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Author Topic: Blind? Classic?! IRONMAN?!? We're all going to die... in XCOM: Enemy Unknown!  (Read 10908 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Bohemian Shenanigans

Operation Cursed Paramour, continued...
Once again, following a period of quiet, the aliens return to the battle by launching a terror attack. Making liberal use of grenades once more allows our squad to quickly dispatch a Cyberdisk threat, but it wasn't long before the alien's signature terror weapon, the Chryssalid, made an appearance.

With a number of civilians already dead, and only one safely evacuated, will our squad be walking into a nest of zombified citizens? Or is there perhaps something even more dangerous lurking in the shadows?


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Bohemian Shenanigans

Operation Silent Chant
It seems the aliens did, in fact, have something skulking in the shadows. Though how exactly something so enormous could skulk at all is beyond us, and is partly the reason why we must regretfully inform NeildKoR's next of kin that he has made the ultimate sacrifice for the sake of humanity...

Now back at base, and with the monthly report right around the corner (and likely to be favourable) it's time to start planning how to move forward. There are a number of engineering projects we can look into, as well as the results from our latest batch of psionic tests.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Bohemian Shenanigans

Operation Silent Chant, continued...
As expected, our monthly report was good, but the escaped UFO did pull down our grade a little, though not everything went our way, as our psionic tests were a bit of a let-down. However, just as we were getting used to being left alone by the aliens, we received word of an attack in Mexico...

And it is to Operation Silent Chant we now return. With two soldiers badly wounded (one of them incapacitated) our squad seem to be in a tight situation, caught between a rock and a small army of mutons, I have a feeling that Jester's mind-control powers will play a very big role in this mission.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Bohemian Shenanigans

Operation Silent Chant, continued... and Operation Dying Hydra
Through the expert application of medkits, Spartan Cupcake was able to rejoin the fight with reasonable health. Following Cupcake's surprise return from critical, our squad made steady progress through the ship, killing or controlling aliens as they made their way to the command module.

We now return to them, poised to breach the door and face what we assume will be Sectoid Commanders. But we know of at least one other Muton, maybe more, lurking in the shadows, might they yet prove to be a thorn in our sides?


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Bohemian Shenanigans

Operation Dying Hydra, continued...
Following the swift, but no less climactic final battle in the command module of the alien craft, our crew returned victoriously, with two new live aliens to interrogate. With multiple new research projects completed we were finally presented with an opportunity to launch a raid against a landed ship on American soil. And thus, the mythologically named Operation Dying Hydra began.

We now return to our increasingly psionically active squad. With two guest squad members (both Heavy Floaters) things seem to be playing out in our favour. Will our luck hold? Or can the aliens mount a counter offensive against our Psi-troops?


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Bohemian Shenanigans

Operation Devil's Crone... and Operation Empty Tears
Our troops are becoming increasingly competent with their mind-controlling powers, and used them to great effect in clearing out the remaining hostile aliens in Operation Dying Hydra (though we still need to find a good way to handle the aliens shaking off the mind control effects...)

However, it seems that not all aliens are as susceptible to mind-control, even if they are weak to other forms of psionic attack. Will our troops be able to manage, having to rely on good old guns instead of mind bending?


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Bohemian Shenanigans

Operation Empty Tears, continued...
It is rare that you are afforded such a clear opportunity to measure how far you have come, but that seems to be exactly what we were given with Operation Devil's Crone. An enemy force which once would have tested our squad to its limits is now little more than an opportunity for some light exercise. Though the Sectoids did prove to be surprisingly difficult to control psionically, they were no match for our plasma weapons.

But now we are faced with a situation which couldn't be any more different. Operation Empty Tears presents us with one of the most difficult missions to date outside of a terror attack. Will our troops be able to rise to the challenge, or are we about to witness the beginning of the end for Humanity?


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Bohemian Shenanigans

Operation Empty Tears, continued...
With a terrible determination our squad made slow but steady progress to and around the alien craft. With liberal use of mind-controlling powers, we were able to send aliens into the belly of the ship on suicidal reconnaissance missions, and through the application of grenades and some dead-eye aim from Cormac, eliminated some of the aliens heaviest fire-power.

