Got stuck by the smoke". That shouldnt be possible.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4g Hexxedgarish - AboveGround Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #66 on: January 20, 2014, 07:53:23 am »

I think it wasnt the warlocks, but stationing fireturrets near flameable grass. ^^

"Got stuck by the smoke". That shouldnt be possible.

Guess I have to pave the whole area ^^ At least my nice entrance road blocked the fire from spreading that direction ^^ But hey, it was !!FUN!!

And about the floodgates: Half of them closed, half stayed open. When I tried reopening and closing them(with some time in between for reaction times), different patterns showed up of closed and opened flood gates. So I assumed it must be the smoke blocking them. The turrets weren't firing at that time, and I have no idea what else could have blocked the floodgates.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • worldbicyclist
Re: V.4g Hexxedgarish - AboveGround Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #67 on: January 20, 2014, 07:59:39 am »

Smoke is a hardcoded vapor, like mist or miasma. It shouldnt be able to block the floodgates. Thats all I know. But honestly, I never tested it, its an oddly specific thing to test.

Sorry for your drakes.
::: ☼Meph Tileset☼☼Map Tileset☼- 32x graphic sets with TWBT :::
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4g Hexxedgarish - AboveGround Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #68 on: January 20, 2014, 03:51:15 pm »

well keep in mind a butterfly one famously jammed open a door that helped bring down boatmurdered so it could be vermin your not seeing jamming the stuff open.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4g Hexxedgarish - AboveGround Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #69 on: January 20, 2014, 08:16:15 pm »

as mentioned in the other thread... i figured out the reason... (read it there or wait for the next update when I will explain it as weill^^)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4g Hexxedgarish - AboveGround Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #70 on: January 22, 2014, 12:25:51 pm »

2nd Hematite
We have found the reason for the malfunctioning floodgates. While basalt is supposedly magmaproof... It isn't fireproof. Several floodgates had melted under the heat. Only small piles of smoking basalt were left. Similar things happened to our entrance road. There place where all the drakes burnt down had melted. The road was no more. While those turrets may be an incredibly useful tool of defense, they are also a great danger to our fortress. We have to think of a safe way using them in future. For now deconstruction of them has highest priority, before we decide how to deal with them any further.

14th Hematite
The elves announced today that they were leaving. We took measures for that not to happen. Also the fire on the outside has burned almost all the grass in the area. There is a small patch of it left, enclosed by two quickly closing firewalls. Some stupid trader got caught in that place. Let's see if he makes it out, but I have no idea, how this could be done.

19th Hematite
The husband of the hauler, who had passed away during the Warlock attack decided to go let of some steam today. Luckily he quickly calmed down again. Luckily for him! Destruction of city property would not be tolerated!

But obviously even this small tantrum was having a bad influence on the remaining child the couple had. Their son was now also throwing a tantrum, but again no damage was done.
Oh, and the fires have finally run out. And the trader is no more.

1st Malachite
With some delay it is now finally done.

Our forges and smelters will be silent for a few days, until they are all changed to the new modern versions. At the same time we noticed a misconception at the plans for our administration building. One side was wider then the other one. Such a displeasing look would not be proper for such an important building and so a rather large part has to be reconstructed.

3rd Malachite
During deconstruction a wall collapsed and injured one mason and two children. I hope they are back at work soon.

13th Galena
We had unexpected guests today. Humans! Human merchants! After their failed siege from last year they were trying to negotiate now? Or was it just another plot? Whatever, our course of action was clear. But first of all we had to man the walls. There may be more creatures then just humans out there.

14th Galena
How right we were about that...

We counted about 30 Orcs, but they wouldn't be an issue by themselves. But there was more... Each of them was riding a drowspiders, which were quite a danger for our militia. Oh and some wargiant blight bats joined the orcs as well. Not sure what they were doing here.

