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Author Topic: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension  (Read 1029904 times)


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Bear:1, Wizards:0
« Reply #4606 on: April 30, 2013, 10:53:07 am »

Well now I feel embarrased.
I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
Moved to SufficientVelocity / Spacebattles.


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Bear:1, Wizards:0
« Reply #4607 on: April 30, 2013, 05:12:16 pm »

Except for where it adds to your pool. That means you can use 2 words instead of 1 word, which is a lot more useful.


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Bear:1, Wizards:0
« Reply #4608 on: April 30, 2013, 07:17:05 pm »

Edit'd edit.
I wish I could unwatch a thread because every time I look at this I can feel myself dying faster
Dying of laughter?
Dying of pure unbridled hatred, actually.


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Bear:1, Wizards:0
« Reply #4609 on: April 30, 2013, 07:23:53 pm »

Edit'd edit.

You should switch from potency 2 and channeling 1 to potency 1 and channeling 2. It'll be a lot more useful that way.
the way the stats work, is that a 0 gives you -1 to rolls, and you get +1 for every multiple of 3. Except for channeling, which directly translates into your mana pool.

EDIT - Oh, and having at least 1 point in a stat gets you to +0. so 0 = -1, 1 = +0, 3 = +1, 6 = +2, etc.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2013, 01:11:30 am by Angle »

Agora: open-source platform to facilitate complicated discussions between large numbers of people. Now with test site!

The Temple of the Elements: Quirky Dungeon Crawler


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Bear:1, Wizards:0
« Reply #4610 on: April 30, 2013, 08:25:14 pm »

Alright then. Edit'd the edit of my edit.
I wish I could unwatch a thread because every time I look at this I can feel myself dying faster
Dying of laughter?
Dying of pure unbridled hatred, actually.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Bear:1, Wizards:0
« Reply #4611 on: May 01, 2013, 01:08:58 am »

Oh boy.
Just finished reading these 308 pages last night (was 307...).
You know what? With that effort I don't feel bad about obtaining meta-knowledge! (Not that in this game that is much of an issue... ;D)
I've got 73 words (I may have missed a few...), 7 runes and a circle. Let the Science begin!

I wonder if Piecewise has had an aneurism yet...

Time I think to join the greatest R2D I have seen yet! (In girth and greatness!)

You may call me Bigfoot. ("o"/"0", the giv-a-damn is low on this matter)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
FYI I already have an attack in mind for any cretin lucky enough to stand still, but I think I will save the murder for NPCs, eh? (Channeling is four for a reason!)

Piecewise, I know the drill, read enough for that, could you by any chance just have me run outside (somehow I know where) and have me try WORDS?

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« Last Edit: May 01, 2013, 01:15:29 am by Bigf00t »
But screw it nobody tames a murderbear without taking risks.


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Bear:1, Wizards:0
« Reply #4612 on: May 01, 2013, 01:13:21 am »

You're short a point. You only have 9 points in stats, you start with 10.

Agora: open-source platform to facilitate complicated discussions between large numbers of people. Now with test site!

The Temple of the Elements: Quirky Dungeon Crawler


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Bear:1, Wizards:0
« Reply #4613 on: May 01, 2013, 01:15:05 am »

Oh, thanks! (DERP)  :P

+1 Strength, I've seen enough death via black-holes already. *gulp*
But screw it nobody tames a murderbear without taking risks.


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Bear:1, Wizards:0
« Reply #4614 on: May 01, 2013, 04:57:53 pm »

You think this is a big RtD?

Look at piecewise's other masterpiece, Einsteinian Roulette. It has two threads which dwarf this one and a new third one which is still pretty small.
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Bear:1, Wizards:0
« Reply #4615 on: May 01, 2013, 05:38:27 pm »

You think this is a big RtD?

Look at piecewise's other masterpiece, Einsteinian Roulette. It has two threads which dwarf this one and a new third one which is still pretty small.

