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Messages - Jay

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 305
Other Games / Re: Fortnite
« on: July 20, 2017, 04:37:10 pm »
It got my hopes up this morning.

But then.

I'll be in on it tomorrow for sure though.

Mod Releases / Re: Fantastic Mini-Mods! 1.1.0! 0.42.01!
« on: December 11, 2015, 07:37:29 pm »
Near as I can tell, they never made it onto the Github transfer at all.

DF General Discussion / Re: How much has version .42 changed the game?
« on: December 11, 2015, 03:39:51 pm »
If I am not wrong this main idea behind this version is to add stuff needed for an future patch that is going to be created.
On this new patch, instead of magically picking dwarfs to start a dwarf mode, you will actually have dwarfs that decided to leave some some reason and you will be able to play with them (or wait to more dwarfs to do this and then play with the new ones.).

Close. Not quite a patch but another version. And that's looking two steps ahead. You're referring to start scenarios; those will be in the version after the next, which will feature non-player artifacts. Here's the dev page.

How do you know what version something will be released in? I can't tell when something will come out from that post.

The ordered lists under Upcoming Development are in..  um, order.
It's hard to say that they'll be so specifically tied to a version, though. He might do start scenarios and non-player artifacts in the same release cycle.

DF General Discussion / Re: Dwarfmoot 2016
« on: December 11, 2015, 01:09:47 am »

Not like I'm not used to it, but dang.

DF General Discussion / Re: Is it safe to copy old Fortress to new version?
« on: December 05, 2015, 01:06:43 am »
In a bit of an unusual case, 0.42 doesn't actually break save compatibility, but all that really means is whether or not they load at all.
How many bugs are (re-)introduced by doing so, is anybody's guess. Not even to mention the fact that the new content will be missing.
Best to just start a new world. Keep playing on the old version if you're attached to that fort.

DF General Discussion / Re: DF Gathering 2016
« on: December 05, 2015, 01:00:42 am »
Midwesterner here.
I've been meaning to make an excuse to go on a road trip though.
I went out to Seattle for a convention in mid-2014 but I didn't really get to see much of the city as I flew in and didn't have a car.

Posting to watch but probably forget about until it's too late. I need a finalized date to work with.

Other Games / Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
« on: November 17, 2015, 06:35:20 pm »
I never would have pegged Bay12 as a location for Skyrim RP.

In more relevant conversation, I'm redownloading it to see how stuff has changed since I last played it in like 2012.
Perkus Maximus sounds interesting, so what are some must-have mods to go with that?

Utilities and 3rd Party Applications / Re: DFHack 0.40.24-r4
« on: November 17, 2015, 03:04:25 pm »
It's worth mentioning that if you have a malformed dfhack.init, you might not have the keybindings. It'd be wise to check that.
Also, the keybind is only set up to work at the status (z) screen and in the job (q)ueue, when you have a job highlighted.

DF General Discussion / Re: Playerlogs from 2050
« on: November 15, 2015, 10:07:07 pm »
which will prevent any significant tech advances beyond around 1400CE.  Once this point is reached, any natural philosophers (since the word "scientist" itself isn't coined yet)
Bear in mind the simulation's language development doesn't necessarily conform to our own history, and that word might well have come about by then.
((I have always found it really strange that there's a damn 500 year gap between the coining of the word science itself and the attachment of that particular suffix..))

Other Games / Re: Fallout 4: Bad Bugs and Gutbusting Glitches
« on: November 13, 2015, 07:59:16 pm »
Fallout 4 takes place in 2287, ten years after the start of Fallout 3 and six years after the start of New Vegas.

Other Games / Re: Impossible Creatures Released On Steam
« on: November 13, 2015, 07:52:01 pm »
Holy shit, the nostalgia. Between this and Code Lyoko, 2015 is turning out to be 2003-2.
Also, goddamn, small world -- all the male voices are done by Lee Tockar and Sam Vincent, both of whom I sortof know personally from my time in the MLP community.

Other Games / Re: Fallout 4: Bad Bugs and Gutbusting Glitches
« on: November 13, 2015, 07:40:03 pm »
i feel scammed by the amount of weapons and armor in the game, it was not what i had in mind. wasnt it mentioned at one point that every weapon could have hundreds of modifications? the armor layering isnt that much exciting either when your options are ragged out long johns or some such other crud
I'm sure the pitch was "hundreds of combinations", which is true.
That said, there is a disappointing lack of variety.
I can't wait for new-GECK, as modders will fix it as always.

Masterwork DF / Re: Just took my 'Biome Diversity' WorldGen to Masterwork
« on: November 09, 2015, 06:11:44 pm »
What a tease.
You can't make a post like this and then not have the settings for us. That's almost criminal!

DF Modding / Re: Strangest, Wierdest thing you ever modded into DF
« on: November 09, 2015, 04:46:14 pm »
This thread still exists!? BLOODY HELL!
You expected people to stop being weird? :P

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