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Author Topic: HEAVY DAMAGE: Brutal Combat. Interest checkNew/old players wanted 5/6! Goto p15  (Read 28804 times)


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Re: HEAVY DAMAGE: Brutal Combat. Interest check! New/old players wanted 3/6!
« Reply #225 on: October 29, 2016, 02:49:02 pm »

I'll still have my changeling abilities right?

Sigh, they always said that junk food was bad for you. I guess that leaves us with canabalism.



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Re: HEAVY DAMAGE: Brutal Combat. Interest check! New/old players wanted 3/6!
« Reply #226 on: October 29, 2016, 04:01:41 pm »

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« Last Edit: October 29, 2016, 08:12:34 pm by _DivideByZero_ »
Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth? (Gal 4:16)


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Re: HEAVY DAMAGE: Brutal Combat. Interest check! New/old players wanted 3/6!
« Reply #227 on: October 29, 2016, 08:05:34 pm »

Sigh, they always said that junk food was bad for you. I guess that leaves us with canabalism.



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Just so everyone here knows, I'm planning on making a new post for this game with more a bit more story to chew on and new mechanics (when I settle on something). It might take me a bit tho.
Sigh, they always said that junk food was bad for you. I guess that leaves us with canabalism.



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I'm up for this again! I'll have to think about equipment a little.

I agree that the randomness crushed a lot of strategy last time. I think we had a pretty good group, though. People managed to have some fairly distinct emerging strengths even without them being so firmly outlined mechanically, which was great.


  • Bay Watcher
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I'm up for this again! I'll have to think about equipment a little.

I agree that the randomness crushed a lot of strategy last time. I think we had a pretty good group, though. People managed to have some fairly distinct emerging strengths even without them being so firmly outlined mechanically, which was great.

Good to have you back!

I noticed that too and I want to keep it that way, I don't like the idea of forcing someone to build a character that is most effective when played in one style, I'd rather characters remain rather flexible while the player decides what kind of style they want to play.

That being said I do plan to hand out a few specialized bonuses.

Also! Everyone, here's a draft of the new mechanics.


Rolling is for combat. NPCs are going to be diverse in interest and reasonableness so you’re going to want to try to understand them and leverage what you learn about them during dialogue.

Combat is basically always a two roll deal. One roll to ‘hit’ one for ‘effect.’ Rolling to hit is augmented by your skill, rolling for effect is usually augmented by your weapon of choice.  Not always though. Sometimes you shoot and yell just to scare the enemy or what nots. A loud MG is going to give you a bonus there. If you are exceptionally skilled rolls for effect can be modified.

NOTE: Both positive and negative and negative modifiers exist and will be also distributed based on situation (damage, cover, etc etc) there are a lot of situational modifiers. Most will be derived through application of common sense.

The general rule is a 1-2 fails 3 passes but with a different than intended effect and a 4-6 passes (to degrees based on the roll), natural 6 on hit convers a +1 to effect, a natural 6 on effect is just fucking awesome and you’ll not only likely kill that goon but also paint the walls. If you roll a 6 to ‘hit’ a 5 for ‘effect’ will count as a natural 6. A natural 1 means -1 effect but if and only if it still hits because of modifiers.

In a combat turn you can choose to take one action at +3 hit +1 effect or exactly two at +2 hit. Any more actions than that will be taken at normal values. Most NPCs will actually have negative modifiers; the world is a lot more lethal to them. When I say actions I’m really only taking about attacks. You can move freely while taking actions unless you want to go into a full on dead sprint or some shit.

NOTE: ‘Dodging’ is not a separate roll instead dodging or rather being fast, attentive and evasive means that the attack will suffer a penalty on their hit.

An action does not cancel if you roll low to ‘hit,’ a low ‘hit’ but high ‘effect’ means collateral. And inversely if you roll high to ‘hit’ but low ‘effect’ you’re a just a sad chump. I guess there was no real catch for the second case.