This one moves much faster, though. Yeah, I'm finally back.

Exit the temple and look around the grounds.
Quote from: syvarris
Pyro is probably some experimental government R&D AI.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Bear:1, Wizards:0
« Reply #4616 on: May 01, 2013, 07:53:43 pm »

You think this is a big RtD?

Look at piecewise's other masterpiece, Einsteinian Roulette. It has two threads which dwarf this one and a new third one which is still pretty small.
This one moves much faster, though.
Is this surprising?
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Bear:1, Wizards:0
« Reply #4617 on: May 02, 2013, 12:16:51 am »

"How long could this possibly take?  On the bright side, at least I don't feel pain."
Will myself to grow new arms and legs.  If it works, pick up all my previous limbs for Science.

"pick up all my previous limbs for Science" Is a pretty good phrase if you ask me.

Your arms and legs both grow back! Everything worked out better then expected.

You pick up your severed limbs.

Hmm. Ask the mummy "Are there any scrolls around here that might contain some partial translations of this language?" "Also do you have any Idea what the "Offering of The Green" might be?"
"Most of the ruins of ancient times have long since been wiped from the world, their stones scavenged or lost. However, the Labyrinth of Nul-sheal, the forest to the west, is said to contain a scattered few. Beyond the catacombs and what lies beyond them, the forest is your best chance."

"That is a riddle you must solve."

Grab a stick, or a large piece of the skeleton goldfish, and sketch the following words on the ground while shouting them out:
"I'm going to be trying something big, anyone who wants can come help."

Then start drawing a circle with the help of whomever comes to my aid.
(We'll be PMing it later/soon/ish)

((I've contacted some people who want to help already, and there's more who are quite welcome to help with this. It's a larger rune, and probably going to take more than one turn. If you're in the temple grounds, I'd be happy to have your aid. We'll be going into the temple or into the fog a short distance to escape any negative consequences this circle may have, if it has any))
Alright...let me just look through the posts and see who else is helping on this...

Help Milo draw his circle.
Here's one...

And thats about it. Lets see if you two are strong enough...Ok, you guys are lacking 3 pool needed to make just the basic structure of the circle, that costs 10. You can inscribe the runes one at a time after the circle is done, to spread the cost out though. And unless you get someone who is aligned with Mr. Inksea to help, it's gonna take 2 turns to make. Each Rune costs 3 to put in place.

This circle is pretty powerful, if you couldn't tell. It has...interesting effects. You should get derm to help. It would increase his god favor, speed up the creation of the circle and lend you the power needed.


Try A6, then in the smaller circles, B16 and B17. Activate if possible.
The circle activates while your paw is still inside it. Your left paw, along with the ground inside the circle, turns into diamond that begins oozing alcohol. Well...thats a thing.

((Legends have foretold of the magical time known as exam week, in which Wwolin abuses his photographic memory to avoid having to study and returns to Perplexicon. That time is now))

"Ooh boy, I feel like I've been in some sort of coma for ages... Hey, my torch is still light! Maybe one day when I'm famous, people can base a religious holiday around it. Speaking of which, wasn't there a church that I was going to explore?"

Enter the church, and turn my golden hands into a cloud of fluttering golden butterflies so that they'll be able to fit down the trapdoor later.
(welcome back, was wonder what happened to you.)

You head back to the church and inside.

The golden hands thud violently to the ground and twitch a bit. Hmph, an auspicious start.

Glare at Eotyrannus, with intentions.

[Lol aware:3]

You glare at him, though it's not quite as piercing as you would have hoped. Oh well...he's wandered off now anyways.

"Yeah, you better run!"

More Ship Building! "Urgh... This may take a while." Glassco grumbled to himself.

Spoiler: Ship Re-envisioning! (click to show/hide)

Lets say you can get 5 will actions in each turn eh?

[will:6,6,4,6,2,+1 all]




"Boy, I hope that ring is still somewhere in contact with me!  If not, could one of you push it my way?"

