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Messages - Reelya

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General Discussion / Re: Star Wars [Warning: Spoilers inside!]
« on: November 27, 2020, 06:12:32 am »
But there's no reason to translate names in the movie. You'd assume that if she's called Rose in the film that's her real name. If she's named after a flower then just call her that. It's not an actual rose, so that still wouldn't make sense.

General Discussion / Re: Star Wars [Warning: Spoilers inside!]
« on: November 27, 2020, 05:48:58 am »
Luke is called Luke because George Lucas. Luke S. It's that simple.

Han was used because that's not a familiar name to Americans, it's alien but not too hard. Leia isn't a common name either.

But my point was that Rose is a thing - people called Rose are named after the flower. It's not that it's a Earth Name, it's referencing a thing on Earth.

EDIT: those rose references don't hold, they're EU, which doesn't include TLJ the movie. And, just calling a flower a Rose in Star Wars looks like lazy writing on behalf of some of those novels or whatever. Quality control is weak in the borderlands, but there's no reason for something like that in the main movies.

It really makes no sense, why would you have a flower called an "Ithorian rose" from a specific planet, if you didn't also have one just called a "rose". This is sloppy writing, that's all.

General Discussion / Re: Star Wars [Warning: Spoilers inside!]
« on: November 27, 2020, 05:28:22 am »
I agree with your summary except that Rose Tico doesn't seem like a particularly Japanese sounding name to me but I'm no expert. I just played Shadowrun: Hong Kong and I would say it would fit HK maybe? I learned English names are somewhat common in HK accompanying a Chinese (Cantonese? Unsure what is appropriate distinction) family name, though Tico doesn't jump out to me as any suggestion towards any ethnicity in particular; I would guess Finnish or a latin root language if I absolutely had to. Wouldn't make sense for the Kamikaze analogue but I feel that aspect might have been reading too much into it. The rest though I agree with you sounds poorly visualized and nonsensical.

It's the consonant-vowel repeated pattern that resembles Japanese. Japanese is a syllabary, so it's always made up of consonant-vowel sections (other than n, which can float at the end). "ko" is a very common name-ending in Japanese, examples including Aiko, Akako, Akiko, or this one girl from an anime, nicknamed "Teko". Th point is, it's very close to the Japanese word structure, especially with a "ko" sound at the end, more than any other east Asian language, which she clearly resembles. There's also the fact that the bomber flown in the movie is directly based off a WWII bomber, even the name is near identical. So the director has an Asian person with an off-brand Japanese sounding last name commit a kamikaze attack in a bomber named after a real one from WWII. It's either deliberately what he had in mind, or he's dense as fuck. Just think - (1) Asian person (2) WWII Bomber (3) Suicide mission. You don't even need the name for this to already be sketchy.

As for the first names of her and her sister, Rose and Paige, are Rian Johnson's choices, basically because he is terrible at names. These do not fit the theme of the setting at all. Nobody in Star Wars should have names that reference things that exist on Earth. Why is she called Rose? Do they have roses in this galaxy?

General Discussion / Re: Star Wars [Warning: Spoilers inside!]
« on: November 27, 2020, 03:12:15 am »
Well to summarize, the space bombers are creeping along, space is almost 2D planar, then when they're directly "over" the enemy ship, the release bay doors, and racks of bombs literally fall out. You actually see this from the inside so it's clear they're not being propelled out, just racks being released and the bombs fall out. This whole thing takes so long that most of them get annihilated for being too slow. It's almost a kamikaze run. And the guy notes: Rian Johnson put Rose Tico's sister in there as POV, i.e. an asian with a Japanese-sounding name, doing a kamikaze bombing run.

To add insult to injury, the bombers had a hyperdrive, and are quite large, so if even one of them did the Holdo manouver they could have destroyed the enemy ship instead of everyone dying. So that's how shit these "bombers" are - they could do more damage by merely ramming the enemy. But the movie would have been much shorter as they'd have obliterated the enemy flagship.

General Discussion / Re: Things that made you mildly upset today thread
« on: November 27, 2020, 03:03:31 am »
If someone is completely mentally robust, it tends to take some pretty heavy duty trauma to make them actually mentally ill. People are fairly resilient.

Consider actual depression, other people try and cheer them up, etc, nothing works. It's not just about some circumstance that made you sad. You can have some pretty horrible stuff happen to you that makes you sad, but ... even then, those people don't generally get diagnosed with clinical depression as a result.

