Content update; Hand-cannons are in, along with arsenic bronze, molybendium steel, and Athracite.
Boulders to sand isn't in this one since I'm still going over what types of rock in DF could actually be realistically be broken down with reasonable effort into sand. Which is so far.. quartzite and sandstone. Any input here is helpful, as well as the other considerations:
Nether cap powder to be utilized for other material types. A type of metal is sure to come, but ceramics and/or stone in the form of a cement are possible. Leave your feedback in the thread.
Make elves more easily hateable. Because if you don't hate them already, you should. However, ideas as how to do so would be wonderful.
Possible future metals: Maganese, Tungsten, Platinum Sterling, Meteorites, and Iridium. Please leave feedback in the thread as to their use.
More weapons? Perhaps longbows for elves / humans, other elvish weapons to increase their lethality? Or other weapons there are thoughts for that could be a generalized type?
New races? Orcs, kitsune, perhaps others? Looking for an additional player race, a neutral race, and a race that you will always be at war with. This is up for debate as to how or if this should be implemented. Please leave feedback as you will.
Beyond this, anyone have any other bits they think would fit my theme that I could consider perhaps?