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Author Topic: Barrels of blood!  (Read 14770 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Barrels of blood!
« Reply #30 on: June 25, 2013, 11:30:04 am »

back on (or is it off?) topic:
for testing purposes you may want to make a modded reaction that produces uristian shit tons of your contact venom, and assign it to the screw press. run the reaction and deconstruct building for contaminant explosion 3-4 tiles around the center.
Yeah, I planned on making some sort of custom contaminant. It needs to be on contact, and it needs to have noticeable results. I was thinking something along the lines of melting skin instantly. And adding a custom reaction to a workshop is a good idea. I also planned on using autodump to move it from a barrel to where ever I put it. I used that trick testing the "flamability" of alcohol (not at all, boils if barrel catches on fire, does nothing interesting).
dont need to dump it if you make the custom reaction not produce to a container. Deconstructing the building just drops the contaminant on the ground. build it where you want the contaminant (easy since the screw press only takes up one tile), run reaction and deconstruct. You may want to have naked dwarves/animals for testing purposes. clothes stop like 90% of contact contaminants or something.

This is not meant to sound cocky and I hate to be the silly finger-pointing guy here but...

honest question: don't you think talking about a "Dwarven Auschwitz" in this way and context might seriously offend/hurt at least some people?
Probably, but in all honesty we as a forum have probably crossed that line so many times it's not even funny. Also, this is the internet. Where the women are men, the men are 12yr old boys, the 12yr old boys are fbi agents, and every fifth post validates/proves godwin's law.

Yes I realize all of that, and honestly wouldn't even bother if we were not talking one of the saddest things in recent history. It's just I felt it was somewhat like "crossing the line by too long a stretch", even by dwarven standards.

Oh I don't think anyone using the wording actually intended to offend anybody ofc.

Anyway, sorry for derailing the interesting OT. Keep the weaponization research going, this will rise Armok's godliness even further as it should be.
Eh, I wouldn't worry about it too much. Most of the people on here are cool enough to understand nobody meant to say something offensive. And honestly, the ones that don't are generally the type I wouldn't mind offending so they'd pack up and go somewhere else. But I'm kind of an asshole, so take that with a grain of salt.
Dwarf fortress threads can sound so.... unethical
it would be unethical if this wasn't the bay12 forums
Bay12: A short, sturdy forum fond of !!science!! and derailment.
Now back to your regularly scheduled thread derailment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Barrels of blood!
« Reply #31 on: June 25, 2013, 11:43:53 am »

This is not meant to sound cocky and I hate to be the silly finger-pointing guy here but...

honest question: don't you think talking about a "Dwarven Auschwitz" in this way and context might seriously offend/hurt at least some people?

And the Dwarven Cognitive Science Report thread ISN'T offensive, showing that the way to mod DF to be most productive in baby-making is converting all females into [pet] characters, so that reproduction no longer necessitates marriage, but that women can be bought and sold, and even butchered?

In other words, getting offended when a game (where the main characters are thrown across the screen, ripped limb from limb, devoured by stinking elves, blown to bits by FB's, and beaten to death by their insane tantruming friends) comes up with an advanced form of torture which is probably no worse than other things we put our dwarves through...That's kinda redundant. If a person with the ability to wrap their heads around the gameplay of DF is unable to forget that it's just a game, he's been screwed up long before DF came around.

And making a joke about a long-past tragedy is ok, but not 50 years-old ones?

On that note, dropping a non-flying forgotten beast into a pit enclosed within a bridge next to a place you want to lure goblins to would make a better Auschwitz if the beast has [Deadly Dust]
I had one get happy again... After producing a bed made from their own husband's body.
I once  had a fort called paddledbottom in the plains of spanking founded by the painful punishment
And so, in a thread about cointainers with usele


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Re: Barrels of blood!
« Reply #32 on: June 25, 2013, 12:31:58 pm »

Or mermaid bone farms?

This forum is past political correctness, and as long as people aren't actively insulting/bullying/whatever I think we don't have to worry to much.  Dwarfiness is often a measurement of insidiousness involved in a project.  Would DF be half as fun without Goblin Bladder Soccer or sending nobles to pull a lever over a magma sea?

That being said I'm mostly posting in this thread in order to follow it :D
That's what DF needs, The gutbuster brigade.  Screw that elf and his cat. Thibbledorf Pwent is the real hero.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Barrels of blood!
« Reply #33 on: June 25, 2013, 12:34:34 pm »

dont need to dump it if you make the custom reaction not produce to a container. Deconstructing the building just drops the contaminant on the ground. build it where you want the contaminant (easy since the screw press only takes up one tile), run reaction and deconstruct. You may want to have naked dwarves/animals for testing purposes. clothes stop like 90% of contact contaminants or something.
I prefer the accuracy I can get with this method. However, if it becomes a problem, its easy to mod out.
On that note, dropping a non-flying forgotten beast into a pit enclosed within a bridge next to a place you want to lure goblins to would make a better Auschwitz if the beast has [Deadly Dust]

This is more controllable. Imagine using it with gnome blight and having gnome disolving mist rooms. Of course to make it useful you need to either mod in the appropriate contaminants (like I am) or hope to somehow aquire FB contaminants in a controllable way. Personally, I feel like we need to find a use for extracts, even if few would really be useful for it by default.

