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Messages - Rex_Nex

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Other Games / Re: Path of Exile - Betrayal
« on: November 19, 2019, 06:36:29 pm »
Well, that heavily depends on what you didn't like about the original. There's a lot of things already confirmed to be changing between now and PoE 2 (pace, visuals, audio, skill tree, performance, skill gems, endgame) even if the new campaign doesn't interest you. It's probably a safe wager that there are also going to be a lot of changes in the coming year(s) that haven't been alluded to yet that don't necessarily have anything to do with PoE 2. Unless your issues are fundamental parts of ARPGs, I'd imagine at least some of them will have been fixed.

Other Games / Re: Path of Exile - Betrayal
« on: August 31, 2019, 06:10:01 pm »
Yeah, it's another league where I'm more excited for the misc changes than the actual league. I mean, a tower defense could be fun, but it probably will just be way too slow for the current pace of the game. No league content has ever involved standing in one place so long, so it's an odd juxtaposition with the rest of the game being faster than ever before. No way to know for sure without trying it, but I'm foreseeing a lot of people ignoring the content when one tower defense section could reasonably take longer than some people are clearing entire maps.

Other Games / Final Fantasy 14: Shadowbringers
« on: August 01, 2019, 09:01:01 pm »
Yeah, that one.

Last time a thread for this came up (back in 2016) it didn't really go anywhere, but now that FFXIV become the MMO I was curious if anyone from Bay12 was playing it.

For anyone who doesn't know, it's Square's take on a pretty standard MMO formula, but done with enough love to possibly make it worth your time. Great fights, lovely music, beautiful areas, a good story, and a well balanced, diverse set of classes to sink your teeth into. It's still an MMORPG, mind you - there's fetch quests aplenty and both the early story and combat are tedious - but you'd have a really hard time finding a better one.

I'm currently playing on Mateus - a large, RP-focused server - and as far as I know there's currently no Bay12 specific community. The community that is in the game is absolutely great, though, something I really didn't expect from this genre.

Other Games / Re: Path of Exile - Betrayal
« on: June 09, 2019, 02:25:24 pm »
I'm a bit torn on the melee. On one hand, the whole "you hit every monster your weapon swings through" wasn't at all impactful. On the other hand, the monster re-balance felt really good in Act 1, and I hope they finish up the rest of the acts in the same fashion. I also feel like a lot of the small tweaks worked out really well to bring the early game up to date - melee attacks don't feel like I'm hitting with a wet noodle anymore, dash and leap slam make the first few acts really engaging, and overall I just think that a new player is going to find a lot more to like.

They also buffed rare monsters' HP by about 50%, and it feels really bad. I think it was the wrong decision. Even as a veteran player who is playing a decent build with reasonable enough luck with weapon drops, killing some of these while leveling took eons, and the rewards for doing so just aren't there. Spending several minutes chipping away at Stinkhuge the Evertanky and being rewarded with a nothing but a blue pair of mittens and a dozen white mobs worth of XP is not worth my time.

Other Games / Re: Path of Exile - Betrayal
« on: May 21, 2019, 06:03:25 pm »
League is super simple it seems like, it's just a Breach that spawns Essence-trapped monsters that you wack instead of click on to open... nothing wrong with that, but those melee changes... wow. I'm so excited!

I'm also really excited about the new jewels, which is weird because individual items have never done that to me:

So the way this works is that it replaces your passive skills with different ones within the radius of the jewel. The nodes you get are random, but they're indicated by the flavor text on the jewel - the "5173 sacrificed" in the example is the seed value for the replacement nodes. I'm assuming that there's not only vaal versions of the tree, but that the other unannounced jewels work in the same fashion. The economy around items like this seems like a bit of a nightmare (for starters, how are you going to know if your jewel is good and worth trading without having access to every possible jewel slot it could be in to check?), but the actual impact of this is like nothing we've seen before. Customizable trees? Yes, please!

Other Games / Re: Factorio - Factory building game
« on: May 19, 2019, 04:47:16 pm »
The last I played, the difficulty of your map was highly dependent on whether you spawned in a forest or a desert. Since foliage consumes pollution, starting in the forest makes the bugs a non-issue.

Regardless though, the game isn't all that difficult - I'd try tweaking pollution absorption modifier down to about half and slightly increasing the evolution rate however you'd like. As a newer player that should keep you on your toes!

Other Games / Re: How did you last *own*?
« on: May 15, 2019, 01:23:29 pm »
Kefka threw me into an abyss :(

I got myself a power knife and have been having a lot of fun with it, I was surprised about how quiet it is. It's just a gentle hum when activated, no one can hear it if there's more than a dozen people fighting. It's really good as it is, especially at night, but there's apparently an implant that gives you a semi-cloak on melee kill that you can attack during. That sounds dirty.

