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Messages - darkrider2

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Other Games / Re: Overwatch - Released
« on: November 26, 2016, 12:24:31 am »
Eh, I've been playing some competitive, sparsely. Sometimes I'll get teams of people playing totally meta, legitimately non-underpowered hero's in their correct roles... and we still lose hilariously, mostly just due to them being pretty damn bad at actually killing anything, having almost zero self-preservation sense, map-awareness, basic FPS skillset.

Unfortunately Overwatch does replicate one of the things I hated most in League of Legends, there are characters that can completely exploit your teams weak links, so carrying becomes real damn hard when your team has those weak links.

Genji is just the Katarina of Overwatch.  :P

Other Games / Re: Overwatch - Released
« on: November 25, 2016, 09:34:04 am »

MAG was a similar walk-for-ten-minutes-then-die-to-someone-you-never-saw simulator and didn't last very long.  Fun fact, you can still buy it in the clearance rack of some stores despite being unplayable.

Bahahahaha. Oh man I owned this on PS3.

I frequently referenced it to friends as evidence that SOE wasn't just fucking up planetside, but was always this bad at asymmetrical balance (or at least as asymmetrical as you can get in a 3-faction shooter).

At least in MAG the maps were big enough to where player density wasn't goddamn 48+ people in one building all staring at the same 2 doorways. #50cal.saltlyfe

Other Games / Re: Overwatch - Released
« on: November 16, 2016, 11:57:34 am »
I remember some person on the reddit saying...

"You either kill Mercy first, or you kill her 15th "

But let's be real here, DNC Hillary will force in Hillary again.


Other Games / Re: Overwatch - Released
« on: November 06, 2016, 05:08:56 am »
At the end of the day we might end up finding out that the best spy-blockers are just junkrat and widowmaker. Since, after all, they both have traps and Sombra can't kill traps without uncloaking, and the traps do damage so she would be taken out of cloak. And junkrat has spammable wide area damage. (what is a male waifu? cause that is junkrat).

"There's a Sombra cloaked in that building junkrat!"
*building spends next 5 minutes exploding*

Now to be totally fair, I think Sombra makes a great counter to widow, just appear next to widowmaker, hack her cause she's in full scope mode not paying attention to you. Widow starts taking damage and tries to rope away, lol doesn't work you been hacked, dead widowmaker.

I'm going to have a whole lot of fun playing my junkman when Sombra goes live. (Mei/Zarya/Junkrat are practically my main cast so I'm all set).

Other Games / Re: Overwatch - Released
« on: November 05, 2016, 11:44:25 am »
Pharah, Junkrat, and Torbjorn (especially Torb) are all good picks versus Mei.

But yeah, I can definitely see how Sombra might do against Mei. Pretty much just as well as any genji or reaper could manage.

Considering that the last time I played Overwatch I was almost exclusively playing Genji counters every round (this was before this nerf, which, thank god), so Winston & Mei and then Zarya if I actually wanted to have fun and there wasn't a mlg-pro Genji on the other team.

... We'll see how Sombra does on PTR... but I'm curious if she'll counter my waifu Zarya. Guess it depends on what the range of that hack ability is, I'm assuming it goes through shields.

... it just occurred to me, is this the Reinhardt shield counter we need? Will it still be 1 Reinhardt every round meta if you wanna win? Or does Sombra finally break that up?

... if you EMP bastion does he get taken out of turret mode?

EDIT: I'm just filled with questions today. Will Symmetra turrets target a cloaked Sombra? That would be a great stealth Symmetra buff, finally actually being able to use her turrets as "flank wards" (which I think was the original intention?), instead of just stacking 6 of them on one door for lulz. Here's hoping Symmetra just hard counters Sombra, the Symmetra buff we need. :D

EDIT2: I'm going to have a hilarious time typing into match chat "guys I think this Sombra is hacking!".

EDIT3: maybe I should read the thread before I post. Most of the stuff I asked seemed to be covered by @reudh in better format.

Other Games / Re: Overwatch - Released
« on: September 20, 2016, 01:03:07 pm »
There are only 2 kinds of people.....

