I actually think that A* rectangles will be larger than TCZs. TCZs need a region of a) uniform cost and b) trivial complexity. How many TCZ regions (and purely A* regions) will be necessary to span the following design:
a # # #
# # # # # #
# # # # # #
# # # b
The answer is 5 for TCZ and 1 for A*
You obviously don't mean the same by rectangles as I do. I mean unoccupied rectangles - unoccupied being the prerequisite for search-less pathing such as the Bresenham algorithm. You allow obstacles in your rectangles. It would take 11 unoccupied rectangles.
To be clear:
axis-aligned obstacle-free rectangles
subset of
convex obstacle-free zones
subset of
convex obstacle-free zones
subset of
arbitrary axis-aligned rectangles
subset of
arbitrary connected zones
The first three types of zone have a constant-per-tile complexity guarantee through their definition. The last two don't (I guess it's order-of-total-tiles, worst case), unless you add some further restriction (which is certainly possible).
I am thinking though that pure rectangles may not be best. I was thinking that some sort of subtractive geometry might be efficient. We could define zones as "all of this rectangle except for those in the following rectangleszones". This could be represented as a "tree" (actually more of an acyclic graph -- since I would allow nodes to have multiple parents) where zones further down the "tree" have higher priority over the ones higher up. To determine what zone a node is, the algorithm goes down the path of the "tree" with zones containing the node until there are no zones further down containing the node. Pathing proceeds normally just using zones. This hierarchy is only used for determining a node's zone (though if we require zones to be completely contained in their parent zone: 1) we would have a multi-level hierarchy we could use to optimize pathing 2) the "tree" is a tree).
Can't say if this would work or not. It seems like it might be sensitive to changes in the map, the way quadtrees et al. are, and the diagonal-tunnel example I put forth a couple of posts ago applies here too. But these are just hunches on my part. If you think it will work then you should try it out.
Even assuming that computing that polynomial (leaving out the sqrt) is not too expensive, I think that would tend to make the algorithm try suboptimal paths first? Because that formula is not, in fact, the straight-line distance to the goal as the dwarf would walk in an open world. I'm not sure about that.
Anyway, it means adding computational complexity for an essentially cosmetic effect. It would work, though, and could be tried easily enough on top of any other approach AFAICS.
The way I mean it, it shouldn't cause suboptimal paths to be tried first. I realize this formula isn't the distance as the dwarves see it (for them its actually max(dx,dy,dz)). It's actually more of a tie-breaking rule. We already have the cost (which in A* is equal to cost so far plus estimate of cost to go) for each candidate node. All I'm suggesting is if there is more than one node with the same cost, they can be sorted based on Euclidean distance (purely for aesthetic reasons).
Yes, as a tie-breaking rule it would do the trick, though I'm not sure how you'd make sure the modification doesn't go beyond pure tie-breaking. But it's probably not a hard problem to solve.
And the cost isn't max(dx,dy,dz) (or max(abs(dx), abs(dy), abs(dz)), if one is to nitpick), but actually:
max(abs(dx), abs(dy))-min(abs(dx),abs(dy)) + sqrt(2)*min(abs(dx), abs(dy)) + abs(dz)
"straight bit plus diagonal bit plus vertical". Or at least I think so - I think movements in the "vertical diagonal" aren't possible.