Regain Consciousness
[4] You slowly come to, aching all over as you crack your eyelids. Floor. You can see floor.
Groaning, you eventually manage to get yourself to a standing position, gripping the bar to steady yourself. You head is killing you and your vision is swimming, but you still recognize the guy standing before you: "Pianola" Ambrose, the famed, recently un-retired bank robber you came here to meet.
Right now, though, he doesn't look too pleased; he takes in your battered, filthy appearance before heading past you to confront the barkeep.
Glancing groggily around, you see some guy with a big beard who looks just about as beat-up as you do standing near Ambrose with a silly grin on his face, that chick whose singing started all this slumped in a chair, and Lou, holding what looks like a sawn-off in one hand as he waves a vial of smelling salts under her nose.
The place looks like a warzone.
You're still feeling pretty dazed. You aren't really sure what's going on; Ambrose seems to be wanting to know just what you and your "companions" are doing here. You're abruptly jolted back to reality when he growls, loud enough for everyone to hear,
"Alright, people, someone had better get to explaining, here!" What were you here for, again? You shake your aching head. Oh yeah, you wanted to join up with this guy, that's right.
Attempt to smile in my unconscious state and imprint the picture of that dashing lad in my mental eye.
Hopefully this won't carry on to my conscious self.
[5] You're sitting in the cool shade of a tree reading, somewhere in the grounds. You can here the soft murmuring of a creek nearby, and a soft piano melody tinkles somewhere at the edge of your consciousness, mingling with the sweet birdsong in the air.
You're just turning a page when a tall, strapping figure moves into view, and the book drops from your hands, forgotten as you leap gracefully to your feet. It's him! He came for you! You rush to his side, and he drops a bulging back of money to embrace you as you throw your arms around his neck.
All at once you feel at peace in the arms of this fearsome bank robber, even if he does smell faintly of gunpowder and cheap alchohol.
"Oh, Ambrose,"
You sigh.
"Oh, Aerie,"
He murmurs back, his manly voice slightly muffled by your scarf.
"Oh, Ambrose,"
You say again, "It matters not to me how many banks you've robbed, how much money you've stolen... You already stolen my heart."
he says, abruptly pulling back and grinning.
"Now, I've got a stick of dynamite in my pants, I reckon it's time to crack your safe! C'mere!" --
Wait, what?! *Record scrapes off abruptly* That's not romantic! Damnit, so much for your sappy, lovey-dovey dream. Sheesh. You must be waking up...
It takes a moment for things to come into focus as you open your eyes, and when they do you can't help but give a small cry of horror at the sight you're confronted with. Staring at you with sunken, unhinged-looking eyes is one of the ugliest faces you've seen in some time; greyish skin, thin lips twisted in an unhappy scowl, and gaunt cheeks.
"Looks like she's awake," The fiend says, standing up. It takes you a moment to recover from that, but when you do you notice a far more pleasant sight: "Pianola" Ambrose, looking down at you with a mixture of concern and distaste. You feel a bit foolish as you remember that dream. There are a few others standing around, too, but you aren't really paying them any heed. Someone hands you a glass of something alchoholic.
"You're the one who was singing in here, yeah?" He asks you, frowning. "I'm going to assume you didn't know that was against the rules, huh."
He cocks his head. "...What's a dame like you doin' here, anyway?" He turns to some beardy fellow nearby, then gestures to that long-haired guy you were sitting near before the whole thing started. "All of you people, for that matter, what are you all doing here today? And who's
As he says the last, all heads turn towards a table on the other side of the room, where some big black guy with a guitar strapped to his back sits at a rather too-small table, the floor around him carpeted with smashed plates, spilt food and a young couple lying unconscious in a pile of spilt food.
Ambrose is getting a bit frustrated here. He pinches at the bridge of his nose, then says, loud enough for all the room to hear,
"Alright, people, someone had better get to explaining, here!" He glances from you, to the various other strangers in the room, and back, waiting for someone to speak up.
Get up, be the first to greet him.
[6] "Oh boy, oh gosh! Oh boy! It's Pianola Ambrose!" You cannot contain your excitement as you hurry over to the man, still feeling a bit dazed and practically tripping over your feet in your haste. You shove your hand out towards him, grinning broadly like a street urchin given unlimited credit in the candy store.
Ya know, except you're a big guy with a beard, bruised and bleeding from your recent injuries. You grab his hand and start pumping it vigorously at he stares at you, his angry expression momentarily replaced by abject confusion.
"Oh, it's great to meet you, Mister Ambrose! I'm a
huge fan, I got all your newspaper clippings, I keep a scrapbook of 'em, oh I really want to join your gang, I uh, I'm a big fan, I think the Credit Union robbery back in '34 was a
classic, you know, and--"
He shoves you off of him with a grimace. "What the
hell, boy, you concussed or somethin'?" He turns towards that creepy guy in the blue suit as the latter approaches, looking a bit disheveled himself and clutching a sawn-off shotgun in one hand.
"Lou, watch this guy. Something tells me he's taken a nasty hit over the head."
With that, the great "Pianola" Ambrose shoves past you, not having time for your hero worship right now. He's heading over for the bar, determined to find out just what the hell's been going on in here.
A short while later, Ambrose has just about had it with this foolishness. He looks at you and the various other newcomers in the room, and says, (quite loudly)
"Alright, people, someone had better get to explaining, here!" Hmmm... You think you could have made a better first impression.
"Hey, what's up Pianola!"
