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Author Topic: Let's Play MAFIA ORGANIZATIONS  (Read 1331 times)

Servant Corps

  • Bay Watcher
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« on: July 07, 2009, 12:11:22 am »

Mafia is a very old indie game that has gained some popularity recently, due to its different storylines and alternate endings. I decided I might as well LP it. I'm new at this game, so please forgive me if I get it wrong.

In this game, you play as different Mafisos who has to fight their way up in their ranks by assisting their fellow brethen by killing off the "Town". We win when we take over all the Mafia organizations throughout Italy and the USA. So, let's do this.

Prelude: Midwest, 2000

As a up-and-coming mafiso, I'm here to help my Mafia brethen take over this small-time town, for the mighty Mafia family.

In the past, we used to do it for honor. Now, we do it for the money.

I was sent over to a nearby location that has not been paying the protection money. Further, the locals have decided to establish the concept of "Democratic Murder". The fools, thinking they can be able to intimidate us by lynching. I was ordered to meet up with the local Mafiso boss, and exterminate everyone within the town, to show them that we mean business. We were told that the Town also had some crazy Cultists, we were ordered to murder them as well.

Role: Suicide Bomber (mafia). You can suicide-bomb a player during the day, killing you and your target. You win when you have majority and there are no other killers.

I only had one power, but that shall do.

Night 1, I got in contact with my Mafiso, A_Fey_Drawf.

<A_Fey_Dwarf> You mafia kill?
<Servant> I know you are as cursed as I am. Tell me, what is your role?
<Servant> All I can do is blow myself up.
<A_Fey_Dwarf> I can give people false abilities
<Servant> But I can mafiakill too
<A_Fey_Dwarf> I'll give Alexhans a false ability.
<Servant> Okay.
<Servant> I'll kill off a random lost soul.
<A_Fey_Dwarf> You kill someone else

I murdered off a random person during the night. Altma. I ransacked his house and found he was a Cowardly Doctor, able to heal people. Now that we took away the person who could save the town from our massacres, we are ready to strike. But first, we have to survive the day.

<+Alexhans> zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
<+A_Fey_Dwarf> timeout...
<+Vir4030> wow, that was long
<+creampuffeater> long night

Long...night. Well, of course it was long, I didn't know how to use the controls.

<+Alexhans> nolynch?
<+Kevylin> wasn't me
<+Xeio> I guess Altma wishes he was more cowardly
<+creampuffeater> so
<+creampuffeater> im throwing this out there
<+Alexhans> or what?
<+creampuffeater> i am a survivor
<+creampuffeater> discuss
<+Kevylin> it's not NL with 7
<+Alexhans> lynch creampuffeater
<+Kevylin> lynch CPE
<+Vir4030> that sound like a free lynch at 7p
<+A_Fey_Dwarf> Lynch the survivor
<+Kevylin> lol
<+Xeio> isn't it fl?
<+Alexhans> we gotta take out the survivor

Hey! The Mafia are the ones who are supposed to have incomphrensible jargon! Not the Town!

I suppose, that's a pretty good idea actually. Have a special code that only Townies would be able to decipher. Then lynch anyone who doesn't agree.

The Town consented to murdering creampuffeater, so I went along with it. creampuffeater turned out to be a Cultist, so already one Cultist is down. I wonder how I could spin it off to my boss in question.

On Night 2, I decided to attack Kevylin while A Fey Drawf caused another Townie to go insane. I trailed Kevylin, observed him from his well-guarded hotel room, and then when he got out, I ambushed his car at dawn.

He got away, in front of everyone. I'm a dead man walking.

<+Kevylin> neat
<+A_Fey_Dwarf> :o
<+Kevylin> I'm a secret reviver I guess
<+Kevylin> lol
<+Alexhans> ok..
+A_Fey_Dwarf> Awesome
<+Alexhans> wtf...?
<+Vir4030> okay, so what do you guys want to do today?
<+Kevylin> so there's a scum that can kill and a cult leader
<+Xeio> What is cult?

...That's a good question actually.

The leadership back in Italy said the cult was bad, but they never mentioned why it was there in the first place. The intel only stated that they never seek to kill anyone, but only recruit people, but for what purpose? I know they are a threat to the Mafia...but what kind of threat?

<+Kevylin> this sucks
<+Xeio> I've never seen it before
<+Kevylin> it's Servant though
<+Kevylin> Servant or Xeio

Kevylin survived the assassination attempt, so it would make sense he would get a good look at his murderer. He knows it is either me or Xeio, my luck depends on Kevylin choosing wrongly.

<+A_Fey_Dwarf> What?
<+Alexhans> Xeio didnt vote  and servant neither

Alexhans believes that the Mafia would never wish to engage in Democratic Murder. To even vote would be an act of submission to the Town, an action that no Mafiso would ever seek to engage in. Therefore, anyone who does not vote must be Mafia, and therefore should be killed.

The Mafia would be reluctant to vote and thereby endorse a process that they would seek to undermine. It would destroy their honor. But the Mafia lost all shred of honor a long time ago. It would be willing to lie in order to accomplish the "greater good". Alexhans is stuck in the 'golden era' of Mobsterdom, not willing to see the reality. He's easy prey.

I didn't vote, true, but it was only because I wanted to seek what the Town would say and then go along with the consensus.

<+Xeio> Would someone answer me what cult is?
<+Kevylin> cult is like mafia
<+Xeio> Is it the same as mafia?
<+Vir4030> cult can recruit other cult members
<+Alexhans> cult leader
<+Kevylin> cult is scum that can recruit
<+Kevylin> kill the cult leader, cult dies
<+Vir4030> we need to find the cult leader
<+A_Fey_Dwarf> I thought cult was town
<+Xeio> O.o
<+Alexhans> for gods sake
<+Kevylin> cult is not town

So the cult is bonded to the rest of the cult leader? There must be something different to this 'recruitment'...

<+Kevylin> it's Servant though
<+Kevylin> Servant or Xeio
<+Kevylin> leaning Servant here
<+Vir4030> servant is mafia
<+Servant> No.
<+Servant> No, I am not Mafia.
<+Kevylin> how do you know Vir
<+Vir4030> the same way I know I can trust you, Kevylin

Sod it, Vir4030 and Kevylin are begining to trust each other. And they are going to attempt to sway the town's Democratic Murder process to kill me. A_Fey_Drawf then handed me the message...

<A_Fey_Dwarf> suicide bomb go

It's not like I really had a choice. I failed in my assassination attempt. If word gets out, the Mafia will love street credit, and I would lose my head. So, I strapped my Vest of Destruction and walked over to Kevylin...

I only stayed in the town for 2 days, and now I'm dead. And yet, I am still curious--

<creampuffeater> Wake up, scum, from your eternal slumber.
<creampuffeater> For I am indeed a Cultist...and I recruit you.
<Servant> ...But didn't we kill you the first day?
<creampuffeater> Yes, but you only killed my body. My soul is alive.
<Servant> I don't like metaphysics...
<creampuffeater> We have different bodies, that we can posses at any time. Death and other worldy matters do not concern us, we focus on greater matters...
<Servant> Like what?
<creampuffeater> You'll see...
« Last Edit: July 07, 2009, 12:16:22 am by Servant Corps »
I have left Bay12Games to pursue a life of non-Bay12Games. If you need to talk to me, please email at me at igorhorst at gmail dot com.