Implants in general feel like they've gone in a more questionable direction. Things like Carapace, Athlete, and the Nightmare implant I mentioned above are just a bit too... direct, I guess? Back when the implant system was new, none of the implants had a direct combat advantage. You weren't going to lose a fair fight and be like "oh, I lost because that heavy had X implant", because there were only things like rangefinder, regen, minesweeper, etc. Really high level implants were also incredibly rare back then, almost everyone was just running around with Regen I and Enhanced Rangefinder. Now you can expect almost everyone to be running top tier implants at all times.

Other Games / Re: Warframe - F2P Sci-fi L4D-like
« on: May 11, 2019, 12:02:19 pm »
Sure, but calling out the Buzlok is cherry picking one of Warframe's only real unique weapons. The Panthera just feels like a bolt gun, which admittedly is just a side effect of its unique trait (the hovering saw) being terrible. I mean, do weapons like the Cernos, Paris, Dread or Daikyu feel different? The Gorgon, Soma, and Supra? The Snipetron, Vulkar, and Rubico? The Tiberon, Sybaris, and Quartakk? The Magnus, Marelok, Lex, or Vasto? Not to mention the entire Prime/Prisma/Dex/Wraith variation system which just adds dozens of variations to weapons that already just stat tweaks of existing weapons.

I put 1k hours into Warframe and hit MR21 or something, so there's definitely magic there, but the game is heavily suffering from its lack of playstyle variety in both weapons and abilities. There's only really one way to play Warframe as it is, and no weapon or ability supports differing playstyles enough to be even remotely worth exploring.

Other Games / Re: Warframe - F2P Sci-fi L4D-like
« on: May 11, 2019, 07:48:17 am »
I honestly haven't played in a long while, and I feel kind of bad about it. Warframe is a lovely game, but the power trip gameplay just got boring to me. Beating a mission doesn't make me feel like I accomplished anything, there's no real reward once you've gathered enough resources, and acquiring new weapons just becomes tedious after a while. That last bit in particular really bugged me - I managed to acquire just about every weapon but ended up giving up once I realized just how samey the 200-some weapons I tried actually were. If you've played with a single bow, shotgun, sniper, launcher, rifle, etc. you've basically played with all of them. Melee weapons in particular are really bad about this, there's a metric ton of them and they all feel exactly the same.

I thoroughly enjoy the practice of cramming more into PS2 without polishing previous additions. Nothing like building up a backlog of necessary fixes that get complicated by adding additional shit to the game!

I think at this point it's too late, and they might feel the same way too. Teasing new features to pull back players (even if for a short time) is basically all Daybreak can do anymore to sustain themselves. A prolonged period of content-drought could cost some people their jobs, and at that point there's no going back. Granted, I think this update has surprisingly little to interest all but the most dedicated of players to return.

Not that I don't adore the idea; PS2 is unbelievably buggy and patches at release state are even more so. It definitely needs months of TLC, but without a windfall and a change of dev direction, it's never going to happen.

I wanted to try this out again but I was having horrible lag issues. Every ten seconds or so, every player on the map would start wildly warping around. Had the same issue before the latest patch, so I can't quite blame the new engine... it's just frustrating because I used to play Planetside 2 on a lower bandwidth, higher ping, and less stable connection back in the day without serious issues.

The NS operatives have really good models, I guess. That's really the only thing I could experience in the hour or so I tried playing!

Other Games / Re: Godville, Online ZPG
« on: April 16, 2019, 12:14:21 am »
Hoh boy, this thread is a blast from the past! Checked in on my little guy, I have to assume he got put into stasis for being idle too long at some point.

Other Games / Re: Satisfactory - Factory-Builder now in EA
« on: March 23, 2019, 12:56:55 pm »
I miss having some "downtime" or "sideline" activities in Factorio.

I think this hits the nail on the head, and if Satisfactory is to become real competition, this is something they need to continually design around. Factorio will always be a better factory management game, there's just so much polish and time put into that exact thing. However, every Factorio patch I find myself secretly wishing they added something else, gingerly waiting terrain changes, native life additions, new ways to explore and interact with the world. But that's clearly not what Factorio is really about, and that's fine. Satisfactory can be a good factory game too, but pushing that exploration and interaction with the world is the way I would like to see them deviate from Factorio's path.

Other Games / Re: Path of Exile - Betrayal
« on: March 16, 2019, 09:38:04 pm »
I'm not having much fun with the Memory Nexus. The in-map memory fragments are kind of fun to run, they remind me a lot of Incursions, just longer and with less rewards. The actual Nexus is very boring to me. I'm also having a rough time with maps this league, haven't been able to get past T4/5 maps and I've run a couple hundred. Super unlucky, I suppose.

This is my first time really putting time into a league that has all the new masters and mechanics enabled, so that's the main attraction to me. Delves and Incursions are a ton of fun!

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