The group of friends I usually play with just wanted to dick around and have fun that way. Which kinda doesn't compute for me, since I find the struggle and strain of constantly trying to win and be better exhilarating. We would five stack and queue, then if somebody dared pipe-up in chat that we don't need 2 torbjorns (even if it was me voicing the concern), congratulations, you now have four torbjorns in your game, and me off in the corner playing roadhog or something. But they would still get mad if they were on a loss streak or got repeatedly dunked by players that were just playing more effectively than us, which REALLY didn't compute for me... so you're not here with the express goal of winning... but you still get upset by losses?

They no longer play overwatch.
I still have a rocking good time every time I turn it on.

PS - ever since the genji nerf I feel like junkrat is goddamn amazing. He was fun before but man, now he's... the bomb.

Other Games / Re: Overwatch - Released
« on: August 18, 2016, 01:42:10 am »
I stopped playing for a while, basically said I was going to wait for season 2 to come around or genji nerfs to come around. Guess blizzard read my mind cause they did both. Well, it's on PTR but goddamn these genji nerfs better go live.

General Discussion / Re: Ameripol\{RK, mainiac}
« on: July 28, 2016, 04:01:40 am »
Apart from him being a cult of personality and making George W Bush look like a rocket scientist, he does a pretty good job of hitting the same get-rid-of-the-scary-people-that-aren't-one-of-us notes that any other republican would be doing, he just does it straight up instead of trying to have any tact whatsoever.

What I'm saying is, he's pretty much got the same base as the republicans have had for decades now.

I miss John McCain.

Ah, TR and their "niche gimmick" tank that's outperformed every other tank literally forever. Those poor, poor, poor TR tankers.

I'm pretty sure their tank just had boosted stats 'cause it was the best weapon for sitting around and harvesting infantry off the sides of towers. Crossroads watchtower... that one spot where you could shoot into the biolab with your tank... other camping spots. The prowler anchor mode nerf happened so long ago I can barely remember the time they had a decent gimmick on their tank.

As it stands now the prowler is utter trash compared to the vanguard.

The prowlers damage is split between two shells, great for correcting your shot on an aircraft or double shelling infantry to oblivian, but vs other tanks it's completely awful. Turret aim isn't stabalized in planetside so you can't just fire on the move unless you're on totally flat terrain, you'll miss one of two shots probably due to hitting the tiniest little pebble on the road. The vanguard can go full speed and hit it's shot by just clicking when their target crosses the crosshair. The prowler has to maintain aim on the move, good, luck. Going anchor mode is a death sentence vs other tanks so don't bother, it used to be good when TR could anchor on a mountain ten miles away and shell you forever, but the nerf killed it.

Not to mention it's got a wider body, there are places in tech plants (and staircases everywhere else) I can maneuver a vanguard that the prowler just can't go.

I have a TR and NC character, 1200+ hours in planetside, and have played both tanks.

Other Games / Re: Overwatch - Released
« on: July 12, 2016, 04:30:52 pm »
I think adding ranged flashbangs into the game is a terrible idea, but I'm willing to wait and see.  I do like the stealth nerf to Lucio that an anti-heal grenade represents.

Its kind of funny how her ult seems to be having *someone else* go godmode.  Now we can upgrade "you pressed Q to get POTG" to "your support pressed Q to give you POTG."

oh god no it just occurred to me. genji's ult will be absolutely stupid strong now (with Ana), as if it wasn't already stupid.

Other Games / Re: Overwatch - Released
« on: July 12, 2016, 03:31:30 pm »
YES. we need more non-ultimate crowd control. (I hate genji & tracer so much)

Every time anyone in the past year or so has said anything even remotely critical of Clinton you immediately jumped down their throat and started a mudslinging fight. It's the primary reason I stopped posting in the previous thread, I was sick of you trying to start shit when people were having honest discussions. I don't particularly like being this blunt, but it needed saying.

I just assumed anyone trying to preserve their own sanity was ignoring his posts in the last thread anyway.

Other Games / Re: Overwatch - Released
« on: July 03, 2016, 12:58:46 pm »
I finished my placement matches. 7 were wins, 2 were BS loses due to the sudden death system, and the 3rd loss was when I grouped with someone else, I finished the other 9 matches alone. Giving me a placement rating of 59.

Different topic: I played league of legends forever ago, for medium bursts of time, and I played a lot of support or jungle. Unfortunately I just really don't like supports in Overwatch since it doesn't feel like I have as much affect on the proceedings as a league support, in overwatch you're more of just a big source of healing and occasionally you do something neat.

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