Now, with our squad in position and poised to press the attack, we are about to come face to face with one of the most terrifying enemies of the game. Will our squad be up to the task of facing the awesome mind-bending powers of an Ethereal? Only time will tell...


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Bohemian Shenanigans

Operation Cursed Summer
With our crew in position to take down the Ethereal's honour guard, and hoping to take the Ethereal itself alive, our squad moved in. Little did we know that the tables would be turned on us in such a humbling way, with Afroking being possessed by the Ethereal's awe-inspiring psionic power.

However, despite coming under fire by one of their own, or perhaps because of it, our squad performed to the very best of their ability. Unwilling to open fire on a friendly (a refreshing change, to be sure!) we saw Cormac and others come under heavy fire from Afroking, with our troops weathering the beating with grim determination. They knew that if they could only endure the attacks for a little longer, Jester, who had been flanking the over-confident Ethereal's position, would exact a terrible vengeance upon the alien puppet-master!

And sure enough, employing every ability he had learned over these past few months, Jester was able to stealthily circle around behind his foe and deliver a point blank critical-shot direct to the enemies over-sized head! Hurrah!

Now, with an Ethereal device in our possession, and what can only be described as the Alien's floating fortress revealed, it's time to take stock of our position and priorities, get some new equipment manufactured and generally put things in order around the base.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Bohemian Shenanigans

Operation Cursed Summer, continued...
With our troops enjoying some much needed rest from the fighting, our scientists and engineers redoubled their efforts in the previous episode.

However, with the work underway to construct the Gollop chamber, a facility to house the Ethereal device we liberated during Operation Empty Tears, our crew are called upon once again to investigate a downed alien craft. This time we have a mixed host of Muton and Thin Men, guarding an Ethereal commander.

Will our troops be able to perform as well as they did in their previous encounter with an Ethereal?


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Bohemian Shenanigans

Operation Bloody Ring
It seems that our concerns over whether we'd be able to handle the Ethereal were misplaced, as thanks to Jester's mind-domination, it was the alien's own units that did the job for us. Though not without a moment's panic as the Ethereal once again crept into one of our troops minds.

So it is with some relief that we're offered a mission that lacks an Ethereal component in this episode. But even without the alien mastermind, Operation Bloody Ring promises to be anything but calm...


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Bohemian Shenanigans

Operation Bloody Ring, continued... and Operation Glass Palace
In the last episode we saw as our team expertly dealt with both a Cyberdisk and a Sectopod, the former not even getting the opportunity to fire its weapon... the latter, unfortunately getting that opportunity, and putting it to good use against our Heavy, Kitchen Appliance.

However, after some care from our expert field medic, Kitchen Appliance is back in tip-top condition and ready to exact her terrible vengeance, and given the Chryssalids don't have ranged attacks, nothing could go wrong... I hope.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Bohemian Shenanigans

Operation Glass Palace, continued...
Despite our priorities favouring the survival of our own troops above that of the civilians, our squad managed to do a fine job of protecting Dallas and her local inhabitants. Full with confidence after the success of that mission, however, our team may have taken some unnecessary risks in the following raid on a small scout.

With Jester still a little dazed from his brush with death, will our team be able to pull things around in Operation Glass Palace? Or has our hubris finally caught up with us?


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Bohemian Shenanigans

Operation Black Dirge
Thanks to Breakfast Item's expert medical training, Jester was pulled back from the brink, and with a mind bent on revenge our troops set out to deliver a bloody beat down to the alien forces.

Now, with Operation Glass Palace behind us, our troops are afforded a short break while Jester recovers in medbay. However, not a moment after he was given a full bill of health, but another mission alert comes down from command. Will Jester's brush with death mean our troops will take care in the coming mission, or will old habits die hard? Find out, in Operation Black Dirge...

« Last Edit: June 05, 2013, 06:39:49 pm by Cernunnos »


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Bohemian Shenanigans

Operation Spectral Law
Choosing to make heavy use of psionic abilities our troops made short work of the alien resistance in Operation Black Dirge, though Boozlebub suffered heavy wounds as a result of an alien lashing out as our control over its mind subsided. Still, our troops returned with a hefty haul of valuable alien equipment, and another Ethereal corpse (which is already earmarked for a mind-shield)

But now we are faced with a mission that has once before marked a black day in the history of XCOM. Will this one claim another Jester's life?

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