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Author Topic: unending galaxy  (Read 36792 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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unending galaxy
« on: January 15, 2015, 02:36:34 pm »

I've recently found a few sandboxey type space games that did not have forum topics.  I guess I need pictures and a bit of a feature pitch if I want to hear anyone's impressions about the game, so here goes:

link to the game's download location:

main wiki page:


Dev website and devblog:

Game Summary

Unending Galaxy is a top down 2D sandbox, simulation and strategy game based in space. The game allows you to play at any level from being a small time pirate to the ruler of a large empire. You can fight, trade, explore, build factories, and amass a fleet to form your own faction and conquer others’. The universe is dynamic and fully simulated, NPC ships live their own lives, factions are able to conquer territories and conduct diplomacy while their economy influences their military production and capacity. Missions are generated based on what’s actually going on in the galaxy, instead of what is usually the other way around.

Unending Galaxy is available for Windows PC. It's a 100% single-player, offline game with no DRM or advertisement.
Unending galaxy is free and already available in early access.

Dynamic Universe
Unending Galaxy features a living universe where the different factions interact in real time through war and diplomacy. Their military production and expansion are tied to their economy in an ecosystem consisting of thousands of NPC ships populating hundreds of sectors. The universe is fully simulated, the NPC aren't generated on the fly.

Diversified Economy
The player and the factions controlled by the game gain money not only through the production and trading of items and asteroid mining, but also through piracy, smuggling, bounty hunting, scavenging and even hunting space creatures. Some factions are more focused on some of these methods than others.

Also, planets can host colonies that contribute to the economy of their respective owners.

Customize your faction with abilities, laws and traits. Customize the various maps with different rules, set the initial expansion of the various factions, their starting funds. Set the game's pace.

Multiple maps and starting scenarios are included.

Sandbox Gameplay
The game can be played from both the viewpoints of a pilot and of a faction.

As a pilot gain reputation in a sandbox environment by doing missions or saving passengers lost in space. Raid cargo ships or hunt pirates. Peacefully trade medicine or smuggle drugs. Chat with other pilots, buy new ships, build stations, explore strange solar systems. Help or disrupt the AI controlled factions.

As a faction, conquer valuable solar systems and asteroid fields using military fleets built by your shipyards using resources produced by your docks and colonies. Conduct diplomacy, sign treaties or back-stab other empires.

Arcade Combat
Classic 'arena shooter' game controls.

Featuring 50 different ships ranging from tiny fighters to large battleships and carriers. Use shields and weapons like lasers beams, homing mines, missiles, particle cannons, plasma launchers. Quickly give orders to your ships through keyboard shortcuts or via mouse on the map (with standard real time strategy game controls) in battles ranging from small skirmishes to large fleet confrontations.

In Unending Galaxy, you can micromanage everything yourself or let the various managers handle the tasks needed to run your faction like station/ship building, exploration, trading, or even military operations, so you can focus on the areas that you enjoy the most. Same goe1s for your ships, give them “fire and forget” jobs like scavenging or asteroid mining and let them make a profit while you are busy doing more important things.

« Last Edit: January 16, 2015, 06:06:12 am by puke »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: unending galaxy
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2015, 04:06:42 pm »

Well seem to be missing links?
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Minecraft UI is very simple. There's only so many ways you can implement "simple" without copying something. We also gonna complain that it uses WASD?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: unending galaxy
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2015, 06:39:22 pm »

This seems to be the link to the game's download location:


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: unending galaxy
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2015, 02:43:53 am »


main wiki page:


Dev website and devblog:

Author is a long-time moder (for the "X" franchise, among other things) and this is his first full blown software title.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: unending galaxy
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2015, 05:45:42 am »

Based on the description alone, it sounds like the best thing since slic Space Rangers.
All your goblin bone bolts, suddenly rising up in vengeance...
I wonder ... is it smart amunition or dumb amunition?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: unending galaxy
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2015, 09:49:24 am »

It seems like an interesting game, documentation is pretty poor, which of course is to be expected with an early beta.  There are some annoying bugs, but I was able to get it running.  It seems like you really don't want to alt-tab out of it when it's running, and at the 800x600 resolution, the start game button was cut off. 

I played it for a bit last night, screwing around as a fighter pilot.  I really didn't know what I was doing, and after a few false starts I sort of gave up on it for the night. 

I recommend people try it out, it does seem like it's got potential, and someone with more patience than me can probably do a better job figuring out what the hell they're doing.

I was hoping to be able to start as a pilot, and create my own empire through trading and what not, but that's currently not possible.  However, the game does give you the option to force it to give you an empire at game creation, so it seems like you could play as a lone pilot, with an empire that you run, or let the AI run as you see fit. 