And off topic:
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TLDR: Yes tragedy, might offend some, but (my opinion) objectivity of history is (most of the time) more important that appeasing the memories of some. Also, its also kind of more humane to kill goblins this way that trap corridors.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Barrels of blood!
« Reply #34 on: June 25, 2013, 01:05:06 pm »

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« Last Edit: June 25, 2013, 01:10:33 pm by Bandreus »
Check out Enôrbomrek: Bluewhips a community fort and story by me.
Clearly, our top dwarven scientists are hard at work creating a new breed of SUPER WAGON that can survive being scuttled by enemy wagonmancers! These new super wagon troopers will be able to carry TWICE the cargo, be 1/3 the size, and NEVER scuttle!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Barrels of blood!
« Reply #35 on: June 25, 2013, 02:19:40 pm »

Thanks to this thread all I can think about is this

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Deepblade's Standardized Creature Parts, for when you're pissed about all the different types of animal products there are.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Barrels of blood!
« Reply #36 on: June 25, 2013, 02:26:24 pm »

Well, my previous idea to pour the "contaminant" isn't working. Deconstructing the workshop when its made without a barrel works, but I don't particularly like it. I am now trying to see if a burning barrel (when it eventually breaks) will leave a pool behind, changed it so that it won't boil easily.

Any other ideas? I might end up going with your solution, but it feels tedious. Of course, I think all of the solutions will be tedious.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Barrels of blood!
« Reply #37 on: June 25, 2013, 03:07:36 pm »

Well, so far the answer is no. Instead, I've created a mist generator for goblins, and if you were to step on the floorgrate above, you'd bleed to death in seconds. It seems, contaminants are not affected by falling water. The "liquid death" spread from a nearby spot, onto a floorgrate. The water flowed into the floorgrate, then fell below. Even when there were pools of water in the entry room, there were no contaminants in those pools. It seems as if the falling water filtered the water. I can try removing the floodgrate and hoping some of the floors nearby are contaminated, but I doubt it will make a difference.

However, we could coat the floor of an entry way with a "liquid" inhalation syndrome, then pump magma underneath the floor to cause it to boil. The gas could then cause some damage.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Barrels of blood!
« Reply #38 on: June 25, 2013, 04:17:24 pm »

Well this has been very disappointing.
I tried inhaled syndromes, and when my liquid boiled nothing happened. I even replaced my liquid with iron man gas, and nothing. I then figured contact would work, previously dwarves could walk through it but be ok because of shoes. After making it contact, the boiling gas still does nothing. Even animals sitting in the pool cause nothing (which is odd because it used to kill turkeys). Interestingly enough, I set the boil temperature to 10017, which is just 2 urists above the temperature of a cave. Whats interesting is the dwares will walk through it, it will coat their shoes, then a few steps later their body temperature warms it and it boils.

I think my syndrome might have gotten broken with all of the dabbling. So I'll work on fixing that.
I messed up the affected class. Should see some fun results now.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2013, 04:24:41 pm by BoredVirulence »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Barrels of blood!
« Reply #39 on: June 25, 2013, 04:47:58 pm »

Let it burn. Let it all burn Virulence.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Barrels of blood!
« Reply #40 on: June 25, 2013, 05:36:23 pm »

Ok, the results are in.
Its pretty awesome, with the right modded syndrome.

I have a syndrome that prettymuch disolves all tissue, causing anyone caught in the vapor to become a fissure of blood.
I also have a hallway with a few custom buildings that produce and hold the fluid.
Spoiler: Schematics (click to show/hide)

The custom buildings have one job, they produce "liquid death." They do not put it in a barrel, the workshop is stores it.
Liquid death has a custom bleeding syndrome. If you touch it, breath it in, get it in your blood, or eat it (pretty much look at it the wrong way), you bleed out quickly. It boils at 10020 urists, just above the temperature of a cave. If you put this stuff outside, you will die. If you track it on your shoe, you will die. If trolls break your workshop, they will die.
When you have enemies in that hallway, you pump magma onto Z-level 1, onto the bridge. The magma will warm the floor, and the liquid death will boil, leaving its workshop and melting anyone nearby. You retract the bridge, the magma falls down. And you can queue up new jobs to produce more liquid death.

Spoiler: Reaction (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Syndrome (click to show/hide)
Note: You'll have to make your own custom building. I actually used a still, but thats dumb. Make a small 1 tile custom building, and change the reaction. I also recommend modding a plant to produce the "liquid death."

Loud Whispers

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Barrels of blood!
« Reply #41 on: June 25, 2013, 06:46:55 pm »

If trolls break your workshop, they will die.
Oh hey, someone broke the Geneva convention again. Glorious.

Mr S

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Barrels of blood!
« Reply #42 on: June 26, 2013, 09:02:31 am »

The Geneva Convention specifically prohibits poisoning a water supply.  It does not, however, have rules for posting a sign stating that the water supply has been poisoned.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Barrels of blood!
« Reply #43 on: June 26, 2013, 04:13:50 pm »

Interesting fact: if you leave out the SYN_AFFECTED_CLASS line, it will affect EVERY SINGLE CREATURE.

You could add [SYN_IMMUNE_CREATURE:DWARF] and make dwarves immune, but that would be dumb.
Quote from: Dwarfotaur
Everytime one of my militia has given birth in the Danger Room, it's lead to instant baby smoothies for everyone.

Gotta Catch 'Em All!

Dat Sig Thread


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Barrels of blood!
« Reply #44 on: June 26, 2013, 04:35:12 pm »

And the Dwarven Cognitive Science Report thread ISN'T offensive, showing that the way to mod DF to be most productive in baby-making is converting all females into [pet] characters, so that reproduction no longer necessitates marriage, but that women can be bought and sold, and even butchered?

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I used to work on Modest Mod and Plant Fixes.

Always assume I'm not seriously back
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