Happy Hallowe'en, everybody!
In the spirit of the season, I quickly decided that Dwarf Fortress was lacking in medical practices of moral dubiousness (at least, from within the game itself; there's evidence enough that the players are trying to make up the difference from outside). So I've tailored a little bit here and there, and copied a few files from Deon's stuff to create a first-stage
malpractice mad scientist-friendly mod.
As with almost all the modding work I do, just put the following in the appropriately named files or insert them into the entity file race of your choice.
The Building- Laboratory: Requires a table, an enormous corkscrew, 3 chains/ropes, 3 sections of pipes, and 6 mechanisms; this is where you're going to be having fun!
[TILE:0:1:221:' ':' ':' ':222]
[TILE:0:2:' ':' ':' ':' ':' ']
[TILE:0:3:' ':' ':' ':' ':' ']
[TILE:0:4:' ':' ':' ':' ':' ']
[TILE:0:5:221:' ':' ':128:222]
[TILE:1:1:221:' ':' ':' ':222]
[TILE:1:2:221:' ':15:' ':' ']
[TILE:1:3:' ':' ':' ':' ':' ']
[TILE:1:4:221:' ':157:' ':' ']
[TILE:1:5:221:' ':' ':128:222]
[TILE:2:1:221:' ':' ':' ':222]
[TILE:2:2:221:' ':15:' ':222]
[TILE:2:3:' ':' ':247:' ':32]
[TILE:2:4:221:157:' ':' ':222]
[TILE:2:5:221:' ':' ':128:222]
[TILE:3:1:221:' ':15:' ':222]
[TILE:3:2:221:' ':' ':' ':222]
[TILE:3:3:' ':' ':247:' ':' ']
[TILE:3:4:221:' ':' ':' ':222]
[TILE:3:5:221:157:' ':128:222]
The Reactions(Training in all the medical arts)
[NAME:Train Bone Setting]
[NAME:Train Diagnostics]
[NAME:Train Surgery]
[NAME:Train Suturing]
[NAME:Train Wound Dressing]
[NAME:Conduct Mad Healing]
[NAME:Become a Vampire]
[NAME:Become a Werebeast]
The Gear- Armor: Lab coats, aprons, goggles, plague masks, surgical masks)
- Weapons: Bonesaws, scalpels, needle guns & needles)
[ITEM_ARMOR:ITEM_ARMOR_COAT_LAB] Original stats from cloak
[NAME:lab coat:lab coats]
[ITEM_ARMOR:ITEM_ARMOR_APRON] Original stats from toga
[ITEM_HELM:ITEM_HELM_GOGGLES] Original stats from mask
[ITEM_HELM:ITEM_HELM_MASK_PLAGUE] Original stats from mask
[NAME:plague mask:plague masks]
[ITEM_HELM:ITEM_HELM_MASK_SURGICAL] Original stats from face veil
[NAME:surgical mask:surgical masks]
[ATTACK:EDGE:20000:4000:saw:saws:serrated teeth:1250]
[ITEM_WEAPON:ITEM_WEAPON_SCALPEL] Original stats from dagger
[ITEM_WEAPON:ITEM_WEAPON_NEEDLE_GUN] Original stats from blowgun; inspiration from Team Fortress 2's syringe gun
[NAME:needle gun:needle guns]
[ITEM_AMMO:ITEM_AMMO_NEEDLES] Original stats from blowdarts
The Insertions to be AddedInsert the following pretty much anywhere in the entity of your choice.
Add the following to the chief medical dwarf position (or your choice race's equivalent position):
The Behind-the-Scenes Materials- Generic Gas (a sublimating stone used for a reaction to produce a product that won't stay around)
- Healing Gas (will fully heals whomever inhales it by turning them into a toad for a second)
- Vampirizing Gas (it turns whomever breathes it in into a vampire, but not 100% of the time)
- Beastial Gas (it should turn anyone breathing it into a werebeast, but doesn't work right now)
[STATE_NAME_ADJ:ALL:generic gas]
[STATE_NAME_ADJ:ALL:healing gas]
[SYN_NAME:mad healing]
[STATE_NAME_ADJ:ALL:vampirizing gas]
[STATE_NAME_ADJ:ALL:beastial gas]
Things Still to Do:
- Figure out how to raise the dead.
- Uplift animals into talking, thinking beings.
- Turn a target's skin into metal.
- Gender reassignment.
- Alteration of relsizes (likely to be a single reaction with many possibilities, all of which have a small chance to occur).
- See if there's a way to alter the happiness levels of subjects/scientist, or find a way to mimic a true mad scientist's mania (maybe a short-term syndrome that adds the CRAZED tag).
- Almost anything else suggested.
Current Problems:
- All reactions give enough experience to raise an untrained scientist to legendary in the related skill.
- No armors have been successfully made; they do not appear in the embark list and no building will make them.
- Some of the reaction names are kinda lame and need to be replaced with something much better.
- Some reactions are currently unbalanced with respect to their reward (this will be changed later when cost-per-benefit results have been determined; potency now, balance later).
131112: Anatomical Theater placeholder replaced with Laboratory; training reactions given a self-eliminating product for experience gain; added healing reaction, vampiric & werebeast transformations.