Assuming I can, will my body to grow back.  No way this will go badly with -1 will!

I happen to be right next to you. Want me to bail you out, or should I just let you be? If you offer me an item (that I can actually touch, no rings that disintegrate me when I try and pick them up) of elemental control over any metal/energy element, I'll even try and arrange to give you the kill. From what I can see, if I give you the kill and you put the point in channeling, you should able to make such Items.

If Thrakor takes me up on my offer (Which he did), have my big thallids go protect him, then fire missiles at the boar and have the resulting spores consume all the boars organic matter, lever apart the stones that make up it's legs, and anchor it to the ground so it can't move. If he does not take me up on my offer, circumvent the boar and head deeper into the forest. If the boar attacks me anyway, try and outrun it. If I can't, fire missiles and destroy it.

Also, does that extra level of Nul-Sheal give me an extra minion slot?
[master spd:4+1]
Remember how The Master was glowing? Just standing around for like two straight turns? Well..
The glow on the Master suddenly sloughs of him and into the ground. It races out like a shockwave in all directions, flowers blooming and grass growing knee high in an instant. And then roots, a foot thick and sharp as spears, erupt from the ground and burst from the trees. They tear straight through your suit, impaling it a good dozen times and pinning it in place. One of the Spikes takes your left arm off at the elbow. You scream in pain, and try to fire your missiles anyways.

[will:4+3-1 concussion,-1 pain]
[dex:1+1 Fungus]
You fire your barrage of missiles, which miss and fly off somewhere deep into the woods.

The master lowers it's head, intent on charging you

(Also no. Thats just a one time thing)


Improve fast guy with words.
The Homunculus becomes even thinner and sleeker. This would normally result in it being weaker. For some reason though, that doesn't seem to be the case.



Kin quickly makes A16, B4 and put the bloody metal rod there. He then activates it.
(I didn't know you were german. Huh.)
You activate the circle while you're standing in it. Your entire body, electric though it may be, crystallizes with large, square salt crystals.

Shareeb Shor Rentareeb
Go back to crater
You summon a steel whip. It's an odd looking thing, it's handle is shaped like the body and head of a lizard, while it's tail has been greatly extended to form the braided steel fibers of the whip.

You walk back over to the end of the street right next to the crater.

"Hey, anybody out there wants a mecha bear?"

Do some violent things. If nobody takes the bear from me dispose of it somehow (make it jump off a cliff or something) so that I can free up my control slot. Then summon a superman.

I give permission to miauw to post on my behalf just in case I loose Internet access for the next couple of days and there is something trying to kill me.

Look around for ANYONE I could slay. Don't start slaying yet.
((You know you can just open the status spoiler, press Ctrl+F and search for "ion: temple" "ion: base" "ion: hall", right?))
You turn to the guy next to you and murder him to death and eat his soul. You gain a point.

And then you dispose of the bear...somehow.

A rather large man appears in front of you.

"Oh" He says, "Guess I'm alive again?"

"Ok then"
Use sword to carve runes

These days, they are bad.

I look inside the cave with my new light source, casting Zorhalth again if needed. What can I see from out here?
You look inside the cave.

The cavern is a sea made thing, a wound in the stone carved by centuries worth of high tides. Water has collected in divots around the cave and formed dark tidal pools. Soft limbs and boneless bodies squirm in the brine stinking water and primitive eyes watch you with a sort of mindless curiosity. Hidden there, in the depths of the black stone and the wet sand is a monolith of quicksilver. It hovers a foot or  two above the ground, hanging silently in a natural chamber at the end of the cave; it's surface slowly rolls and ebbs and flows. 

Also Sven is there, staring at the Monolith.

Cool. Nice weapon.
Poke it with my sword. If it does not do anything nasty to the sword, then pick it up. Say Clo-caltel Adamenstiar Donbel. Wear result.
Bets on if it will kill me?

