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Author Topic: SMAC MP Game: Turn 100! Partial Map Inside  (Read 40515 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: SMAC MP Game: Turn 41!
« Reply #570 on: August 20, 2013, 09:58:52 pm »

I've found that installing the game is entirely unnecessary. I love '90s DRM, which is to say, no DRM.
A thousand million pool balls made from precious metals, covered in beef stock.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: SMAC MP Game: Turn 41!
« Reply #571 on: August 25, 2013, 02:08:32 pm »


A thousand million pool balls made from precious metals, covered in beef stock.


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Re: SMAC MP Game: Turn 41!
« Reply #572 on: August 25, 2013, 02:23:35 pm »

I thought I sent mine on the same day I got it. Ill doublecheck maybe the email didnt send...


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Re: SMAC MP Game: Turn 41!
« Reply #573 on: August 25, 2013, 06:56:08 pm »

I have definitely not received 2154 from GG.
This sentence contains exactly threee erors.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: SMAC MP Game: Turn 41!
« Reply #574 on: August 25, 2013, 07:43:24 pm »

You should have now - never sent it, mea culpa. I am shame.


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Re: SMAC MP Game: Turn 41!
« Reply #575 on: September 04, 2013, 02:39:58 pm »

(Figured we needed more RP in this thread.)

Chairman's Burrow, 2158

Pacing the corridors of Chairman's Burrow, Atticus Brown nervously awaited further news from the upper levels of the base. His father Ian was the fledgling base's security guard, and two mind worm boils had been spotted not long before, sent to shore by an Isle of the Deep. The sounds of screeching and of the flamethrower had been heard for days, and they had said that now the noise had stopped. Everyone awaited the newest news; no one knew whether Ian Brown had won or if the mind worms had gotten him once and for all. Though Supervisor Hussein had scolded him for doubting his father and urged him to return to his work immediately, even the local boss's words could not stop him. It was not long before the sound of the mind worms boring through metal could be heard on the upper levels. Ian Brown was dead, and soon the base would be helpless. Supervisor Hussein was about to order a former team on the surface to move in and stall the worms, but even that could only hold them off for a few days, and it would mean the deaths of innocents.

For the first time, Atticus said something he did not think he would in a lifetime. "No."

Supervisor Hussein looked back at him and raised an eyebrow. "Is that what I think I heard? No? Boy, do you want us to die? The men and women on the former team are more then willing to make a sacrifice for the greater cause so that we might live. Don't contradict me again, boy, unless you value your life."

His bravery unrelenting, Atticus replied. "No. The former team might hold them back for an hour if you're lucky, but they aren't trained solders. How are they supposed to hold back against a boil of mind worms? Once they've been beaten, it'll be for nothing, since they'll just burrow right through the hatch afterwards."

"And we're supposed to just do nothing and let them kill all of us here? Is that the plan now?"

Atticus stepped forward to meet the gaze of Supervisor Hussein. "We need someone to fight them. I'll do that - I'll avenge my father, and keep those damned worms back if it's the last thing I do. I swear it on his name."

Examining Atticus briefly, and then sighing, the Supervisor conceded, "Young man, I suppose you are brave, at least. It will be a long time before any reinforcements can reasonably arrive, and the Network Node's completion can wait in the face of more urgent concerns. Fine, go to the workshop, and collect what you need, but let me tell you that it may indeed be the last thing you do."

With that, Atticus sprinted towards the workshop, weaving between the base's denizens in a hurry to get past them. Soon he found himself in the workshop where he spent most of his working days, and before him Mihai Ivanov, both his friend and colleague. He was a tinker at heart; if any man could put together the equipment he needed with the parts of a Network Node, it was him.

"Mihai, I-"

Chuckling, Mihai replied, "Atticus, I know, I know. Here, let me take your measurements: we'll end up wasting some of the materials but it'll be for the better. Now, if you could just stand over here..."

Over the next half hour, he built a crude but serviceable suit of synthsteel armor, and then a crude flame thrower from spare parts meant for the heaters. It was a rather jury-rigged set, but it was... something, at the least. Atticus felt more of a soldier than ever - even though he had hardly any training, he more than knew what he needed to do. Looking back at Mihai, he said only, "I'm ready."

"I know you are. Now, quick, to the surface! It'll be a matter of minutes before they puncture the hatch!"


For what seemed to be an eternity Atticus fought the boil of mind worms. His father had defeated the first and fallen to the second, now Atticus had to follow the job. At first he thought he would lose himself in the pain and horror of the unthinkable, but he steeled his resolve. This was for the good people of Chairman's Burrow, for his father, for Mihai, and yes, even for Supervisor Hussein. They were all his people, damn it, and he was going to protect them with whatever he had. But for one moment his will faltered at the boil lunged at him, beginning to burrow through his armor with razor sharp cutters. He summoned his very last reserve of stamina and willpower to switch on his flamethrower for one final burst, and the searing flame burned away both mind worm and his own exposed flesh. But it was the last of them, the force was beaten. In relief, he collapsed onto the ground.


It was two days later that he awoke in Chairman's Burrow's infirmary. Before him, he could see Mihai's proud smile, and the considerably sterner smile of Supervisor Hussein besides him. There was a third figure, though, and Atticus's vision was too blurry at first to make him out. Was this who he thought he was? Was this really-

"Young Atticus Brown, let me, on the behalf of all of the citizens of the Human Hive, congratulate you for your bravery and mettle fighting against the mind worms. I had been monitoring the situation from the Hive, and I had my doubts as to whether your base would survive. But through the sacrifice of your father, the bravery of yourself, the ingenuity of your friend Mihai, and the momentary leniency of your Supervisor, it seems that you have pulled through. I apologize for what you have endured, but it was for the better of all of us."

