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Author Topic: Haven and Hearth!  (Read 17091 times)

Urist McManiac

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Re: Haven and Hearth!
« Reply #75 on: February 02, 2019, 08:51:00 am »

Anybody found a nice place to stay yet?


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Re: Haven and Hearth!
« Reply #76 on: February 02, 2019, 12:16:18 pm »

Not yet. I'm still working on building up my survival to find some good dirt


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Haven and Hearth!
« Reply #77 on: February 02, 2019, 10:03:00 pm »

I've played about ~8 hours over the past two days, mostly wandering. Met a few groups who had posted up and seemed ready for The Long Grind. Found a few claims that werent properly secured and checked out their wares, left them a few gifts.

The Major Change this world is the ocean/continent system. Where the last worlds have always been fun, there's a new sense of danger that comes with the ocean. I can't march across the whole map this time, which is what i've done on every world prior, and it's enjoyable. With any luck, player bases will be segmented enough to create specializations and encourage some real trading amongst the continents.

I'm currently posted up on a very large continent on the southern edge of the map (i'm leaning towards southeast corner of the map, but I might be wrong). I've no intention of forming a group or a village, but if someone wants to predetermine their spawning location to this area, I can throw up a wilderness beacon for you. PM me here and i'll be sure to check for messages for a few days. (wilderness beacons can't be use asynchronously so if you have a specific schedule to play, mention that so i can try to get one set up for you)
Ah, I wish I had been lucky enough to be scum.
I'd make such great scum...

Urist McManiac

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Re: Haven and Hearth!
« Reply #78 on: February 03, 2019, 07:27:50 am »

Great, I already start to remember why I stopped playing this in the first place.

Spent a few hours yesterday wandering and leveling up Exporation and Survival, until I eventually found myself a nice, little island out in the ocean. Plopped down a leanto and started to dry the seeds I've found, only to log in and see some asshole having placed a claim all over my little area. It's not active yet so I believe I might try and destroy it, but well...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Haven and Hearth!
« Reply #79 on: February 03, 2019, 07:53:17 am »

Great, I already start to remember why I stopped playing this in the first place.

Just skimming the HnH forums debating if I want to give it a go again... Last time I played was when it first went pay/sub years back. That game I had a quiet hermit life and never really saw any trouble, most likely due to the fact I ran my character for multiple sessions/days in one direction till I set down. I only ever met a few players down there, all peaceful hermits too. It was fun for a while but once I started heavily farming and mining it became such a chore. Its like the guy down the thread said: "Am I really playing a game to be a peasant?" --- basically my thoughts at the time too.

The urge for multi's - something I hate and never do normally - is too strong since its so much easier to make a pure STR miner character rather then keep levelling one guy in every stat. Same for a cheap easy explorer/ranger. Oh and then a couple of pack mules to keep your valuables offline with. I think I had 4-5 characters by the end, with 3 'mains'. Zzz

It was great exploring the wilds though, I always enjoyed that. Maybe I'll just spruce up and be a wandering hermit, not bother with all the power levelling play, quality farming etc and just wander the world till I get killed.

Urist McManiac

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Re: Haven and Hearth!
« Reply #80 on: February 07, 2019, 04:25:03 pm »

Pardon the triple post, but after working on some walls to only wake up to someone actively trying to wall me in (since I left them incomplete thinking no one would go out to the ass-end of nowhere that I was)... eh. I mean, sure, I dug myself out, but I just kind of realized how hopelessly boring this game is. Even if that didn't happen, I still would've been dealing with hopeless tedium for no reason. This game is nothing but tedious, exhausting tasks that take forever and all progress can be lost on a dime. Your reward for all your work is nothing more than to end up as an even bigger target for even more people to try and ruin everything you have. It's just not worth it. Reminds me of Lands of Lords, with the slow progress that ultimately amounts to nothing unless you're willing to play hours-on-end or use a million alts, or both.

So, time to go and actually be productive at things more important to me instead of wasting all my time with this crappy game.

First of all - thanks for the previous offer, but I'm afraid you've hit the nail on the head with your last post: the game just isn't fun. There's so many bland and eventually meaningless things to do, but in the end every 'progress' you've made turns out to be reason for others to take your stuff and destroy everything you've spent real-life weeks on to build in the first place. The combat system isn't fun either, although I can't say for sure since I haven't really figured the damn thing out. Outside of getting your stuff stolen, there's also next to no interaction with other players since everyone sticks to the group he's playing with and distrusts any outsiders. On top of that, the subscription system is pretty much a pay-to-win system. There's simply no point in dedicating your time into this game if some Russian teenanger can simply buy a subscription, breeze through the necessary skills with twenty alts and go to town on you.

Basically - this game is an unfun waste of time. And I'm not saying this because I'm pissed. I was actually quite hopeful this game had turned into something more substantial since I last played it a few years ago, but I unfortunately didn't.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Haven and Hearth!
« Reply #81 on: February 07, 2019, 06:14:23 pm »

Yeah, the time to fun ratio on this one is off, the community is toxic, the interface is clunky and there's just a hell of a lot of other games, free or otherwise, that are better than this. I remembered all of this within minutes of jumping back into the game.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Haven and Hearth!
« Reply #82 on: February 24, 2020, 11:36:00 am »

Hey again folks, sorry if there's another thread but W12 happening on the 6th march apparently. Some people are unhappy with the changelog but we'll see how it goes.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Haven and Hearth!
« Reply #83 on: March 05, 2020, 12:19:00 am »

It's going to be great times reading the forum and seeing how L&J bungle the start of W12 with yet another game-breaking exploit being abused by botters for massive gains.
Quote from: Max White
"Have all the steel you want!", says Toady, "It won't save your ass this time!"
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