Right, caught up with this thread after discovering the Suika Fortress succession game over at MotK. I've mentioned a few things already over in MotK but seeing what you've got for Kobolds currently... I feel ordinary generic fairies should fit the Kobold race perfectly. Ok maybe they'd come in larger numbers, but fairies are certainly lower down the ladder than Momiji. If it must be a Yukkuri, I guess Daiyousei is the candidate then. Momiji (especially given the fuss kicked up by Double Spoiler's Momiji) is too valued to assign to Kobold status.
I've mentioned over in MotK the suggestion to adapt Nitorikkuri as a domestic animal so we can butcher them for shells. Seeing you already assigned them as Merpeople... uh... what's your thoughts on Genji? I can try thinking harder if you're up for some sort of domestic animal that yields shells.
Fairies.... some reason, doesn't making a race that can fly mess up thier AI drasticly? That's one reason I avoided that. ( recall another Touhou fan here who tried to male harpies a playable race, but it crashed hard due to flying.)
I wanted to settle with something that seems more likely to move around across the ground. Thus the Momizi seemed like the best canidate.

True Momizi isn't anywhere as sad as she use to be, but if you noticed... I gave thier race rabies. It should make them pretty much lethal if you are by any chance biten (unless you have a doctor who's handy that is..)
Course I could always make it a daiyousei...but it would mean doing some reworking with the current layout for the creatures I put together....especially the sprites.
This is most likely something I'll consider changing though since the suggestion seems worth while look into.
Second about the shells, in general, usually turtles are readily avalaible in most locations. I just happens that this area that we're playing out game at just happen to have non which is rare...
I personally like the idea of Nitorikkuris having shells, but I rather shells remain as an item you have to catch if you can earn it. Also the suggestion of Genji while seems promising leave me to debate a bit because this is as identical as that of allowing touhou charaters into the game. Sure it would be awesome, but it just doesn't seem right. Especially at this time... I would wait till Toady allows magic into the system... especially if it'll include teleportation (This is one of the key reasons I haven't included a yukari yukkuri because I would need her to have the abiility to blink or telerport to different locations....)
But then again.... I've allowed Unzan, mainly because he's made of clouds and thus only disappears when killed *meaning he'll likely reappear again* though until the Material bodies are fixed, I can't allow him in since he's too frail.