General Discussion / Re: Star Wars [Warning: Spoilers inside!]
« on: November 27, 2020, 03:00:02 am »
Yeah, the Tie Bomber there fires some kind of glowing thing as far as I remember, but I also think it was in the scene where the Falcon was hiding in the asteroid, so they were bombing the asteroid, so gravity would make sense then. The TLJ one, see edit above for a breakdown of the scene.

General Discussion / Re: Star Wars [Warning: Spoilers inside!]
« on: November 27, 2020, 02:44:55 am »
Found the bit btw.

General Discussion / Re: Star Wars [Warning: Spoilers inside!]
« on: November 27, 2020, 02:40:25 am »
It's the scene where Poe is taunting the imperials ("first order").

It's also the bit where Rose's sister gets it. She's the space bomb head honcho. Here's a bit to refresh how they work

There were "Tie Bombers" in Empire Strikes Back, but I think they fired a glowing kind of thing so you could imagine they were powered weapons. But these Rian Johnson ones literally just poop out, and it assumes space is a flat plane.

General Discussion / Re: Star Wars [Warning: Spoilers inside!]
« on: November 27, 2020, 02:25:32 am »
It's especially stupid when you consider the weapon they have at the start of that movie: space bombs. How does space bombs even work? There's no up and down in space. Person releases the space bombs and they fall out. Anyone else notice a problem here. They have gravity-driven space bombs but no missiles.

Also, Jedi Books, paper ones bound with leather. Rian Johnson just doesn't get it.

General Discussion / Re: Star Wars [Warning: Spoilers inside!]
« on: November 27, 2020, 02:14:22 am »
Yeah, Holdo really ruins the tech. An X-Wing has a goddamn hyperdrive*, so why aren't they launching hyperdrive torpedos all the time?

* Let me note that X-wings really shouldn't have a hyperdrive, but it was needed for plot purposes so that Luke could go to Dagobah. So they just hand-wave how he got there, but you have to assume he must have had a hyperdrive.

General Discussion / Re: Things that made you mildly upset today thread
« on: November 27, 2020, 02:01:08 am »
I don't know if there's actually any hard data saying it's increased.

You can look at somewhere like India. In vast areas of India they live in conditions that are barely better than hundreds of years ago, so it's a good case study. About 200 million Indians estimated to have mental disorders:

General Discussion / Re: AmeriPol thread
« on: November 27, 2020, 01:51:05 am »
However I do honestly believe the USC has set a difficult precedent should when another pandemic occurs. This plague has been devestating and it has a low mortality rate compared to something like Ebola...

Actually the low mortality rate was part of the problem. Compare SARS and MERS, much more deadly but killed a lot less people. It's because of asymptomatic or lightly symptomatic carriers: you don't get many of those with the really deadly strains. So, there's is some point where you get a virus of this type that kills the most people, but it's not necessarily just upping the mortality rate.

General Discussion / Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« on: November 27, 2020, 12:35:18 am »
I do agree I went too far but everything I said was about what you said and not you as a person.

There's also a lot of "they" in there, third person. I was talking about the attitude in general and not about you.

Let's face it, all culture is bullshit and saying that they are in some other dimension and shouldn't upset their listeners by having opinions about stuff - that attitude is every bit as bullshit as them having opinions about stuff.

^ This may have said your statement was bullshit, but it's prefaced with all culture is bullshit.

General Discussion / Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« on: November 27, 2020, 12:00:40 am »
What are you even talking about? I disagreed with what you were saying, I didn't jump in and start insulting you as a person.

Maybe you felt that way but that wasn't intended. But if you have rubbed me the wrong way, it would be that you seem to persistently by pushing some sort of weird right wing kind of vibe. Give Alan Jones a chance, Jacinda Ardern sucks, that kind of thing. So, nail Jacinda Ardern to a tree, but when Alan Jones was mentioned and it's mentioned he's a hard-right shock jock, you're all about giving him a chance since you don't personally know his stuff.

Then you're pushing back against bands mentioning politics in music but it only seems to be when some left wing band gets mentioned.

General Discussion / Re: AmeriPol thread
« on: November 26, 2020, 11:46:30 pm »
Generally, you'd be putting clingwrap over a container, though. You're still going to have to wash that container, so you might as well be throwing a tupperware lid in with it.

I was going off what delphonso wrote, that his wife uses cling-wrap instead of tupperware to avoid washing it. What you're saying is a valid scenario, but kind of tangential to what I was responding to.

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