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Author Topic: Monitor Lisard's stuff (illustrated forum games mostly)  (Read 3465 times)

Monitor Lisard

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Monitor Lisard's stuff (illustrated forum games mostly)
« on: January 01, 2017, 05:34:56 am »

Having finally run out of sig space...

Here's the list of my suggestion games. Yes indeed, I have hosted quite a few. Anyway, leave your comments here if you want any of those revived or something of if you are willing to commend my most excellent work.

Illustrated Forum games:

Dokem's Quest (Retired) - a relatevily short-lived dieselpunk adventure featuring a greenskin with questionable morals and a most sharp haircut. Simpler times, simpler art. Loosely based on DF. Now extra dead thanks to Photobucket debacle, I still have it here on my PC though.

Elf Story (Retired) - A post-apocalyptic rpg, with a sharp-eared warrior princess protagonist. Loosely based on Dwarf Fortress. Rather dead, some parts still left in place though.

The Life of Maugham (New) (Retired) - a non-DF story of an excessively haired individual living in a dystopian world. Was a bit slow going. RIP.

The Outpost: Illustrated Community Game (Put on hold) - Still very readable!

Dwarf Fortress Succession Games (most notable):

Dorfday: The Heist - A story of pardoned criminals trying to lure in the king to have their revenge. Used to be a notable fortress back in it's days. Now preserved with The Hall of Legends archive!

McUrists of Agerelics - Come see a dwarven fast-food restaurant, with plenty of visual materials provided. Now with full weremice employment!
« Last Edit: October 14, 2018, 04:21:08 am by Monitor Lisard »
ML's forum games and other good stuff

This artwork relates to the killing of the troll Ozyydif Kuilat by the cheese Eritoy Awexog in the early spring of 71