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You need bags, belts and straps. And lots of them.

I will give items in your inventory a generalized mass. You can carry 50kg (+5 for every 1 less speed-strength you have under 5) without losing combat effectiveness, any more than that and you'll lose combat effectiveness. However a common sense rule comes in play, if your items cannot be reasonably secured to your body (bags, belts, straps) you will need to use your arms and thus will need to drop things to fight (I mean. I guess you could just kick...) and will also lose the utility of having available arms.

You'll also want to stock up on food.

NOTE: Artillery (referring to any ranged firepower) is a great advantage. You may want to tolerate the debuffs so that you can in turn make massive munition expenditures into your foes. Also why not just drop extra gear when you reach combat? This is a respected and sensible move.

Also, the more gear you carry the more likely that something will get hit when you do. I'm not beyond making belts, bags and straps break in combat.

This system is purposely flexible for me. Don't be afraid to suggest something in combat. If, say, you're in close quarters and you're very very strong and you want to just drop an awesome two handed haymaker on their skull but the mechanics don't really feature that kind of move, I'll give it some mechanics like say, +3 effect -1 to hit, only action for the turn does not stack if one action bonus.

The rules are common sense.

You can suggest stats these abnormalities but you have to do it in the post with the action as to not slow down the pace of the game or spawn long mechanical debates. Also don't be over insistent on appealing or suggesting.

« Last Edit: November 03, 2016, 01:17:52 am by WunderKatze »
Sigh, they always said that junk food was bad for you. I guess that leaves us with canabalism.



  • Bay Watcher
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I am in agreement.

I think the "hit" and "effect" segregation is rather fascinating, and by fascinating I mean I think I'll steal it. But good work nonetheless!
Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth? (Gal 4:16)


  • Bay Watcher
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Very interesting I like it.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2016, 09:11:36 pm by MidnightJaguar »
23:31:46 <pancaeks> "Today on mystery science with the eggheads: we created these sentient crystal people, now we're going to find out if they explode!"

MainPiston: Epilogue.


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Re: HEAVY DAMAGE: Brutal L.A. combat down to the last limbs! [6/6] Turn 10!!
« Reply #233 on: November 02, 2016, 10:34:06 pm »

On the subject of mechanics:

That should be a thing. Random people who aren't playing should be able to come in and give us likes and we should get food and ammo and weapons. This is the RTD of the future, people.
Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth? (Gal 4:16)


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I'm going to be actively editing the mechanics.

I just sat down and wrote it in an hour. I'm testing and I can tell it needs statistical tuning.

I think I want this system to have more re-rolls than +/- modifiers.

Yeah and for the final version I'll organize it.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2016, 12:49:17 am by WunderKatze »
Sigh, they always said that junk food was bad for you. I guess that leaves us with canabalism.



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Hey guys,

Anyone want to help test? I've done some tests and tweaked the system. I must say I really like it.

A test will be a short combat scenario carried out over PM. You can have whatever gear you want, you don't have to make a char or declare gear, you can just pull out different weapons as you want and I'll assume you had them. No augments yet.

I might ask you try certain mechanics but if I don't no rules.

Knowing these mechanics here is not at all required, these are mostly for me. The only thing I would like you to check out is the Melee combat special attack types.

Mechanics so far:

Notice that somethings in the original mechanics post I did are not mentioned here, among them is Strength-Speed if its not here you won't use it in testing.

An attack is comprised of a hit roll and a effect roll.

Taking one action gives you +2 too hit +1 effect. Taking two gives +1 to hit to both rolls. Then any greater amount is no modifiers, the upper limit is common sense.

Hit roll:

1-2 is a miss (1 is worse than 2 still)

3 is a weak hit (hits unintended part of person usually, positive effects though)

4-5 hits (5 being a stronger hit)

Natural 6 means +1 to effect.

Higher than six conveys no advantage but still hits.

Effect rolls work differently for hits and misses.