As is kind of expected of something throwing out arcane energy, it's rather corrosive to things that come in contact with it. Probably a poor idea to hold it without precautions.

It produces...something. Sort of a mess of gears and don't think it's gonna be of any use. Or wearable for that matter.

"Oi! Thrakor! You want help with tha'? Too bad! I'm comin' anyway. Drinks all around!"

Adventure my way to the boar and begin superheating it. ZorhalthZorhalthZorhalth.
You attempt to enter the forest, but the path appears to have been blocked by a mass of interwoven wooden spikes. Hmm, you think you can see something trapped and impaled on those spikes a good 20 feet further in.

((Sorry Piecewise, but there is no way that uriststrast as a word for booze was generated randomly. Yes, I just revealed that word, but it's mostly harmless and hilarious anyway.))

Say some more words.
That one and a handful of others were exceptions. I added it later and...well I couldn't resist. Although the words for spear and staff being similar is actually purely coincidental.


Image of a bracelet

A lump of wax appears and goes flying off toward your left. It hits the wall with a dull "Splut" and then drops to the ground.

I suddenly really wish there was an element for sound.

Weren't we promised new elements at some point?
I may have to post more...problem is thinking up ones that are
1.Different from ones we have
2.Not something useless
3.Not something brokenly powerful.

((God dammit, what the hell does this circle do?! WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!))

Pick up a rock and hit the sword with it from a distance to see if anything happens. If nothing happens, scratch out the circle and pick up my new sword. Prepare the new circle and runes if possible.
I'll give you a hint. Try that circle, with the rune for sword and then activate it BEFORE trying to put the sword in it.

The area inside the circle fills up without about a foot of water. It just sort of stays there, held in by the boundaries of the circle.

[Meh, spell testing. I'm poking the limits of what and how you can will check something, so as to nice and properly abuse use it to its full potential. The words seem nice, but really unless you want to build stuff with them you don't really need the ability to say a lot of them it seems to me.]
((Will is fine for building stuff, but when it comes to protecting that stuff you have built, it's not so good unless you have cast the appropriate words (like Null did). Otherwise you'll end up annihilated by arcane cannons or sucked into blackhole mines. So the moral of this post is, in a perfect world, one should have a +2 on all stats and enough knowledge and pool to cast many magical defenses.

I wonder if Blastel has any magical defense perks on his higher levels, since he? seems to be a god suited for non magic users.))

I'll let you in on a bit of a secret here, since Kisame kind of demonstrated it. Blastel's gifted weapon does more damage then a normal weapon would. Blastel's later perks will allow him to do frankly outrageous damage with his weapon if he manages to hit multiple times. And yes, he does grant defenses against magic in the form of particular items that come as a result of another perk.

A high level disciple of blastel will be nothing to scoff at. He could probably charge that airship Onyx fought and beat it to death.

Find nearest big deadly thingy. Shout "URISTRAT ZORHALTH" at it.

The nearest, big deadly thing is probably one of the sealed beasts that the All seeing Monk offered to let someone fight before.

Avoid metal door, only idiots go in the front.  Enter the docking bay and look for another way into the room beyond the metal door.

Mutter words.

Ok, so avoid big door, go through small side doors into the dark.

The room beyond the double doors isn't much more then a wide stone hallway with dirt floors and no windows. The only illumination comes from the open double door, though it looks like there are hooks for lanterns along the length of the room. Other then that there's nothing actually in this room save for a few open wooden boxes or crates lined up against the wall on the far end. You take a moment to look inside the first one and find it's filled mostly with clothing of various sizes and makes, a lot of it ripped, blood stained or covered in dried mud. Beyond the clothing there are a few pieces of modest jewlery and other miscellaneous personal items, but nothing of any real value. The crate next to the first one contains nothing but stacks of folded, gray uniforms. How odd.

Just past these crates is the door to the next room, although it's pretty much pitch black in there.


Look around for ANYONE I could slay. Don't start slaying yet.
((You know you can just open the status spoiler, press Ctrl+F and search for "ion: temple" "ion: base" "ion: hall", right?))
(I can do what?)