Casually stroll inside, bags in hand.
Leaving the near-wreck of your car where it is for now, seeing as the doorman's distracted, you unload a good few of those opium parcels, making your way up the steps and back inside. You see none other than "Pianola" Ambrose himself, looking none-too-happy as he storms out of a back room and makes his way over to the bar, shoving aside petitioners as he goes like some kind of medieval lord.
You're guessing he- and by extension his obviously foul mood- have something to do with the music stopping so suddenly.
"Hey, what's up Pianola!" [5] You call out to him, grinning as you swagger in, lugging your product.
He looks at you briefly, narrowing his eyes a bit as he sees what you're carrying. "Uh, yeah, hi." He looks like he's about to comment on the drugs when, from somewhere beneath the bar, that long-haired guy you came in with groans loudly and staggers to his feet, clutching at his head.
He looks like he's had a run-in with a steamroller, and he's had at least a couple of drinks spilled on him, but before Ambrose can comment your business associate from earlier, the big man in the coat, ushers you back outside.
He looks at you like you're nuts. "Pal, you got lucky there. "Pianola" ain't too fond of hard drugs. He keeps it strictly booze-only in the O'Dolan, if he'd seen this stuff," He counts some notes off a bankroll and shoves them into your hands before taking the drugs, "He'd a' had you roughed up and chucked out. There, that should cover it. The name's Seymour Green. If this stuff sells well, I'll be in touch,
He puts some emphasis on your name, letting in sink in that he (somehow) knows who you are, and then he's gone, headed off down the stairs with a couple of bodyguards. Eep.
You step back inside in time to see Ambrose confronting the young bartender. Looking at the room more closely, it's pretty much a scene of destruction; furniture has seemingly been shoved aside at random to form a space for dancing around the bar, the house musicians are standing there looking sheepish, still holding their instruments, and that dame with the scarf is propped up in an armchair, someone waving smelling salts in her face.
"Mike, what happened here?" Ambrose is saying, his voice a little softer than before, although he's still pretty mad.
'Mike', the barkeep, is standing behind the bar in silence, looking nervous.
"Who started it all off?" The lad looks up, gesturing uncertainly towards the unconscious lady in the chair.
ell, her, Mister Ambrose, but it was... My fault, really." Mike takes a moment to compose himself as Ambrose stares at him.
"I uh, should've told her not to sing, y'know. Since it's a house rule an' that. Sorry, sir." He looks truly pathetic, standing there with his head bowed and his trusty cleaning rag clutched in one hand. There are a few snickers in the crowd as most people start heading back to whatever they were doing before that whole song-induced riot.
At this point the amateur songstress herself starts to come around, giving a small yelp of fright. You can't really blame her, getting a better look at the guy with the smelling salts as he turns to Ambrose- he is one ugly sonofabitch, and not just compared to yourself.
Ambrose starts in questioning her. He really doesn't like people singing in this joint, it seems. You do seem to remember reading something about him being quite the singer himself, back in the days before he got run out of town and nearly killed... Now that you think of it, that was where got the "Pianola" part from, in the first place. Hmm.
After a moment, Ambrose looks about himself, seeming to notice the number of strangers in the room; yourself, the guy with the beard, the bedraggled longhaired fellow who was lying under the bar, and some big guy over the other side of the room.
He starts to lose patience, pinching the bridge of his nose in exasperation before raising his voice.
"Alright, people, someone had better get to explaining, here!" Clayton sniffles, pulling some dripping blood back into his nostrils. He clenches his teeth and lifts the man almost entirely over his head, before laughing heartily and gently placing him back on the floor.
"You got a good punch, boy. Got a headache now. Gonna sit down."
Clayton takes the couple's table and begins to eat and drink whatever remains.
[5] The boy sure doesn't waste any time, as soon as you put him down he turns to scarper.
[2] However, like his girl before him, he gets an eyeful of Mister Ambrose, gasping like a strangled hamster before joining her on the filthy, food-splattered floor with a crash of broken crockery.
Shaking your head, you right the table you so recently flipped over, pulling up a chair before taking a seat. Unsurprisingly, all the food is scattered across the floor, so you 'borrow' a plate of spaghetti from a neighbouring table.
Not that anyone notices, anyway, all being busy staring at that "Pianola" guy. Not you, however. You're
Mm. Good spaghetti.
You let out a burp, setting aside the empty plate and dapping at your mouth with a napkin. You hear someone saying, "...And who's
Suddenly you're aware most of the room, including Ambrose, is staring at you.
A moment later, Mister A shouts:
"Alright, people, someone had better get to explaining, here!" It's not just you he's upset about, though. The whole place is a bit of a mess. Still, he is not in a good mood.
Entering a 'Free RP' section!
Basically, it's time to wrap up the prologue. This bit will be mostly roleplay, not divided up into 'turns'.
It's time to explain your sorry selves to Ambrose before he loses patience. I'll roll for anything if necessary, but there shouldn't really be a need to.
Good luck! ...You'll probably need it.
Urgh, I really don't like this update. Sorry for the crappiness of it all, I've had trouble finding time to sit down and get it done... And I'm pretty tired at the moment.

I hope I didn't ramble TOO much. Still, I didn't want to keep you all waiting, and I wanted to finish the Prologue.
So just post as often as you like for this next bit, roleplay with the NPCs and each other.
After this is done we'll start chapter one.
Again, sorry for the lack of quality in this update; I hope I didn't make too many errors etc.