On a hit: (you reroll 1-3s and take the higher value, this is a big deal)

1 is a failure that usually works out for the enemy. This usually comes in the form of a moral boost for regulars or next turn advantage for your foe (note this has a 1/36 chance to happen cuz of reroll).

2 failure

3 weak effect. Unintended and overall light damage.

4-5 good effect. Though I must note this may not be the effect you intend, I don't say this to mean I'm going to screw you over but I want to clarify that passing an action does not mean you action becomes narrative, rather my interpretation of your action.

6 is a strong effect

Above 6 (due to modifiers) is a mega-effect and will usually have additional good effects like scaring normal shitless or adding debuffs.

On miss (hit roll of 1-2):

1 is a mishap. Your gun jammed, you hit yourself etc.

2-3 is pretty much void. No effect on environment.

4 can be void, but might be collateral

5-6 is collateral. Note this is not always bad for you.

Above 6 is glorious collateral.

Health factor:

If you have no injuries at all you get one reroll that applies on your first failure. And if you have 5KG or less of stuff one CQ reroll applied at first failure.

Melee combat:

These are two categories of attacks you can make in addition to a 'regular attack' with no special mods.

Haymaker: this describes any high leverage finisher type move. Cannot make any extra actions but -1 hit and +2 effect. (Note you get the single action bonus)

Jam: this describes any kind of action that would interrupt or counter your opponent, this can be a counter (you can embellish the counter even if you don't know what the enemy will do, I'll try to work it in as best I can), a push, a disarm, etc. Both players roll to hit (modifiers apply) and the higher value wins. -2 to the winners effect roll. Note even if you 'fail' the effect roll (less than 2) you still denied them their actions.

Charging: Charging is a special move you can attempt if you are relatively near the enemy (so most of the time) you can shoot/throw and then preform a normal regular melee attack. If you don't do another attack while charging you get momentum +1 effect. If you say to do a melee attack against someone and you aren't already is CQ with them I'll assume you charge unless you jam or haymaker.

Weapons: some weapons give +effect mods, usually big guns, armor piercing and ordnance, most melee weapons don't but they do govern the kind of wounds you can lay on your enemy.

Enemies: Enemy normals indvidually don't get the effect miss reroll, sometimes if they have similar weapons their actions will be bundled. If the group is big they can get rerolls on hits and if they use big guns they get effect modifiers.

Certain specialized normals will have special attacks and modifiers.

Stronger enemies will roll like normals but with more modifiers.

Enemies on your level get the full deal like you do. Use teamwork, I am going to be be actively be using strategy when controlling these strong NPCs so you need to work together. A two person jam -> haymaker is a good teamwork move.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2016, 09:48:21 pm by WunderKatze »
Sigh, they always said that junk food was bad for you. I guess that leaves us with canabalism.



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I'll help test
23:31:46 <pancaeks> "Today on mystery science with the eggheads: we created these sentient crystal people, now we're going to find out if they explode!"

MainPiston: Epilogue.


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I can also make a discord for this game. I could test more rapidly that way. Totally optional though. In fact it might be more tacky than useful :P
« Last Edit: November 04, 2016, 11:17:31 pm by WunderKatze »
Sigh, they always said that junk food was bad for you. I guess that leaves us with canabalism.



  • Bay Watcher
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Testing is over, I'm going to formalize the mechanics and then create a new post for this game.
Sigh, they always said that junk food was bad for you. I guess that leaves us with canabalism.



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I'm still interested! May have to think about weapons, though.
(5) You manage to struggle free of the guards and sprint to a safe distance before tossing a knife at one! (5 + 1 = 6) The throwing knife zips through the air, slitting a guard's throat! It then travels around the group of guards like a boomerang. It (5) Slits another throat, (Three 6's in a row!) decapitates three more (!), (4) slices open the last guard's arm, and (2) narrowly misses a random bystander. It then flies back into your hand. Holy crap.
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