Dwarf - +STR, -AGL, +TGH, ~END, ~RCP, ~DR, ~AA, ++FCS, +WLP, ~CRT, ~INT, +PAT, +MEM, ~LIN, ++SPA, ~MUS, ~KIN, ~EMP, ~SA
Goblin - ~STR, +AGL, +TGH, ~END, +RCP, ~DR, ~AA, -FCS, -WLP, -CRT, -INT, --PAT, -MEM, ~LIN, ~SPA, -MUS, ~KIN, ---EMP, ++SA
Elf - -STR, ++AGL, ~TGH, ~END, +RCP, +DR, +AA, +FCS, ++WLP, ++CRT, +INT, ~PAT, +++MEM, +LIN, ++SPA, ~MUS, +KIN, ++EMP, +SA
Merlock - +STR, ~AGL, +TGH, +END, ~RCP, ++DR, -AA, ~FCS, ~WLP, -CRT, ~INT, +PAT, ~MEM, -LIN, +SPA, ~MUS, -KIN, -EMP, -SA
Kobold - ~STR, ++AGL, ~TGH, +END, ~RCP, ~DR, -AA, -FCS, -WLP, ~CRT, ++INT, ~PAT, ~MEM, -LIN, ~SPA, ~MUS, +KIN, +EMP, -SA
Reptile Man - ~STR, -AGL, +END, +TGH, ++RCP, ++DR, -AA, ++FCS, +WLP, ~CRT, -INT, ++PAT, +MEM, ~LIN, ~SPA, -MUS, ~KIN, --EMP, ~SA
Bat Man - -STR, ++AGL, -TGH, +END, ~RCP, ~DR, ~AA, ~FCS, ~WLP, +CRT, ~INT, ~PAT, ~MEM, +LIN, +SPA, +MUS, +KIN, ~EMP, ~SA
Serpent Man - ~STR, ~AGL, +TGH, +END, ~RCP, +DR, ~AA, +FCS, ~WLP, -CRT, ~INT, ++PAT, ~MEM, ~LIN, ~SPA, -MUS, ~KIN, -EMP, ~SA
Dwarf - Shorter, stockier, bearded, drinky, works hard, shuns non-conformity, gifted with craft, Life is slower to progress
Human - Access to almost everything, slightly worse raw stats than everything else, life moves fast, dips into everything
Goblin - Rule by the strong onto the weak, use smaller weapons, focus on crueler arts, have acute sense of social standing, some magic, Do not eat but do use meat ind
Elf - focus on their agility willpower, ranged weapons, socially gifted, near perfect memory, gifted with nature magic, no farm but use some basic metals
Merlock - High physical stats, Slow development of mental stats, Societal focus on slaves and meat ind, use underground farms
Kobold - Very basic crafting, Little metalworking, high intuition, thief
Cave Men - Tribal Focus, race bonuses
***Entity Locations***
Dwarf - Mountains, Hills, shrubland
Human - Shrubland, Lakes, Rivers, Forests
Goblin - ANY, Swamp
Elf - Forest, Swamp, Lakes
Merlock - Tundra, Mountain, Desert
Dwarf - Non 'exotic', non-'cruel' heavy
Human - All, minus whips
Goblin - Non-heavy
Elf - Light, Wood + Silver
Merlock - Cutting, Non-complex
Kobold - Light, cheap
Dwarf - Non-Exotic
Human - All
Goblin - Non-Heaviest
Elf - Light, Wooden, Fancy
Merlock - Lighter
Kobold - Lightest