As has been foretold in prophecy, dwarves rise again to stand over their great oppressor, the sky.
(Click to zoom, courtesy of Japa)

The sequel to the popular
Skyscrapes, the Tower-Fortress. This time, with BEES (and nest boxes, minecarts, goblins...).
1. Each player has 1 in-game year to add another level to the tower.
2. Each player can add 1-8 floors to the tower (since I don't think we'll reach 100 turns).
3. All functional parts of the fort (i.e. bedrooms, workshops, dining halls, etc.) MUST be contained within the tower, above ground. The only exceptions are farms, mining for stone/ore, and stockpiles.
4. The levels of the tower can be designed in any way you desire, as long as it won't easily collapse (e.g. with the pull of a lever). Be sure to roof over any sections of the tower you want to be considered "inside", as the next player might not put a floor down above it.
5. Try to use up any stone you mine out; we don't want too much clutter. Making blocks is recommended for constructions.
6. Modifying previous players' levels is allowed, to a certain extent. Try not to mess with the outer walls, or anything that looks like it would've taken a while to design/make.
NOTE: When you find out it's your turn, please post in the thread so you won't be skipped due to inactivity.
Once you have been notified of the start of your turn, you have one week after the PM was sent, or one week after you were last online last online, whichever comes first (minimum one day) to acknowledge your turn, otherwise you'll be skipped.
Turn List:
- Graebeard
- billybobfred
- bmaczero
- Microcline
- Scruffy
- TurkeyXIII
- Sizik
- jmnmaui
- Lielac
- Argembarger
- melkor
- NCommander
- wypie
- Japa
- EmeraldWind
- Daenyth
- Bastus
- MarcAFK
- davros
- Sphalerite
- Crossroads Inc.
- Microcline
- tahujdt
- Niyazov
- Betelgeuse
- JoshBrickstien
- MadeOfStarDust
- Prometheusmfd
- InfinityWEAPON
- Megaman3321
- Graebeard
- Scruffy
- TheDJ17
Note to people who've been skipped: If you asked to be skipped, you can take your turn anytime after the currently playing person, just ask.
If you were involuntarily skipped, you can only be added to the end of the list.Color Key:
In Line Awaiting Confirmation Active Completed Skipped (inactive/unresponsive) Skipped (voluntary) Latest save.Latest Map.