Having been slightly disappointed with how few glazes we had to play with, and how every glazing would take an entire ore stone to make an item, I decided to expand the possibilities a little.
With the expanded glazes mod, you can now use 14 different forms of glaze, from 19 different sources.
Rather than using an entire ore stone, you first grind the ore into a glaze powder at the quern or millstone, and put the resulting powder into a jug.
ATTENTION: Glazes are listed as a POWDER_MISC_CREATURE for lack of a better term. This means that it stockpiles as a type of food under "bone meal". While odd to count metal glazes as bone meal, there are no current uses for bone meal stockpile, making this much easier to work with in stockpiles. (It also doesn't exactly count as a metal bar...)
Doing this, ash glazes can glaze 3 items, and metal glazes produce 20 units of powder, with any glazing project taking up at least 2 units of powder.
With this, however, you have the freedom to create more colorful glazes. At the kilns, you have the following four options of glazing:
- Ash Glaze - as per the norm, but now three glazings can be performed per bar of ash
- Monochromatic Glazing - Uses up two powders (1/5th of an ore) to glaze an object a solid color.
- Dichromatic Glazing - Uses up one white powder (tin or zinc ores) and one powder of another color to glaze an object a decorative combination of colors. These have a small chance of having colored bands that increase the value.
- Polychromatic Glazing - Uses up one white powder, and three other colored powders to create the full spectrum of colors to decorate your object's surface. Each color has a chance of bands which can greatly increase the value of an already very valuable object.
(Without the ability to decorate with pictures, making bands on your ceramics is the best you can do.)
You can use the following glaze types:
- olive ash glaze
- cream white tin glaze
- pearl white zinc glaze
- gold glaze
- turquoise green copper glaze
- rust red iron glaze
- chartreuse green nickel glaze
- scarlet red lead glaze
- vermilion cinnabar glaze
- cobalt blue glaze
- saffron yellow orpiment glaze
- lemon yellow antimony glaze
- dark indigo manganese glaze
- ultramarine lapis lazuli glaze
- orange radiant pitchblende glaze (Yes, people actually glazed things with uranium. Apparently, they liked it for it's "radiant glossiness", and because it would glow green at night. Tell me how that one buffs out for ya...)
I also have an option in the quern menu to only grind "non-critical" ores, in case you don't want to grind up your iron, copper, or tin into glazes. There is also a "useless ore" option for only grinding up non-smeltable ores.
If this goes over well, I plan to try making an enamel and a lacquer mod.
Also, bring up any extra potential pigments you can think of!
As always, I welcome any sort of feedback, especially if you notice any problems.
1.8 - Increased to 20 powders per ore from the previous 10, which was from back before smelting gave 4 bars.
1.7 - Updated to 40.xx
1.6 - Fixes problem with glazes having gem "cuts" because they are considered "stone" by making glazes a type of bone powder, instead.
1.5 - Updated to 34.01
1.4 - Corrected mistaken replacement of Gypsum Powder and Ceramic state names with adjectives.
1.3 - Corrected mixing of mods caused by 1.2
1.2 - Used jugs instead of bags, made additional reactions for more specific ore-crushing.
1.1 - Put descriptions of color into glaze names.
1.0 - Initial version