I'll try to check it out more over the weekend.  The combat seemed a bit shallow, but then again, I really didn't get too deeply into it.  The economic systems seem pretty deep, and it seems like you can do some interesting things to sabotage your enemy's economies.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: unending galaxy
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2015, 01:48:43 pm »

This has my interest. I will download when I have the time to.
They asked me how well I understood theoretical physics. I told them I had a theoretical degree in physics. They said welcome aboard.
... Yes, the hugs are for everyone.  No stabbing, though.  Just hugs.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: unending galaxy
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2015, 12:30:49 pm »

Well... it seems like there should be fun to be had in this game, but I'm not finding it. 
The menus seem to just stop working sometimes, and then the game crashes shortly afterward. 
I'll wait a while and see if this goes anywhere. It looks interesting at first glance, but I really can't get into it, and the constant crashing doesn't help.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: unending galaxy
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2015, 12:34:37 pm »

Hmm. I'll waur and see what comes of this, looks like it could be interesting.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: unending galaxy
« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2015, 12:49:15 pm »

Yes, I'm having troubles with the menus too. The tooltips have a habit of not disappearing when you open the menu they're for.
They asked me how well I understood theoretical physics. I told them I had a theoretical degree in physics. They said welcome aboard.
... Yes, the hugs are for everyone.  No stabbing, though.  Just hugs.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: unending galaxy
« Reply #10 on: January 19, 2015, 01:00:08 pm »

PTF. Might give this a whirl if it starts to take a more complete looking shape.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: unending galaxy
« Reply #11 on: January 19, 2015, 02:29:14 pm »

I've been fiddling with this.  Fun, but prone to crashing after a half-hour or so.  But that is to be expected with an alpha (the term on my version).

EDIT: Correction, Beta 1.  Although I swore it said Alpha earlier, maybe it auto-updates?


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Anarkis Gaming
Re: unending galaxy
« Reply #12 on: March 21, 2015, 06:05:55 pm »


I am the author of Unending Galaxy. It's nice to see my game mentioned in DF's board (a game that I love and which is ideal to play during compiling and self-testing time). If you have any question feel free to ask, It'll be my pleasure to answer.

A few notes on previous posts:


About the help tool-tips, yeah that's a bug I have a hard time getting rid of in all graphical settings and configs. They can be disabled in the control settings, though. The online manual, and especially the getting started guide, has been rewritten recently and covers all of it accurately.

At the time of this post, it was between the last alpha and the first beta, and yes the game was fairly unstable to say the least. Right now, we have reached Beta 3 which is, so far, fairly crash-free. There's still a few oddballs being investigated, but nothing as annoying as before. And, most of the remaining issues can be fixed by save/quit/reload. The game doesn't auto update, it doesn't use or require internet and never will. No DRM either on the paid edition.

Most, if not all, of the bugs discussed here have been cleared. Starting scenarios have been made more comprehensive alongside the general game progression. It's now perfectly possible to progress from pilot to empire, and some of the starting scenarios offer enough initial resources to do so immediately.


1-on-1 ship combat is fairly shallow indeed, well, interesting weapons have been added, but still. The meat of the game's combat mechanics is more in numbers. Once you grow strong enough (having a few shipyards and sectors of your own), battles with several dozens of capital and escort ships aren't uncommon and initial positioning of your ships become essential to reduce losses. An active pause has been added recently to help with that. Customizing weapon loadouts can also help a lot, but the UI to do so is still insufficient (profiles are being integrated right now).

Also the game is unusual in that there's no ammunition based weapons and no fuel. All weapons, missiles included, consume the ship's energy (right now ship batteries produce way too much of it, as the weapons have yet to be balanced properly). The game's equivalent of ammo are fighters. Carriers and military bases can even replenish them freely, if you don't count time as a currency.

All of this to say that the game, once you grow out of the 'single ship' phase, is more about preparations than about the combat itself. But it is still fun, and extremely efficient to hop in one of your battleships to help during a major fight.

The game doesn't, by design, approximate or extrapolate anything and handle around 15.000 ships and stations simultaneously, so sacrifices were made on the depth of small scale battles for performances' sack.


Unending Galaxy can be downloaded from the store or from my website. There's a free and a paid version. They are both the same, except that the paid version includes the modding tools, additional starting scenarios and a ridiculously large hand-crafted map. It's a weird business model I am experimenting with where you can play the full game, and if you like it you can show support and receive nice bonuses in exchange. Even weirder (nowadays), the beta is cheaper than the final version will be.

The game is still in beta, but we are nearing 1.0 (next beta will be the last). Note that 1.0 is only a number meaning that the game is (mostly) bug free and that all existing features are complete. Development will still continue onward with no additional cost to the initial buyers.

« Last Edit: March 21, 2015, 06:16:17 pm by EsKa »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: unending galaxy
« Reply #13 on: March 21, 2015, 06:28:36 pm »

Jumping in with ptw, dang this looks awesome. :D


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: unending galaxy
« Reply #14 on: March 21, 2015, 06:38:38 pm »

PTW for now, but I do have intentions of playing this.
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