(screenshot is not the final lineup, it ended up as 32 Orcs, 32 spiders, 8 bats)
Hopefully our marksdwarves would take out most of the animals, as our own beast force is quite reduced. Or maybe the human caravan guards could be some help.
One of our foodindustry workers was caught between the bats and one pack of orcs, but there was probably nothing we could do for him. Nontheless our axethrowers tried to make it to the bastion near the giant bats.
Seeing the siege, the human diplomat decided to leave unhappily. Whatever, we were not in mood for negotiations anyway.

15th Galena
As soon as the axethrowers had reached the bastion, they opened fire on the bats. Still neither the bats nor the Orcs had made an attack on the poor dwarf between them. The bats fell quickly to the flying axes. One made it over the wall inside the city and scared a bunch of civilians, until a cragtooth boar ended the annoyance. The way for the lost dwarf was free... He just had to realize it. With all the fliers gone only the Orcs on their spiders were left. For some reason only one flank of their forces decided to advance northwards on the west side of the city, while the other one was still hovering around the southeastern corner of the city.

20th Galena
The western Orc force had reached the north west corner of the city, directly under the axethrowers. With only one out of those 16 drowspiders dead, it was clear, that the bulk of their force would reach the entrance through the fire of our marksdwarves. Being unwilling to send our militia into their doom and with our beast force consisting out of 3 drakes and 4 guardians of armok, we made a tough decision. But considering the alternatives, there was seemingly no choice.

22th Galena
Just when the Orcs arrived at the front gate, the turrets were put back in place. And opened fire. Literally.

When our beasts charged at the invaders, their most fearsome weapon turned against them. With the spiders spitting webs everywhere, in seconds the whole area turned into a sea of fire. While most of the Orcs were able to block the incoming fire, the spiders didn't have such luck and were dropping immediately. Some unmounted Orcs now made their way into the city, but with the militia waiting near the trade depot, they didn't make it far.
Realizing the hopelessness of their situation, the Orcs turned and ran. Our javlinthrowers used their chances and took down a few more on the retreat. It seemed the horrible sounds from the entrance were so loud, that even the Orcs in the southeast started to run.

25th Galena
We were finally able to do a body count. We had killed 12 drowspiders and 12 Orcs, while having lost nothing but all 3 drakes that were close to the entrance and two guardians. Especially the guardians had given a good fight to the Orcs, all in the midst of the fire. But the two remaining ones were badly damaged. I doubt we can count on them much longer.

1st Limestone
With the end of the siege comes also the end of the season. The webs are still burning out there. At least with the grass not grown large yet the fire is barely spreading. But the Orcs were driven back, without any losses of dwarves. The usage of the turrets was a risky move, but this time it paid off. The fire turret got destroyed during the fight (as the Orcs were lacking ranged weaponry we have to assume, that it was blasted down by the other turret, as the door behind it also got melted), while the hellfire turret has to be removed from its position as soon as possible to avoid any accidents.
Inside the city, the work on the administration hall is progressing well. We are done with the outer parts of it, and will do Moseys new quarters in the coming season. But not sure, if we will be able to finish roofing it before winter comes.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4g Hexxedgarish - AboveGround Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #71 on: January 22, 2014, 09:06:44 pm »

How are the final stats of my new and improved earth mage? And how are his skills?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4g Hexxedgarish - AboveGround Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #72 on: January 23, 2014, 01:58:15 am »

How are the final stats of my new and improved earth mage? And how are his skills?

Sadly you didn't get any kills beside a mountin tuscox yet. Even if i just order your squad (with kamikazi) to kill, she is sooooooooo fast (7600 agility) She outruns you all the time and takes all the glory ^^


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4g Hexxedgarish - AboveGround Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #73 on: January 23, 2014, 02:01:20 am »

I like how it says: toughness 6427/5000 and strength 5898/5000. Clearly the game understands the concept of X/MAX. ^^
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4g Hexxedgarish - AboveGround Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #74 on: January 23, 2014, 10:46:51 pm »

Still though, i would feel bad for anything that he DOES get ahold of.
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