Atticus bowed his head, and said simply, "It was only what we all should have done."

Offering a rare smile, before departing the room, Chairman Yun said, "Yes, truly, it was."
« Last Edit: September 04, 2013, 09:49:41 pm by Un67 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: SMAC MP Game: Turn 41!
« Reply #576 on: September 04, 2013, 03:55:31 pm »

Brother Luke fumed as he paced his room.

He could feel the time that had passed in his bones, and it infuriated him that always, every time, she was a step ahead of him. Every time he thought he'd found a way to upset her grip on power, she'd find a way to cut off his ambitions at their knees - without, it seemed, ever being aware of what she was doing. Was she truly blessed? Had the Lord seen fit to insure her success and Luke's failure?

Or was she simply an incredibly good actor?

Either way, he could not argue with the effectiveness of her economic programs - reports indicated that expansion was progressing ahead of all estimates. And Kiera had finally agreed to the formation of a small army to send north into the unexplored wilds and return with what they could find. But it wasn't enough. They were growing, yes, but she was leaving them desperately weak - it was almost as if she did not understand just how dangerous a world they found themselves in. It wasn't just the occasional mind worm attacks - against the faith of the believers, those were but annoyances. It wasn't the unrest from the drones - again, there was no real threat from that direction. No, it was from the conniving backstabbers, the outright heathans she insisted on calling friends and allies.

He cursed, under his breath, before crossing himself and asking the Lord for forgiveness. He knew the monsters to their south were preparing for war - he could feel it in his bones, in his soul. All of their improvements, their expansion, their industrious efforts, would be useless in the face of the assault he knew was coming. And he'd thought for sure he'd found a way to prove it, to demonstrate to Sister Kiera that his beliefs were true - but the infiltration had ended poorly. He'd known there would be risks, but outright murder of his diplomatic envoy?

That was not what he'd expected. And the worst part was, while he was sure that in and of itself was enough evidence for the Believers to take action, if he revealed that he'd siphoned the supplies off to train and recruit the infiltration team, and that he'd taken the action unilaterally risking a confrontation and potential breakdown in negotiation against direct orders, he'd be cut out of the loop. Without his influence, he couldn't be sure of what action would be taken - and anything but a dedicated strike with the full momentum of the Believer forces was doomed to failure.

If they'd returned with the information he needed, he could have passed it off as coming from University defectors. He could used the information to demonstrate that outright war was the only option. He could have understood what a war would mean - what they were up against - and insured there was an appropriate response. But yet again, he was hindered, a massive black unknown, festering like an open wound to their south, a volcano building up steam in the heat of their immoral sin and threatening to spill over without notice and swallow them all.

Brother Luke slammed his fist into his simply wooden table. What was he going to do now?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: SMAC MP Game: Turn 41!
« Reply #577 on: September 04, 2013, 07:34:09 pm »

Pravin Lal wandered the corridors of the base, looking for the new curry place down on gamma level.

Later, eating the worm-and-reclaimed-fungus-surprise with "Nearly Undetectable" brand organonitriate extract, he thought to himself... Man, this would probably taste better with fish... but then we'd need foils. And access to the coast. That would be a plus.
A thousand million pool balls made from precious metals, covered in beef stock.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: SMAC MP Game: Turn 41!
« Reply #578 on: September 05, 2013, 05:28:32 am »

The Morganites would be happy to send you a crate or two of chocolate if you want, humanitarian aid is what we do!

Also, wanted to check some stuff with you guys; should seeing somebody's base be sufficient for radio contact? Even if your units aren't close enough to normally give that? I want to think yes, thought I'd check first, since apparently theres no facility for trading radio frequencies in MP...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: SMAC MP Game: Turn 41!
« Reply #579 on: September 05, 2013, 08:10:13 am »

You can totes trade radio frequencies. That's how I got in contact with you.

And you fucking IGNORED ME you dick. Worst money I ever spent!


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Re: SMAC MP Game: Turn 41!
« Reply #580 on: September 05, 2013, 09:04:10 am »

You can? The hell?
I should really check that shit more often


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Re: SMAC MP Game: Turn 41!
« Reply #581 on: September 05, 2013, 02:05:58 pm »

As UN represenitive, let me state that it would be great if we had the colonial council up and running. My citizen and I would vote the heck out of stuff, it'd be great.
A thousand million pool balls made from precious metals, covered in beef stock.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: SMAC MP Game: Turn 41!
« Reply #582 on: September 05, 2013, 02:14:30 pm »

I wouldn't mind getting it running either, and if people would just respond to their damn messages in game I think I would be able to form it, so respond people! I'm only missing the Gaian's comms I think.


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Re: SMAC MP Game: Turn 41!
« Reply #583 on: September 05, 2013, 02:54:15 pm »

The thing is there's no notification. Nothing told me I had a message, I'd have to open the diplo screen to you if i wanted to look at the messages.

Council may be opened once a player has legitimate contact to all other players. I still don't have that, but if someone does, it obviously starts with planetary governor elections, and feel free to do so at any time.

Idk if this has been said yet, but the person who calls the vote is required to post all vote counts here, so that negotiation for votes can happen.

Once its called all nations can communicate freely.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: SMAC MP Game: Turn 41!
« Reply #584 on: September 05, 2013, 03:04:28 pm »

Well, I'm pre-emptively offering my votes to the highest bidder, so, make your offers :P
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