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Messages - Zangi

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 528
Don't sadly zealot charge doesn't work well at pushing them.  Surprisingly, simply pushing them works well, even mid jump.  (Same deal for dogs.  Feels much more forgiving/easy then pushing sneakrat/gasrat in V2.) 

Other Games / Re: Elona - Roguelike JRPG
« on: December 22, 2021, 05:29:04 pm »
Fun fact: There is a mobile game version of Elona.  Is monatized, but you can still pretty much get an elona-like experience, granted I didn't get too far into it.

Pets for example have been partially gacha-fied, probably a few other things too.

Other Games / Re: Starsector [TopDown Sandbox RPG on Space]
« on: December 19, 2021, 01:00:44 am »
To be fair, B12’s first post on this is 10 years ago.

Is definitely before steam really opened the floodgates into early access, probably even kickstarted.  (Not looking it up.)

Sounds like she had the audacity to lose her child when she called for help and everyone ignored it.  Shame on her, you poor mentally scarred guards.


Other Games / Re: Songs of Syx
« on: September 28, 2021, 10:41:14 am »
Oh, one more:

You don't need iron to build woodcutters or coal/ore mines. The iron mentioned in their somewhat misleading tooltip is only required for the auxiliaries.
You can build them without auxiliaries, they will work at 40% efficiency. Then, when you acquire some iron, you can always add auxiliaries to them to get their production up to 100%.

Alternatively, sell things to fund import of metal early on.  Grain is a good starter, since it is inedible till processed and you’ll find plenty from gathering.  Food decays relatively quickly, so selling excess of that early on works and if you have even 1 hunter, meat and leather sales are a good staple for much of early game.

Other Games / Re: Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord
« on: September 09, 2021, 03:47:16 pm »
A quick tip: dead battle companions can be stripped by going to their inventory in the immediate post-battle scene.

Do they still appear naked in their Encyclopedia page if you remove their armor on their death?
Lol they appeared naked in your friends page if you had good a relationship with them lol
Just means you can choose to bury em in nice clothes.

So I picked up Star Dynasties, CK in space.  Definitely a much more limited scope.  New games are generated entirely randomly, other then your first leader, but you can random generate them too.  Whole family is also generated, with kids and all.  So you can start out stuck in a pretty bad place.

You’ll always be a duke with at least 3 subjects/barons.  Sometimes under another duke, but called an archon instead.

Now the dynasty.  Is kinda weird.  Is more a clan rather then a dynasty.  Anyone married into the family and random people you pick up, they are now considered ‘family’.  So if your daughter marries guy, with guy moving to your house, they are rated as close kin and are now yours.  If daughter dies before guy, you can have guy remarry.  Whoever guy marries is now also part of your house and considered close kin too. (Or you can marry guy out of the family, but usually you need the manpower and/or particular skill sets.)

Succession is always the first born.  Followed by the first born of the first born and so on.  Can’t change that without some violence.

There is no way to add more people to your house except via random events and marrying people in.  There are no commoners, only noble houses.  So the marriage pool is pretty threadbare.  Haven’t really seen new noble houses get created mid game, except maybe from a rebellion where there are no other local houses. 
This means if you give your other children/grandchildren a planet… it’ll only be them, their spouse and useless children running the planet.  It looks like they can adopt 1 free random though.  They’ll start out megagimped and not be able to properly handle themselves with only 2 characters able to do tasks.  The spouse and the free random.  The head of house does not do any tasks.

Depending on the layout, expansion can be really hard.  Rebellions, even those outside your borders will grind you down, cause your subjects can be asked to help either side of the conflict.  They will commit if they like either one or get bribed to do so.  Well, it is the same for your enemies. 
Another factor is distance, force projection.  Areas outside your capital’s range, you end up relying on your subjects to bring the fleets up for a fight. (I haven’t paid enough attention, but it feels like you entirely lose the ships that don’t make into into the battle cause of the distance penalty.)

Well, in short, I think this game could use more features and probably some polishing.  Definitely would like more ways to pick up house members other then the rabbit breeding program and rngesus.  Same for the AI really.

Looks like game might be moddable outside of the event mod tool it came with, so I’ll tinker with that first.

EDIT: Only a few things are moddable or at least not apparent, a fix came in for the crazyness of tagging most of the in-laws as close kin.

Sounds really dumb if there are no conditionals for quarantine and/or other mitigation for further spread. 

Since there is that one chance the virus further evolves and really takes off, after being given so many opportunities to reroll attributes.

Madmen don't need motives.

To shoot a 3 year old toddler one needs to be really far gone into coockoo land.
Madness has a source.  It is made in a toxic soup of emotions and thoughts.  Figuring out the ingredients... and how to prevent the concoction from being brewed with said ingredients is how you prevent further madness from propagating. 

Mental health is an issue we often times ignore, because suck it up, you shouldn't show weakness and everything will work out.

General Discussion / Re: AmeriPol thread
« on: August 13, 2021, 11:14:06 pm »
Ah, pity about it not being true, but yea, still essentially what reality is.

Lies and obfuscation are still given huge platforms in the public conscious.  Such is our Murrican right.

General Discussion / Re: AmeriPol thread
« on: August 13, 2021, 12:07:37 am »
*deep inhale, followed by very loud scream* Why have facts and reality fallen into gray? How could we let this happen??!!
Free speech, education, and the interwebs. 

People use free speech as cover to say whatever they want, including outright lie, except for very specific things that have to do with national security and the threat of being sued for libel.  There is little to no gov't skin on this, it has largely been left to society/businesses to police people.  (But, now that we have businesses who's main revenue is from showcasing the lies and extreme opinions of average people for the last decade... )

Education in public schools have been neglected for decades.  Lowest common denominator.  Critical thinking is not a focus of education either.

The interweb allows people with fringe/extreme opinions/ideas to get together and voice such things.  The interweb lately has given them a platform to voice such things.

Special mention for Fox being classified as an 'entertainment' outlet, not a news outlet, so they essentially get a free pass to say whatever they want.

General Discussion / Re: AmeriPol thread
« on: August 10, 2021, 11:21:51 am »
Reckon there would be a lot of auto-pilot built into flying cars, while on fly mode with designated pathways.  Everything is mapped out while connected to some central system to manage all the flying cars.  Especially in cities and bigger towns.

Realistically, flying cars would also dual as normal ground cars.  Otherwise, you may as well have flying trains/public transportation.

Flying cars can be less restricted outside of heavy population/congestion areas, but also still gotta have 'roads' for them.

  • Being led to the slaughter by a judas goat. Strongly agree. We are all capable of being led to our own destruction by people we really ought not to trust, even when all of our senses are instinctively warning us we are being led to our demise. The big difference however between the sheep and humans is that humans can recognise when they are being led astray but still be powerless to avert disaster because they made the Judas Goat the supreme overlord
Another big difference is that they can reason themselves to following along despite all the warning bells ringing.  Afterwards, further reasoning to themselves that it was good and right, suppressing those warning bells for when they follow deeper in.

Other Games / Re: Distant Worlds 2
« on: July 30, 2021, 11:12:15 am »
Stellaris, but just better in many aspects.

People can't be experts or well-informed about everything on their own.
And hey, in this modern world, we have people giving/arriving at different opinionsfacts
People are still sheep, but they have the freedumb to pick whichever fact they like more.

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