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Author Topic: RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress  (Read 886152 times)


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RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress
« on: September 15, 2013, 07:58:51 pm »


------ Updated August 2 2016

Game is now on Steam! And 14 alphas have been released.

Steam page:
DRM-free sales page:

Nice to see this thread still going! I'm leaving the old text below because I find it to be of historical interest.

------ Updated October 2 2014

RimWorld is now on Kickstarter and Steam Greenlight!


Also, check out the much hotter newer sexier trailer here:

Original thread continues below.


I've been working on this a little while and just put out the first video, figured it was a good time to tell people it existed. Especially people who play the game that inspired it.

At the most basic level, this is Dwarf Fortress in space. There are a lot of differences in the details.
-"Random" events like weather and attacks aren't random; they're created by a configurable AI storyteller along the same lines as the Left 4 Dead AI Director
-You can take people prisoner and recruit them. This is the main way you grow the colony
-Nobody is a professional settler; you're all crashlanding victims. So you get to build a colony with, like, an accountant, an airline pilot, and a housewife. I like to think this adds flavor
-There's a shallow research tree
-Fire is just as brokenly unstoppable as in DF! (currently)

Here's the video:

And the game's page:

Love to hear any thoughts or suggestions you have on it!

« Last Edit: August 02, 2016, 01:22:07 pm by TynanSylvester »


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Re: RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2013, 08:07:06 pm »

Obligatory "creating account and making your first post as an advertisement for your game is seen as rude in this community" post.

However, this does look pretty awesome. The aesthetics remind me heavily of Prison Architect meets DF, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Definitely keeping an eye on this. Any ETA on a publicly available demo?
What Darwin was too polite to say, my friends, is that we came to rule the Earth not because we were the smartest, or even the meanest, but because we have always been the craziest, most murderous motherfuckers in the jungle. -Stephen King's Cell
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Re: RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2013, 08:12:35 pm »

PTW. Although, I wish to know one thing about this game. Will it eventually be mac compatible?
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Re: RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2013, 08:32:30 pm »

Looks promising, posting to watch. 

Are there any eventual modding plans?

Edit: As a side note, having a guy named "Ass" in your first trailer is the definition of classy. :P
« Last Edit: September 15, 2013, 08:36:34 pm by Greiger »
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Re: RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2013, 08:51:53 pm »

Obligatory "creating account and making your first post as an advertisement for your game is seen as rude in this community" post.

However, this does look pretty awesome. The aesthetics remind me heavily of Prison Architect meets DF, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Definitely keeping an eye on this. Any ETA on a publicly available demo?

God I know, forgive me! I do promise that I've been stalking these forums for years. In fact I use them as inspiration for development ideas (by analyzing what aspects of DF people make stories out of and emphasizing those in RW). That and you can't buy RimWorld, so I'm not selling anything (though I will be some day, I think). Anyway, sorry.

Modding is totally possible. I had a blog post on this:

Even more stuff is theoretically moddable now. Even AI. The AI is set up in a data-driven behavior tree so you could, say, make a new animal who eats colonists at highest priority and ignores fire. Lots of possibilities - new characters, weapons, plants, buildings. It's all in XML (though I need to do some work to expose it).

Yes it will be mac compatible. It's in Unity so making a Mac version is reasonably simple.


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Re: RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2013, 08:54:04 pm »

This is relevant to my interests. I await a demo with bated breath.
And then, they will be weaponized. Like everything in this game, from kittens to babies, everything is a potential device of murder.
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Re: RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2013, 08:58:19 pm »

This looks neat.

I await a demo with bated breath.
Same here.
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Re: RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2013, 08:59:13 pm »

I really liked the look of this; definitely something I want to keep an eye on.  Do you have any plans to release an alpha soon?
Dwarf Fortress: The only game where people will hold a logical discussion about why dwarves are putting on clothes.
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There was a bit of a problem regarding flashfreezing, a ballistae, and a barrel of dwarven ale. Gonna fix it up.


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Re: RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #8 on: September 15, 2013, 10:01:24 pm »

Happy to see modding is loved from the start :).

I await a demo with bated breath.
Looks like there is a way to join pre-alpha on his site.  But looks like he needs actual testers, not people like me who would play it just to play it and forget to report :P
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Re: RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #9 on: September 15, 2013, 10:07:10 pm »

looks dam nice i like the drop pod mevhanic.
can you st where they land?
are there plans to add z levels (i think i would prefer without)?


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Re: RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #10 on: September 15, 2013, 10:13:34 pm »

Do hope a demo comes out. A game I'd really love to try.
I play adventure mode because it's hard and when I play, I am too.
I believe we're talking about full scale colonisation here.  You don't just leave all your shit in the van when you move house.


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Re: RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #11 on: September 15, 2013, 10:23:36 pm »

I gusta this.
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Re: RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #12 on: September 15, 2013, 10:27:36 pm »

Eagerly watching this. I'm afraid that I can't offer to test this, but once a demo or something is released I'll be all over it.
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Re: RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #13 on: September 15, 2013, 10:30:28 pm »

Do hope a demo comes out. A game I'd really love to try.


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Re: RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #14 on: September 15, 2013, 10:49:09 pm »

When I first read "Rimworld" it made me think of Discworld, and I was confused for a second.

But no, this sounds pretty cool. I'd like a demo.
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Might as well chalk it up to Pathos.
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