If fire doesn't fix your problem, try more fire.
Just because water can have everything in solution does NOT mean that fire ire is the solution to everything!
I believe he means you can use "CTRL-f to search the "Statuses" post since it contains everyone's locations.

------------------------------------------------The following posts are from earlier, but the fucking forum ate them------------------------------------------------

Look around for ANYONE I could slay. Don't start slaying yet.
Currently a least somewhat near by:
Scientist (who I believe may be away/abandoned the game)


Pray to Blastel for mighty strength, and whack the boar with my staff!

((This can only end in glory.))
You rolled a 6+1 and smashed a chunk out of it's side. But the plants grew over it's injury and it ignored you.

Hooray for neat bow that i cant safely use yet and cool new words.

draw a circle to make myself fireproof, investigate the quicksilver thing, words if i see any creatures larger than a crab.
Other words if i see nothing interesting.

Your spells both failed, but your wheelie man disappeared into the monolith, like alice through the looking glass.

".....Owww? Anyways, let's see what Zaral Hancal Zolthelthcaon gives me."

A sliver and magma bow that would pretty much be dangerous to hold.

-----------------------------------BACK TO OUR REGULARLY SCHEDULED FUCKABOUTS------------------------------------------------

((This is why I pointed out: Piecewise, remove the artifact waitlist from the OP.
Speaking of artifacts, I seem to recall you were parsing the words to make one from Dark Souls for someone. Did you ever finish that for them? Just curious.
Finally, Vakothu: Is, perhaps, this trying to fix yourself why you're in such a predicament now?))

Removed it.

Also yeah, I told the guy. It was up to him to give that info out if he wanted to or not.
((There is no waitlist. Once you post your char, you're in.))

Oh, alright.

Spoiler: Char sheet (click to show/hide)

The most delicious player has arrived. Also, I believe you may have done a thing with STR that you didn't intend.

Oh boy.
Just finished reading these 308 pages last night (was 307...).
You know what? With that effort I don't feel bad about obtaining meta-knowledge! (Not that in this game that is much of an issue... ;D)
I've got 73 words (I may have missed a few...), 7 runes and a circle. Let the Science begin!

I wonder if Piecewise has had an aneurism yet...

Time I think to join the greatest R2D I have seen yet! (In girth and greatness!)

You may call me Bigfoot. ("o"/"0", the giv-a-damn is low on this matter)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
FYI I already have an attack in mind for any cretin lucky enough to stand still, but I think I will save the murder for NPCs, eh? (Channeling is four for a reason!)

Piecewise, I know the drill, read enough for that, could you by any chance just have me run outside (somehow I know where) and have me try WORDS?

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
You can't ignore my girth.

Alrighty then, lets stick you out in the temple grounds and roll you some magic.
Oh dear.

Ok, first one makes a pile of sand.
Second one...[end:1-1]
Kills you deader then dirt by turning your head into a block of obsidian.


Summon stone-control ring, then head to the boar and:

If I succeeded in summoning the ring, will it's legs to fall off and lash it to the ground with vines.

If I didn't succeed, will it's tusks to perform brain-analogue surgery on itself.  Violently.

For now, Minion just interposes itself between me and hostiles, and only strikes if I'm attacked.
You know I almost missed you. I am really becoming reliant on bolding.
You summon up the stone control ring, but are similarly stopped from entering the place by the wall of wooden spikes.


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Bear:1, Wizards:0
« Reply #4618 on: May 02, 2013, 12:26:21 am »

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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Bear:1, Wizards:0
« Reply #4619 on: May 02, 2013, 12:32:08 am »

"Well, let's try that again! The throne too!"

Convert throne and hands into a swarm of golden butterflies. If successful, command a single butterfly to descend down the trapdoor, to try and see how far down it goes.
I meant we'd start stabbing the walls and floor for points and not just for science.
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